Anthropomorphics 5,023 members · 7,672 stories
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A Slice of Life/Combat focused Roleplay universe. With darker themes and in some cases depressing scenarios. Not for the faint of heart but applicable for the serious role players here or the lewd ones.

Really it’s a toss up on which you feel like delving into. Feel free to ask questions about the universe.

Looking for members that can be active. Not lurkers. No lurkers please.


Story: Set thirty years after the fall of Equestria, The Crystal Empire, and the Zebra Nation of Timbuktu, creating the Caribou Regime. The Regime is in its own a global power house thanks in no small part to the riches gained by the Regime from their conquests. Yet there is small hope in the small factions whom seek to free themselves.

The Resistance has gained alliances with the Crocodiles of the Hayseed Swamp, the Hyenas of Timbuktu, the Dragons of the Badlands, Various Changeling Hives, and strangest of all, the Undead of the South Pole. Led by Princess Flurry Heart, Sunburst, abd Starlight Glimmer, the Resistance works to free themselves though its an uphill battle.

Which side will you choose? Help the Caribou or join the charge for freedom?

DEATH TO THE CARIBOU!! :flutterrage:

I'm with you on this one. Kill them all.

Considering this is FoE, this isn't some kind of erodic role-play is it, because that would be a big no for me. Amusing no on the first question, I haven't RP much before so would it be ok if I just lurked and read over the story, or whatever is posted, to get a feel for how everything works?
NVM, decided it would just be faster for me to see for myself, so I joined as lord fluffy.


Sounds intriguing


Then if you feel up to doing something come on in.


So long as you are active the group is more then welcome to new Members.

Sounds very interesting idea, I would join but not good rper and I prefer to rp as one of my 2 wolves mainly. lol

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