• Member Since 20th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen June 4th


Aspiring writer, Steve Magnet disciple

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"Endings" Announcement for the Golden Oaks Bookstore · 5:26pm Jul 25th, 2019

So to anyone that’s been paying attention to fandom news the past few months, you’re probably aware that BronyCon will be doing its final convention in Baltimore next week. As I’ve been going to the convention every year since 2013 and hosted panels there for 4 of those years, you can bet I wanted to do something to make this last go-around special. While I wasn’t able to get a panel this year, I decided to use my interest in MLP fanfiction and writing abilities as an excuse to take part in Aquaman’s Golden Oaks Bookstore at the convention.

My submission is a story collection called Endings, focusing on different show and original characters who find themselves at “The End”. Exactly what these endings consist of varies, but they all deal with the characters coming to important conclusions within their lives, whether it be finding a partner, dealing with a societal change, or even death itself. The idea is to examine how “The End” is rarely as clear a concept as we think of it and to tie into BronyCon’s own finality.

However, if you’ve glanced at my story listings, you’ll note I don’t seem to have enough stories uploaded to fill a six story collection. That’s because a lot of these stories were edited over the past few weeks and only completed recently. Ergo, it is my plan to upload them over the next few days, before the convention so as to not run into legal trouble and to gauge readers’ reactions to them. Don’t think of it as a story dump so much as a crowded release weekend.

The stories I’m using for this collection will debut in the following order:

· The Right Reads (already uploaded)
· Cranky and Steve’s Final Adventure (First Half Today, Second Half Tomorrow)
· Every Nightmare’s Caveat (A few chapters a day until Monday)
· No Gift is Free (Saturday)
· The Slow Transformation of Oliver Sanderson (First Half Sunday, Second Half Monday)

The sixth story, Hard Deadline, is going to be the one outlier. After consulting with Aquaman, I decided I was going to premiere this story at BronyCon. However, I will be uploading it to FimFiction shortly after the convention to not run afoul of Daddy Hasbro. I do not have a firm date in mind, as I’m not sure how many people will be buying the book and if there will be people who order it after the convention (I want to give all purchasers a chance to read it before anyone else), but I will place a posting date no later than August 19. That seems like it would be enough time for someone who couldn’t buy the last copy at BronyCon to have a copy sent to them.

I will link all of the stories mentioned here when they are uploaded. I will also be doing blog posts after the convention talking about each story and how I felt while writing them.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy what I’ve created!

Comments ( 7 )

Well, you are creating quite the dilemma for me. Do I read those stories beforehand or do I wait until I get the book?

It depends on how much you want to be surprised. As I said above, all of the stories (save Hard Deadline) will be uploaded to the site several days before the convention. The businessman in me would tell you to wait until the con just so I could have a guaranteed sale, but the writer in me would say read at least a few of them first beforehand to make sure you're actually interested in getting the collection. Only Every Nightmare's Caveat is significantly long, so it shouldn't take you too long to read at least two of them.

I'd be very interested in purchasing a copy at BronyCon, if that is possible. I remember thinking quite well of 'The Right Reads'!

Great! I'll be uploading other stories soon as well. Thanks for complimenting my story, and I hope you enjoy the ones coming soon!


I already plan on getting it for The Right Reads alone. That said the concept behind the collection intrigues me enough for the rest of the stories that I want to read them too.

Disappear from fandom for a few years and I miss all the cool stuff. :ajsleepy:
Any chance of this showing up on Lulu one day?

You're the first person to ask me that in three years. I originally wasn't going to, as I've mentioned in one of my blog posts that I wasn't particularly pleased with the final result of a lot of these stories (half of them were not looked over by a pre-reader or editor, and as this was my first self-published book, there were a lot of spacing and format errors).

However, given as I've already re-formatted the book to look more professional and I haven't deleted the LuLu file I uploaded the final draft on, I could theoretically release it on Lulu. If you do have a genuine interest in buying the collection, please tell me and I'll see if I can get that done.

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