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Group Admin

Every group has an introductory thread. EVERY GROUP. What's different about this one, is that you'd get to ask the reader to read/review/like/fav one fic that you have written or that somebody else has written. If that isn't enough motivation for you people to introduce yourselves I don't know what is.

Name: vren55
Age: University 1st year
Nationality: Canadian
Notes: I am a desperate author fond of writing in my spare time and who loves reading good fanfiction, and enjoys trying to help people improve their fics. My strengths tend to be in character development, word choice, plot development and basic grammar and formatting. Expect me to be running around in the group's folders, reviewing your fics, possibly liking or faving them and asking you to review me in return.

The Fic I really Really REALLY want you to read: Canterlot: Her Creation and Her Architects, my story on how Celestia and some very interesting OC ponies, built Canterlot after the destruction of the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters in the Rise of Nightmare Moon.

Hello all, this is the good friend of vren55, Inky Jay, whom he shamelessly decided to use in the example of the review form. *grumble grumble* Vren's antics notwithstanding, I'm sort of going to doing much the same of what he does, except I'll probably pester the lot of you more to read my stuff. Hehe!

Name: Inky Jay
Age: University 1st year
Nationality: US
Notes: I am an avid fan of fiction, and want to end up publishing original work someday. My story skills revolve around both character creation and large, epic plots that affect all characters involved. I like taking a philosophical tone in my stories, which feeds well into the story type I write. I'm also interested immensely in philosophy and psychology, along with literature and creative writing.

My only fic currently is Marks of Harmony, but it's a long one, as vren will attest.

Hello I am Celestia's Paladin, Vern sent this way and after thinking about joining I went ahead did so. Most may know me as the admin for the Protect Celestia group which is my pride and joy on this site.

Name: Celestia's Paladin
Age: 23, college graduate
Nationality: United States
Notes: I have been writing fanfiction since 2007. My strengths seem to lie in world building, and expansion of canon events. I tend to include some religious aspects into my stories (as part of my world building) but not preachy. One of my greatest pet peeves in fanfiction is canon characters not being in canon.

My only MLP:FiM fic is "Sun and Shadow" which delves into the connection between Princess Celestia of Equestria and the Dark King Sombra usurper of the Crystal Empire.

Hello peoples! I am the awesomely amazing ProfCharles, Author Extraordinaire! I write things. Pony things.

Name: ProfCharles (capital C, no space)
Age: 21. Or 6. I lost count.
Nationality: United Kingdom of Great Brittan and Northern Ireland.
Notes: so yeah, as I said in my oh-so-modest intro (snrk), I write pony things. Why? Because ever since a small age books have fascinated me, and writing stories is the ultimate expression of that fascination. In addition to pony things, I also write RPG reviews for the e-magazine Errational Thinking under the name Joseph Gilbert, which may or may not be my actual name. I give it even odds.
My ability to write is severely hampered by my Dyspraxia/Dyslexia:derpytongue2:, but despite this I am always seeking to improve and succeed at what ever I turn my mind to.
If you could, would you please review my story My Little Evangelion, a Neon Genesis Evangelion crossover I am writing. I chose this one to be reviewed as all my other stories are completed one shots, abandoned, or in need of rewrites, however, feel free to peruse my other works.

Now, if you excuse me, I do believe that I have a few stories to review. In the morning that is, seeing as it is past midnight here.

Group Admin


It is Vren by the way, but if you want to misspell it and label me Vern it's alright :pinkiesad2:. WELCOME TO THE GROUP! Review and be reviewed and please spread the word. *nudge Paladin. (Please and only if you enjoy it)

Group Admin

567067 Long one... longer than mine and mine is long, but excellent. I recommend people to read that off the bat.

Salutations. I am the Mysterious Stranger, the evil and elusive internet alter-ego of a normal teenage guy. I was born sub-consciously when my counterpart discovered how the internet made him anonymous. Now, whenever he logs onto the internet, I become the dominant personality.

