Anthropomorphics 5,023 members · 7,672 stories
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Group Admin

Due to there being a lack of general rules and whatnot for the forum (not to mention almost all of the leaders and admins being extensively offline for quite a while) I was recently promoted to admin status after reaching out and wishing to restore some bit of order to the forums here in the group.

I know not a lot of you may know me, but I frequent the group quite often and quite enjoy a lot of the posts I read here even if I end up abstaining from commenting. That's not me being against or for anything in particular, it's just who I am and if I feel strongly enough to make a comment, I will and let my opinion be heard.

I'm more than reasonable all things considered, but when it comes to the forum, there need to be some ground rules for everyone to follow, long time members and new.

#1: No hateful, spiteful, demeaning or degrading remarks in any way shape or form. If anyone is subject or sees someone subjected to such remarks, please p.m. me and I will deal with the offender in as timely and swift a manner as possible. (Please keep in mind that I and any other active admins also work and need sleep as much as any of you). We will go by a three by three strike rule here. Three strikes and you get a three day suspension from the group. Three more strikes, another three day. After that, guess what? Three strikes and a three day. Any further infractions on this rule will show that the perpetrator is not learning any sort of lesson and will be banned from the group. Reasonable and tolerant and within reason, right?

#2: No shameless self promotion. There is a group for such things titled as such and if you are promoting commission slots, there are groups for that as well, no need to spam the forums and inundate our group with unneeded (and potentially unwanted) posts. Any post found starting tomorrow will be locked permanently. After three strikes, you will receive a three day ban. Each post after that up to your sixth will result in an additional 3 day until your 7th, which will force me to kick you for needless and unwanted spam. I know I've received much unwanted spam from this group and I'm sure many others have as well.

#3: Any post touching on a NSFW topic must be labeled as such with either NSFW, [NSFW], (NSFW) or similar beginning your thread title to warn anyone of the content to be found within. Any such thread found containing foalcon will be locked and deleted as soon as it comes to my attention and the originator banned for three days. The second time will result in a permanent ban from the group as such topics and subject matter are prohibited by fimfic itself and many would not want for this group to be forcibly closed by the actions of a few. Any who find such things, please bring these to my attention as well (with the appropriate links) and I will deal with them as I can. In addition, if any stories that slipped through the initial ban of anthro themed foalcon and you happen to stumble across them, please notify an admin and we will remove them and alert a moderator for their removal based on the rules of Fimfic.

#4: Respect the above mentioned rules and let us all have a great time :twilightsmile:

Also, there is an opening for one new admin to help me deal with some of the flood I'm about to stand alone against. If the potential admin has another they would suggest to help us out, I would be open to additional help as well, but any applicants (originals or promoted by their fellows) must submit an application via p.m. and provide a decent greeting to help me and any unknown fellow admin get to know you and what you are about when involved with this group.

Thank you for reading through this and I hope to hear from my fellow group members soon :pinkiesmile:

Group Admin


Like I said, just send me a p.m. with an introduction and information about what times you are available to help out, just like a real application. I don't want to just promote people willy-nilly and have a bunch of conflicting opinions and operating procedures :derpytongue2:

Just send me a message and I'll look over it as well as any others I receive :twilightsmile:

5472463 I'll send you the needed information.

Group Admin

Very much appreciated :twilightsmile:

So don't promote any new story I have on a forum?

Is it okay to share art once in awhile? :)

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