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Steel Resolve

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Thoughts on outrage · 3:59pm Nov 24th, 2012

So there seems to be quite the outcry over the feature box lately. People are disturbed by the fact that clop is getting featured.

Well, I'm not going to talk about that.

I'm outraged over something entirely different.


There is an awful lot of it showing up in the feature box. Ponies getting hurt. Ponies hurting each other. Wars, killing, maiming.

It's almost like a large number of people enjoy reading about violence!

Well, that is wrong. You should not enjoy that sort of thing, it hurts ponies. So in an effort to reduce this, I would like to see any violent story cut away from the actual violence. At most I would like to see "There was a long and bloody battle, many ponies died. Fortunately our protagonist was, yet again, not one of them." Isn't that better than actual depictions of violence?

If you cannot edit it out, I would like you to replace the violence with a sex scene.

Yes, I am joking. But really, is this argument any less ridiculous than the idea that sex should not be written about? Really, people.

Comments ( 72 )


You forgot to add

Unless you agree with me you are an idiot.

'Replace violence with a sex scene'
The Pinkie Pies approves.

I can partially agree with you on that. But only partially. :trixieshiftleft:

Damnit Steel, you can't see but I'm saluting you so hard there'll be a dent in my forehead, or would if it were less skull and more brain. :moustache:

If people are so concerned about seeing clop why don't they untick View Mature? It's that easy.

I love me so violence unless it's boring, cliché overdramatic battle violence. Either it needs to be comedy related violence, or erotic violence.(:raritywink:)
Then it's A-OK! :pinkiecrazy:

EDIT: Anything that get's featured is usually based on Fic clever title or summary.

This'll lead to some interesting sex scenes... :twilightblush:


I'm not sure how to respond

Well, first off, I agree that hurting ponies (or anything else) is bad. And the thought that someone would enjoy that aspect of a story is disturbing to me. I firmly believe that violent acts should be something that disturbs us.

I typically avoid any story that appears to revolve around violence, however I cannot agree with the notion of cutting it out. And this is because the violence is wrong. It is something to strive against and to end. To cut it out would take away from the meaning of the story, and to gloss over it would be to make it commonplace. And I think that is a far greater disservice to both the readers and the characters than to acknowledge it.

That would have made The Immortal Game quite a different story.

If only we could do that with the real world.

Fun Fact: There is actually a type of chimp that does that. All fights, arguments, and barters end in sex.

At least it would end all those comments shouting for the protagonist to just start killing everypony for no reason. I've seen that far too often.

That would have made The Immortal Game quite a different story.

Amby you keep in touch with AB right? Let's get him on this. :rainbowlaugh:



:pinkiehappy: I wholeheartedly approve this idea.

What if we just want violent sex?

533972 That's okay I guess. Really if you must have violence there should be a point. Otherwise its just gore. The violence should provide character development. It should be tasteful, not overly graphic.


Now we just need to determine how one can accomplish tasteful violence. :derpytongue2:

Screw it, I'm just gonna re-read my Black Company novels.

I approve of this joking argument.
Make love, not war.

I totally agree with this

Can't tell if missed 'R' on purpose.

Well said good sir. The only complaints should be about bad writing.

534127 DAMNED STRAIGHT! >_> Just came here from a post on Justanotherbrony's blog. I love his stories, but that 'Clop is the cancer of fimfiction' statement damned near made me auto-un-follow....

If people are upset about clopfics getting featured, then they should turn off their Mature tags.

I know what ya mean. Sure some of the clop is creepy but hey, most of it ain't serious and we can get a chuckle out of it.

Sex is European. Violence is 'Murican!

If people would just uncheck "mature", they wouldn't see the clop. I hate it when people complain about specific types of stories, instead of complaining about bad stories. But I have limited sympathy for the cloppers, because it was a horde of cloppers and shippers agitated by a TAW post and story against metafictions that led to metafics being banned. Turnabout's fair play.

That's why I never got the Featured box. Still, I agree with you. ;p


*sweats profusely*

Still not sure if.

:facehoof: Did you mean sweat or swear?

I approve of and agree with this opinion.

I say take it a step further! Replace all sex scenes with "and then they had sex.":pinkiecrazy:

Well, this is an adult site and it's by far not for kids under 18. So, I don't care either way about the clop being featured about peer pressuring Fluttershy to allow herself to be fucked by her friend in front of a crowd of horny ponies or that the crowd had their way with Flurttershy as she meakly chanted a pony anthem song of how she has to stay tight for the crystal ponies to keep them from noticing the bad stuff going on.

