Anonymous in Equestria 2,279 members · 824 stories
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Hello everyone!

After reading tons of good stories with Anon in Equestria (read: binge-reading Flutterpriest and Anonpencil like the faggot I am) I wanted to try my hand at writing our favorite green character. But before I do that I thought I'd get some insight from some other users, because I honestly enjoy interacting with good users of fimfic.
Anyway, the story idea I have (can't say what it is, don't want it stolen, not necessary anyway) apparently hasn't been written as a story, it looks like the concept appears in chapters across several stories.

So why am I here: I need to know why people hate Anon so much, and I'm debating on whether I should use Anon or Femanon (that's her name apparently). The gender doesn't necessarily impact the story all that much (because it's a silly story) but I feel as though it would turn some people off. Plus I can make it with both versions of the character.

TL;DR I just need to understand Femanon/Anon's place in the fandom. Any help is appreciated :)

I call FemAnon ' Miscellaneous '. Or rather Miss Allaine Eous. Tee hee

Also the hate for Anon is from some people's opinion that Anon is blatant wish fulfillment and a way to be self inserting without really making an OC. Instead making a generic Blank slate in an Everyman Character.

HIE hate is mixed in there as well.

I say ignore it. The point of fanfiction is to write the stories you want to hear and if someone along the way likes it as well we can all get something out of it.

Anon isn't a character, he's a multi-purpose tool.

Need a jackass? Anon
Need a pervert? Anon
Need an emotional pussy? Anon

He can be whatever you want him to be, as long as he's still vague-ish. That's why most people dislike him; he's easy-mode. You don't have to make your own character and build their story from the ground up. IMO, Anon is great for oneshots or very short multi-chapter fics where backstory doesn't matter as much.

>But before I do that I thought I'd get some insight from some other users, because I honestly enjoy interacting with good users of fimfic.
Wait, why are you asking us, again..?

The 'hate' on Anon is basically a meme at this point. Those people exist, of course, but like sipioc said you shouldn't care much about them, the HiE and Anon haters are overlapping a lot IMO.
The difference between Anon and 90% of the named humans in HiE fics is minimal, to say the least. Anon isn't just 'that guy', you can make your own Anon.
It's really up to you to decide whether you pick Anon or not, but if you do people will 'know' who you're talking to, and surely expect stupidity from him and retarded shenanigans. Or something along these lines. But you can totally go the other way and make a 'Anon was a genius all along and takes control of the world' plot twist
If you write a 2nd person, you can also not give him a name, at all.
Femanon isn't totally the same tho, because there's barely any stories about her, so I don't expect people to complain about her the same way.

People also hate Anon because of his creation on 4chan, which people hate.

I have literally had people say "I don't go to 4chan, the place scares me" and stupid shit like that.

My advice? Don't worry about what people will hate, and make something that you love.

I didn't even know he got hated on!

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