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Trixie Pretty Clearly Has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. · 12:16am Oct 31st, 2019

One of the things I really appreciate about My Little Pony, is that it showed time and time again that people don’t have to be neurotypical to be a successful part of society. From the star of the show Twilight Sparkle having Obsessive–Compulsive Personality Disorder (NOT the same as OCD!) to Maud Pie likely being Autistic to Starlight Glimmer showing some signs of having moderate Antisocial Personality Disorder (being a sociopath in lay terms), time and time again the show makes the bold proclamation that if you’re willing to, you can make friends and thrive.

Trixie was a fan favorite when first introduced in Season One for her boisterous and vain personality, and her return in Season Three was a highlight for many. One of the core signs of narcissism is self-aggrandizing behavior, which is obviously a central part of her character, but I was rewatching a scene from season six and it really sealed the deal for me that Trixie has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

One of the less talked about elements of Narcissism is the pattern of mainly making friends for what they can do for you (an area of overlap with Machiavellianism). Trixie displays that here in spades. Followed later in the episode by emotional manipulation via threatening (and almost carrying out!) suicide. Oof.

Fortunately over time, Trixie learns that the magic of friendship is about more than just what other people can do for you. It’s about what you can do for each other. :heart:

Comments ( 7 )

She's not that far gone actually.

Narcissists have abyssmal self-esteem and get furious when they think they've been slighted, and things that nopony normal would consider offensive will set them off. Donald Trump is a classic narcissist. Trixie is just self-centered and a showboat.

Yeah no kidding lol

From a DSM-V perspective, yeah, there's a lot of indicators here that if she doesn't have the full blown disorder, she's well on her way toward developing it, depending on the ages of ponies and a few other psychosocial factors that really aren't explored in the show. But...

At the moment the main thing that keeps her from having the full disorder is the fact that Trixie has had moments where she's shown to be capable of empathy. Her relationship with Starlight appears to be reciprocal, even if skewed a little toward Trixie's side of the relationship. That said, of the Criterion required for diagnosis of Narcissistic personality disorder, she has:

A pervasive pattern of Grandiosity (in fantasy or behaviour), need for admiration, and a lack of empathy beginning in early adulthood characterized by 5 or more of the following:
1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (eg. Exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements) - Trixie does this a lot. She shows this in Boast Busters. She shows this in just about every episode she's been in.
2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love - A little less obvious, but her reaction in the episode with the alicorn amulet shows a bit of this tendency. She dreams of beating Twilight Sparkle, the element of magic, while only being an excellent showmare.
4. Requires excessive admiration. - Trixie seems to struggle when Trixie isn't seen for how great and powerful Trixie truly is!
5. Has a sense of entitlement - Trixie seems to have this down pat. She also seems to spend a lot of time thinking she deserves things she hasn't earned. This shows up in her first episode, and continues throughout the series until she's mellowed by Starlight.
6. Is interpersonally exploitative - See Snips and Snails
8. Is often envious or believes others should be envious of her - See trixie's obsession with Twilight
9. Shows arrogant or haughty behaviours - See... well, Trixie

While doing diagnostics on a character isn't usually the best idea... honestly, there's a lot to be said about this in Trixie's case. Does that mean she's irredeemable? No. Honestly, I think she mellowed out by spending time with Starlight. Well, mellowed into a rather pronounced case of egocentrism.

5148296 I dunno, she did get pretty furious when Twilight showed her up, originally.

One of the less talked about elements of Narcissism is the pattern of mainly making friends for what they can do for you (an area of overlap with Machiavellianism).

Given how I show many traits associated with NPD, despite never being diagnosed and really not seeing the need for a diagnosis, I agree with this statement. Not that I would ever let them know that, especially since I do have some genuine friends with no strings attached.

Different people in different situations will vary in how much they let on of their mental health issues. I know a lot of people with cluster B personality disorders don’t tend to divulge it either because they don’t want to let on that they’re neurodivergent or because of the stigmas carried with these disorders. Most of my friends have some sort of mental health issue and most of us are very open about it which I think really helps with interpersonal relationships, but unfortunately sometimes people can admit certain issues they have while ignoring her being in denial about other more damaging ones, like my former friend who was open about their trauma but refused to acknowledge their progressively worsening narcissism (egged on by alcoholism and cocaine addiction, oof.). I myself have been fascinated with narcissism for a while, because I display very strongly certain traits of it (loving attention and using people), but not at all others (having low empathy and denying any weaknesses), so I would never be diagnosed but I definitely have some tendencies. I try to make people aware of those tendencies both for their own good and so they can call me on it. And I have a good friend who’s a self-admitted sociopath who’s kind of a loveable asshole, but she knows and acknowledges her sociopathy and tries to be a good person in spite of it.

As long as I’m rambling, adjacent to cluster B is disassociative identity disorder (DID), and my boyfriend, best friend, and several other good friends all have it. Real fascinating stuff.

Anyway, how do you find your probable NPD affects you and your relationships?

Before I answer your question, I would like to point out that I had been diagnosed with autism at a young age. So if I do have NPD, that would make me one of the few rare autism - narcissism combos.

Anyway, my desire for fame is literally my only reason for going to the point that I told my bestie and my family that I had thought about killing myself if I don't become famous soon (though, thankfully, my suicidal thoughts have lessened since gaining 100 followers and having five of my stories featured). Speaking of my bestie, she likes to make me jealous by telling me whenever she gets noticed by a celebrity. All in good fun, of course, but I'm less annoyed by who she was noticed by (except when she got a card personally signed by David Tennant for donating to a charity) and more annoyed that she's getting noticed by a celebrity in general. But to be fair to myself, I have been noticed by a few famous people too (though mainly by commenting on their Twitch streams).

I was once part of a review group to see if my stories getting reviewed would boost their popularity but after three of them, including my magnum opus at the time, got abysmal reviews, I left the group and wrote a story about Starlight going nuts because she took up writing and, while her stories were popular with her audience, critics were giving them bad reviews.

There was also that one time I wanted a voice actor/animator to be a part of this animated series I'm working on (not MLP-related BTW) and when he snubbed me, I haven't watched a video of his since. And I know for a fact he snubbed me because here's a comment I left on a video where anyone who supports a charity (wow, what a surprise) gets to be in a game he's working on:


Did he respond to that last comment? No!

Oh, and here's an incident that resulted in me writing a one-shot of Trixie suffering a bout of narcissistic rage. So I've written a pretty popular one-shot based on an idea I had for an animated short. And given how popular it was, I was hoping to see it get featured. So when somebody else has his story featured with fewer views than mine, I was a bit annoyed.

Though, ironically, I found out that the one-shot I thought didn't get featured actually did get featured after all. And even more ironically, so did the one-shot of Trixie suffering a bout of narcissistic rage. :rainbowlaugh:

So, bouts of narcissistic rage notwithstanding, it doesn't affect me nor my family that much. Especially since I only express my frustration on this site anyway.

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