Anonymous in Equestria 2,279 members · 824 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Yay/Nay/Why the fuck are you asking that question

Don't hurt my feelings none.

Who cares as long as the story is good.

Good change of pace from (YOU)

The point of Anon is to have identification to those that post greentext on 4chan. The character was exclusively made for a second person audience to put themselves in the shoes of Anon. That is why almost every single story begins with:

> be anon

With the only real variant of

> be femanon

Now we kind of know who and what Anon is, but he is super flexible. He is the everyman but can also rise up. He is super confident but also low self esteem. Suicidal but also happy.

People using Anon in a first or third person context are lazy. Anon is everyone so putting Anon in a story third person or first just has you try to eliminate building an actual, real character.

If you can replace Anon with Bill, Steve, Claire, Phil, or any other name, do so. Then actually create a character.

Hell I sometimes see Anon as something that is slightly lazy writing of second person stories. I have never used a name for the human apart from one nickname of "Marshal" because of status and rank.

Anon is great for memes, keeping a "4chan feel" and conversion of greentext.

Don't be lazy. Make an actual character.

I have no real objection to either. As long as the story makes sense and keeps my attention, everything's all good.

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