Nor should I care about the fetish fics about people milking mares, or the story of Scootaloo being raped by Cheerilee, as Cheerilee is considered the defacto horny school teacher that can't find a serious relationship so she goes to her fallback plan of just doing it with her students.

The mods clearly condone Smut as they do Gore. It's fics about ponies and that's all you need to pass a story. You can't really *blame* the author, as much as the people who are up voting stories where Sweetie Belle is an abused child of Rarity that gets raped by Big Mac and ends up in a serious relationship. This site just feels dirty, because the ones swarming here now seem to be r34 and fetish seekers looking for their daily fix.

It's not the stories faults, its the humans taking their obsession a bit too high. Sure, we all love them lesbian horse stories but, don't they usually like, have context? Anyone who takes clop seriously and complains about it being OOC, really needs to get checked in. Some take this as a serious profession... Good on ya, you're taking Lauren's characters and writing them to do things she is disgusted by. You're taking pride in destroying a person's innocent creations to suit your needs. Grats, you're a professional at raping the image of what Lauren Faust set to give us.

Now, I have up voted a fic or two of Sex before. Clop is retarded btw, always hated that word. But, it's because it was well written.. am I proud to say I liked it? I don't really have much of an opinion on stories other than if it was well written and got me to genuining feel something for it's characters. Some sex stories do this. Others are just as the category implies, clop. Those stories, while anyone is free to write and enjoy it, I say it has a time and place.

As popular as ponies are, there is a reason I hate it when I'm called a brony. Yes, it bugs me. It feels like that 'brony' is a label and I hate labels. I love the show, I love the community, I love to read and share about ponies. Do I want to be labeled as a whole? No, I don't. And it's the things these 'bronies' do that drive me further back from ever wanting to be labeled a brony in this light.

Seriously, why would you want the world to know you write porn or violence for MLP? Fanfiction is nice, and it can be respected but, there are people who just say or do things that make us all look bad. I had friends that started to look at me in disgust because of this site. It's since been resolved. But, seriously... I thought fanfiction was just a hobby and that clops were either jokes or at the least a story that involved all the bits that came with a "How I fell in love" story. I didn't think there were people thinking they could make a living off it... Or that it should be a respected medium in any way.

I just like the stories for what they are, the whole trying to 'fit into canon' clops though.... seriously stay the fuck off that shit. Fanfiction is supposed to be a personal extension of what you'd hope to see or wish you could see in the show. The crap showing up in the box is stories about "Insert Self here" as a main character getting it on with ponies. Beastiality is Beastiality no matter how you slice it. Taking pride that people are essentially murdering, raping, spooging, and doing things to foals is just sick no matter which of those you are taking pride in. Yes, you got people faping to your stories. Grats. Now go write a real, original story of sex or horror and try getting published instead of mooching off some franchise that has already well developed characters. Or at the least, do something with other background ponies that never been messed with.

Now, if you like banging rl ponies or fake ponies or whatever animals, that is their business. But some shit just shouldn't be featured at all.

This, is an adult site. Anyone writing stories that contain ponies, deals with ponies, and focuses on ponies (you get the idea!) is free to be shared on the site. No one can tell anyone what to like or dislike, and far be it for me to be hypocritical about such things since I *DO* support free speech and expression and have liked and faved one or two sex stories. I do love reading of ponies facing harsh conditions, hopeless causes, and losing a bit of their innocent outlook at life. I enjoy all walks of life, I just don't take it seriously.

(Sorry for the rambling and long post. I take full responsibility for whatever I said here if it offends anyone. Also, I used one or two recent and other vague cliches as an example. No offense to any author of described fics.)

Not to defend the particularly American double standard regarding sex and violence[1], but what I think people complain about isn't sexual content per se but cheap meaningless sexual content which, much like cheap meaningless violence, isn't the hallmark of a story well told[2]. The problem, you could say, isn't clop getting into the featured box[3] it's substandard stories getting into the featured box strictly because they are sexually explicit[4]. This hypothetical complainer I constructed[5] may be entirely fine with, say, Red being featured but decries the vaguely humorous sexually crude one-shot du jour. And that isn't so unreasonable a position. Mind, it's still pointless to complain even of this, much more reasonable thing, because to change it you don't need to change the featuring algorithm[6] you need to change the fandom. All of it. And unless your name is something like Professor Cortex and you are just putting the finishing touches on you Cerebrulating Hypno-Ray, you are out of luck there.

