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So last time I made this list I was extremely bias and petty, I apologize for that but now that I’ve seen the Equestria Girls movies and thought a bit more there was more characters that earned my ire and was a lot worse than my last list. Also since I saw Equestria Girls my favorites list will also be updated.

Now if you like these characters I have nothing against you, you clearly see something in them that I don’t and that’s great so without further ado let’s get on with it.

10th Derpy Hooves: Yeah I’m still not a fan of Derpy, she has an annoying voice, and is still portrayed as a klutzy doofus because she’s “cross eyed” and like I said cross eyed people aren’t stupid. I also hate how she acts but she’s relatively harmless compared to our next entries.

9th Spoiled Rich: I hate abuse so she earned he placement here but she was a good villain.

8th Prince Rutherford: Yeah he was awful, he had the nerve to threaten war on Equestria because their visit was “going badly” and by that I mean it wasn’t as “perfect” as their precious Yakyakistan, thankfully he improved but he was still an annoying character.

7th Plaid Stripes and Mr. Stripes: They force their will on others, but unlike some ponies(Starlight and Discord) they get away with doing so and show no sympathy for doing so. Mr. Stripes practically forces Rarity to hire Plaid Stripes by blackmail, and Plaid Stripes and Mr. Stripes force Applejack to agree to spoon clothes, yes I know Applejack likes the idea but it’s still annoying. They are snobby brats with no redeeming qualities, the only reason they aren’t any higher is because they were one time characters, if they appeared more they’d be number one.

6th Firelight and Stellar Flare: Fun Fact about me, I hate being treated like a child and constantly being ignored or interrupted, so you can imagine how angry I was at these two at how they treated Starlight and Sunburst, they hardly respect their kids’ privacy and are constantly interfering, and when they so rightfully get called out on it, according to “Bad Starlight-centered Episode” Formula she has to portrayed in the wrong for the sake of the plot. The only reason they are not any higher is because they had good intentions. Plus I found two characters worse than they are.

5th Rainbow Dash’s parents: Imagine Firelight and Stellar Flare, now make it so they don’t learn their lesson and they still continue to violate your personal space, you got these two.

4th Human CMC: Oh my what could the Human CMC have possibly done you ask. Well I’ll tell you, in three words. Anon A Miss. If you haven’t seen this comic good for you, you were spared from the torment I went through. Anon A Miss was a random account that framed Sunset Shimmer in the most obvious way and those 3 little pea brains were Anon A Miss they would tell people’s most embarrassing secrets and frame Sunset for it and they got away with it because “they’re family” and “they’re children” well Cozy Glow is a child guess what happened to her when she committed treason? Okay a bad example but what I mean is just because their children doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be punished. They are this high on the list because Anon A Miss left a black mark on their records and I was never really fond of them anyway.

3rd Garble’s “Friends”: They are assholes, yes I know it’s the point of their character but I still hate them, they’re one note they have no personality other than picking on others and were pretty horrible all around. Reason Garble isn’t on the list is because he’s entertaining and he redeems himself in Sweet and Smoky.

2nd Babs Seed: Ugh I hate this poor excuse for a redemption arc I only hate two redemption arcs in the whole series this is one of them, she bullies the CMC and harasses them but gets no comeuppance for it, not even a slap on the wrist, and in the end we’re supposed to feel sorry for her but I can’t feel bad for her since she acts like a bully even when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon aren’t around but her “redemption” was okay in the end so she isn’t number one.

1st Juniper Montage: An egotistical whiny brat who almost ruined her uncle’s business and almost got the Humane 7 killed and got a half-assed redemption, I’m not saying she shouldn’t be redeemed but it could’ve been better and she was just terrible and has almost no redeeming qualities.

5th Rainbow Dash’s parents: Imagine Firelight and Stellar Flare, now make it so they don’t learn their lesson and they still continue to violate your personal space, you got these two.

Thank you!
I can't stand these two overbearing morons, and after (finally) forcing myself to watch the entire episode, I absolutely understand WHY Dash has never told them anything about her adult life.
Can you just IMAGINE what would happen if she accidentally mentioned to them, "Oh, by the way, I was the Bearer of the Element of Loyalty before we had to return them to the Tree of Harmony so we could save it from dying"?!
I imagine they'd both gasp and say something along the lines of "*gasp* The Element of Loyalty?! Where it is?! We have to get it and put in a frame here at the house for EVERYONE to see!!!"
TO Dash would (hopefully) say: "What?! NO!!! It has to stay where it is or the Tree will die! NO!!! I'm NOT telling you guys where it is!!!"
Ad nauseum.
Like I said, they're both morons, and it pissed me ALL the way off when, AFTER Dash rightfully reamed them out on the 'Bolts' locker room, instead of letting that stand (letting them and Scoots all know that there ARE consequences to (very) stupid actions), the writers chickened out out and went the "Oh, we're gonna guilt Dash into forgiving them for being so stupid" route!
THAT'S the main reason that it's my third most-hated episode.
Right behind the Season 5 finale episodes, AND Starlight Glimmer.


