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OP Omni God-Emperor Doom

I like OP protagonists, Sci-fi games, xenophilia ponies that loves Badass Humans, or Alien Heroes/Anti-Heroes.

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New commission story idea. Hopefully, it won't be ignored. · 7:49am Jan 20th, 2022

Ssssooooooooo, I can't seem to get this out of my head recently. And sadly, I still ain't good enough to write it out as a good story yet. :pinkiesad2:

But, I could probably commissioned it to one of you guys and gals. So thanks.

So here's my idea;

It will start off as a "regular" Anon-A-Miss story, at first. But immediately starts in the aftermath of it.

( The setting will set in December 2014, where the original comic was made. Plus, going back to 2014 will have a huge significant behind it. Considering that something BIG is gonna happened somewhere between November/December 2015. And will go on up to the present 2022. )

And I will set Canterlot City somewhere in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Don't know why Pennsylvania? ( Maybe because I seen other authors did it too, and read that other people confirm that it might be the right location and "correct" State to put in? Plus, it is coincidencely near Washington D.C. or to New York for example. )

Anyway, instead of forgiving them right away ( The CMC and Rainbooms ), Sunset was absolutely livid and is rightfully pissed. She gave them all a ear full of curses, and flipped them off.

Then after that, Sunset decided to run away, to cool herself off. Then she stops at a street bridge over a frosty lake. She is rethinking about her life, and how despite her trying to follow Twilight's teachings about friendship, redemption, and "forgiveness".

Her own "friends" DIDN'T give her a benefit of a doubt, and Applejack LIED that she was "family" to her?! And they all just accuse her without solid proof or anything. And what's worse, the real culprits were their own sisters, and they all did out of of stupid jealousy?!

( Guess they didn't learn their lessons on Good Communication Skills last time; Back when she was a bullying jerk, and have easily tricked the Human Five to hate each other. At least she covered her tracks, unlike the CMC did. Guess it runs in their idiotic, tiny brained families, huh?! )

After thinking that she has nothing left to lose. And that going back to Equestria is just nothing but moot.

( Because one; Twilight will probably keep begging her to reconsider forgiving her former friends. And even though Twilight has a good heart. Earth ISN'T like Equestria. And some things aren't that easily forgiven. And two; Sunset still thinks that she doesn't deserve Celestia's forgiveness, and she also doesn't want to open more wounds. So that's why she is doing this right now. She can't deal with it all anymore. 😥 )

And before she jumps, she hopefully wished that in the next life. Her new friends/"family" will fully understand her pain, hopefully have similar backgrounds like her, just so she can be sympathetic, and not be teased all the time. And they will all be loyal to the bitter end. Even in dire life and death situations like those action/war dramas on T.V., Movies, Video Games, and Books. That's real companionship, despite the lethal dangers in the T.V., movies, video games, and books!

( She has no idea that her "wish" is a lot closer than she thinks. )

And so, just when she is about to do the "terrible deed". A driving car was passing by ( Who is coincidencely going to where Washington D.C. is ), but immediately screech to a halt.


Then out came a man with a foreign accent is telling her to don't jump. Sunset was actually a little shocked that somebody does care about her. But, she still thinks that person will change their mind and leave her, just like them. But, the man ( with surprising reflexes ) stop her in her tracks. And immediately hugs and tell her that everything is alright, and that suicide ISN'T for her, or for everybody for that matter.

And luckily for her, he is a professional Psychological Advisor, and he will help her with her issues and all of that. And after Sunset finally gives out her tears, and starts regretting for almost wasting her own life right now. She finally sees the kindful man for the first time. She first sees that he looks like he is from a Indian descent.

He is finally then introduced himself to her. His professional name is Dr. Harishva Pandey

But for now, you can call him Harry.

Coming soon ( Hopefully ):

Part 1: Pathfinders and Years 1-2.

Part 2: Years 3-4.

Part 3: Years 5-6.

Part 4: Year 7, Extraction, and Year 8!

"What are Nighthaven's TRUE 'loyalists'"?

"And what are the White Mask's final "Game Plan"! ( Two out of the these three, are very severe high level threats against BOTH Worlds of Humanity on Earth, and the entire inhabitants of Equis/Equestria entirely!!!! )

What do you think?

2023 Edit: I edited some of it here. Because there is another Season out here. Season 8/Year 8!

Comments ( 4 )

I say go for it, sound like an interesting idea😀

If you haven't found anyone to do this for you, I've got the time to do it. :pinkiehappy:


Edit: Don't comment back yet. Because my stupid tablet is not working.

You serious!? :pinkiegasp:

Do you at least know the lore/history of Rainbow Six Siege? Because trust me, they're a lot of characters ( Operators ), their backstories, etc.. Not to mention, it's Seven Seasons and spin-off of a zombie game called Extraction.

I'm serious. And I don't know it, but I can do my research. :twilightsmile:

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