Sunset Shimmer 4,954 members · 6,857 stories
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Wow our little Sunny has grown!
But...a couple things
1) That leather jacket was an eyesore...but i identified it so much with Sunset.. ii don't even know :/
2) Is this part of the new series that takes place in the "Equestria Girls" universe?
3) WOW! She can control the transformation! Im getting DBZ vibes here
I gess Sunset is the "Angel of Light"

I love this song!


Im getting DBZ vibes here

holyfuckholyfuckholyfuck holyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuck

I personally liked her outfit. I don't want then to change her clothes! And her voice doesn't seem to fit her. And you can't tell the chorus from the rest of the lyrics. I'm so disappointed...WHY, HASBRO, WHY?! WHY DO YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO SAD?? My favorite character has to sing an oddish song! NO!

Oh wow, a new character design for Sunset. Okay, here comes the Joan Rivers that lives inside me,

that jacket goes horrible with that blue outfit, and blue isn't her color either. Should've stuck with the old outfit! IT LOOKED BETTER DAMMIT!!

Hell, this teaches me that if I go to me closet right now, I'll take my black fatal shirt,

Switch it with this,


Also, unless this EG universe doesn't have Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Myspace, Sunset has a chance to completely erase her past. But I have to say that's near impossible, people are still gonna think she's a bitch.

Besides, this new character development and design... I'm pretty sure this GIF puts this whole thing in a nutshell.

4236834 Wow... :pinkiegasp: That... Was... AWESOME!!!

4236834 There is nothing wrong with her jacket. How could you say that. :fluttercry:

Sunset "Phoenix" Shimmer :twilightsmile:

4236834 Is it just me, or does her skin color seem a bit off?

4236834 Is it just me, or does her skin color seem a bit off?

(1) Yeah, women wear leather jackets. Next thing you know they'll be wearing pants.
(2) There is no new series announced yet. The previous rumor was a mistranslation.
(3) It's not Magical Girl powers. It's a metaphorical transformation. Consider it music video SFX. Hasbro told Studio DHX, "Make sure your new vids sell our nonsensical new Sunset doll." So Studio DHX came up with something which obeys its overlords' instructions without making the new franchise stupid.

You'll see. I'm calling it now: EQG3 Friendship Games will not see Sunset with nonsensical Magical Girl wings. At least not until the finale where it would be a temporary power-up in order to counter Evil Twilight.

I'm sorry, but I still can't get over the first movie's horrid attempt at reforming her. RR did it well enough, but...

EQG 1 just f:twilightblush:cked it up so hard. I still can't accept her reformation because it began so horribly.

Yeah, you just gotta roll with the character-development gap between EQG1 and 2. EQG2 shows Sunset dealing with redemption well enough, but somewhere between the 2 movies we missed the crucial "decision to reform" phase.

We got FiMfics for that. I personally recommend Long Road To Friendship.
Shooting For Friendship is very good also, if you accept that the EQG Mane 6 got into Airsoft big time. That used to sound ridiculous, but now that we know movie #3 will have the girls joining varsity extreme sports triathlon... it's pretty sensible now. Thanks Hasbro! :pinkiecrazy:


Yeah, you just gotta roll with the character-development gap between EQG1 and 2. EQG2 shows Sunset dealing with redemption well enough, but somewhere between the 2 movies we missed the crucial "decision to reform" phase.

No we didn't miss it.
That happened at the end of EqG1.

There is no long road for her, her past is not today, and if you say otherwise you can go fuck off. That's the entire point of the song.

You'll see. I'm calling it now: EQG3 Friendship Games will not see Sunset with nonsensical Magical Girl wings. At least not until the finale where it would be a temporary power-up in order to counter Evil Twilight.

The Deux ex Rainbows will only come out for the finale you say, tell me more.


The Deux ex Rainbows will only come out for the finale you say, tell me more.

Don't put words in my mouth. I'm referring specifically to the flamey wings, i.e. Hasbro's doll design mandate. Studio DHX has got to stick it somewhere, and I'm betting it'll be the finale when Twilight for some reason will go evil/mad and sprout dark flamey wings first. That's my gut prediction. Hopefully the studio surprises me and gives me something better.


