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Hi let’s talk about boobs

How big would spitfires boobs be

As big as the ones in your profile pic? That's what I'm picturing

I do enjoy Fluttershy having the biggest set of boobs out of her friends.

Well, King Randor is a royal boob.

...and before you say anything. Yes, I'm feeling very off the rack. 🥁

I gues most of you guys think she’d be big then

So how big would cadence be

If we want to get into the logistics of it, Spitfire is a speedster and humongous sandbags would slow her down. It'd be very inconvenient on the track, especially if she's leading the team. She'd be a b-cup at the most.

I disagree and we aren’t talking about logistics just boob size not trying to mean or disrespectful just stating that this is a fantasy head cannon for each person so lore of the show doesn’t matter

Does anyone think that hash wou have boobs as big as my profile picture

7891214 Flat chest is best.

How big are cadences boobs

How big are sunsets boobs

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