[1] And language! You can have Criminal Minds, say, on the air where every week another unspeakably horrible murder happens, so horrible and depraved that merely reading the description causes faint nausea but gods help you if you say 'fuck'. Because, clearly, that's damaging to a child's psyche. We can't have that broadcast over publicly owned airways. Hell no. But utterly horrifying murders, that's fine. It's not even the spear carriers getting mowed down in an action movie, everyone knows they aren't real people, oh no, we are made perfectly aware that these are normal relatable people with families and such who are then tormented and murdered for our entertainment.
[2] Actually what I suspect is that the complaints come from people wanting to feel all smug and morally superior, but I wrote the above giving them the benefit of doubt. 'Cause I'm nice that way. :trollestia:
[3] Especially since one click on the appropriate option makes all the mature content go away and stay invisible where it can't offend.
[4] The fandom loves certain things. A lot. Sex is always a sure bet, and other fashions come and go. For a while it seemed that every other story in the featured box was Oh My It Appears Ponies Are Engaging In Risque Behavior Oh No It Was In Fact Entirely Innocent Big Laughs All 'Round.
[5] And which may only exist in my imagination. I'm just constructing a scenario in which the complaints aren't self-indulgent mewling with no purpose other than to foment a bit of recreational outrage.
[6] Though, heavens know, it could do with a bit of tweaking.

Is that how that happened? Damn! I was wondering why metafiction gets banned. Shame.

My own clop-free non-violent story's sitting in the featured box at the moment, so here's my two bits. I don't care if clop or violence get featured. This is the internet and every Rule (34 included) applies. There's a Mature checkbox on my profile if I want to avoid that sort of thing.

That being said, I hate the fact that the Featured box doesn't show tags, ratings, or warnings. In fact, the story landing pages don't show warnings either. I know Knighty offered to fix some of that in the next revamp, and it can't come too soon.

TL;DR version: clop / violence in featured box = OK. Unannounced or stealth clop / violence in featured box = not OK.

Hey, Steel.

The only reason Clop is getting featured so much...
Is because people's got their Mature Filters on, to view mature.

Same with the bloody stuffs.

But yeah. Thought I'd point that out. :trollestia:

I think violence is worst then clop. clop at least is based on the fact humans are sexual beings. i find it strange people can like a show and its charterers hen read about horrible things happening to them. it just doesn't make sense to me.

but instead of argue, lets just all agree the feature box is fucking shit, and that knightly for the past few months has been shit. he hasn't fixed anything and this website really could use better moderation here and now. as a novice web-designer. he has done tons of work, but this website is too huge for it to be just left off. He has done a good job in the past, yet if he doesn't want to help anymore then i wish he at least would let other help with the website.

>is this argument any less ridiculous than the idea that sex should not be written about?
Yes, it is :moustache:

535472 So many people seem to think that way... XD I expect many fics with censored violence or sex in its place from you people...

Oh, both are perfectly fine. It's language that's the problem! Don't you remember the wisdom of South Park, best animated movie ever? "Horrific, Deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty woids!"

If you cannot edit it out, I would like you to replace the violence with a sex scene.

well ... i would read even more then ...
kicked out a few fictions, even of people i like, just because of the mindfucking violence
so, well i would take your blog entry serious, but, it's only a joke, so i'm sad...

535479 Violence is worse than sex :moustache:

I have a feeling you watch ImJustAnotherBrony?

536317 Quite. :moustache:

536758 Correct. I figured what the hell if we're going to pick on sex why not address the other problem.

Coming soon: The Immortal Game (abridged edition), Where all the violence is replaced with succinct narrative summary not exceeding two sentences in length and giving a clear account of any newly deceased equines, new character developments, new plot developments, new characters in general, and a prompt to the reader so as to let them know how much catharsis and pathos they should feel in regards to said action summary.

Approximate length of The Immortal Game now that the action scenes have been removed: eighteen thousand words.

Also coming soon: The Immoral Game, a version of The Immortal Game where the plot remains the same, but all the over the top, incredibly long, story-driving, gratuitous 21st century hyper-realistic violent cinema inspired action porn has been replaced with equally over the top, incredibly long, story-driving, gratuitous youporn completely unrealistic style-inspired porn... porn.

Approximate length of The Immortal Game now that the violence has been replaced with sex: nine hundred forty one thousand, six hundred sixty eight words.

What can I say. I'm sick.

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