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given the history of the pig that they can live off almost on anything and have had a history of being on a ship and still breed unlike other livestock and more.

that got me wondering can you make an underground bunker with a pig farm? like not to live off it but as a thing to eat on spical days or soemthing?


It's probably possible but would only work in the short term. Pigs require more daily nutrition compared to grazing animals like cows or sheep so you'll need to feed them a lot. On the plus side, they are omnivores who can eat a wide variety of things, but the trade-off is that for the same reason they need a varied diet to stay healthy. They actually eat a lot of the same stuff we do and will require protein, meaning you'd need to invest food you could just as well eat in order to get that bacon.

So, if you plan on living in that bunker for a long time, Fallout-style, and the pigs are intended to be a renewable food source, the question is whether or not the logistics make sense. You are possibly better off just packing the place full of supplies and stuff a bunch of hams into the freezer for special occasions.

The bunker would also need to be well ventilated and maintain an even temperature since pigs are more sensitive to both heat and cold compared to many other animals. Then again, for a bunker I suppose you would need to deal with ventilation and heating anyway.

wait how long a freezer ham last for anyway?

also if anything if you have an aquaponic to solve that problem you most likely be living off that for the most part and only eat the pig when a special day come.

you can't go cheap with bunkers if you plan to stay there for long term, i seen people buy homemade bunkers that are not build long term but they make it sound liek it would.

like peoples that thinking of buying a used shipping metal box for ships and rework it to be used for underground is all you need for a one man bunker

Well the pigs in the Metro series spent 17 years underground being fed on a diet of meat and mushrooms ( and whatever else could grow)

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