Sunset Shimmer 4,954 members · 6,857 stories
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I'm recovering from a stressful day. As I recently converted to best pony, I thought it might be nice to talk about why she is so awesome.

1) Any pony that can make these cheap things look cool gets huge props.

2) She has more character development in 2 movies that most of the other ponies across 4 seasons.

3) She is tough but no longer full of herself. AJ and, more notably, Rainbow are both boasters. Fluttershy is super shy and while she has the stare she wouldn't be able to deal with hard things. Pinkie is innocently invincible, but would ever be able to make a hard choice for the greater good. Twilight and the other Princesses are the only ones who can really compete here.

4) Dat smile. Any of them. The range of her smile is way greater than the other ponies. This is probably because she is the only one with aggressive/evil smiles in addition to her normal ones, but it seems like they gave her more whereas they recycled the ones for other characters more. Maybe it's because she's had to deal with more emotions in a smaller window of time.

What do you think. Why is Sunset Shimmer best pony?


Mostly I think it relates to her design and how she originally was.

Her design is a far call from the rest of the Mane 6, befitting her status as a former villain. She's a mix of fiery colors, which means a lot of passion, possibly anger. While the Mane 6 do have striking colors, they're not not exactly aggressive ones. Even Rainbow, given her coat is a baby blue.

So to have Sunset redeemed and be a part of the mane group... well it's something entirely different. She feels like a breath of fresh air in comparison to the Mane 6, not that they're bad by any means. Sunset's just a bit unique compared to them.

4105055 Also, she's cute as a button!

True, she has a lot of grit and spunk to her.

She is adorable, but not in a weak or casual way. It's the kind of cuteness a predator would show to a pack or pride member. Innocent and fun because it's not afraid.


2) She has more character development in 2 movies that most of the other ponies across 4 seasons.

No, she doesn't really have any development in the first movie. In fact, many hated her back then, because she was a very flat and clicheous villain.

But her redemption boosted her popularity from very low to quite high, because it was much more development than anyone expected to see from the EQG franchise.

What I actually like most about her is her potential for fanfiction. In that she is quite similar to Twilight, who can be written from confident leader to emotional wreck without major problems. However, she has even more potential for inner conflict than Twilight (and a more badass character design)

While I don't consider her best pony I do consider her best human/ EG (Equestria Girls) character and I really really do like her a lot.



Sunny's hair and the fact that she is so worried now about being nice to people is why she's best Equestria Girl for me. She's so adorable and to top it off now she has this Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash persona thing going on makes it even better.

4105060 She ould be compared with Luna/Nightmare and Discord here. They both were redeemed former Villains.

I wouldn't say anyone can have more smiles or wider range of emotions than Pinkie and her Pie, she the Drama Queen, when she isn the mood.

Maybe that's a good part of Sunset, she doesn't have as much drama to her?

Sunset is awesome just because. No need to explain it.

4105055 She's an amazingly well-developed character, she's realistic, she's gorgeously beautiful, and she's the member of the Mane Seven I want to have as my college roommate. That makes her awesome. :twilightsmile: :rainbowderp: We need a Sunset Shimmer emoticon...

I wouldn't say that Sunset is Best Pony, then again I don't have one even if I am most partial to Celestia. I do agree that there seems to be more to her character than the others, at least she has far more of an internal conflict and unlike Luna and Discord she wants to earn her redemption and not just have the evil blasted out of her or what ever Discord did...

Her design suits her name, she is colored in the reds and golds of the setting sun though it's her eyes that stand out. Green against the setting sun, a phenomenon rarely seen the Green Flash

She is relatable. That's why I think so many people like her. She is pretty normal and simply has a great personality! :twilightsmile:


No, she doesn't really have any development in the first movie. In fact, many hated her back then, because she was a very flat and clicheous villain.

Pfft. No one hated Sunset Shimmer back in EQG1, because she was flat and cliche. No one cared. A magic-less Trixie v1.5. just wasn't worth expending the energy over unless you were really into her bad-girl persona and visual design (like I was ;_;).

That said, all this means is that she had more character development than most other characters in the space of one movie. :pinkiehappy: I mean, shoot, we're still waiting on some pony characters to have sticking arcs -- yet if you count her comic origin (and there's no reason not to, s'good), then Sunset's technically in the middle of her third, and waiting on whatever EQG3 gives her for a fourth.

The benefits of "separate canon," I guess. Gives you more freedom without thinking about the toy line too much.

4105055 She's the most realistic character in MLP.

Group Contributor

Wait... you mean I need a reason to be in love with her?

