Anonymous in Equestria 2,279 members · 824 stories
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So here is what’s up I’m incapable of writing with out help I’m always been great at ideas but never writing for character because I’m a perfectionist if I feel I don’t got the character’s dialogue right and reaction well I just can’t but people keep telling me I can do it anyways here’s my dilemma anonpencil thinks I can do it but I can’t here is the link to the story idea

That's an interesting idea actually. :derpyderp2: You've got the opportunity to really explore what makes Discord tick, effectively seeing what created his moral compass.

You said you were a perfectionist, well, I'll let you in on a secret. FiMfiction doesn't want perfection. They want a story they can read and enjoy. It's okay for it to have little foibles here and there. As long as it's got good grammar, spelling and reads well, most people will like it. Just take a look at some of the stuff that gets down voted into oblivion, if you can do slightly better than that, you'll do fine. :twilightsmile:

I went back a while ago to look at my first story on here. The opening chapters were short, the characters were one dimensional and the story itself felt forced and simplistic, with no conflict to speak of. And yet despite all that. it still had a good ratio of up votes to down votes right from day one, and there were plenty of people commenting on how they liked the story. As an author, you are your own worst critic. What you think is terrible, most people will probably think that it could use a little editing. And what you think is just about okay, a lot of people may very well love. :raritystarry:

Hope this helps. :ajsmug:

This exactly.

I still say you can do it.

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