Despite my dark and menacing nature, I like adventure and comedy fics. I consider clean humor to be the ultimate form of comedy, because only a master can make people laugh without relying on... other things. I'm not including pain or blood in that. Pain can be hilarious. I'm a sadist when it comes to cartoons and fictional worlds.

Oh yeah, and please don't ask me to review clop. I'm not that kind of guy.

Hey guys, name's Dorkside! I am one of the admins over at the Struggling Authors group and was extended an invitation by vren55 to join this awesome group :raritywink:

Age: 24, college graduate
Nationality: United States
Notes: I first tried my hand at creative writing fall of 2011 when I signed up for a Creative Writing course online. Since then I've been writing stories that pop into my head at random times of the day. Writing is one of many things I delve into every now and then, and I'm prone to being quite liberal with hiatus...hiatuses? Hiati? :rainbowhuh:

Feel free to check out my stuff. I'd say everything from "My Sweet Eleanor" onwards is my best work.

Name: Aldrigold

Age: Graduate student.

Nationality: American

Notes: I'm a grad student who writes all sorts of things on the side as a hobby. When I'm not getting my dissertation torn apart by my advisor, I write science fiction and fantasy and of course, fanfic. I've been writing for a long time but I am always looking to improve.

My preferred genres to read are comedy, adventure, and dark (if its done well). I will not read shipping, romance or clop in any form. I much prefer stories that have OCs or characters who are not well fleshed out in the current pony canon.

I have a few stories posted here, but the one I'm struggling the most with is Journey to Equestria. It is slowly getting new chapters added, and if anyone sees any glaring problems, please let me know.

Group Admin

568551>>570802 Welcome welcome both of you to the group (thanks for calling it awesome)! Add your stories to the folder and lets get reading :D Please spread the word if you perchance have many followers so we can all get some more people in the group, so we can get more likes/reads/favs and self-promotions :D Inky and I have already gotten extra likes/favs and reviews from some of our other group members

Name: Zyr1987

Age: 25

Nationality: US (California)

Notes: I really stumbled into fanfic writing after finding myself enjoying MLP:FIM, though I also did some Roleplay once upon a time. I've been trying to wrtie a novel for several years now, but my overanalytical nature and perfectionist tendencies keep getting on my way causing me to abandon ideas, though I think I hit on a good concept finally. Fanfiction writing is really a way for me to pass the time and test and refine ideas (though I find myself writing a lot of romance, when my novel idea has no romance in it, huh)

My favorite story that I've written is easily Luna's Power and Rainbow's Love, a Flutterdash shipfic that basically explores the idea of the two characters falling in love, and how that would work out (though I did drop the ball in failing to rxplain why Fluttershy would love Rainbow Dash), and I'm considering using it as a springboard to look deeper into both their characters and interactions as time goes on.

If success is your metric, however, then the ongoing story The Model Caretaker is my best. Basically, I wanted to do something different, so I went with a pairing that I had seen only once before, specifically Fluttershy and Fleur de Lis (I also run the Fleur de Lis group, which could use more members). Romance not being simple with me there are things that come up to make it harder for them to get together, of course, but I'll let you read the story to find out what those are.

Group Admin

580328 Fluttershy and Fleur de Lis? Now I've got to read that sometime soon. Welcome to the group!

Name: Mr.Scribe
Age: 22
Nationality: Australian
Notes: I read books when I get the chance, mostly fantasy or supernatural stuff. I'm a fan of MLP FiM and I have read a few stories on here, mostly HiE. My strengths are mainly in original stories, ideas for stories or story lines, looking at OC characters [whether their human or pony] and story pacing.

The story I'm currently working on [and the only one I have] is: From My World To Theirs
This is a humanized story, just so you know.

Group Admin

580469 What type of fantasy/supernatural? And welcome to the group. Just a tip about your story, you may want to capitalize the title so that it reads: From My World to Theirs (some people would just avoid your story based on incorrect capitalization in the title, so it's better if you do so).

