• Member Since 27th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2020

Soaking Wet

I am a part-time writer who has been consumed both by the magic of ponies and the enchanting mystery of their sexuality.

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To my dear students, · 8:27pm Apr 26th, 2020

I hope this message finds you well.

When I came here to FimFiction in late 2012, I was having a difficult time in my life. I was out of work, and was losing confidence in my abilities. Most of all, I’d lost confidence in my ability to write, which shocked me since I’d enjoyed creative writing for as long as I could remember. I’d felt so sure of things for so long, but in that moment, I was lost.

The show “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic” was a welcome distraction, and I was particularly struck by the universal friendliness of the fandom. You may not believe this, but prior to “The Goddess Within,” I’d never written a fanfic before, and I’d never been in a roleplaying group. But, in this community, I felt comfortable enough to give both a try. You have no idea how much of a boost it gave me to see such an immediate and positive response to Chapter 1.

I was equally unpracticed in coming up with a “ponysona” for myself, but Lord Tristem showed me the way. I can’t thank him enough for being so kind in helping craft a character out of my written voice. I’ve had so few people look at my writing critically. Most of the time, people would tell me “oh, that’s good,” and that’s it. I figured I was pretty good at this, but I had no sense of what I sounded like, or what my strengths and weaknesses were. As you can tell, I’m a transformation enthusiast. It was magical to transform into my pony form as Soaking Wet.

Once the spark was there, my creative juices were flowing again. It was wonderful to imagine where my character would fit in the “My Little Pony” canon. I loved imagining my little house, my shower with the glass windows for everyone to see, and of course, my class in Canterlot. It was exciting and fun, and I loved expanding on this “lore” in our group. Newponyontheblock, Jexxazrez, DerpyFan, Jake, and so many others all were a part of this.

I got my confidence back, and before long, I did get back working. Things improved for me professionally and personally, and things got busier really fast. So busy, I didn’t have time to write more fanfics, or roleplay, or anything else. Pretty soon, I just wasn’t on here anymore.

I’d thought about writing a message like this, but so much time had passed, I felt too embarrassed to do so. I also didn't want to call more attention to my fanfics, as I think I pushed the boundaries of clop too far (which is why I have no issue with them being taken down). I was worried people would be angry or upset. And if you are, I’m so sorry. You all helped me so much, but I’m not sure if I ever let any of you know it.

But now, as we all try to find our way through this terrible pandemic, I’ve had more of a chance to think about it. I know many of you are hurting under this pandemic. Some of you may be as I was eight years ago, out of work and trying to find a way to make ends meet. Believe me, I know what that feels like. And I want you to know I’m pulling for you.

Your Teacher believes in you. You will all make it through this, and come out the other side better than ever. I know this because you did the same for me. I know this because, without that, I wouldn’t be sitting here, writing this to you.

Thank you for everything, my students. Your Teacher is forever proud of each and every one of you.

Soaking Wet

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Comments ( 3 )

Well I never thought I'd ever hear from you again. It has been a long time hasn't it? Interesting I haven't heard nor seen you in years and now I'm not sure how to break the ice now, so much has happened these past 6 or 7 years I honestly have forgotten how long its been.

Anyway here's hoping you don't just slink back into the aether I'm honestly curious to hear what you've been up to all this time.

Hey, I ’member you! Liked your fics back in the day. Why were they taken down in particular?

It's sad that I only just now see this. It's so odd to think that you're still here.

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