Shepard's Sunset

by BrowncoatBrony11

Chapter 9: Ardent Wants

Rainbow Dash and Applejack stood back to back guns at the ready as the scanned the battlefield for any sign of Sunset. “Where the hell is she?” Rainbow whispered.

“Ah don’t rightly know,” Applejack answered. “Why did ya have ta go and say that?”

“I didn’t mean to,” Rainbow turned to look at Applejack lowering her gun in the process. “It just slipped out.”

“Really? You sure you just didn’t want the She-demon to come out and play?” A sickly melodic voice said causing Rainbow to whip her head around. For a second she saw Sunset, without her helmet, standing close to Rainbow, her anger filled eyes glowing in the shade of her hair.

Before Rainbow could do much more than let out a startled gasp Sunset moved. A hard slap sent the gun in Rainbows hand skittering across the pavement. A punch to the gut doubled her over and the follow-up kick sent her stumbling into Applejack. They both collapsed to the ground in a tangle of limbs and curse words.

Applejack shoved Rainbow to the side and sat up to find Sunset had already disappeared again. “Dammit Dash!” Applejack said. Rainbow groaned in response, clutching her stomach. Applejack scowled and scrambled to her feet. “Where the hell are ya Sunset?!” She turned back and forth trying to find any hint of the rampaging girl’s whereabouts.

“Garrus call Liara and get the girls here especially Twilight,” Shepard said her eyes never leaving the screens as she searched for any signs of Sunset. An orange tint showed up on the screens as Garrus activated his omni-tool.

“Garrus?” Liara’s surprised voice filled the room. “What’s going on?

“Liara, are the girls nearby?” Garrus asked.

“Yes, they’re right here,” Liara responded.

Garrus launched into an explanation as Shepard turned to Solana, “Can you get me in there or shut it down.”

“I would have to shut it down to get you in there,” Solana said opening her own omni-tool.

“Shepard, I do not think that would be a wise course of action,” Sha’ira interjected.

“But we have to stop this- “

“SHE SAID WHAT!” Four voices combined into one blared out of Garrus’ omni-tool

“Right now she has a lot of pent-up emotions, letting her vent in a safe environment could be good for her,” Sha’ira said unfazed by the angry voices. “While not ideal, circumstances are such that it would do her more harm to stop her now and try and talk things out. Best case we can actually talk, worst case, she shuts down and continues to hold everything in till either she gets help or explodes somewhere people could get seriously hurt.”

“I can’t just stand around and do nothing,” Shepard gritted her teeth. “There’s got to be something we can do.”

Sha’ira placed a hand on Shepard’s shoulder, “We can get her friends here so they can do something. They have known her longer and will have more of an idea of what’s going on.”

Shepard exhaled sharply then turned to glare at the screen once more, “You’re right.” Before she could continue she caught a glimpse of something on the screens. Her eyes widened, “There she is!”

“Come on Sunset,” Applejack called as she slowly turned in place scanning the area. “We can talk this out I know we can.” A quick blow to the head sent the farm girls stumbling as she tried to regain her balance.

“You wanna talk,” Sunset advanced fist clenched at her sides as she growled out the next words. “Let’s talk.” She threw a kick at Applejack who barely scrambled out of the way in time.

“I know how your feelin’ Sunset- “Applejack was interrupted as Sunset’s fist connected with her helmet sending her to the ground.

“You don’t know shit!” Sunset yelled as she pinned Applejack and started raining blows down. “Just because your damn parents died in some stupid farming accident doesn’t mean you know anything about how. I. Feel!” The last blow missed and cracked the pavement. Sunset’s breath was heavy, her eyes wild and her mouth contorted into a snarl as she stared into frightened green eyes. She leaned close, her nose millimeters away from Applejack’s helmet. “I got to watch as my father, the stallion I thought was invincible, was carried back in pieces on the wings of his soldiers.” A deep chuckle reverberated through Sunset’s chest before turning into a high-pitched laugh. “And the best part, the real knife twist in the wound is that he still alive here. That in this world there lives a Sunset who didn’t go through any of that. Who is probably well adjusted and has friends who don’t abandon her at the drop of a Celestia damn hat.”

Applejack stared wide eyes at the girls above her. “Ah… Ah didn’t… Know,”

A mirthless crooked smile spread across Sunset’s face, “Of course you didn’t. I had to play the part didn’t I. The grief-torn repentant Sunset, scared of her own damn shadow.” A bark of laughter tore its way from Sunset. “And all because I wanted to belong. To have the one thing that’s been denied to me time and time again. That thing I had convinced myself I didn’t need.” She leaned once more over Applejack’s cowering figured. She was no longer laughing or scowling, “What was it you called me before Christmas?”

