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It’s been a long time since I saw the sequel trilogy, but personally…I remember them being quite enjoyable. Even on that ground, though, I can see why they’ve been met with such a polarizing response. It’s for this reason alone that I’ve been interested in seeing each of the three films be given director’s cuts, because I’m sure whatever scene that wasn’t included, whether they’re an alternate of one that’s been presented or a scene that’d be essential for the story, would’ve made the sequels way better.

That being said, though…what would you guys like to see in director’s cuts of the three films? What are the elements that you believe could use some sprucing up or improvements?

Personally? Fleshing out the First Order and New Republic, especially as later materials showed that for instance, the NR tried to do something about Imperial Remnants and such

Obviously, I'd make Finn be the Main Character along with making another addition to the cast that'd fill in the Droid Niche left absent by the inclusion of C-3PO, only instead of being a Protocol Droid; this one would be a hybrid Assassin/Medic known as BX-D10/"Dee-Ten"/"Bex Dio": a surviving Clone Wars Era Commando Droid whose first owner was a renowned physician in the Outer Rim that worked with the civilian populace of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, first as a bodyguard and later as a lab assistant before finally becoming an effective Field Medic due to adjustments Bex made to his programming. How exactly is he a part of the new crew? Well as it turns out, Bexs' first owner was actually Poe Damerons' Grandfather, and as such Bex often refers to Poe as "Grandson" due to how close he was with The Damerons. As far as actors should go, I would recommend Tom Felton because the lad has some talent beyond just being cast as a Bully archetype. Also, if we are getting a Weasley to play as a Bad Guy in a Star Wars film; than I would want to see Draco Malfoy playing as a Good Guy!

What about the characters of Rey? Or Rose?

What would you do to improve them as characters?

Rey along with BB-8 and Jakku would be different: instead of the world being another boring desert planet, here it's an Imperial Penal Colony that has an Ionized atmosphere preventing outgoing ships from leaving the planets' surface. Rey is one of many children of those that got trapped on the planet: interestingly, both of her parents were Corellians that fought on different sides of the Galactic Civil War, only for them to join up when their ships went down. Among the wreckage of the Executor-Class her mother served aboard was BB-8, the 8th produced model of the BB-Series Astromechs that were meant to be prototypes to the modern models and as such do not possess certain hardware limitations that makes the Republic-owned BBs' vulnerable. Reys' father was able to make repairs to his personal ship: a Corellian YT-2000 that would serve as the primary ship that the group would be traveling in, along with telling Rey that she has an uncle who's still alive and is a major part of the Rebel Alliance and later the New Republic Navy; asking only for their ashes to be returned to Corellia where the two of them would be able to finally rest. It's here that Rey's family name is much more familiar to us:

Rey Antilles.

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