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Meet The Mares: Feathermay · 12:03am Sep 2nd, 2021

There’s only so much that can go into a story, especially one with as many characters as 16 has. So I’m opening the floor to asking these characters questions. Post your reply with any questions you have and Feathermay will be happy to answer them (I’ll be editing this blog to add those questions). I’ll be posting the other characters in the coming weeks (up through Snowcatcher; the rest will come after their chapters are posted).

Interview subject #5: Feathermay

Source: https://www.deviantart.com/lululunabuna/art/MLP-Feather-May-again-846493089

Cutie mark?

Source: http://mlpfimroleplay.wikia.com/wiki/File:Feathermay's_Cutie_Mark.png

Favorite color?

Yellow. No, make that blue. Green? Red. Purple maybe.

You were on the very first busload of ponies brought to the consulate the day the portal opened. Is that correct?

Yup, that was me riding on the bus instead of in it!

Relationship status?

I have a long distance relationship with my coltfriend, Swiftspeed. I only met him a month before coming to Earth. I considered staying in Equestria, but that wouldn’t further my goals.

And those goals are…?

Cataloguing all of Earth’s birds and bringing back breeding pairs of as many as I can.

You’re aware that most of Earth’s birds have already been documented by ornithologists?

I found that out after crossing the portal. Worse, the overlap in species is nearly 100%. I have yet to find a single bird we don’t have back home, though there are some we have in Equestria that you don’t, because ponies haven’t driven so many species into extinction.

So my whole purpose for coming here is moot. Now I want to go back to Equestria and breed sustainable populations of species that are extinct here, then reintroduce them to Earth.

Favorite part of living on Earth?

There are parakeets here in New Jersey. Members of the parrot family don’t normally survive in the wild this far north, but they seem to be surviving really well. But they’re considered ‘pests’ by the state* so I can’t keep any as pets. Stupid laws. The birds aren’t the problem, it’s the politicians who are pests!

*Because of monk parakeets' listing as an agricultural pest, the U.S. states of California, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Wyoming, as well as Western Australia outlaw sale and ownership. -Wikipedia

What’s your favorite song? Specifically, your favorite song that our audience on Earth might know?

Up Where We Belong by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes.

Favorite bands?

The Eagles and Owl City.

Do you have a favorite television show?

I’m partial to nature documentaries. I really like Nat Geo Wild.

Favorite movie?

Chicken Little. It’s a Disney movie from 2005, and I…

Feathermay’s phone rings.

Hold on, I’ve been expecting this call. It’s very important. Is this Rachel? Hi! I’ve been waiting for you to call back. Yes! I absolutely want to get the extended warranty. My name’s May. M-A-Y, like the month. Last name is Feather. It’s a 1963 Studebaker Lark Daytona Wagonaire. Hello? Hello?

The call dropped. Again! This is the third time! They don’t even make Studebakers anymore so I really need that warranty.

May Feather? I have you down as Feathermay. Is that incorrect?

‘Feathermay’ is my Earth name. But pony names don’t really work well with human naming conventions. So ‘May Feather’ sounds closer to a human name than ‘Feathermay’. Technically, [my name]* translates to ‘She Who Has the Brightest Feathers of Late Spring’ but that’s really long. May is late spring, and I kept the feather part. I was debating calling myself ‘Bright Feather’ or ‘Spring Feather’, but I liked Feathermay best.

*Feathermay pronounced her name here, but the English language doesn’t have letters that can convey the sound of her Equestrian name.

What do you miss about Equestria?

Everything. I’m homesick. I was so in a hurry to leave that I really didn’t know what to do once I got here. Now I just want to go home. I needed to get out of the little village I grew up in, but I think I’d be happier in an Equestrian city than a human one.

Do you really have a 1963 Studebaker?

Why wouldn’t I? I was debating between that or an AMC Eagle, a Ford Falcon, Suzuki Swift, or a Studebaker Hawk. I was gonna go with the Swift, ‘cause that’s my coltfriend’s name, but then I saw the roof on the Wagonaire slides and that was just way too cool! Plus, I can fit all my chicken cages in here and the Suzuki Swift is too tiny.

Source: AlwaysDressesInStyle

Dan: Have you read The Happy Prince by Wilde, or seen the classic animation?

I have not. I'll add it to my watch list!

Snowliasion: Favorite colleague you bird loving chicken caretaker? Also how is Nadine?

