Sunset Shimmer 4,954 members · 6,857 stories
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Hey, its me again. Mainly wondering whether if in future Equestria Girls things we may see Sunset's demon side return. Since the story focuses more on her and takes place in a high school setting, they will probably need to include magic elements in some way shape or form. It would potentially be interesting to see Sunset actually confront her demon half, may actually even help explain what was going through her mind when she transformed and why she was so repentant after being changed back by the elements.

I don't mean to put up so many threads and if I'm becoming a pain please let me know and I'll stop. However, I have never been able to ask or discuss this sort of thing with people and I'd like to finally get second opinions on this stuff.

While I'd really like to get a look into her mind, especially during that demon phase and harmony blast, I'm not sure I want to see her deal with it again. It could be interesting, but I dunno. It was so weird in the first place, but maybe they could explain it better. It might be cool for her to have nightmares about it, though, or maybe get flashbacks now and again.

And you can never have too much discussion about Sunset.

It will never return. It doesn't make sense for it to. The transformation wasn't something innate to her; it was a corruption of the Element of Magic at the height of her misguided evil. Even if Twilight popped out of the portal again, right this moment, and plopped the EoM crown on Sunset's head, right this moment, she still would not transform again.

She may have to confront her inner darkness again. She may dream about the demon. But she won't become that form again.


I was sort of referring to something like that, not turning into it but more facing her proverbial past demons in some way, like nightmares. It could be an interesting thing since Twilight and the others never had an evil side to begin with.


Well sure they can make money off of it. Demon Sunset transforming action fi- doll.

If there is a will, there is a way.


But they do have a crazy side and a less amiable side to them. Applejack could probably still be herself with the lying (somewhat) and Rarity's generosity is questionable at times, but characters like Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are just completely out of any sense of norm for them with their alternate selves. Dash... Well, even as her alternate self, she had some sense of loyalty, even if it wasn't to her friends' plight.

Just sayin', most important plot characters in mlp have been shown to have a different side to them when influenced by magic.

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