With fantasy its depends on what catches my eye, most of my books that under fantasy is stuff such as: The Lord Of The Rings books, The Game Of Thrones books, basically anything that not set on our Earth.

With supernatural books, mostly they are set in the modern day that have magic and or monsters in them, like: Skulduggery Pleasant or The Dresden Files.

Also I fix up that typo as well.

Group Admin

580512 Skullduggery and Dresden are GOOD (though I've only read some of them) I prefer Tamora Pierce's books, Redwall (the obvious HP) and anything written by Garth Nix.

Yeah, I got his Keys To The Kingdom series and I got him to sign my The Old Kingdom Chronicles book as well at a convention last year.

...Why is everyone so much older than me? It's so awkward...

Name: SpeederClaw

Age:..........High School

Nationality: Asian/American

So yeah, you're all older than me; I'm fresh meat :fluttershyouch: But, I'm pretty mature for my age (not that young) so don't expect any funny business with me. Unless you like funny business, of course (not meant to be sexual at all). When I made my fanfiction, I did not expect it to be anything great. I just wrote it as something to try out. As time went on, I felt connected to my characters and the story turned into something very important to me.

I'm not much for criticism, but I'll give it my best to give honest and sincere feedback. I hate ̶b̶e̶g̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ asking for people to read my story...but then again, how will people know of it in the first place. It's a cruel morality thing that I can't really explain. So, in conclusion, I will read thy story, but all I ask in return is that you read mine...plz.

One Shot, One Chance

As always, if you want me to read your story, just ask. Don't be shyyyyy, I won't bite. Maybe.

Group Admin

580742 Welll the point of this group is so that if you read and review someone's story they are supposed to read yours. Thanks for asking nicely though and Weclome to the Group!. Maybe I'll drop into your fic. I'm always desperate for new readers. Do remember to ADD THE STORY TO THE FOLDER or I"m not reading it.

Hello every pony. I don't often join groups on here but I thought I would take a chance with this place.

Name: Sirius Face (Just Sirius is fine)
Age: 28
Nationality: American
Notes: A little about me - I use to write quite a lot when I was younger, but a lot of what I wrote was often dark and grim. I'm no longer that kind of person anymore, and oddly enough this has resulted in a cut back for my writing. Now, I find myself wanting to write again, but it's hard to get motivated. I have a job and I'm in a master's program - I have a lot that takes my attention. But I also get ideas that stick around in my head until I either make myself forget them or I write them out. Problem is, I rarely finish what I start. I'm hoping that by joining this group, I can change that.

My only story I have right now is Friendship has a Generous Heart, a friendshipping story featuring Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara. It's a three part story and only part one is published on here - I'm nearly done with the draft for part two, and hoping to have it reviewed before I publish it on here. :unsuresweetie:

It's also worth noting that I don't mind reading any kind of fic on here, including clop. I might even write some clop someday - I do have experience writing adult material.

Group Admin

580751 friendshipping SB and DT? That perkss my ears (if I was a pony they'd shoot straight up). If you want reviews before publishing, head over to the Proofreader group (the one on the front page of brose groups) and Choose a proofreader from the document, otherwise I'm happy to help, and Inky is usually obliging. And Welcome to the Group :pinkiehappy: and Happy New Year

Wow, lots of new people have come to join our little group! Glad to see everyone that's come to join, and now that I've finished a writing spritz, expect your fics to be bombarded as I go on a reviewing spritz! *cue evil laugh*


Hello to all!

Name: Aqu
Age: High School Junior
Nationality: American
Notes: I read fanfiction quite often and eventually decided to write my own. I've only written one story, and I am still working on that one. I haven't really gotten any reviews of my story, Iron Vein, but a review would be much appreciated. I also offer my services as an editor, if you would like, after a review. I don't have quite 'impeccable' grammar, but I do have close, or so I think.

