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Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.

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  • 15 weeks
    Two Years of This

    On February 24, 2022, eight years after they launched a limited invasion and occupation of border regions, the regime of Russia attacked Ukraine from multiple sides with the intent of fully conquering the nation, thence to dismember choice territories and install a puppet regime over whatever remained. Their justifications - imperial revaunchism, nationalist lies, and contempt for what they view

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  • 20 weeks
    Fan art for "Evil Must Be Healthy"

    A pleasant surprise found me a few days ago on learning an enterprising pony commissioned fan-art for my little AU from the illustrious Pencils! Just thought I'd share. :derpytongue2:


    With thanks to both the artist and commissioner. :heart:

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  • 20 weeks
    Going to Everfree Northwest this year!

    Exactly what it says on the tin! If anyone else is going (and if there's any kind of Fimfiction discord meetup group on it~), please let me know. With travel and etc. I likely won't be going to many of these, so I'd love to RL meet as many Fimfic peeps as I can.

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  • 27 weeks
    Cover art for "Evil Must be Healthy."

    There are few feelings for an author quite as wonderful as receiving fan art, all the more because I found it by sheer chance. While the artist MrRicharZ has taken it down from Derpibooru he was kind enough to let me use his work as cover art for the story.

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  • 28 weeks
    Dramatic read for "The Splendid Panzers of Miss Harshwhinny"

    I like that story enough (and have grown fond enough of listening to dramatic reads) that I have commissioned one from our own Skijarama!

    (There is also commissioned cover art on the way, too.~)

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Submission thread for reader-requested chapters for the third book of "Principal Celestia Hunts the Undead." · 11:44pm Dec 1st, 2019

Alrighty, so here’s the guidelines and submissions thread for the third book of “Principal Celestia Hunts the Undead,” to-be an anthology of reader-submitted chapter ideas, written by me as a thank-you for coming along on this journey.

1. You can submit whatever you want: The fic will be teen-rated, and will be kept in-theme with the series. I’ll try to write stories that can be appreciated by everyone, so OC’s or crossovers aren’t likely to get in. Everything will be “canon” for the universe, so things that seem OOC or inappropriate will get left behind. But it’s not like it costs me anything to read, so submit whatever request you like. It can be as general (“Do something with Maud Pie”) or as specific as you want. It can be slice-of-life, monster-of-the-week, or what-have-you. Submit fifty ideas if you have them; it’ll give me something to read. Just post 'em as a comment below.

2. No promises: This will emphatically be done between my other projects, and inspiration for other writing will get priority. I’ll do the requests that I end up finding a creative spark for.

...And that’s really all, isn’t it? There’s no formula or rules, here. Just me hoping to give chance for people to see what they wanted, or more of what they liked.

(And if you somehow conveyed a request earlier to me, please re-post it here to help with my bookkeeping.)

(And, I mean, if you want to write your own short for the universe and submit it, you bet your sweet ass I’d be willing to put it in with full credit… that’s not really my intention here, but what the heck, let’s have fun.:rainbowkiss:)

Comments ( 80 )

Having Adagio and Sunset relate their various Awkward First New World experiences to one another while Applejack beholds them smugly and makes some horse jokes maybe.

Because I’m a shipping fiend, I still see a bunch of romantic chemistry between Sunset and Adagio, especially since AJ turned them both down, and I wanna see that explored.

Also something with trying to track down a big foot, and maybe finding out he’s not a bad monster or something, cliche but fun.

More slice of life chapters with Sunset, Celestia, and Luna is always welcome.

Oh and more cryptids in general! Mothman, chupacabras, the Jersey devil, maybe something with a malevolent ghost since granny pie establishes ghosts as real.

A gun shopping chapter, where Celestia takes sunset to whatever black market she gets her guns from as a mother/daughter bonding experience.ots of potential for gallows humor.

NVC #4 · Dec 2nd, 2019 · · ·

I have yet to finish the second story but if its not answered there, can we maybe get a follow-up on Chrysalis? I remember Luna found out she has a thing for Celestia and made it so she got reformed by the Mane Six and not Celestia. So maybe a possible happy ending for her? I've always liked her as a character, basically seen as a monster by the world and therefore becoming one, so it would be great to see her possibly reform and find some happiness?

I don't know how interesting it would be for a one-off since I'm no author but still, I felt the need to put the idea out there.

Since the end of the second book seems to imply that Sunset and Applejack will get together, how about the two of them having a lover's quarrel in the middle of a hunt, while everyone else looks at them like "Are you ****ing serious?"
For monsters, how about something to do with the Wild Hunt?

