Christian Bronies 985 members · 237 stories
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Which of you guys is a Christian? And which of you guys isn’t a Christian?

I’m asking this because at most of the Christian groups I’ve visited, there seems to be a division of Christians and non-Christians. I’ve also noticed that most of the people who have joined haven’t really confirmed for themselves if they believe in God or not.

Would you guys care to answer?

You know I am my friend... ^~^

Gryphon <><
1 Corinthians 15 :1-4

Ooh! Ooh! I'm Christian!

...yeah, I'm pretty sure you know that already.

People like JustMe123 are probably going to say I'm not, though, but we both know what we have to say on the subject, so a full-on discussion about it would be pointless.

I’m a Christian! :twilightsmile:

I'm Christian. Church of England.

I’m a proud Christian!

I am not a Christian. I joined this group years ago when a friend, who was a Christian, needed some support. I also was going through a rough patch and I was looking for anything to help me through it.

I considered becoming a Christian, but decided not to. But the people in this group really helped me out, and I've always been grateful.

6697706 I am one of those unusual believers: I accept a LOT of people of different spiritual beliefs and I'm not apostolic. I am a Christian, but I am not a saint, nor do I try to be. I am blunt (some would say rude), I call things like I see them, and I cuss, drink, and enjoy making love with my beautiful wife. I don't look for approval and if someone doesn't like me, they can go jump off a bridge for all I care.


I am a believer!

Not perfect, though. I cuss and get mad a lot, usually for insignificant stuff (like getting killed in a video game).

No one’s perfect. I have similar problems with getting angry about insignificant things, but it’s important to remember that we all have our problems, as we are not perfect, no one is. The important thing is that we make up for those failings with our good traits, the ones that make each and every one of us special. I have all sorts of failings, but I also have strengths as well, and I know you do too. :twilightsmile:

I am a Christian, albeit a rather non-traditional one.
I used to be a hardcore fundamental Baptist, but have moved very far away from that during the course of the last few years. I still agree with the core doctrines of Christianity, but take an approach to Bible interpretation that might be considered "liberal" by the standards of the typical Christian. As a result, I have some beliefs that are very unorthodox, and that most Christians would probably object to. But I can assure you I'm not a heretic.

That’s probably relatively similar to me. I have a very unique perspective on the world in general, and I suspect that your unorthodox beliefs are probably similar to mine, but maybe not. Either way, it’s always good to see people with different opinions!


Thanks. :twilightsmile:

God bless. :pinkiehappy:

Veni, veni, Emmanuel
Captivum solve Israel
Qui gemit in exilio
Privatus Dei Filio

You’re welcome! :twilightsmile: God bless you too! :pinkiehappy:

Didn't you ragequit or something from this group like, last month?

Didn’t you happen to see another recent thread that BradyBunch made?

I did now that you brought it to my attention!

I’m a Christian specifically Lutheran which is a branch off catholic

Then you’re questions are answered.

Yup, Christian here.

Why don’t you leave him alone and not be such a bully.

Christian, Roman Catholic to be precise

I'm one of the atheists in this group.

One thing in following Christ, is that He has shown me thru the years to follow just these 2 things, (For myself, but anyone can try as well, Your Mileage may Vary... )

1.) Love First, pretty self-explanatory I think.
2.) Don't judge, because it's not my job. And then revert to 1.) Above.

Lather, rinse, repeat...

Gryphon <><
1 Corinthians 15 : 1-4

*Bawks softly*

The important thing to remember that we are imperfect, flawed, and sometimes broken, Lord knows I'm the furthest from perfect. But the grace that Lord God gives us thru the Holy Spirit, is that we are made whole thru Christ who is perfect, and took on all our imperfections on himself.

You or anyone else who is or isn't a believer, or Christian may know it's still a fact, and it may lessen the load that is on our shoulders from being so broken in daily life.


*Bawwks approvingly, offering a Bro-hoof or high 5. /)*
I also have a gorgeous wife, who's a southern belle blonde that's also a Christian and my best friend since I met her in 2000, and later married in 2003.
We only were able to meet online with the Holy Spirit's leading hand thru very different paths in our daily lives.

I'm Christian!:twilightsmile: a rather unorthodox one though:derpytongue2:

I'm an atheist (surprise!)


Please, let it go. You don't need to be caught up in my personal problems.

When someone picks on a pal of mine such as yourself, it becomes my problem too.

Smh I thought you and I praised the All-Father Óðinn together dude what happened

I agree with A Man Undercover. I may not always be able to write comments like the one he did, but I will always stand by my friends, and you, Fireheart 1945, are now my friend. If you ever need anyone to help in any way that I can, I will be there for you. Because Friendship is Magic. :twilightsmile:

I don't get it, how is 'GOD left' bullying? What is it even from?

I don't get it, how is 'GOD left' bullying? What is it even from?

GTA: Online lul

Saying something like what he said and posted, which is “God left”, means that he’s saying “God abandoned you”, and that he’s trying to convince him to stop believing in God.

Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted Dec 17th, 2018

Christian! I bounce between Presbyterian, Pentecostal, and Baptist Churches depending on what’s going on and what I’m in the mood for. I was baptized in a Lutheran church as a baby. I would describe myself as spiritual and religious, but nondenominational.

Heretic in every religion.

I am a Christian who has undergone formal Anglican confirmation. I regularly practice my faith and I pray daily.

Seriously. I'm planning to do evening prayer tonight.

Thank you.

I’m sorry about the latter question, I just wanted to be sure.

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