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Guess I am a bit late and here is not the place to get some free thinking in volumes anymore, but ...


We created the Thing exactly because it embodied and executed our vision of domination and greed, but we have come to the point where the Thing has completely hijacked the central nervous system of human civilisation. More accurately, it has co-evolved with us as an internal parasite.

The Thing is a device, an optimized machine which is an extension of the human brain, another logistical device. Humans, if anything are rarely truly intelligent, nor are they fully self-aware. They are simply very efficient in resource appropriation and exploitation. This is not intelligence by any measure, but a type of skill. The Thing is a steroid-infused extension of our skillset, which unintentionally got out of control and now unfortunately has the upper hand. The problem with “skills” such as these is that they eventually become outdated. True intelligence, which both us and the Thing lack, doesn’t. Without true intelligence, we are stuck with developing tools which end up taking a life of their own, turning us into mere peripheral, expendable components within a semi-sentient self-destructive ecosystem of skills.

Imagine if this gist of our siruation actually true enough? Here used to be hot debates about possibility or impossibility of "mind uploading", us being already in simulation etc ...Also a lot of "But we can escape Paperclip Maximizer if we do X!". Well, anyone having any idea how to deflect this one ?


The quote appears to be describing society.

We are cogs in a machine. Things are good! A cogs life is a good life!

I see no reason to deflect the natural continuation of human society. I like human society!

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