Applejack choked slightly as she spoke, “Fa-family.” Applejack looked away from the piercing teal eyes above her.

“And we both know that isn’t true is it?” Sunset said.

A sudden shout drew Sunset’s attention. A rainbow-colored blur was all she noticed before being tackled off Applejack. Rainbow had buried her head, now without a helmet, into Sunset’s shoulder driving her into the ground. A snarl escaped Sunset’s lip as she tried to throw Dash off to no avail. Dash had latched onto her arm and had her legs wrapped around Sunset’s taking them out of the fight. Sunset tried hitting Dash with her other arm, but it didn’t do much more than cause the clinging girl to use her other arm to block the blows.

“Sunset stop,” Rainbow said her voice only slightly muffled by Sunset’s shoulder.

“Why should I!”

“Because you and I both know you don’t want this.”

Sunset faltered for a second before renewing her attempt to rid herself of Dash, “You don’t know- “

“Bullshit I don’t know,” Rainbow peeked an eye to look at Sunset. “You’re my best friend Sunset.”

Sunset scoffed, “Right cause ‘best friends’ always abandon each other.”

“I fucked up!” Rainbow yelled as she ducked again to avoid a fist. “We all made a big ass mistake. I betrayed you, I betrayed myself.”

“This isn’t about you!” Another blow smacked against Rainbow’s arm.

No, it’s about all of us,” Rainbow’s eye peeked out again. “We care Sunset. We won’t lose you again.”

“Shut up!” Sunset bellowed. Her magic flared, red flames licked up her arms as she heaved Rainbow off and sent her flying. Rainbow tumbled through the air managing to land on her feet for a moment. She stumbled, trying to gain her footing before falling on her back.

Sunset leaped after her, flames crawling across her body. Rainbow’s eyes widened, and she rolled out of the way as Sunset’s fist landed where her head had been. Rolling to her feet Rainbow covered her head with her arms as Sunset tried to land a punch.

“Sunset,” Rainbow said trying to get the girl’s attention. All she got in return was a growl and another punch. “Sunset, come on I know you don’t really want this.” Rainbow ducked as Sunset’s fist flew by again. “You’re hurt I know. And I know we caused some of the hurt, but this isn’t about us is it.”

“Shut. Up.” Sunset yelled again lashing out with a kick that barely missed Rainbow as she continually backed away.

“We’re not going to leave you again, let us help.”

“You can’t, you have no idea- “

“Yes, we can,” Rainbow felt her back touch something behind her. She had back herself into a wall. “No one gets left behind, you’re fa- “

Rainbow was cut off as Sunset punched her stomach causing the air in her lungs to escape. “Don’t. Say. It.”

“Fa- Family,” rainbow managed to gasp out.

Sunset roared, slamming Rainbow back against the wall. “We are not family!”

“Why- not,” rainbow said between breaths. “Because we made a mistake? Or because you think you still don’t deserve it?” Sunset threw a wild punch that Rainbow ducked under, wrapping an arm around Sunset’s and dragging it with her as she stepped behind the redhead. “Family doesn’t give up, so this is me. Not giving up.” She released Sunset and backed up giving the girl room as she spun around so they were facing each other again. “If you need more proof then my word, well then here you go,” Rainbow spread her arms and looked directly into the malice filled eyes across from her. “I’m not fighting you anymore. I won’t fight my best friend, my sister in everything but blood. So, go ahead, hit me.”

Rainbow didn’t flinch as Sunset roared again. She didn’t flinch when Sunset propelled herself to her. She didn’t flinch as Sunset’s fist flew toward her face and stopped just before reaching its target. Her eyes stayed locked with Sunset’s, watching as the anger melted away to be replaced with sorrow. Sunset collapsed, and Rainbow moved to catch her.

The two girls held each other as Sunset started crying slow tears, which devolved into body racking sobs. Rainbow said nothing as Sunset cried, simply holding the girl tight. Finally, as Sunset’s sob started to die down she spoke, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry we weren’t there before, that we didn’t help you sooner.”

Sunset hiccupped as she spoke, “I wouldn’t have let you. I didn’t think that’s what you guys wanted.”

“We would have helped, I would have helped,” Rainbow tightened her hug. “You’re like a big sister to all of us now. Hell, you keep pinkie in line better than any of us.” They both shared a chuckle at that. “But you don’t have to be strong all the time. Let us carry some of that, and if you can’t then let us carry you instead.”

“I… Can’t be alone again,” Sunset mumbled into Rainbow’s shoulder.

