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Quoth the raven: "CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW" (Patreon)

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  • 2 weeks
    And It's Row, Me Bully Boys; We're in a Hurry, Boys

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  • 34 weeks
    A Full Year of Only Mondays

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And Therefore is Winged Cupid Painted Blind · 11:24pm Mar 22nd, 2020

Many thanks to Anon-y-Mousse for agreeing to collab on whatever the fuck this is. She doesn't have a dA, so here's her Twitter, fuck it. Drawings of Fluttershy by her; everything else drawn and written by me.

Comments ( 42 )

Please don't tell me what the ACTUAL order is when it comes to who's prettier among the girls. I really don't give a shit.

This took three weeks to draw! My back hurts but now I know how to draw humans. I hope you liked it, and thanks against to Mousse, who really took the challenge like a champ and put up with my bullshit through and through. Serves her right for agreeing to do a collab tbh.

Pffff what kind of idiot would collab with you?

I'm surprised the comic is still legible through all the blood, sweat and tears that went into it.

The first time I read this I laughed so hard I bruised my ribs.

I would take a bullet for Pinkie Pie

That was hilarious as all beep

i 👏 fucking 👏 love 👏 this

banter is great, art-wise everyone has their moments in this comic but rarity really stands out as having amazing expressions at certain points

and horses are better

Ok this defo is a great comic to get the adorable love bugs approval that she swore lol

I am reminded of the comic (Marvel, I believe) where a couple is looking at a young lady and the guy says something to the effect of "Don't take this the wrong way, but if she asked, I'd do her." And the girl says, "Yeah, I see your point. I'd do her too."

This was somehow actually better than I expected. Wunderbar.

This is amazing from start to finish.

Also, I empathize to Pinkie's general obliviousness and satisfaction with life to a painful degree.

Also also, the horse is like forty now, Dash. It'd be weird.

They literally have the same body and face. That list reveals more about the listee than anyone else.

Wanderer D

Heh. You do a really good Rarity. Well done all around.

I'm at least a ten and yet no girl has made out with me in the bathroom before. What am I doing wrong?




I'm at least a ten and yet no girl has made out with me in the bathroom before. What am I doing wrong?

I missed the "a" in that sentence in my first read-through and was about to inform you on the issue of law enforcement

Well that was fantastic. :rainbowlaugh:

Fluttershy being in a completely different style honestly adds to the wackiness.

Author Interviewer

holy shit

holy shit

This is amazing

Get a VA to voice it stat

Your ability to manage multiple things happening simultaneously is amazing. I think you've manage to trade even further up than you were before.

*Holds up mirror*

Man, this format actually reminds me of Knights of the Dinner Table. Very little character movement, just people talking around a table and looking at each other. To be fair, it's a good format, especially with writing this good, Aragon.

I was also getting KoDT vibes! It's very excellent.

It's honestly criminal that you write so well and can also just draw a face like that. But then we don't keep you around for your law-abidingness, do we?

I was so confused why you put so much more time on Fluttershy until I realized she was drawn by someone else! Man this is hilarious and I wish I could share it

Hehe… just as expected :raritywink:

Meaning, I had NO idea where all that was going, don't know what the hell I just read now that I finished, and yet I couldn't put it down and would drop anything to read any such Aragonism, on sight.

I called it: you're a cartoonist. Congrats :raritystarry:

(also, don't be fooled. Props to Mousse for helping, but go look at Pinkie saying 'We made out in a bathroom once!'. You don't need help, your art is perfect for this. Have you seen the art of James Thurber? Focus on what you're doing with it and totally ignore any thoughts of whether there are better artists: that's super irrelevant and can even be distracting to the acting by throwing in detail and 'reality' that doesn't help)

(but then that's just me being 'extra' again :duck: )

>Why do you want to play footsie

Loved this in particular, but god, every panel's a work of art.

Aragon, you seem to be amazing at everything you put your head to. Now a large part of it is probably that you seem to have an excellent work ethic but still man you're fucking talented.

I love Ponkers so much.


But then we don't keep you around for your law-abidingness, do we?

Wait a minute, isn't he literally a lawyer now? Talk about awkward...


I love Knights of the Dinner Table! I really didn't think about it at all when making this, but I definitely see the similarities now. Who knows, maybe thats where I got the inspiration from without noticing.


Oh yeah no I take my current art skills with a very philosophical mindset. I am learning, that's why I make so many mistakes, and every time I do something I learn two or three things that I was fucking up on a technical level (I just learned how to properly ink with layers, for example, since I'm an idiot). But that's par of the course, so it really doesn't bother me; while I am very much aware of my mistakes and take feedback to heart, I'm also really prouf of these.

As per Mousse, she's an incredible artist and the whole collab thing was literally cause we talked art a bit and then came up with the idea of making a collab -- and then one of us thought of the specific idea of me drawing an entire comic except for Fluttershy, which would be drawn by her in a completely different style, as a joke. Then I came up with the comic and asked her to join, and it was really funny because this shit is 54 panels long and both of us came close to death from work overload. Hahah. Ahahahah.

But yeah nah Mousse didn't collab to "help" me, it was just that we both wanted to do this. (She's way too good to waste her time like that, and has her own projects n shit to focus on). Plus, if I weren't at least a bit satisfied with my art I wouldn't be showing these off,

This was fucking amazing

I would like to take a hundred to go please

Author Interviewer

Don't use AI when real people have skills.

Well yeah, it'd sound much more natural and be more impressive with a real person. Also we only really have half the technology.

Well, that was hysterical when I needed it. Ta!

You are a comedic genius.

"Mirrors and paternity are abominable because they mutiply and affirm it" - Jorge Luis Borges

This hurts from being too good

How are you consistently the best comedian I've ever seen?

Figuratively speaking, this comic is gold. Mostly because the literal way would be really impractical. But yeah, I enjoyed this.

The murder pony comic brought me here and this was freaking treat as well! Yep, Sunset's a twenty on a twelve-point scale, so long as that's ackowledge. Don't worry, Rainbow, you're pretty too.

this is gloriously chaotic and I love it - it's okay Rarity you're part marshmallow we can just pop your leg back into place

L is for the way I broke my leg
O is for OH GOD MY LEG

This was glorious :rainbowlaugh:

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