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Comments ( 4 )
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As the Stormtroopers. Honestly, for me, it would depend on how long the woman has been on her phone, and if there's a report of an unaccompanied minor. If she had been there for too long, I would just call security, if I'm not security of course, IDK if these guys are security guards, since IMO, it would add to the experience if the security guards were in costume too. And honestly, I feel like the Stormtroopers were being a bit rude, first waving his hand between the woman's face and her phone, and then what he said right before they gave up and left. Plus, the video says it's a mom, so where's her kid? That's the concern I have, if her kid isn't with her, does that mean they're wandering the park alone? Is her partner with their kid? It just raises so many questions. And another variable is what time it is, if it's getting close to closing time, and she doesn't respond, I would definitely call security.

That's so stupid

They're humans, what do you expect?

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