Name: WolfePony (Wolfe is fine :pinkiehappy:)
Age: ... High School
Nationality: Mexican-American
Notes: I'm a long time writer, been writing since I was about 9 (trust me, the quality has severely increased as I age) and am an avid reader despite my ADHD. This is technically my "first" time writing fanfiction, as I spent a good chunk of my writing career mostly writing original stories and only got into the fanfiction scene recently. I'm not sure what my strengths are in terms of writing, but, if I had to hazard a guess, I would say that I am quite versatile. Meaning, I can change up my writing prose with relative ease. You see, people who have read my work earlier (in real life or on the interwebs) have noted that I can write a lot. They referred to it as novella style, I can cram so much detail in a paragraph about every little thing, and said that my voice was well-rounded out.

But at the same time, I can change from that congested writing style to short and sweet paragraphs to adjust for the genre. I'd like to think that action/adventure stories call for shorter and more concise writing whereas more cold and refined stories call for longer paragraphs. What I mean by cold and refined, I mean things like science-fiction, or mystery, things that call for a logician's touch, where it isn't whimsical but instead grounded in concrete logic. I call it a clinical style.

In terms of editing, however. I'm not really sure what I'll be good at. I've never done editing (that is to say, I've never done editing over the internet) but I would like to think I would be good at it. Because I tend to... care a lot when I edit. Because I would like to see the author and the story succeed and would put just as much effort as I put into writing to help whoever I'm editing for. I would most likely put in 110% even if the person only wants the basics done.

That being said, I can be, and am, a critical person. I would never dismiss something because I don't "like" it. The way I see it is if I really like something or even moderately like something, then I would take the time to point out what I feel is wrong or misplaced because I want to see the story be good. But if I absolutely hate something, then I would say nothing and allow the story to continue being bad.

I'm not a mean person, don't take it like that, in fact, I'm probably the most friendly psychotic you'll ever meet :pinkiecrazy:

Anyways, even of my rambling. I would really like some attention on Pinakmena Diane Pie: Consultant Detective

Please and thank you :twilightblush:

Group Admin

Name: arandompenguin (But most people call me Dan)
Age: Year 11
Nationality: Several different ones, but I live in the UK

Hi there, I'm Dan. Though on the internet I use some variation of arandompenguin. I've been writing fanfiction since May 2012, and I have 7 fics to date (though I like to pretend that a few of them don't exist). I also proofread a fair amount, and I'm one of the contributors and 'Expert Proofreaders' of the Proofreaders and People willing to proof-read group. So I could proofread for you if you really wanted, though I only really have time for oneshots nowadays.

I would like it if you could take the time to read my main story: Oldnew Luna

Comment posted by TheGuyWithTheFace deleted Jan 1st, 2013

Name: TheGuyWithTheFace
Age: 17
Nationality: 'Merica
Notes: I'm the GuyiWthTheFace, obviously, and I've been looking to get some criticism on my story Peice of Chaos. I've tried asking in the story for comments, joining other groups like struggling authors, and finally got a couple pre-readers just a little while ago until I found this group. My main reason for writing this story is to improve and get advice that isn't from my parents. I try to be somewhat humorous when I write but I guess I'm not the best judge of how well that works out. I think my main weakness is that I tend to forget the small details and focus just on what's happening in my stories.

Group Admin

581032>>581053>>581170>>581516 Wow we've got people of all ages joining and introducing themselves! Great to have you on the crew!

Group Admin

582110 Thanks, I think the idea of this group is an excellent one. And with a bit of perseverance, this could be of the of the top groups on fimfiction. Not only is it a way to get your fics reviewed from other authors, it also gives people a chance to find stories that appeal to them.

Name: KiaraKovu123

Age: Middle School

Nationality: American

Notes: I spend much of my time on the internet. I have no real life, other than school, drawing, or writing. I've been looking for more reviews on my story, To Be Truly Happy So, if you wana look at it...I spend way too much time focusing on Discord and Pinkie.:heart: So, I'm a Pegasister, not a Brony. Girls are girls, people. And I LOVE this site, I'm a better writer than I was months ago.

