• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
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Player 4

Writing days are probably over...

More Blog Posts26

  • 10 weeks
    Throwback to my most recent story

    As of today, the last time I published a fanfic was exactly two years ago. It's a sad anniversary for sure, but I figured I would bring up this story because I would imagine many of you on here don't know about it. It was published on DeviantArt rather than Fimfiction, and I did say in a past blog post that I had joined DA, but I never directly linked this story back when it was made:

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    0 comments · 49 views
  • 22 weeks
    I haven’t left Fimfiction, but…

    Hi everyone, Player 4 here. If you didn’t expect to hear from me again here on Fimfiction, well, I don’t blame you. In my blog about retiring from writing stories (which is still my most recent blog post before this one, ugh), I did say that I would continue to be an active member through forum discussions and whatnot.

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    3 comments · 179 views
  • 89 weeks
    I didn't want to, but I think I've quit writing...

    Hey, everyone.

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    5 comments · 358 views
  • 119 weeks
    I'm on DeviantArt now!

    Hello followers, there is now another place where you can find creations from me! Just yesterday, I chose to become a member of the one and only DeviantArt. Link to my account: https://www.deviantart.com/player4yellow

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  • 121 weeks
    Something Special

    Happy Hearts and Hooves Day and happy birthday to the collab story Something Sparkling! Yes, Captain_Cosmos and I did publish that story on February 14, 2021!

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    3 comments · 250 views

I didn't want to, but I think I've quit writing... · 1:50am Sep 26th, 2022

Hey, everyone.

I unfortunately have to make the announcement that, while it goes against my desires, I'm likely done writing stories on this site. :fluttercry: I don't have the spark in me to do it anymore. For a long time now, I've usually been going about my days without thinking about the activity, I rarely come up with new story ideas, and all of my attempts at writing were struggles that resulted in very little progress. That's why you don't see chapter updates from me anymore.

In fact, I don't even read on here nearly as much as I used to. Those sessions of me dabbling around on Fimfiction for many hours every night have just... stopped happening.

And I hate it. Like, this isn't happening because I don't care about writing anymore. This isn't happening because I'm not a brony anymore. It's anything but that. I have so much passion for fan-made MLP literature, and the idea of never writing all these story ideas I have hurts so much, that I honestly feel like I'm grieving right now. But maybe it isn't really a matter of choice.

What I mean by that is, I've tried to analyze the reasons for this sharp decline in Fimfiction activity from me, and while it would be a lot to explain, the basis is that times have changed. I think my writing output fed off of my lifestyle being a certain way; it clearly declined as things became more and more different. I saw patterns when I did the analysis.

In particular, there was the factor of me growing to experience writing as more frustrating than fun, which was spearheaded by one night in May 2021 where things went... bad. Right after that is when the amount of words I published sharply dropped. (We can discuss this with more detail in the comments if you want; I'm just trying to not make this blog super long.)

I'm timing this announcement for today because it marks one full year since Secret of the Pies got a new chapter. Yep, I last updated it on September 25, 2021. And with Human's Trial Friendship Trip coming close to the year mark as well with me showing no signs of returning to work on any of my stories, I think we're at the point where I can say it's over. I tried to wait and see, but now, if it's been this long, I truly believe it's a lost cause.

Or, to put it another way, readers wouldn't feel too optimistic about a story getting updated when it's been a year, right? I doubt it. Especially when it's not just that story. I've published absolutely nothing since May 2, 2022. Basically, I'm done pretending to be an active, working author when I'm not. I might as well just make it official.

Note that I won't be deleting any of my stories or leaving the site. I will still participate in forum discussions, talk to people in DMs, likely read a story or two sometimes, etc. My activity with those things may be less frequent than it used to be, but at least for now, I have reasons to stay here, so this isn't goodbye. Feel free to message me, since I'll continue to check for notifications. I deeply wish I wasn't making this announcement, so if you think you can help me salvage my writing abilities, I would absolutely welcome that.

Currently, though, my gut is telling me this career is no more, so if that's true, I'm sorry, everyone. I'll never forget those days where creating pony stories for all of you, and reading your stories, was a big staple of my life. Such a fun time that I can't believe was taken away from me. Feeling so sad tonight...

Comments ( 5 )

It’s okay, I understand. If you need to talk, you could always PM me. Just make sure you take care of yourself first. That is what matters.

I know we talked about this in DMs and on VC, but I just wanna say here publicly that I'm sorry and I hope your inspiration comes back one day. I was really looking forward to collabing with you on a story, and I love the work you've already made. You're a good writer, and the world you've helped me build with our OCs proves that, along with your catalog here on FimFic.

I'm always a text away, buddy. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.

If I could offer any advice, don't try and force yourself. Writing should be fun before anything else, so if it's not fun anymore, there's nothing wrong with stopping. And don't think that your desire to write might never come back, because it might! Or it might not, which is ok too. If it means anything, I love the stories you did, and I hope you're doing alright

Thanks for the comment. I think I agree with you on that first point and I haven't tried to force out any writing since this blog was posted, though I do sure hope the passion comes back someday. As for if I'm doing alright, it varies day-by-day

Funny thing I should stumble upon this...
You did well.
One of my stories has also not been updated for about a year.
Supposedly, for even longer...
But how is a year a long time?
You can do it. I can do it.
We just have to make writing fun again!
We have come to realise: writing is not easy.
Writing sounds less appealing nowadays, than it did before...
But with a bit of outlining... and a bit of outweighing the undesirable effects of the process with the undesirable effects of not writing...
Player 4!
I think, we can make it!
So it sounds less appealing! Why?
Because of how your expectations don't line up with reality? With how actually uneasy it is to create perfect stories?..
So: advice I got from the best.
Ease it.
When you are writing, you're getting the words onto the paper... hard drive... whatever...
When you are waiting for a moment... Well, writing becomes unnecessarily complicated. Becomes not so easy any more...
Thus it becomes... less appealing.
You lose resolve...
Maybe, it even sounds intimidating.
Some people have confessed they feel fear...
Well, I'd never!
But I have myself waited... for an opportunity.
It wouldn't come, though.
Get messy. Be messy. Create chapters and entire stories!
As you are done -- edit them and polish! Now you have text to work with! Now you have something you could show! Now you may say to yourself: "Nope, that idea is bad..."
Now you have written things you can delete!
Before you had nothing to delete, because you'd nothing written.
So were you worried? That it wouldn't be good without you preparing mentally to write?..
Well, it's been creating a problem.
And this is how to fix it.
Stop worrying. Start writing. Proceed with revising. Cut bad parts out. Review, edit and correct. Then publish.
Not envision your final results before writing them. It's proven not to work.
Produce instead results before perfecting them!
So: are you expecting they'll turn out bad?
Then say to yourself: yes, I'll create a monstrosity, which I'll later fix and improve. Nothing bad will happen, if I create bad chapters in private...
I heard that from the best. They wouldn't lie.


Well, if that's not enough, then here's another one.
Create a schedule and stick to it.
If need be, enter a live writing session.
They say, accountability helps to motivate.
When you are not accountable, it's easy for you to say: sounds intimidating... don't wanna get to writing...
But when you have someone you are willing to assign as your "superior", so to speak... you can make yourself become better.
Again, heard that from the best. They won't lie!

With that -- best regards, Player 4!
Hopefully, we can persevere!

Signing out,

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