Christian Bronies 985 members · 237 stories
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Group Admin

Welcome to the Christian Bronies group!

This is a place for Christian Bronies to have multiple discussions on what it means to be a Christ follower in a group of people who, more often than not, do not believe in and/or Christ, and also a place to just worship freely. Tell us about how Christ is working in your life, bring us prayer requests, talk about your struggles, whatever you want to bring forward in a Christian setting.

If you do not follow Christ, you are more than welcome to come and chat with us. Question us, challenge us, or just hang out and talk pony without the vulgarity that can come from this fandom. We're not exclusive here. :twilightsmile:

-Group Founder, primalcorn1

Thread Index:

Posting Rules (this post!)
Story Submissions
Thread Tags

Posting Rules:

1) Follow all Fimfiction Site Rules for general and group conduct. For the purposes of the site rules, this is not a NSFW group.

2) Don’t be a jerk. Don’t talk smack, don’t curse people out, don’t attack or insult people, don’t attack or insult groups of people (whether or not those groups are on FiMFiction), don’t use slurs, don’t go around stirring up trouble, do allow dead threads their rest, and so on; in general, be polite, and use common sense and common courtesy.

3) When you believe other members are breaking the rules, please report the post(s) in a PM (with a link, and for bonus points, with a screencap) to a group admin. Don’t reply to the offender(s) directly or indirectly. You can find a list of the group admins at the very top of the Members List.

4) Please keep your posts Safe For Work by not posting or linking any erotic, pornographic, or gory material. This is in addition to, and more strict than, the site rules concerning erotic and gory content.

5) Please keep your posts on the topic of a thread’s original post, and try to post threads on christian topics, pony topics, or both. Some deviations and “fun” threads (at admin discretion) are permissible, but use common sense.

6) Do not debate in Prayer Request threads.

7) Do not spam. Spam includes (and, at admin discretion, is not limited to):
a) Posting the same thread multiple times;
b) Posting promotions (of groups, stories, blogs, off-site media, yourself, your business, fund-raisers, etc.);
c) “Shitposting”;
d) Posting threads in which the OP is just a link to something or an embedded picture or video, and so on. Try to share your opinion and discuss it in your OP.

Proper Noun
Group Admin

Story Submissions

This group maintains admin-moderated story folders for two kinds of stories: Child Friendly stories, and stories with implicit or explicit christian themes and messages in general. The two categories can overlap. The folders are described as follows:

Child Friendly: Stories we’d be comfortable reading to a child. We would especially like to see funny, cute, lighthearted, and/or heartwarming submissions for this folder. Stories rated Teen or Mature are automatically disqualified.

Christian: Stories containing implicit or explicit christian themes and messages. This isn’t Sunday school, so allegorical and other indirect approaches to the christian material are something we’d prefer; polemics and other heavy-handed “message fics” may be rejected. Any story rating is permitted in this folder, but clopfics, gore fics, and shock fics--i.e. stories focused on sex, gore, or just on being disgusting--are completely prohibited.

To submit your story for approval, just add it to the Incoming folder. You may submit stories written by other authors, but we will most likely contact the author instead of you, and we will respect requests by the author to remove the story from the group for any reason. If you are an author who wishes to have your story removed from the group, just send a PM to one of the admins and we’ll usually take care of it in a prompt manner.

We’ll probably notice and get to the story you submitted sooner if you send one of the admins (preferably Vlade) a PM, telling us that you submitted a story, what its title is, and what you believe makes it appropriate for either or both of the group’s folders.

Note: Any incoming stories may be rejected if they’re very badly-written--we do not apply strict standards for writing quality, but please make your story easy to read and at least proofread it. If you have trouble, OpenOffice is a free word processor for all operating systems, and Fimfiction has a handy Writing Guide you can take advantage of.

We may also reject stories which violate the Fimfiction Story Rules.

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Proper Noun
Group Admin

Thread Tags (Depreciated)

If you wish to make a thread asking people to pray for someone or something, please include “Prayer Request” or “Please Pray” or similar wording in the title.

It isn’t mandatory to tag your other threads, but if you wish to do so, here is a list of useful tags:

• (Christian)
• (Semi-Christian)
• (Non-Christian)
• (Pony)

Please do not use other thread tags; they are reserved for admin use.

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