Group Admin

584734>>582457 FINALLY WE HAVE SOME GIRLS IN THIS GROUP!!!!! And we've breached 50 groupmembers. People, give yourselves as pat on the back! Welcome welcome and welcome! Please check out our featured fic thread for this week (you've already done so Sir Hood and your liege lord... diarch... co-king admin? (regardless) commends you).

Group Admin

585005 Teehee... co-admin it is and if you misunderstood... I wasn't calling you a girl. Is John Hood some sort of famous person... the guy on your profile pic?

Group Admin

570472 Oh and dorkside, don't forget to add your fics to the folder :pinkiehappy:

And again, thanks for that forum post, our numbers must have tripled because of it.!

Name: Love Checker
Age: Highschool, 13 ('cuz of different system in the country)
Nationality: Filipino
Notes: I spend most of my time on schoolwork. If it's vacay or Christmas break I go online on Fimfiction. So yeah, if some of you guys are wondering how come you have a Filipino fan for mlp, it's becuz I've seen the toys here and I became curious so I checked YouTube for the cartoon and BOOM! I'm a fan. Also I'm a pegasister and I just love TwiMac. I also want some reviews for my story Oh! For Love's sake!. Here's the link:

Name: One Fifteen
Age: 15
Nationality: American
Notes: You give me an idea I like, and I will write about it and not finish it. That's basically who I am.

Alright, which story... I guess I'll have to go with my first popular story, The Iron Pony. You have ONE GUESS to figure out what it's a crossover of without clicking it.

Group Admin

586920>>586646 Welcome to the group then! Don't forget to add your stories to the folder or people won't be able to review them!

Name: Nyte-Blade
Nationality: American
Notes: I'd say I'm much better at original fiction, but i want to try and blend back into the Fanfic scene. Basically, I want to know if i still it. If i'm still any good at writing any fanfiction. Probably don't, but eh.

As for my story... well, I just published this one... It's called The Journey, which is kinda named after the first half of Persona 3. I was inspired to write this when I got obsessed with LOST and watching MLP. >_>

Name: Doomande
Nationality: Denmark, the land of Vikings and blue tooth!

Notes: So who is this doomande? I am a Dane with autism and a big lust for helping there of. You should not count on much details in the feedback about grammar and other rules like that, but I promise that I will touch a lot of other subjects, and be as constructive with my criticism if there is any as I can.
You have maybe already seen my name if you read Fo:E stories, both in the bottom with the authors notes as a pre-reader, or as one of the mods of Fo:E Related Fics. To say that I am living in Fo:E would be a understatement :derpytongue2:
I read almost anything that is laid before me. Be it clop, romance slice of life or a gorefest, but do not expect the fastest feedback by me if you write a HiE story. We have our own world if you ask me and should not visit the ponies in their.

I have no story that I would recommend in here, simply because I know that I would not have the time to give good feedback to all the stories that want them, quality over quantity after all. I do not have any story of my own, but work a lot with editing, so if you see some feedback from me would there always be a little note from me saying what I want to you review back.

Group Admin

587260>>587147 A Viking and a Lost fan?? We're sure getting a motley collection of figures here! Welcome to the group and Doom I believe I replied to your comment on the other thread.


Name: S3rb4n
Age: 25
Nationality: Basque/Spanish
Hello there. Name's S3rb4n, and I began my long and winding road of fanfic writing after I stumbled upon that diamond that is Fallout Equestria. It is my first proper long fic, as I wrote some short ones many years ago. For that, and for being a huge Fallout fan, I decided to jump forward and start writing. Apart from that, I get my inspiration from movies (I really enjoy watching Pulp Fiction every now and then, and I can't say no to a Clint Eastwood flick) and classic rock.