1. Adaigo and whoever else go after a more traditional mythological siren that's singing people to death off some coast. Adaigo going as she's obviously a Siren expert...but the Earth version is barely like her at all and is causes a lot of problems. Perhaps convince the siren not to kill so many people. Perhaps it can take a human form so could come along eventually, or is hiding amongst the school or other population. But if it opens its mouth to talk at all can't help at all but entrancing humans. No real control over the ability at all. Is rather frustrating only being able to type/sign to talk.

2. Sunset is invited and basically forced to Equestria for something. Has to go. No choice. And whatever friends you'd like included come with. Would just really be fun to see her deal with the whole back to a pony thing again. Her magic super rusty and she can't really pull the trigger on a gun very easily with a hoof. And really needs to thanks to something getting through the mirror or a threat on Equestria the ponies don't quite want to kill.

3. Princess Luna from Equestria comes across to Earth for a few weeks to learn about the humans study of the Moon, stars, universe, etc. VERY interested after seeing a book human Twilight sent pony Twilight. Celestia and Luna need to be proper hosts for royalty. And provide her transportation to various NASA facilities and air and space museums around the country. Of course they're also provided a hundred pieces of gold or so for the valuable service and body guarding...But they have to ask themselves is this really worth it as time drags on? Of course Tia doesn't mind much. Her motorcycle riding new boyfriend comes along for most of it. And Luna just has to deal with her doppelganger while Tia is often...distracted.

4. Adiago discovers 'Youtube' and making classical musical content for it. Rapidly gains a following.

5. Original dimension 'human' version of Sunset is found. Oh and she happens to be some sort of monster. Perhaps vampire :P.

Wallflower and a ghost. No shipping, just someone forgotten and someone remembered.

Comedy of errors with an actual vampire using larpers as cover.

Completely ineffectual but loud and annoying cursed object.

Reasonably neighborly akaname.

Wallflower power incontinence.

Everyone has to explain to Sunset why the constant musical numbers might not be a good thing, wholeassedly stealing paying an homage to that one Buffy episode.

Celestia vs. The Seven Evil Exes.

Comedically incompetent and egomaniacal lizard people. Trixie gets replaced. No one notices

Something involving the Human Cozy Glow and paranoia, either because the hunters freak out because they think she's up to something when she's actually just a normal girl, or because she IS up to something and only one character notices.

Also, I think it would be funny to have the hunters learn about and gear up to fight some massive powerful group of monsters, only for the monsters to actually be quite peaceful, with no intentions of attacking.

Finally, more Ember. Don't really care what you do with her, but more Ember please.

Seconded on Sunset and Celestia go to a gun store!

My ideas/requests:
1. A chapter that screams "the author [aka you] was having so much fun writing it."

2. Wallflower finds love? I dunno, I think it would be neat to ship Wallflower, and have all her team trying to help her out in different ways, some more helpful than others. I mean, I can just imagine Twilight trying to break down the the science of attraction, Applejack channeling Genie going "TELL HIM THE TRUUUTH AABOUT MONSTER HUNTING!", Adagia giving the most backwards unhelpful sassy advice (aka super unhelpful except when it is helpful), and Sunset trying her best to help Wallflower digest all this "advice."

What have you done

I dunno, I like
>"I've been dating a guy for six months and none of you noticed."
>"Oh my god, I am so sorry-"
>"No, no, that was intentional."

You gave us humanEmber in the last few chapters and I really want to see more of her. Especially along the lines of her and Sunset trying (and likely failing) to do normal sister stuff.

Seeing as you used the fanart piece I did (kudos for that by the way): One neat concept that came to mind would be something along the lines of "A Day in the Life of (insert name here)," which could be these sorts of in-between short chapters depicting an abridged look at the day-to-day lives of any of the hunters, be it the CHS staff or Sunset's group.

Basically show snippets of what their average days as monster hunters entails from dawn till dusk; waking up in the morning, morning routines, going to their day jobs, doing their after hours job (could possibly include hints during the day jobs, like say; suspicious behavior from someone, maybe allude to something happening out of the ordinary in the background), getting home, some look at their free time, going to bed.

Resheart, Cheerilee and Harshwhinny go out on the town.
Celestia eventually gets that phone call for bail money.

Agreed, we need Celestia vs. The World. So I guess it's Torch with the seven evil X's.

Anyways, anything involving Royal Sisters x Principal Sisters shenanigans. Especially amusing seeing Human-Sisters having alicorn-level magical powers. Thanks for all the laughs! :)

More fluff with Celestia Sunset and Luna please!! Like a mother/daughter bonding day, like Sunset finally teaching Celestia those music lessons?

Also what about Sunset’s nightmares, sometimes getting flashbacks from the formal? And Celestia finding that out and becoming overly worried about them.