Don't put words in my mouth. I'm referring specifically to the flamey wings, i.e. Hasbro's doll design mandate. Studio DHX has got to stick it somewhere,

Rainbow rocks making a point of showing twice and telling Twilight and Co can't use Rainbow powers, but sunset doing so for the finale of Rainbow Rocks.
The songs being leftovers that didn't get used.
Then Sunset being the only person to get a human rainbow/cutie mark power figure, nah couldn't actually be a thing with just an overwrought toy.

and I'm betting it'll be the finale when Twilight for some reason will go evil/mad and sprout dark flamey wings first.

She has a big conspiracy board, crazy hair, talks to a dog, and is a human version of twilight with no good influences in her life.
They did everything they could to show she's already evil/mad.

That's my gut prediction. Hopefully the studio surprises me and gives me something better.

The toy looks kinda over done yeah, but the show version looks pretty awesome.

4238516 Your taking this way out of proportion. It's a cartoon character....chill.

Did you miss the entire point of the movie??? They couldn't use rainbow powers in the early part of the movie because they weren't actively tapping into the power of friendship through music. Sunset finally gaining magic for the finale is symbolic of her finally conquering her uncertainties regarding friendship. It's got nothing to do with AD&D magic mechanics or whatever.

You're the only person who thinks Human Twi is evil/mad based on just the end credits stinger alone. It's like you don't understand anything about Twilight Sparkle's personality.



4238539 Evil/mad seems like a bit of a stretch. But considering she not only lacks the friendship of the humane 5, but probably was not taught by Celestia*, she'll be a lot closer to episode 1 Twilight, but probably worse. Not necessarily evil, but certainly not very nice or empathetic, and the third movie info we have certainly suggests she'll be in an antagonistic role.

*On the other hand, not being taught by Celestia means she probably didn't develop the crippling insecurities and neurosis that comes from tutelage under a god-princess.


They couldn't use rainbow powers in the early part of the movie because they weren't actively tapping into the power of friendship through music.

Text from sunset "Before you had the element."
They did use friendship through music without sunset, it didn't work. Sunset Added a seventh color.

Remember the elements are not magic feathers.
Sunset broke the rules they called attention to.

Sunset finally gaining magic for the finale is symbolic of her finally conquering her uncertainties regarding friendship.

Mmmmm Hmmmmm
And it seems her personal magic is confidence based so insecurities would interfere with it.

You're the only person who thinks Human Twi is evil/mad based on just the end credits stinger alone. It's like you don't understand anything about Twilight Sparkle's personality.

The twilight sparkle who casually mind rapes people(Quoth lesson zero "Works every time") and experiments on her friends, Who needs a sapient spike to keep her under control reasonably often, that twilight sparkle?
And that's with years of good influences and having friends, now strip all that away and make her human.


(1) Yeah, women wear leather jackets. Next thing you know they'll be wearing pants.

(2) There is no new series announced yet. The previous rumor was a mistranslation.

(3) It's not Magical Girl powers. It's a metaphorical transformation. Consider it music video SFX. Hasbro told Studio DHX, "Make sure your new vids sell our nonsensical new Sunset doll." So Studio DHX came up with something which obeys its overlords' instructions without making the new franchise stupid.

1) I didn't meen to offend any gender bymy comment. Indeed i think it looks rather nice on Sunset (i say with my limited knoledge on fashion :raritywink: ) What i meant was that the fact it was "leather", which is basicly animal skin gave her a very "evil" demenior. ESPECIALLY since she was a equine before hand. Wouldn't that be like a human wearing Ape-skin or something?:fluttercry:

2) Aww i was looking forward to that.

