Sunset Shimmer 4,953 members · 6,857 stories
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Everyone's favorite ex-villain is undeniably a potential ass-kicker, and there are and will inevitably be more awesome action stories where she'll have to fight. So she'd need a weapon, right? Well, what do you all think is the best kind of weapon for someone like Sunset Shimmer?

For me, I'd have to say that I believe the ideal weapon for Sunset would be something akin to this:

The X-Gloves worn by Tsunayoshi Sawada of the seriously underappreciated anime Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, which is one of my all time favorite Shounen Jump anime/mangas. These gloves use flames as a means of attack, defense, and mobility all in one, and in my opinion, a variation of these would be suited perfectly for Sunset Shimmer. Perhaps some kind of Pheonix Gloves? Obviously styled after the bird too.

Thoughts? And what other weapons do you think might be even more fitting for Sunset than these?

4259440 I can picture her weilding a Katana.

4259440 I can see her using them.

4259440 What about this?

I really like this artist's depiction of her and a flaming wire, I feel like it is very her. That's just my opinion! :twilightsmile:

4259440 I mean, in the 'My Past Is Not Today' video, she pretty much shot fire/light out of herself...Why not? Fire gloves are awesome for her to use and way more badass than some princess' tiara.

What about Colonel Mustang alchemy glove that is saying she can use it

A flaming whip would be cool too. Heck, something like that could be compounded on the glove idea, with it being able to manifest a flame whip resembling a pheonix tail.

4259483 That would be amazing!! :pinkiehappy:

Those look really cool. Sunset obviously needs a fire-themed weapon xD I mean, her hair already looks like fire and she's already smokin' hot.
I like exploring concepts like these. If mlp was a fighting game...
Oh wait, Hasbro already stomped on one of those.

Lame-ness and terrible jokes aside, I've been quite fond of this image for a while now:
Crimson Wizard Shimmer ftw
(FIMFiction wouldn't let me post an image preview *huffs* :twilightangry2: )
The artist does a lot more stuff like that for other characters, like a steel fan and dagger for Rarity (tell me how that doesn't completely suit her!), and I like the choice of clothing that goes with it too. Though, admittedly, I am more of a sucker for some cool metal armour.

Otherwise, I always like the typical awesome image I get when I imagine Sunset with a kick-ass sword, like the main protagonist of many a fight-themed story! :twilightsmile:

Edit: Damn! Estrella, you totally beat me to it xD;

4259480 Hey, the gloves could also have a function like that too. A sort of delayed burst that ignites the air a distance away from the user instead of the direct flames on the gloves.

4259497 just imagine, sunset is like fuck you *snips finger* and you *snips finger* :rainbowlaugh: it will give a new name for a devea

4259490 I felt the need to think of something besides a sword simply because they are so overused. Now, I won't go denying how well fire and swords go together, but I'm a lover of variety. I can only handle so many burning blades before I want to see a fist, cannon, whip, pistols, or what have you. Plus, I always felt that Sunset would be a more hands-on kind of fighter.

4259490 :twilightsheepish: Sorry, I could not help but post right away an awesome picture of the best pony ever!!!!

4259440 I'm a big fan of polearms, and could easily picture Sunset using a glaive or some variation thereof, or even the simple yet deadly effective spear and shield combo.

Still fire themed because magic, of course.

I believe she would be better without external weapons

use firebending abilities it even macth her hair,

4259563 Scythes have an undeniable base cool-factor, (heck, just look at my avatar) but I just don't feel it would fit her unless she was full on evil or even in her demonic form.

4259440 So, basically Sunset's ideal weapon is Pyrokinesis? :rainbowhuh:

Sunset is much like her mother, preferring the use of knives and axes (claiming that they are far more practical as weapons). Also like her mother she is aligned to the use of fire magics, and she is even more adept at using Light Magic. And I don't mean healing spells and whatnot, I mean hard light blades.

Well, given her bluffing with a sledgehammer, I tend to picture her with some sort of warhammer. Like Mjolnir, only fire-themed rather than lightning-themed.

But I have pictured her going Col. Mustang on a foe once or twice. Snap-BOOM! Make Jamie and Adam happy.

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4259440 Admittedly, I had a very similar idea. I think Sunset is more of a hands on type of fighter, if you know what I mean. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Borrow something from her mother:

4259925 Hmm. Give it a shorter handle and a warmer color scheme, and yeah, that'd work.

To quote the description:

The hammer was inspired by all awesome two handed war-hammers and also Mjollnir, hammer of Thor, the Thundergod.
Except that Thor's is a whimpy little one handed mace.
Celestia wields Two handed Warhammers, FUCK YEAH.

Thus Two-handed Warhammer FTW

4260232 Ah. Well, nevermind then.

Never mess with a creator's intent

Gentlemen, you forget that the best weapon is not the most idealistic, but the one that is readily on hand at a moments notice.

And Sunset Shimmer's most available weapon would be a guitar.

Preferably dozens of guitars stashed at strategic locations.

Hmm, suppose the Equestria Girls find themselves sent to an RPG world or having to fight monsters or supervillains or whatever. So, the whole group has to fight. What would each one use?