I also had a idea what if the hunters had to go on a camping trip for an over night in the forest?

You remember that changeling back in Principal Celestia that was posing as Sunset but bailed when Chrysalis went down and came back later to bail out Celestia at the brainworm zombie horde attack? What's she up to two years later -- just trying to keep a low profile and always looking over her shoulder for hunters? Join up with another group (Sunset's?) to help (shapeshifting is really helpful for undercover work, though that might step on Wallflower's domain here...rivalry may ensue where someone will finally never forget Wallflower!)? Start her own group of Nonhuman Refugee Alliance for monsters who got a conscious and don't want to be torched?

Well, I've kept you waiting long enough...

• Smash Pillars tournament gone wrong/mad/horribly, horribly right.
• Talking Twilight down from building a giant robot.
• Talking pony Twilight down from helping with the giant robot.
• Generally just trying to make the two of them interact in a healthy way that doesn't threaten the city.
• Interlude at the School of Friendship with Aria and Sonata.
• Finding out how A. K. Yearling gets her ideas. ("You can't shoot Ahuizotl! I haven't confirmed my theories about him yet!")
• "No time to explain! Everyone through the portal now! You can figure out hooves when you have them!"
• "Don't think of it as spying on your mom's date with Torch. Think of it as covert chaperoning."
• Twilight convinces the girls to try Ogres & Oubliettes for a session. They end up making each other as characters.
• The Pie family calls in their favor.
• Cthulhu wants a rematch.
• If human Sombra was bad, what's human Grogar like?

Hope these help! Eagerly looking forward to the next installment.

How about something that drags Rarity into all these undead messes. Let her play heroine or maybe princess in distress.

How about Apple Jack goes to rescue Sunset and Adagio from a crazy cult that plan to sacrifice them?
Gives AppleJack a chance to paly the Knight in shining armor to rescue them?

Some cultist wants to kidnap Sunset for a ritual, they accidentally kidnap Wallflower.

Two weeks later, the girls are eating in the dorm and Wallflower enters, covered in blood, clothes ragged, and bandages all over.
No one knew she was gone; they are sorry.
She then tells them her adventure, which gets more and more ridiculous the closer she gets to the end.

Due to monster hunting shenanigans, Sunset didn't study for a test and will probably fail it. Her friends offer various methods of cheating so she can pass.

The group go to an elaborate horror mansion attraction in a fair run by a demon that feeds on fear.
The group passes the time critiquing his attempts at scaring them.
He starves to death.

Sonata and Aria come to visit Adagio, then get caught up in one of their hunts.

Typical roommate shenanigans.

A race of underground Kobolds attacks the city in the most ineffectual way possible, to steal shiny things. They are too adorable to be stopped.

An entire chapter dedicated to Sci-Twi displaying ridiculous weapons and trying to convince her teammates to use them in battle.

A heist type mission to steal the phylactery of an ancient lich.

PS: If I dare make a short of the universe (mine or maybe some of the suggested) do I PM you when it's done?


PS: If I dare make a short of the universe (mine or maybe some of the suggested) do I PM you when it's done?

Sure, that'd be a good way to do it. :)

I have another one:

The girls play D&D with Trixie as the obnoxious dungeon master.

Add a dream demon, that feeds off the despair and sorrow.
It usually drives the victim to end their lives or have a full mental break down.

We need some Ender and Celestia daughter/mother bonding! :duck:

Hmmm Genie? They find a Genie one that wants to be free, but first need to rescue him or her from who ever owns the Genie?

Hmmm I shall toss an idea into the ring.

Sunset and the gang have been receiving reports of multiple demon attacks. Yet each time they arrive on scene all that remains of the demons and or monsters is it's dead remains. Contacting her mother reveals it was not her group who had taken it out, nor was it her (Celestia's) boyfriend Torch's group who had taken it out. This pattern continues for awhile till one day Sunset arrives on the scene of a demon attack only to see a curly haired little girl destroy the demon with magic. This girl being the human worlds Cozy Glow

Don't know if this might be too much for a one-shot, but what would the human world Daybreaker be? Whether the original one from "A Royal Problem" somehow manifesting and escaping to this side of the portal, or Principal Celestia getting hit with some kind of curse and having some kind of evil twin born that either wreaks havoc or attempts to take over Celestia (this one probably is too big for a single chapter in a generally-slice-of-life-ish fic like A Band of Misfit Losers but I figured I'd throw it out to see), or maybe a dreamborne spectre that haunts nightmares a la Freddy Kreuger and Sunset has to tap into her own Demon Shimmer to fight it without losing control of herself or something. Or maybe something less antagonistic so that Celestia ends up closer to having a (temporary?) split personality that tries to get along with Luna and Sunset but the situation is just so weird...?

for giving me
something else to read today. :heart:

We do stop in with Chryslestia now and then throughout the story... for more, I might direct you to this fic which was a chapter until I decided it worked better on its own. >_>:


If nothing else, the author is very handsome.