“And you won’t be,” Rainbow’s body glowed slightly as pulled away from the hug to look into Sunset’s eyes. Wing’s sprouted from her back, and furry eyes poked their way through her hair. “Element of Loyalty remember. I already failed that once, I won’t do that again.”

Sunset’s eyes widened, “Rainbow! You powered up!”

“What?” Rainbow’s wings flared, and her eyes widen as well as she felt them move. ” What the hell?” She stood and twisted trying to get a look at her wings. “I thought it only happened when we,”

“Played music? So, did I,” Sunset narrowed her eyes and stood to walk around Rainbow. “And it should have faded by now. Our pony traits don’t stick around this long after we’ve finished playing.”

“Sunset?” Fear infected Rainbow’s voice.

“Come on let’s go find Twilight.”

It didn’t take long to find Twilight as Liara and the girls had found their way to sim rooms and were waiting for them. The first thing that happened as Sunset, Rainbow, and Applejack entered the room was Rarity striding up to Rainbow and slapping her hard across the face leaving an imprint of a hand on Rainbow’s face.

“How dare you,” Rarity shrieked in Rainbow face. “How dare you say such things when you know how sensitive Sunset is.”

“Geez Rares where did that come from,” Rainbow held her cheek.

Rarity’s cheeks puffed out, “You know perfectly well where that came from. I have half a mind to get in that simulator and kick your ass myself!”

"Woah, hey,” Rainbow backed away, raising her hands. “I’ve already had my ass kicked enough as it is.”

“A little help here?” Sunset called out waving an arm from underneath a mound of pink hair.

There was squeak as Fluttershy popped out of the hair blushing heavily, “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry Sunset I didn’t mean to- “

Sunset waved her hand dismissively as she tried to sit up with Pinkie still clinging to her, “Flutters it’s fine no harm done.”

“Yeah seriously, Fluts it’ll take a lot more than you and Pinkie to even give her a scratch,” Rainbow said with a smirk. “Where’d you even learn to fight like that?”

Sunset opened her mouth to respond but was beaten by Twilight, “That’s Royal Guard Training, isn’t it? It seems similar to some of the tactics I saw my brother practicing.”

Both Shepard and Garrus perked up at hearing that as Sunset nodded her head a sheepish smile on her face, “Yeah my dad taught me a few things and I would get help from his squad occasionally.”

“His squad must have been kickass then,” Rainbow said as she walked over to Sunset a wild smile stretched across her face. “Seriously I haven’t been beaten that bad since I started taking some lessons as a kid. We gotta do that again sometime.”

Sunset grimaced, “Yeah, maybe.” Sunset turned to Twilight. “What do you think about Rainbows change?”

Twilight frowned and walked over to Rainbow, “I don’t know. I have a few ideas off the top of my head, nothing solid though” Twilight walked around Rainbow examining her from top to bottom. “The magic seems to have faded now.” She gasped and looked over to the unfamiliar asari in the room.

Sha’ira lifted up her hand and offered Twilight a small smile, “Do not worry Princess Sparkle. Shepard has informed me of your true nature as well as Sunsets. I know to keep it a secret and I am rather good at that.” Her eyes twinkled as her smile widen. “I would not have very many clients if I was not.”

Both Sunset and Twilight breathed a sigh of relief as Shepard stepped over to the group, “Well, after that bit of excitement I think we should get something to eat before heading back.”

“Shepard if you don’t mind I’d like a quick word with miss Shimmer,” Sha’ira’s hand were clasped behind her back and her smile was gone.

Shepard raised an eyebrow then glanced to Sunset, “That’s up to her.”

Eyes wide Sunset looked between Shepard and Sha’ira. At Shepard’s approving nod she rubbed the back of her neck and spoke, “Uh, I think I’d be fine with that.”

“Wonderful,” Sha’ira said with a smile as she turned to Shepard, “We won’t be long. You could wait right outside then your group could get something to eat once we are done.” Shepard nodded and with the help of the three other adults in the room corralled the six teens out the door. After a quick hug from Twilight, Sunset was left alone with Sha’ira.

The asari gestured to a couch against the far wall across from the screen. “Let’s sit while we talk, it will probably be more comfortable,” She said as she sat on the couch.

Sunset’s eyes flicked from Sha’ira to the couch before she sighed and sat down on the other side of the couch. She folded her hand together and crossed her legs in a similar fashion to Sha’ira. The then stared at each other.

This was the first time Sunset had gotten a good look at the asari, and she looked old. At least old for an asari which was still young looking for most other species. But the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes and mouth gave her away. Her eyes were deep pools of blues that bored into Sunset’s. They didn’t seem to be looking at her but through her into her very soul.