The result so far is a project called Fallout Equestria: Viva Las Pegasus. In a nutshell, it's a rise and fall story in the Wasteland, and I welcome you to come take a look at it.

Well I suppose and introduction is in order.
Name: Astral
Age: Junior in HS
Nationality: Irish-Asian (It's a weird, weird contradiction, and I live in the US. This just makes it just that much better, right?)

Notes: Well, I'm fairly new to the fandom, in fact, I became a brony through persistent friends about two months ago. Furthermore, after reading a whole slew of stories, I became inspired (yay sap story) to write some of my own. I have never written for fun, and thus, comes the critical aspect of going out and doing said task. This has resulted in realizing that writing is fantastic and dreadful at the same time. In fact, writing is a nice escape, until I bear down on myself with criticism. I tend to have a heavy hand on how critical I am with my own works compared to other fictions, all of which due to some perfectionism that has been pounded into my head by the Asian part of my family. My main weakness is the FNG aspect to writing in general, but feel free to knock some caps into my works. Please avoid using the Tesla Cannon although, as it would destroy the only piece of technology I use to keep myself sane.

I tend to read really fast, extremely fast as dubbed by some, godly by others. Though the "flattery" is nice, this attribute allows me to blast through a fan work in a matter of minutes or hours. I can point out some fairly common errors, to the obscure rules of em-dash and en-dash usage. I'd say punctuation is my specialty, but whether I'm wonderful at it or not depends on the subject matter.

When it comes to editing, I either get through it easily if the story has some minor errors or weaknesses, but if there are some glaring errors, I will go to town with fire and pitchforks until the work is picked apart by the tendons. Obviously, the second method takes some time; vice-versa applies for the first method. Rather than apply copious amounts of Vegemite, or Marmite for you British blokes, to your story, constructive criticism and humor are the main ways I try to get my point across.

Honestly, I'd prefer you look at my latest work, The Matters of Mind and Magic, instead of my other story. I am already in the process of working out plot points for the other one, while M&M is the focus at this moment.

Name: The Engineer
Age: 18
Education: College freshman working towards a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering.
Nationality: American

Notes: I am I Southern born, Texas raised, military minded male. Somehow, against everything I was taught, I like my little pony. (Damn those adorable ponies :facehoof:) Unable to deny myself the pleasure of the show and fandom, but not able to outwardly express it, I am a closet brony. Despite my love for ponies and for people to get along, I realize that there will be those that bear ill-will and harm to others. Therefore I intend to do my part in defend the defenseless and am in Air Force ROTC, which is preparing me to become an officer in the military.
Moving onto ponies, which is why we all are here, I'd have to say my favorites are Luna, shortly followed by Rainbow Dash. I write fan fiction largely as I way to keep my imagination active (not that it needed much help) and a way to get these ideas out of my head, where they would otherwise bounce around. Now time to self-promote myself shamelessly like one of my favorite ponies.
I like my story to be cool. Of the two I've written, I think The Shadow of the Moon is at least 20% cooler than the other which is why I've rewriting it. After all, practice make perfect, and I will be so perfect, they will just be begging me to be on the featured stories list and everybody will know my name.
(Please note that I am not the arrogant and view this a hobby and a great way to spend some downtime. Getting featured is just gravy. Sweet, sweet gravy.)

Name: Bellum

Age: Senior high school

Nationality: U.S

Notes: Not sure what to say about myself. I like to write and read stories in general. Science- Fiction, history, comedy, romance, and adventure are my favorite genres but if a story sound interesting I'll read it. Since I got a part time job and go to school a lot of my free time is eaten up but I always find some time to write or read. I think my strengths are in plot development, character development, and sentence structures. My number one weakness is grammar. In my opinion spell check is a God sent gift that is at less somewhat helpful.
I have only one story which is call A Choice. It still in progress and will have a lot of long chapters so if you like a long read this is your story. Any way, it is about Big Mac and Rainbow Dash joining a strange merchant, Silver Dollar, and a colorful group of characters for a trip around the world. And when I mean world I mean an entire world outside of Equestria.

