• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 3rd, 2022


I`m Russian, I`m female, I`m blunter then a bag of hammers and I write pony staff occassionally. That`s about it.

More Blog Posts20

  • 302 weeks
    So I just run into a story that reminded me of this...

    Sometimes, I get an ideas that I don`t flesh out completely. They end up being just beginnings of stories for... well, years upon years. Sometimes the muses strike and I add something to those, but actually finishing... Yeah, well. That`s a problem. The stuff I`ve actually published is like, 1/5 of what I`ve started. I wish I had a better start to finish ratio, but one just does not force the

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    0 comments · 349 views
  • 345 weeks
    Notes on Equestrian Government Structure (headcanon, obviously)

    Political system in Equestria can be most succintly described as "constitutional oligarchy". While nominally, the minutae government have had been largely delegated to elected representatives, major decisions are universally deferred to alicorns.

    1) Legislative.

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    8 comments · 501 views
  • 348 weeks
    So I was thinking...

    Sometimes, I write pretty goods things on the lark and then lose them in the forums. So I thought I`d copy the stuff I liked in the blog, just to keep it handy. Case one.

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    0 comments · 446 views
  • 372 weeks
    Circles of magic

    1) Regio Naturae.
    2) Regio Magicae.
    3/4) Regio Occultae.
    4/3) Regio Arcanae.
    5/6) Regio Imperium.
    6/5) Regio Dominio.
    7) Regio Orbis.

    1) Regio Naturae

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    4 comments · 517 views
  • 431 weeks
    Five Rules

    Five vital rules for an intellectual.

    1) Don`t think about it.
    2) If you`re thinking, don`t speak about it.
    3) If you think and speak, don`t write about it.
    4) If you think, speak and write, don`t sign it.
    5) If you think, speak, write and sign it, don`t act surprised.

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So I just run into a story that reminded me of this... · 8:42pm Aug 14th, 2018

Sometimes, I get an ideas that I don`t flesh out completely. They end up being just beginnings of stories for... well, years upon years. Sometimes the muses strike and I add something to those, but actually finishing... Yeah, well. That`s a problem. The stuff I`ve actually published is like, 1/5 of what I`ve started. I wish I had a better start to finish ratio, but one just does not force the inspiration. It`s there when it`s there...

Anyways, the story I`ve run into, namely this - The Great And Deathless Trixie, uses the same premise is the snippet I`ve started all the way back in 2013. Go figure, huh?

Anyway, since I don`t think it will grow into anything for a good few years yet, if ever, I`m going to toss what I have out here. Just because of "oh wow, I remember this" kinda feeling.

Just uh, mind... This one is kinda more adult-setting (borderline clop at times, to be honest).


She sighed, stretching her wings languidly, and sipped from the glass. Tonight was... less then interesting. As a rule of thumb, prowling the bars after the show used to be more entertaining, but right now?... Total sausagefest, given the show was given to open the annual hoofball tournament. She tossed her colorful mane back and shook her head. Most mares reveled in such an abundance of stallions... but for her tastes, it was exactly opposite. Oh well. At least, no stallion was stupid enough to approach her. It`s never been much of a secret that Rainbow Dash is a mare after mares.

She upended the glass, tilting head back as the last drips of rum slithered out of the glass onto her tongue, and slammed it back on the table with a loud exhale. "Top me off." - she grumbled at the barkeep. Apparently, he either didn`t hear or elected to pretend he didn`t hear. Dash straightened up with a grumble, fully intending to give him a piece of mind when someone slid a glass of rum next to her hoof. "Allow me to treat you." - a voice offered in her ear. Smooth feminine voice. Cancel alert. Dash`s posture relaxed, as she leaned back from the tickling breath a little, her ear wiggling.

"For me? Don`t mind if I do..." - she offered, craning her neck to see who was it offering her a drink. She could`ve sworn she vaguely remembered the unicorn mare from somewhere. That powder-blue coat and the mane just a few touches shy of white... hm. No, nothing. Unicorn smirked at her, sitting down on the stool next to Rainbow Dash. "Cheers. To the fastest pegasus in Equestria." - she offered, raising her glass. Dash would be remiss not to heed that kind of offer, of course, so the rum quickly ended up in her belly.

"...Say, don`t I know you?" - she inquired lazily, rotating on the stool to glimpse at her new drinking buddy - "You seem familiar, but... darn, I just can`t recall right now." Other mare merely smirked - "My, my. Trixie is not that easily forgotten, is she?" Pegasus straightened up as if she just swallowed a poker. "Trixie!?" - she yelped, wheeling around to face the mare squarely. Unicorn gave her another smirk and raised her half-full glass. "Cheers, Rainbow Dash. Today`s your day." - she offered gayly.

"I...you... What are you doing here?" - she finally settled on the question, glaring at Trixie intently. Magician chuckled lightly - "Would you believe nothing? Trixie had been performing for nearly a week prior to the games. She`s certainly entitled to dayoffs now and then, now isn`t she?" Rainbow Dash gave her a flat stare, muttering - "Yeah. Right." Her heart wasn`t on it, though.

Trixie giggled quietly - "Alright, alright, you`ve figured out Trixie`s true intentions. She is really here to seduce you and find out all your Wonderbolt secrets." Pegasus rolled her eyes and turned around, finding her glass full of rum again. She quaffed it unceremoniously, gagging momentarily. Previous glass definitely went down better. "Ain`t got no secrets." - she muttered, - "Just bloody training. Day and night, month after month." A hoof wrapped itself around her shoulders. Strangely, she didn`t mind, though usually that kind of move resulted in a brawl. Today though... she just had no energy to fight it.