It was Bifröst, but she left a while ago and got replaced by Lulu Luck. Now I’d say my bestie is Honeybuzz. Everybody jokes about the birds and the bees when we hang out, but I don‘t get it.

Nadine's doing pretty good! She's one of my best layers.

Emil: What was the favorite food/drink that you discovered on human-Earth?

I’d have to say corn nuggets. Maybe mozzarella sticks or breaded broccoli. We have fried foods in Equestria, but humans have taken it to a whole new level.

Dan: Have you seen any of Hayao Miyazaki's works, you kawaii meganeko?

Actually, yes! I’ve seen Kiki’s Delivery Service. Very cute movie!

Spamotron: Rumor has it that magic makes Equestrian animals much smarter than their Earth counterparts. To the point that some are fully sapient citizens. Do you have any concern that your plan to bring over birds that are extinct here could have serious consequences? For example, the lack of ambient magic could make each generation dumber. Which is a fate I wouldn’t wish on any creature. Or if they retain their intelligence and radically reshape the ecosystems they’re introduced to by acting nothing like the lost birds they replace.

Your concern is valid. Wild turkeys are quite clever. Domesticated turkeys, on the other hoof, are dumb enough to drown because they look up when it’s raining to see what hit them on the head. As you can imagine, that doesn’t sit well with me.

The consequences are unknown and we won’t know until we try. There’s another obstacle to contend with: animals being brought across the portal are subjected to a ninety-day quarantine. As much as I’d like to, I can’t cross the portal and bring back a dozen mating pairs of a species and let them run wild. I’d be in a lot of trouble if I did that. At least I would be according to Ploomette, once she found out what I was planning on doing. Any action taken to reintroduce extinct or extirpated creatures back to their native range will require approval of local and national authorities.

Dan: Are you by chance familiar with the music of the late Ennio Morricone? He specialized in using instruments and voices to imitate bird and animal calls. Would any of your little friends be willing to cooperate for a concert of his works?

I’m not familiar with him. As for concerts, I don’t know. I’ve never asked my avian buddies to do that, but they’ve joined me when I’m singing, so it’s possible?

penguincascadia: What do you think of New York City's population of wild parrots?

I’m a big fan, of course! I love seeing all kinds of birds, and it bothers me that the state classifies monk parakeets as ‘pests’ so I can’t keep any at the hotel, or I totally would! I understand that they’re a nonnative invasive species that outcompetes the local species, but let’s be honest here. The ‘native’ species are mostly introduced species that have already replaced the truly native species. The other argument is they’re damaging to crops. Edgewater is across the river from New York City. What crops?

PonyFanaticGal: What is your most-likely go-to flying vehicle? Such as helicopters, airplanes, or hot air balloon?

Hot air balloon. I'm not fond of most technology. My first time on a bus was literally spent riding on top of the bus... That wouldn't end so well with either an airplane or a helicopter. To be honest I'm a bit of a klutz, and I can fly out of a balloon if I need to. That's not as easy in other aircraft.

ZimFanaticGal: On an unrelated question, do you like this pic I made of you? I made it for my little brother, as he likes Feathermay a lot.

Oh my gosh! You drew a picture of me! It’s wonderful! Your brother likes me? But I’m just a normal mare. There’s nothing special about me, but please tell him that he has good taste! I’m very flattered! What a dynamic action pose!

ZimFanaticGal: What bird that went extinct on Earth would you want to save if you're able to? Mine is the Dodo.

Would it be cheating to say 'all of them'?

If I could only bring back one species from extinction, I'd like it to be a dinosaur. Dinosaurs excite people more than avian birds do. I think that if one were to successfully reintroduce a dinosaur to today's world, it would result in a lot of publicity and likely an influx of new investors. It's the kind of thing that would get noticed, and with those accolades comes the opportunity to bring back more creatures from extinction. I'd probably start with a sauropod like Brontosaurus or Diplodocus to make a big splash. Also, because people often forget that birds are dinosaurs, and a 90-foot long sauropod is about as different from a hummingbird as you can get.

Comments ( 39 )
Dan #1 · Sep 2nd, 2021 · · ·

Have you read The Happy Prince by Wilde, or seen the classic animation?


Added to the blog! Thank you as always for the question!

Well you know the drill, favorite colleague you bird loving chicken caretaker? Also how is Nadine?

I should ask this for all the 16: What was the favorite food/drink that you discovered on human-Earth?

Dan #5 · Sep 2nd, 2021 · · ·

Have you seen any of Hayao Miyazaki's works, you kawaii meganekko?