Well, I could give you a list of things great about her. Her versatility for one thing. She's such a flexible character; she can be a protagonist, antagonist, villain, anti-hero, supporting character, etc. Put her on the road to redemption, put her on the road to ruin, she can fit into just about every category. She's a fun character to explore again and again. She's adorable. That leather jacket is awesome. I really like her mane.... I really like her mane.

But in all honesty, I just like her because I like her. When I first saw her, what, two years ago now? She inspired me to write some of my greatest stories to date. All she did was exist and she claimed her spot as Best Pony.

4105967 Well, saying they hated her is probably not true. However, you can say that she was in fact one of the reasons many disliked EQG. Not the main reason, but stuff added up and I remember many stating the lack of an interesting villain as criticism.

But they patched her up really nice and she is now one of the best characters around. She was definitely the best character in Rainbow-Rocks and in fact my main reason to like the film.

4105055 she's awesome for every reason possible! :twilightsmile:


Because she's totes adores.

...Honestly, I wouldn't say she's my favorite, but she definitely has one of the most interesting characterizations, and a ton of fanfiction potential.

4106102 Pretty much this. Well, I don't actually think she's best pony, but she's best EQG original character. Also, I wasn't all that fond of her design at first because I didn't like her hair/mane, but it grew on me.


You have the best Sunset Pictures and have an adorable name. You get a follow.

Sonata, you just want to be loved and forgiven too.

A beautiful pony that has nothing but power and potential!
She knows a magical path to faraway adventures!

Liked before she was cool to like. :twistnerd:

Why is Sunset best pony? Allow me to enlighten you

1.) Shes the best parts of all of the mane 6, what i mean by that is this, after her redemption and learning friendship under the rainbooms and currently now SciTwi; she's become as honest as applejack to a degree, loyal to a fault like rainbow dash, she likes making her friends happy and to laugh like Pinkie, she's kind as can be like Fluttershy, she's incredibly generous like Rarity, and she understands magic better than ANY of the human girls especially SciTwi and her as her knowledge grows she'll soon be on par with Princess Twilight in friendship magic and magic in general.

2.) While her redemption was a bit...weakly the movie it was rather touching. to be fair it could have been fleshed out more but they only had so much time. Anyway shes a character who is one I and many others are a sucker for...a character who was once at the top and destined for greatness...only to fall by their own hand and then to have another take their destiny and use it against them. Then to rise and through it all truly redeem yourself for your actions. Sound familiar? *Cough Cough* PRINCESS LUNA *Cough Cough* She is a rise and fall and rise from the ashes anew type of character which fits in line with her name.

3.) Let's be honest...appearances are a thing in this canon and fandom and if one thing is clear its that Sunset Shimmer is HOT....and she knows it, whether she is good or bad; and we know it too. She manages this combination in her state now of being cute hot sassy and intimidating all at once. When she isn't being a raging bitch her raging out is pretty nice to see and funny at that.

4.) This is more of a personal thing but it makes so much sense its fucking insane and read this entire thing and see if you agree....ready? SUNSET SHIMMER HAS PRINCESS/ELEMENT OF HARMONY POTENTIAL! How do I claim this you ask? Let's go back to when Sunset tasted the rainbow when she fell from her demon form...she got blasted with the elements of harmony and unlike discord got who turned to stone or Terrik who got sent to Hell...No...she got turned back to normal and had all the darkness removed from her....just like...PRINCESS MOTHERBUCKING LUNA! Now lets move onto Rainbow Rocks, when Sunset like a bad bitch threw off her jacket and started singing along with Twilight what happened? A.) She ponied up gaining access to her magic. B.) When they form that rainbow that shoots into the sky making that crystal alicorn her red color is added to the rainbow completing it! There are 7 colors in a rainbow and sunset is the said 7th color; Red. Now lets move to Friendship games when Sunset absorbed all that magic and added it onto her own magic and transformed into what i personally like to call Phoenix Sunshine<copyright/trademark> and zapped Twilight with final flash and then took her hand in limbo; do you remember what she was planning to do after the friendship games for Twilight? Remember what she said to her after she saved Twilight? She said and I quote "I know; and going by my own experiences, they'll forgive you" AND she was going to apologize to Twilight and forgive her for absorbing the magic...see a pattern? No...How about this? What is the one thing Sunset constantly had to work for after her redemption? something that Luna had to fight for too...but it didn't define who she was...Sunset wanted nothing but to be FORGIVEN! One of the most powerful forces on earth is the power to forgive and forgive ones self because then you can hope and hope is very strong...So that in mind its the very strong possibility that she herself is the Element of Forgiveness; as for her ability to be a princess...she has ALL the qualities now and even had many of them before but she was just to blinded by her arrogance and ego...but princess of what you ask? a few ideas that ring to mind are princess of harmony, princess of magic, Princess of Hope.

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