4th Human CMC: Oh my what could the Human CMC have possibly done you ask. Well I’ll tell you, in three words. Anon A Miss.

The comics aren't canon, and the Holiday Special even has blatant continuity errors that prevent it from taking place after Rainbow Rocks like it wants to.


One line from Season 9 proves the comics are canon when they mention King Vorak so I will count it as I please.

Well the Holiday Special definitely isn't; going by the clear continuity errors.


Human CMC: Oh my what could the Human CMC have possibly done you ask. Well I’ll tell you, in three words. Anon A Miss. If you haven’t seen this comic good for you, you were spared from the torment I went through. Anon A Miss was a random account that framed Sunset Shimmer in the most obvious way and those 3 little pea brains were Anon A Miss they would tell people’s most embarrassing secrets and frame Sunset for it and they got away with it because “they’re family” and “they’re children” well Cozy Glow is a child guess what happened to her when she committed treason? Okay a bad example but what I mean is just because their children doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be punished. They are this high on the list because Anon A Miss left a black mark on their records and I was never really fond of them anyway.

Anon-a-Miss isn't canon! In fact, the opening monologue of Friendship Games confirms this;

Sunset Shimmer: I'll catch up in a bit. [voiceover] Dear Princess Twilight, how's life treating you in Equestria? Any cool new magic spells? It's been pretty quiet here at CHS since the Battle of the Bands. We still pony up when we play music, which Rainbow Dash just loves to show off. But I still can't quite grasp what it's all about. I would love to hear what you think about it when you get a sec. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer.

Continuity errors exist every where have you seen Fairly OddParents

The point being your entire justification for their being on the list is over something that didn't happen.

Okay then. I think it did but I could be wrong

I think what blue EM2 means is that when sunset wrote to twilight, she didn’t mention anything about anon-a-miss or how the rebuilding of their friendship was coming along.

Oh that could be the case I guess we can agree or disagree you probably might be right but I have my reasons for thinking it actually happened.

10. Princess Celestia
9. Shinning Armor
8. Diamond Tiara
7. Big MAC
6. Fluttershy
5. Rarity
4. Pinkie Pie
3. Rainbow Dash
2. Applejack
1. Twilight Sparkle

Their on my list for reasons already known & not too hard to imagine.

I totally agree with one involving Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles (names of Rainbow’s parents). Dash had every right to call them out on their behavior; granted many may say she could’ve gone with it a bit better, and she should’ve told them sooner what they were doing was not only invasive and inappropriate, but dangerous as well (shooting uncontrollable fireworks into the performance). Then again, with how idiotic and careless they were being, I don’t blame her for going off on them.

You're comparing FiM to that?

Hey it’s a silly show but I like FOP. Also fair point but seriously not every cartoon is going to have flawless continuity even this show has some flaws, here take Total Drama for example it runs on continuity but has multiple continuity errors.

10. PostCrush
9. Stygian/Pony of Shadows
8. Princess Amore
7. Vignette Valencia
6. The Deer(sans Blackthorn)
5. Zesty Gourmand
4. Juniper Montage
3. Prince Rutherford
2. Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles
1. Starlight Glimmer

Dishonorable Mention:
Cozy Glow

(Sees Number 1)

Gah my heart!(I respect your opinion though)

Group Contributor

7446234 Derpy is not stupid. Just because she makes mistakes doesn't mean she's stupid. Clumsy and accident prone are probably better terms. She means well and does try to fix her mistakes, not to mention clearly regrets them.

Sorry if I was a jerk about Derpy but how are my other rankings?

Group Contributor

7446827 Pretty good, though Sunburst's mom is Stellar Flare not Stellar Blaze.

Thank you for the pointer.

10th Derpy Hooves: Yeah I’m still not a fan of Derpy, she has an annoying voice, and is still portrayed as a klutzy doofus because she’s “cross eyed” and like I said cross eyed people aren’t stupid. I also hate how she acts but she’s relatively harmless compared to our next entries.

Okay! Everything else I can agree with. But Derpy?!?

You are drawing big ass target on your head.

I already have a big target on my head for liking Starlight.

That I’m saying... Welcome to the club.

Remember CMC in Gabby Gums in MLP. They were blame because of Diamond Tiara wanted to posted their secrets.

Why Princess Amore AKA Candace, former foal sister of Twilight on your list

I don't have a clue

Not Cadence but her predecessor Princess Amore from the MLP comics. Look her up.

At least they were rightfully shamed for it and le gasp actually felt some freaking remorse that was genuine.

Their actions from season 2 speaks for themselves.

& the townsfolk(Mane 6 included) cold heartedly shunned despite it was their own fault for demanding more stories in the first place until it started targeting them. Not to mention they should've & could've talked to the CMC'S face-to-face about the right's & wrong's about their newspaper if a certain fashion brat named Rairty hadn't decided to go FINKING on them to everyone just to save face despite it was her own fault in encouraging them to keep going.

If I remember correctly the cmc didn’t get away with it. I think they got detention or something like that.

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