The joys of flying is a major theme throughout his corpus. Also, flying cars actually do exist and have for a century. They're called autogyros. Commonly, if incorrectly called "gyrocopters." Not sure what kind of warranty protections you might get on one, if they're even legal in your state.


It was Bifröst, but she left a while ago and got replaced by Lulu Luck. Now I’d say my bestie is Honeybuzz. Everybody jokes about the birds and the bees when we hang out, but I don‘t get it.

Nadine's doing pretty good! She's one of my best layers.

This has been added to the blog as well, and as always, thank you for the question!


I’d have to say corn nuggets. Maybe mozzarella sticks or breaded broccoli. We have fried foods in Equestria, but humans have taken it to a whole new level.

I'll go in and edit this question into the previous interviews. This answer has been added to the blog as well. Thank you for the question!


Actually, yes! I’ve seen Kiki’s Delivery Service. Very cute movie!

That goes for the author, too. Prior to this year I could count the number of animes I'd seen on one hand, but amazingly, that was one of them. This has been added to the blog as well, and as always, thank you for the question!


Edited answers into all previous interviews!

Not a question for her, since it looks like she doesn't know, but I'm guessing those calls keep "dropping" because the warranty people hear "1963 car from a company that went out of business decades ago" and reply, or rather don't, "Nope!"?

Oh, and these interview things continue to be fun, I think; thanks. :)


You would be correct! Poor Feathermay's rather naïve, so she doesn't realize that it's a spam call in the first place. :raritywink:

Rumor has it that magic makes Equestrian animals much smarter than their Earth counterparts. To the point that some are fully sapient citizens. Do you have any concern that your plan to bring over birds that are extinct here could have serious consequences? For example the lack of ambient magic could make each generation dumber. Which is a fate I wouldn’t wish on any creature. Or if they retain their intelligence and radically reshape the ecosystems they’re introduced to by acting nothing like the lost birds they replace.

...Yeah, I had no idea it was a spam call either. :D
Well, I'm laughing about it now, so yay? :D


You don't get the car extended warranty spam calls? Oh gosh, those are the only kind of spam calls I get. :twilightangry2:


Your concern is valid. Wild turkeys are quite clever. Domesticated turkeys, on the other hoof, are dumb enough to drown because they look up when it’s raining to see what hit them on the head. As you can imagine, that doesn’t sit well with me.

The consequences are unknown and we won’t know until we try. There’s another obstacle to contend with: animals being brought across the portal are subjected to a ninety-day quarantine. As much as I’d like to, I can’t cross the portal and bring back a dozen mating pairs of a species and let them run wild. I’d be in a lot of trouble if I did that. At least I would be according to Ploomette, once she found out what I was planning on doing. Any action taken to reintroduce extinct or extirpated creatures back to their native range will require approval of local and national authorities.

This has been added to the blog as well, and as always, thank you for the question!

It's possible I did get them at one point, buuuut I think it's possibly been literal years now since I answered the phone when I didn't have a pretty good idea who was calling. No answering machine or voicemail, either. Due, of course, to getting tired of getting spam calls (that is, the former is; the latter I just hadn't bothered figuring out how to set up) -- and most of my remote communication is through text-over-internet in various forms, with what few phone calls I still have mostly being outgoing rather than incoming.
I'm sorry you have to deal with those, though.


Are you by chance familiar with the music of the late Ennio Morricone?

He specialized in using instruments and voices to imitate bird and animal calls. Would any of your little friends be willing to cooperate for a concert of his works?


Thank you! :pinkiehappy: I've edited the blog to contain both question and answer.

What do you think of New York City's population of wild parrots?


Merci! This has been answered in the blog post.

Also, on a completely unrelated note, I love your avatar. Snowcatcher's one of my favorite ponies. :pinkiehappy:


Please tell your little brother that he has good taste! Unfortunately, the link is broken and I can't see the image.


Thank you for your question! :pinkiehappy: This has been answered in the blog.


To be fair, she's a very pretty little pony. Even if she doesn't seem to think so, personally.


Awww! I was a big dinosaur geek as a kid. That may explain definitely explains why Petunia Paleo ends up in so many of my stories. :raritywink:


Sorry to hear that, but I'm happy to hear you have some G5s. If you ever decide you want to start tracking down the ponies you had when you were younger, I recommend the MLP Arena, even if it's a lot slower there than it used to be.

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