After a moment Sunset’s huffed and turned her head away as she blew a strand of hair from her face, “So are we actually going to talk or just stare at each other?”

The sound of Sunset’s voice broke Sha’ira out of her thought. She smiled, her wrinkles nearly disappearing, at the teen across from her. “I do apologize. It seems as I grow older, the easier it becomes to lose myself in my thoughts.”

“You’re not the only one,” Sunset rolled her eyes. “I know my old mentor would often stop to think about something or another.”

“The curse of old age,” Sha’ira leaned forward her eyes twinkling. “I truly hope you get to experience it one day.”

“Can we get to the point?” Sunset said sharply. “I’d really like to get back to my friends.”

Sha’ira’s eyes widened before she started chuckling, “You are a lot like her you know.”

“Who? The other Sunset?” A glare was shot in Sha’ira’s direction.

“No,” Sha’ira shook her head. “You are a lot like Shepard.”

“Wha…What?” Sunset’s eyes widened in surprise even as Sha’ira nodded.

“When I first met Shepard- “Sha’ira leaned back into the couch. “- She was very focused on everything but me. Looking back, I know the reasons why, but it was very off-putting. Our conversations were short and to the point, and she’d be rushing off to the next thing she had to do.” She sighed a frown flitting across her face. “Not many treated me with such irreverence. Most came to me for wisdom or guidance or other… relaxations.”

“I’m sorry if I’m being rude,” Sunset stared at her hands. “I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”

Sha’ira waved am arm in a dismissive gesture, “Don’t apologize. I understand why.” She quirked an eyebrow. “To be honest I find it refreshing to be treated as such like I’m just another person.”

Sunset snorted, “Now you sound like my old teacher.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Sha’ira tilted her head. “Tell me Sunset, do you believe in destiny?”

Sunset’s head snapped up and she stared at the asari, “Um I don’t know.” Sunset looked at the door the girls had just walked through seemingly staring through it. “I did at one point. I thought I was destined for something great. I was wrong. Now? I don’t think it matters.” She looked back at Sha’ira her brow furrowed, “Why are you asking me this?”

Sha’ira hummed in thought before she spoke. “I asked nearly everyone I meet that question at one point or another. I find it reveals much about them. I find that those that do truly believe in destiny to be arrogant or hopeless. And those that don’t, lost in their own meanderings as they try and fill their life with meaning.” Sha’ira leaned forward like she was about to tell a secret. “Do you want to know what Shepard’s answer was?” At Sunset’s nod, she continued. “She didn’t care. Well- “Sha’ira tilted her head back as she remembered something. “-Her exact quote was ‘I’m too busy trying to save the galaxy to be worried about something as useless as destiny, though with a few more colorful choices in words.”

Sunset’s face betrayed her as she tried and failed not to smile. “So, what you believe about destiny?”

Sha’ira considered Sunset for a moment. “I believe… that destiny isn’t a path chosen for you. But a path you chose.”

“Everything’s a choice, right?” Sunset huffed at that. “I don’t know if I fully believe that.” Again, she looked towards the door.

Sha’ira tilted her head, “To each their own I suppose.” She smiled again, “Now I think I’ve kept you from your friend long enough.” She stood, and Sunset did the same.

“Yeah we should get going,” Sunset said taking a few long strides to the door.

“I do want to say one more thing,” Sha’ira’s words halt Sunset just as she was going to open the door. “You hear many things in my line of work. And I fear you and your friends may be dragged into the middle of old conflicts.”

Sunset turned, “Well, unless it the reapers again I think we can handle it.” The doors opened, and Sunset walked through leaving Sha’ira to her thoughts.

Sha’ira sighed, “I truly hope so.”

On a small space station orbiting a dead planet, lightyears away from earth, a man stood in front of a large console and screen. Various images and documents flashed across his vision. A woman stood behind him in a suit and skirt a large mass of hair barely contained in a hair band she wore.

“And how goes the training of group C,” The man asked short and curt voice. His eyes never left the screen as he stood and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter.

“They are on schedule, sir,” The woman said. Her voice was deep and sultry, and she carried herself with confidence as she stepped closer to the man.

“Good and the test subject?”

“He has proven more than capable of handle unenhanced. Even those with biotics are little challenge to him,” A smirk spread across the woman’s face. “He is also quite vicious. It’s exciting to watch him work.”

“How soon will they all be ready?”

“A few weeks at most,” She tilted her head in thought. “We could shorten that time frame if you wish.”

The man finally lit his cigarette. He took a deep draw then blew out the smoke into the screens, “No the time frame is good. We have all the time we need to do this right, so we will.”

A crooked smile stretched across the woman’s face, “As you wish.”