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\o/ Scampy's SunFlower Shipping Contest \o/ · 1:32am Mar 9th, 2021

Art source: katevelasco

Are y'all ready for GAY???

I've been wanting to do this for a long time, and with a bunch of help from my friends it's FINALLY TIME!!

Contest details are below \o/

Start Date: March 9, 2021
End Date: April 10, 2021, 11:59 PM PDT

Word Minimum: 1,000
Word Maximum: 15,000
Rating: E, T or M*
 *Not porn (see FAQ further down for details)

Entry Requirements: Stories must not have been published prior to the start date, and must be completed by the end date. Stories must be published on FimFiction, and submitted to the contest group.

You can find the contest submission group here.

Content: Should be self-explanatory—stories must involve romance between Sunset Shimmer and Wallflower Blush (cuz they are gay and in love and perfect for each other🙏).

Scampy (that's me!)
Posh (the best and cutest one)
Gay for Gadot (hella good writer and hella good girlfriend)
Lord Camembert (ally of justice (and homos))
aricene (a legit published author and all-around sweetie pie)
I-A-M (literal GOD of SunFlower stories)


  • Emotional Impact: How strong is the reader's emotional reaction? How much does the story stay with them after?
  • Narrative: How is the story structured? Does it have a solid narrative arc?
  • Quality of Prose: Is the story well-edited with proper mechanics? Is it written in an engaging way?
  • Characterization: How interesting and engaging are Sunset and Wallflower respectively? Do they feel like themselves?
  • Chemistry: How is the relationship between Sunset and Wallflower portrayed? How is it relevant to the story itself?

Now before I get to the prizes section, I wanna make something abundantly clear. As most of you probably know, I was recently in some pretty serious financial trouble and with some encouragement from my friends, turned to Fimfic for help.

NONE OF THAT MONEY IS PART OF THIS PRIZE POOL. The last thing I want anyone thinking is that I showed up asking for donations only to turn around and use said donations to fund a writing contest. All of the money in the prize pool was generously donated by friends of mine who wanted to help get this idea off the ground. Again, the money y'all graciously gave me is being used to fund my, y'know, continued survival, and not a frivolous gay fanfic competition.

For the sake of transparency, the people whose donations make up the prize pool are: Dave Bryant, Gay for Gadot, Posh, TCC56, Dubs Rewatcher, and Dezmo.

With that out of the way, let's get on to the part a lot of you were probably waiting for.

1st Place: $150
2nd Place: $100
3rd Place: $50
4th Place: $40
5th Place: $25

Beyond the top five, each judge will single out their favorite story submitted, and said stories will be given one of the following awards, as well as a smaller prize. IMPORTANT NOTE: A story that places in the top five is still eligible to win one of the judges' prizes. However, no single story can win more than one of the judges' prizes.

Judges' Prizes

Made Scampy Cry The Most: $20

Posh Did Not Hate This: $20

Made Gay for Gadot Feel Extremely Gay Feelings: $20

Lord Camembert's Commendation For Excellence In Gay Giggles (Gayggles): $20

Aricene's Brain Genius Award: $20

I-A-M's Pick For Most Useless Lesbian: $20

When you submit your story to the contest, also contact Lord Camembert with your choice of one of the following charities, and he will donate $10 to it. And don't worry, if you forget to message him, he will find you. There is no escaping Gay Generosity™️. He will find you.
Transgender Law Center
The LGBT Community Center

Art by the lovely avirextin

As a final note, I'm not sure if some of the judges may publish any SunFlower stories within the submission window, but it goes without saying that all of us are ineligible for any prizes.


  • Will there be a deadline extension? Nope!
  • Can I go just a little bit over the word limit? No! :D
  • Can I write more than one story? You can only submit one story to the contest, but by all means please write lots and lots of SunFlower stories :heart:
  • What's this about M-rated fics being allowed? This is a SunFlower romance contest, not a porn contest. Romance can involve M-rated Activities™, but if your story would be fitting of the [Porn] tag, this isn't the contest for it. If you have to ask if your story should have the [Porn] tag, it probably should.
  • What about other tags? In line with the no [Porn] tag, no [Fetish] tag either. Everything else is fair game.
  • Can my story be a sequel to one I've already written? For ease of judging, no.
  • Can it just be friendshipping? Absolutely Fucking Not™
  • I don't know anything about Wallflower, isn't she just that sad green girl who hurt my waifu? Tl;dr is that she's the perfect poster child for teenagers/young adults with severe depression. Her cut content even includes not-so-subtle hints at her having suicidal thoughts. (Seriously, listen to the original version of Invisible, it's so slow and somber and gives a very clear picture of the kind of character the writers intended her to be). So yeah, don't be afraid of getting into heavier stuff with her, she's perfect for those kinds of stories. If you wanna see some good examples of Wallflower's characterization, I suggest reading either some of my Wally stories (yes I'm that conceited) or some from this list of fics I think do a really good job with her. Also Sunset isn't your waifu you absolute fucking buffoon, she's Wallflower's actual wife.👏
  • Did you just steal half these questions from Oroboro's last contest? Hell yeah gamer \o/

So that's where we're at! Submissions open up tomorrow and last a month. I have no idea how many submissions we might get, so I'm gonna hold off on setting a date for when winners will be announced. Once submissions have closed, we'll take stock and let you know within a day.