3) Still holding out for the transformation idea. Like when badies show up thay "suit up" Sailor Moon style :derpytongue2:

4237310 Im gonna start refering to her as that! How clever how inspired!:raritystarry:

4240898 hehe it was just something that popped into my head when i watched the music video :twilightsmile: It just sounded right

I. Love. This. Song. AWESOMENESS!!!

Well, looks like some people were right about a few things.

things that I noticed:

(1) Some may disagree, but I like her new outfit. (I liked her old one too don't get me wrong, but it seemed to make her look like a bully *Shurg that just my opinion.)
(2) Is it just me, or is her hair color a bit lighter from it usual bright Yellow and Red?
(3) WAIT! HOLD EVERYTHING!!!! *Listens to Singing voice...:pinkiegasp: SHE DOES!!! SUNSET HAS NEW SINGING VOICE!!! It really fits her, I wonder who is singing for her now. Well, at least we'll be able to tell her voice apart from Twilight's singing voice now.
(4) Okay, I can't help but say this...Hair in the wind animation is...AWESOME!
(5) *Watches ending...*eyes grow to the size of dinner plates...OH MY WORD!!! OH MY WORD!!! OH MY WORD!!! OH MY WORD!!! SUNSET HAS WINGS!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!:heart::pinkiegasp::pinkiecrazy::raritystarry::heart:
Music Video Rated:...PURE EPIC AWESOMENESS!!!

Friendship Games Prediction: By the time the movie is over...I pretty sure that Sunset Shimmer won't be a unicorn anymore. Nuf Said.:rainbowdetermined2:


1. Sunset has become the "Philomina" of this world


2. She's the love-child between Son Goku and Jean Grey

Is the one shown at the end metaphorical or real? There's an insistence by director Ishi Rudell that it is just metaphor. I don't think it is though. I think it's just being said like that so as not to give anything away--you know, act as a spoiler. But logically, it can happen to Sunset as she's the only one, aside from Twi, to have crossed over the two worlds (perhaps Princess Celestia might have as well; who knows?). At best her magical powers, as it is, might have been somewhat diminished, but it's not completely gone. She does retain much of her self in the human world. So it would only be natural that she has some of that magic too--it is her nature. So for that to actually happen in the video, as opposed to that being said to be a metaphor, doesn't completely begin to explain things.

If the director tells you outright that it's a metaphor, what the heck else do you need??? It's an obvious metaphor. Music videos do it all the time. Take music videos literally and you'll have to accept Human Rarity now has magical makeover lasers shooting out of her hands. It makes a good spinoff universe into something ridiculous and lower in quality.

The biggest reason it was done was because Hasbro made this doll:

This is how I imagine the subsequent conversation:
Hasbro - "Check out our awesome new doll! Look at this little money-maker, eh? Eh?"
DHX - "Uhh... yeah, that looks... nice."
Hasbro - "Put it in Equestria Girls."
DHX - "What?!"
Hasbro - "You heard me. Pimp this doll. The Twilight one, too."
DHX - "But... EQG is a low-magic universe... the next movie won't even have pony Twilight... we're big on consistency, characterization, and general good taste--"
Hasbro - "Sell it."

I'm not really too beholden about directors, thankfully. That being said, I think I understand why that was said--it's a major spoiler, obviously. Whether they intended to have that scene or not, I can't tell, but obviously it has provided much discussion. Will Sunset turn into something like that eventually? Yes, I think so. When will that happen? I can't answer that. It will depend on what Hasbro's plans for her; or rather, when Hasbro will decide that to happen. I think it's just a matter of when it will happen, and not whether or not it will happen. I think most accept it will eventually happen. One thing most have learned in comic books (especially with Marvel and DC) is that they love to retcon stories, and what might said to be a metaphor now might be changed later to say that it has been there all along. Well yes that might be in comics, but it does happen as well even in TV. Heck, I can see Disney doing a retcon on Star Wars as well with the OT (but that's another story)...

Faust Dammit Hasbro give Sunset Shimmer more songs and screen time

4236834 I'm getting more this kinda vibe

4236834 Yeah, I do miss her old shirt with the "shirty mark" on it, but I can understand why she has the new one. It's to symbolize her redemption, and how she is now truly on the side of good.

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