Rough day Thursday?

Yep. Nothing specific, just gestures generally to everything.

> Massive undead hunt involving all four groups (CHS staff, Sunset's, Torch's, and the Pies) something similar to the demon Nazis that invaded in book two.

> The mayor knows the other three groups and thus can quickly push their actions under the rug but needs to meet with Sunset since she is the leader of the 4th group in the city.

Dark comedy. Shy girl gang takes on a monster of the week. Were-dolphin.

You know what to do.

Sunset becomes a werepony. Cuddles and shenanigans ensue. Could be temporary, still cute. After it she gets recurring dreams of showing up to work as an unicorn doctor in a human hospital, no one notices.


You know what to do.

*Tough-guy finger snapping intensifies*


Sunset becomes a werepony. Cuddles and shenanigans ensue. Could be temporary, still cute. After it she gets recurring dreams of showing up to work as an unicorn doctor in a human hospital, no one notices.

I have a question.
Might her werepony form be.

You just gotta do eeeet.

Absolutely. And also TOTES ADORBS :rainbowkiss:

that Sunset try to get to know Torch better in one day (hunting) father and daughter

Still recovering from the beating he recieved from Tirek, Cthulhu begins to attempt contact with Adagio in her dreams, leading to a return to Ryleh and the revelation she is one of his descendants.

Adagio getting adorably teary eyed and calling Cthulhu 'daddy' is completely optional :ajsmug:

Okay, I finally have one. If Celestia and Torch EVER have a kid, then it has to save the day in one chapter. Don't care how, just have everyone down for the count and the only one left is the baby and it does the one thing that beats the bad guy. Sneezes on them, cries so loud they give up, whatever, just have that baby beat the bad guy and have someone say something along the lines of "I guess it really does run in the family."

Considering the last chapter it now needs two more sequels with the girls being badass, sexy and all over Applejack: Batwinged Bimbos From Hell and Renegade Nuns on Wheels. With a possible fourth installment, Macho Woman in the Planet of the Ponies, where they go to equestria while still human for monster-slaying shenanigans :pinkiecrazy:

Okay, so I was watching castlevania, and barbie life in the dream house, (no judgement, blame quarantine.) People turning into vampires caught my eye.

Okay, so what if-- Celestia turned into a vampire temporarily-- -hEar me Out- And she's the flirty/bitchy version of herself, and the squad need to somehow turn her back to normal lmAo. This sounded way better in my head ngl.

"Here, I got you this box of chocolates."

"NO, yOur faCe iS a bOx of chOcolAtes."


castlevania and barbie life in the dream house

ngl I really thought this was all the name of a single show and I got halfway through googling it before I realized you were talking about two different things. :rainbowlaugh:


Considering the last chapter it now needs two more sequels with the girls being badass, sexy and all over Applejack: Batwinged Bimbos From Hell and Renegade Nuns on Wheels.

Big ol cookie for the reference.:moustache:

What if there was a siren monster that was just like a mermaid (an evil mermaid, however you want to go about that), and it really pisses Adagio off, and she's just like "I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT A REAL SIREN IS!" and she just destroys it, while Sunset and the others just watch, like "Whoa."

Have Sunset be bitten by a wereponie because I think it would both be funny and it would give people that have been asking for it a tease of will she won't she be pony again

A chapter with redheart doing her job

Couple of ideas.

1) Princess Luna has a Warhammer.

The warhammer of friendship from the last story was taken back to Equestria. On Earth it was a skull crushing beast, however back in Equestria it can't do any harm.

Possibly a story of Luna using the warhammer for basic tasks like cracking nuts, pounding nails, beating friendship into the villian of the week.

Maybe Celestia has a talk to her about her violent ways and finds out that the Luna's switched. Princess Luna on Earth. "Thine Princess requires more Cheetos and Mountain Dew!"

2) Sunset gets a pendant like the ones Celestia and Luna used to stay ponies on earth.

They are getting beaten down by some powerful enemy and Sunset uses the pendant to go pony. One uber magic fire spell later and they win. They find out she's got wings and a horn. Gets jumped by Wallflower as she's so fluffy. They agree not to speak of it again as if it's found out she's a princess she'll be dragged back to Equestria.

>The Lunehammer
I feel like it's going to end up hanging in her office, under a nice plaque.

...that says "Complaints Dept."

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