Rainbow Dash - Baseball Bat sounds like the best bet since she's into sports. It would provide a great melee weapon along with the possibility of hitting baseballs to the enemy for a ranged attack (or just throwing baseballs). Steel-toed boots might also work in a pinch so she could use her legs for running and kicking.

Applejack - Shotgun, fists, or another melee weapon, possibly a sledge hammer or an axe. A hatchet could fit her pretty good since it's both a useful weapon and a tool. Good for hacking enemies, hacking through doors, or using the blunt end to hammer nails and the like.

Rarity - Rapier sword. An elegant weapon mostly used for thrusting and fencing, would let her skewer her enemies while maintaining a distance.

Fluttershy - Spear. A simple weapon to use that lets her keep her enemies at bay. Alternately, she calls on her animal friends.

Sunset Shimmer - I'm inclined to think either a ray gun or a bo-staff. Her staff could work both as a melee weapon or as a wizard's staff to cast spells and shoot fire.

Alternatly, she could use a guitar. At the end of Rainbow Rocks she showed she could play a guitar rather well, maybe she could use that as a focus to control her element Demyx-style.


I do rather like the idea of Dash dual-wielding baseball bats, one being a wooden one and the other being metal. She'd probably name them too - "Old Louie" and "Al", for obvious reasons. And amusingly, I've pictured Applejack having firearms training as well...drat it all, why must people keep on having the same thoughts as I do? I won't be able to surprise anyone with future stories at this rate!

But what about Pinkie? What's she gonna use, traditional comedy weapons like seltzer bottles and pies, or just bring out the party cannon/tank/howitzer/trebuchet/whatever? Or nunchucks?


In one story I was working on, I was planning on eventually giving Sunset a sword that basically doubled as a magic wand. Sorta like the Blue Flame from Dark Souls 2. She wouldn't even be especially good at fighting with it as a sword, she'd mainly use it to cast spells.


Pinkie? Hmm... boxing gloves, a giant mallet, or explosives/fireworks.

So, Combustion Man?

Or rather, P'Li? (Check out 2:10)

I go the route that she uses no weapons, as her magic is her greatest weapon and anything else is just a distraction and a dead weight taking up space in the inventory better saved for more magic items. If she's going to take anything, it's going to be a normal pistol small-caliber enough for a teenage girl to handle.

In fact her trainer basically makes that a teaching point for her entire team: You're a bunch of teenage girls. Yes, even you. If magic is not at your disposal, just run. It's never worth it to fight a street thug on his terms.

As you can see my WIP fic above basically aims to be realistic. While having magic. Yeah.

Her mother? Oh right, your headcanon is that she's related to Celestia.

A sledgehammer, duh.


Good old Soviet engineering :heart:

Yep, and her mother would have taught her more than just magic to fight with. And I'm sure her "aunt" on the human side may have taught her a few tricks as well

maybe something like this

or something like the magic staff of Negi Springfield wich transform into a lightning halberd; just instead of lightnig fire

4259440 I personally think a Magick bow would work for her (it shoots bolts of magic stuff.)
(couldn't find good image sorry)

When they pony-up, their guns should turn pink and sprout wings and flowers.

4259440 Depends on the tech level. For medieval/melee, I would say a bo staff/escrima sticks, a la Nightwing. The weapon of a disciplined warrior, versatile, but not as lethal as a blade. Secondary choices would be twin daggers/throwing knives or a katana.

For firearms, Sunset strikes me as a submachine gun user, light on her feet but with good punch as well. I'd go with an MP7. And if available, give it an undermounted flamethrower (for obvious reasons).

Silver Colt AR-15A2 Government Carbine from the PS2 game Black, with 95 round staggering mag and unlimited grenade rounds.

I would have to say a Flaming Sledge Hammer when she needs to keep her distance in the attack, however, if she needs to make a close quarters combat attack and trying to keep quiet and in the shadows, I'd have to agree with Christian T Lilly on the hidden blade used in Assassin's Creed games. Perhaps the cross bow hook up if she wishes to keep her distance.

Sunset is too badass to be defined with a single weapon.

Dumps a massive pile of weapons on the ground

There. Just throw an infinite expansion enchantment on a backpack or something.

New factors came to light with additional movies:

Ofc, the above scene was a joke. But it's a karate stance... so there it is, Sunset knows karate. Add to that she can read minds via touch, and empty-handed techniques would serve her best. She can read your mind while fighting (assuming she can control the depth and breadth of the mind reading to be practical), so there's no surprising her.

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"Necroposting" is spam when the person brings up an old thread either in a forum which frowns on that behavior (which this one does not) or does so in a useless and irritating manner. Such as by posting only "lol."

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My love for this franchise spin-off is timeless. :raritystarry:


I can totally see her duelwealding two pistols with fire magic bullets.

i can see her use SIN form monster hunter world or really any of the weapon from monster hunter that is fire base would work,

I’ve been considering Sunset more of a street brawler type for a while, possibly even with knuckle weapons, but recently I’ve been captivated by the idea of her usin’ the ol’ sword-n-board.

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