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No, it's not the Nimbus-class Alpha-3 V-Wing, it's not the ARC-170, it's not even a Z-95 or a fan-made starfighter, it's the V-19 Torrent. The first mainstay starfighter for the Grand Army of the Republic, they didn't see immediate action in the Clone Wars because it wasn't easy to train clone pilots for these ships. Honestly, that last detail is a pretty poor excuse for the fact they just didn't design a proper Republic starfighter for the Clone Wars and multiple projects and games that came out shortly after Episode 2 came out.

No, we can design fighter tanks and droid gunships but a decent starfighter, that's more complicated, apparently. Seems like LucasFilm has difficulty deciding on starfighter designs. There's two ancestral predecessors for the X-Wing, there's half a dozen different starfighters that look or are called the A-Wing and they didn't design a new Y-Wing until Episode 9. Such a fun part of the franchise that's been in it since the very beginning and they still drop the ball with it.

But, we still get some cool designs eventually, including the V-19 Torrent.

When they designed the V-19, they drew inspiration from the F4-U Corsair for its folding wings, which are very nice. It's a sturdy ship but by default was unshielded, which very much disappoints me. If you care about a ship, you give it shields. It's space and space has a lot of things, these vessels have living pilots in them that are resourceful and creative, they're going to be shot at by bugs and droids and other things. Give them shields.

The V-19's weapons are decent, standard blaster cannons and concussion missiles. Could probably be reasonably modified. Decent speed and maneuverability, no hyperdrive, saw action in space battles and sky battles. You can get details from other sources if you like, MY thoughts on the ship:

This is the Phase One Clone Trooper of starfighters. It may not have been designed that way, but really, that's what it is and it's perfect in that role. It's not a perfect starfighter and the V-Wing with its faster speed and better turning definitely beat it, as do most of the droid starfighters including the Vulture Droid starfighter. But what makes it perfect for that role, for the early Clone Wars is how it is designed and how it is used.

The V-19 excels at the medium range. When the droid starfighters swarm, a flight of these ships don't let them get close to the Venators and Acclimators they protect by hitting them with a barrage of blue lasers from decent range. As an escort starfighter, this ship and its laser cannons wouldn't let the enemy get close by hitting the droids before they could tear apart a defenseless Omicron shuttle or transport. It's maneuverable enough to dogfight with, and even if it can't match the turning rate of a Vulture droid, clone pilots can coordinate and work together using tactics to outsmart the droids and beat their numbers with cunning.

The V-19 plays on the strengths of the clone pilots. They work together to take down squadrons of Vulture droids and hit capital ships... or at least, that was the plan. This worked some of the time, but as with war, things change. Droid Tri-Fighters and the sheer number of droid starfighters likely accelerated the creation of the V-Wing, Z-95 and ARC-170. A lot of V-19s were shot down by the faster and more numerous droids, including the Vulture droids.

Moreso, I like the design of the V-19 Torrent and would love the opportunity to fly one and see one in a new Battlefront game. I'd love to get my hands on this starfighter, but outside of mods, it's not flyable aside from the LEGO version.

From the beginning, the GAR was unprepared for war, outnumbered but resolved and used coordination and steady fire to fight the CIS. The V-19, above all other Clone Wars-era Republic starfighters exemplifies this by having the same advantages and disadvantages of clone troopers on the ground. Its service continued even after the Clone Wars, and even Imperials respected the ship's service. Like the clones, even as they were being replaced by newer, less-deluxe models, the V-19 continued to serve no matter how difficult the job.

You can make better, faster and stronger starfighters than the V-19 Torrent, but you couldn't ever top it for style.

The suprise is how quickly they were phased away and replaced. But we don't see them in use by the Empires enemy's when the scrap yards should have been filled with them.

K-Wings for me. It's the ultimate Fuck You bomber.

Seriously, the craft is 90% ordinance

I have too many favorites, but I felt the V-19 needed some love so I gave it some.

What's a k-wing? This is the first time I have heard of it.

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