Group Admin

587591>>587689>>589532>>589583 Those are some interesting stories you have written. I wish you a warm welcome to the group!

Name: FlanChan (aka the youngest person you'll ever meet in this fandom)
Age: 12, coming on 13, 7th grade
Nationality: American (Michigan)
Notes: I've liked ponies ever since I was like three, back in good ol' G3 days. Oh Minty and your socks.
Aaanyway one day I decided to write a story called The Generation That Even Time Has Forgotten. I didn't think anypony would care that much because how good could a 12 year old be at writing. Well, apparently very good, as I've gotten featured twice and my story isn't even done yet!
I also am on the Shipping and Handling audio play as Apple Bloom, and now I get to be friends with PegasusRescueBrigade! He's awesome. Really awesome.
I also get to hang out with MsIkariShipper, SilentMatten, and VivaceCapriccioso, (among other people who aren't as well known) and they're all also really awesome
But enough with my bragging, I hope to find many good friends here!

Also Twilight Sparkle is best poni :twilightsmile:

Name: Kolwynia
Age: I remember when Celestia was only a filly...:trollestia:
Nationality: United States
Notes: I am trying to be a better writer than I am. I like stories of all kinds, especially the magical ones. My favorite ponies are Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia.

The fic of mine that I want you to read more than any other is Celestia in Excelsis. Find out how an ordinary unicorn filly became an alicorn, what made her turn against Starswirl the Bearded, the strange origin of her sister Luna, how she lost her connection to the Elements of Harmony...and much more. It's a thousand years of adventure, betrayal, and romance, all leading up to the revelation of Celestia's ultimate destiny.

Please give it a chance if that sounds like your kind of thing.:twilightsmile:

Name: Bronze Statue
Age: High school, 12th grade
Nationality: American
Notes: I have started about 7 different fics, but only one has actually gotten anywhere past Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

My fic Discord and Cthulhu: College Roommates is a little idea I had one day joking around with a friend. Discord, Luna, Celestia, and Chrysalis have just graduated high school, so someone who's definitely not from Equestria invites them to attend the prestigious Ravnica Polytechnical Institute. When they go to the school, they find out that they have been assigned roommates based on major. Discord was one of only two freshmen with his major. Cthulhu was the other.
Only one chapter so far, but I'm working on the next already.

Name: TheMadBrony
Real Name: Chris
Age: 19
Nationality: British
Notes: Aiming to become a better writer. I like all kinds of stories.

The fic I would like to read is, well the only one I've written on here The Arrival
It is my attempt at making a good HiE fic with added psychological elements and Slenderman. A schizophrenic brony has landed in Equestria, only to find that not everything is as it should be. Faceless ponies, tormenting voices and a tall being seemingly behind it all. What's really going on, and can it be stopped? It's about 6000 worlds long, I am working on the next chapter right now. I am also working on my own cover art to go with it. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

589775>>590219>>591127>>592615 Your admin agrees that TS is the best pony. Though i really like Rarity as well and I think that in the end all are equally important. Just like each one of you, although some of you have more popular fics, each of you are important authors in this group. Welcome and welcome!

Name: Prolet
Age: 18 / High School (Well, the Finnish equivalent)
Nationality: Finnish
Notes: I write to become better at writing, as it's my dream to write a novel someday. I started only recently after absorbing over 3 million words of ponyfic in a few months, deciding that FiM is a good medium to start with. I think that my strength is worldbuilding, but of my writing and storytelling skills I'm unsure, not having written a lot.

Stories I enjoy the most are sad, dark and romance ones, and thus my favourite fics are FoE, Bluebird's Song and Romance Reports. My only story so far is The Fall of a Nation, a partial crossover with the Finnish Civil War, and i'd love to get some criticism in order to improve myself.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 669