I'm so excited!! And nervous cuz I mean I've never run a contest before but this is so exciting anyway?? Tell your friends, post your own blogs about it, spread the word around! I can't wait to see what stories y'all come up with.

Bless up for SunFlower \o/
~Scampy (and friends)

Comments ( 74 )

Scampy (that's me!)
Posh (the best and cutest one)

Why the heck did you list yourself twice?

Posh #2 · Mar 9th, 2021 · · 1 ·

My image is an anime girl because I am a fucking trash fire.

Cool contest but I’m gonna decline this since I’m not really in it for the prize money

you could donate it to one of the charities

Well, here's hoping you get more entries than my first contest did. (Which would be four.)

Well now. Wouldn't be the first time I wrote a Sunflower story for a contest. Hopefully this time it won't involve an interdimensional incident.
No promises.

*Dramatic music starts playing*


You can only submit one story to the contest

*Dramatic music stops*


*Dramatic music starts playing again*


PS: Also, I'm stealing these beautiful images for my collection.

PS the second: I'm expecting an angst-centered contest in the future.

Well. Let's see if I can write a romance, eh?


Author Interviewer

extremely ready for gay

Better slap this around the site some. 👀

I guess I should start on that Equestria Girls binge soon then.

Question though, based on an idea I've had before: is it SunFlower exclusive or can it be SunFlower+ ? A PolyWally, if you will.

I am going to write the most depressing fucking gay you have ever seen.

AYYYY lookin forward to seeing how this goes!

I am so getting into this.

Question though, based on an idea I've had before: is it SunFlower exclusive or can it be SunFlower+ ? A PolyWally, if you will

I'd like to second this question.

If you get Cranky involved, it'd be a Poly-Wally-Doodle all the day!



Sorry, this is a SunFlower-exclusive contest.

Not a worry. Good to know for clarification, thank you. :twilightsmile:

Well well well.

Let's see if I've got anything for this one :twilightsmile:

You can never have enough Sunset Shipping, so I'm excited to see what this creates.

No worries, I was just wondering. Thank you for the clarification. I'll see if I can write something for this.

I'm not great at ship fics, but I might as well try.

Welp, I just wrote 800 words. Thank my easily distracted muse, Scampy, looks like I'm entering after all.

SunFlower is the truth 🙏

Ooh I'm super excited for this. :pinkiehappy: I actually (by coincidence) started working on a SunFlower story this week. Now I'll be more motivated to finish it. Also, glad you are doing better, Scampy.

Prize amounts were just updated thanks to a generous donation!

This contest is gay.


Stop looking at me.

All right I have an extremely stupid question that might be answered already but my dogs woke me up at six when they KNOW breakfast is 6:30 again:

Can they be in form?

I don't know if them being ponies for me would make it any easier for me to write this. Since I live in the human world you know or at least a version of it. But. I like ponies! Surprisingly. So I'm just curious. :twilightsmile:

you left out a very very serious and important question

one so important that your contest will fail if its not answered

are we allowed to torment wallflower in the fun non angsty way

Can it just be friendshipping? Absolutely Fucking Not

Friendship ended.
gg no re

Welp, I've never really focused on romance before, but let's see if I can write about a gay disaster!

Coming from you, it'll be interesting and hilarious

Oh yeah they can be ponies \o/

Also can I see pictures of your dogs? :o

Totally, angst is in no way a requirement. If you wanna write a silly gay panic fic (I think that's what you're referring to?) then heckin go for it y'all


I just watched Forgotten Friendship. It was so good. I'll see if I can come up with anything. There are a few good ship dynamics they could have. :duck:

Also dogs:


Also yeah FF is one of the best things ever, Wally is such a unique antagonist and good frickin gosh she and Sunset are perfect.

If you wanna peek at some examples for ideas, check out the story list linked in the FAQ. There's all manner of SunFlower fics in there.


I've read a few! Including yours! I will read more.

Good luck! :)

Important update: you can now reach this announcement post by going to https://ponies.gay/sunflower and I just think that's really cool \o/

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............. a competition you say, wellwhat a perfect idea for me to demonstrate my writing talent's and idea's and win the acclam of my fellow brony's and pegasitter's..........................

Count me, Seth Standmore, grandson of the legendairy ROY STANDMORE in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will Alwyas support the Gay and I will Always STAND MORE WITH JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sh*t I would join in this competition but, I'm a slow burner. Having 15,000 word cap is crippling to me. I'm big sad now. I'm 33,000 word in my book and they has been only small hints of the relationship I'm shipping Sunset with.
I could try to write one but I'd have to think on it.

i was mostly making a joke but my idea is going to torment wallflower in a very fun way

i know i was being a snarky jerk :P

So for the sake of clarification, does this need to be a 100% EQG fic? My idea takes place mostly on the quadruped side of the portal, though it does start on the human side.

Stories can be set on either side of the mirror 🙏

Never entered a contest before. Maybe I'll give it a go.

Hey, what's the policy on OC inclusion? I need to know because the idea I have for my submission is a barista is trying to get these two to hook up, but they're completely oblivious to the other's feelings, causing her ainguish.

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