"Aw. Is poor Dashie all washed up? Come, let Trixie take care of you tonight. Maybe tomorrow you`ll feel better about it all." - she cooed, her breath tickling Dash`s ear. Flicking aforementioned ear, Rainbow Dash let out a soft chuckle of her own - "...Bah. Sold. Nothing better to do anyway."


Something about this whole situation vaguely bothered Dash. She could not put her hoof on it, but something felt off. Not in Trixie, though. She could tell that unicorn was quite honest and earnest about her little kisses, licks and nibbles which she was currently lavishing on pegasus` neck, making Dash squirm and moan out softly. No, something was off about Dash`s own response. She was usually more spirited. Less complacent.... Oh well.

Dash`s forelegs wrapped themselves around Trixie`s neck, pulling her head a little close as she reached upwards, delivering a little nip to the tip of Trixie`s horn. Judging by the shiver and moan against her chest, it was definitely a soft spot. Pegasus smirked and run her tongue over the length of horn teasingly, holding on to Trixie`s head with both hooves. She could feel the other mare squirming and pressing against her body, Trixie`s belly rubbing against her crotch. She knew she must be wet down there, and she wanted Trixie to know and feel it as well. A hoof pressed just above her slit, making her squirm against Trixie - apparently the magician noticed just fine.


She lifted her head, shaking the haze of sex off for a second. While she could not have put her hoof on what was wrong still, the feeling returned. She considered the moist slit in front of her briefly, then shrugged and delivered another slow long lick to it, tongue slipping into the warm center, making the mare under her shudder and moan in pleasure. It was very late, or maybe already early, but Trixie proved herself to be nigh insatiable and Dash would be damned if she gave up first. Especially on sex.

Still... the thought lingered somewhere in the back of her mind, while she resumed her tongue assault with vigor. Something was wrong. Not with her, nor with Trixie, nor with sex, but... there WAS some wrongness she just couldn`t formulate properly.


Morning. She hated mornings with passion. Rainbow Dash turned around and nuzzled into her pillow, issuing forth - "...Five more minutes!". It was not to be, however, as the second later the brain finally processed the simple fact - she was not in her hotel room.

Pegasus sat up abruptly, her heart beating as she took a stock of surroundings. It was uncommon for her to wake up in unfamiliar place - her personality dictated she was the one who took the other mare to her place, usually, rather then vice-versa. Speaking of the devil, who... Oh. Dash rubbed her eyes, then stared again. A few seconds later, Trixie sighed and put down the newspaper. "Yes? How may Trixie help you?" - she inquired sarcastically, leaning on the back of the chair, inadvertently striking a pose. Pegasus swallowed audibly. "Did I... you... Oh Discord touch it, what happened yesterday?" - she demanded, - "We bucked, didn`t we?"

Trixie nodded languidly, her lips curved into a sated smile - "Oh, yes. Many times. Trixie must commend your stamina, you really wore her out." Other mare bristled almost audibly. "Just how drunk I was?" - she groused, swinging her legs off the bed. However, Rainbow Dash was fairly certain her drinking had been quite in moderation, yesterday. She`s been well acquainted with the feeling of hangover to know it`s not happening. Unicorn shook her head, keeping her smile - "Oh, you weren`t really drunk, no. Trixie just slipped you some love potion in your drink."

She barely finished the sentence before the colorful blur knocked her off the chair on the floor. Dash loomed above her, hoof high in the air. "YOU WHAT?" - she bellowed, - "You slipped me a damn love potion!?" Unicorn nodded, her smile strangely persistent. It remained in place even when Dash`s hoof fell down on her cheek, making her head jerk to the side.

"Why the buck did you do that?" - demanded Rainbow Dash hotly, her face hovering inches from Trixie`s, keeping her pinned to the floor with her weight, - "Did you steal something from me!? Or swindled me somehow?! ANSWER, DAMN YOU, BEFORE I BEAT IT OUT OF YOU!" Trixie grinned in her face. "Trixie just wanted to buck with you." - she offered cockily.

A few seconds and strikes later, Dash came to her senses, glaring at the mare under her with anger and revulsion. Trixie`s left eye was already closing from the swelling, a thin line of blood running down her cheek where Dash`s hoof tore the skin. Her left cheek bore a huge bruise. But she still smiled. "...What is wrong with you?" - pegasus muttered, staring at Trixie. "Aw, come on. Don`t stop. Trixie does not mind." - the other mare offered, her tongue slipping out momentarily, lapping at the split lip - "Hurt Trixie more. It`s not like she does not deserve it, now does she?"

Rainbow Dash shot up, away from Trixie, her face running a gamut of surprise, shock, revulsion and a little bit of guilty arousal. "...Are you bucking nuts?!" - she finally offered, settling finally on revulsion, - "You`re bucked in the head, Trixie." Unicorn winked at her from the floor. "Trixie is, yes. You just bucked her in the head a couple of times, in fact." - she admitted, propping herself up into sitting position - "Come on. Don`t you want to hurt Trixie for giving you love potion? Hit her more. Swing a chair at her, maybe. Or try and strangle her with the sheets. Be creative."

"No way. Get away from me, you crazy mare." - posited Dash firmly, as she inched towards the door, - "You need help." For a few moments, Trixie just stared at her, as well as she could stare with one eye swollen shut, then heaved a little sigh. "Bah. You`re not as hotheaded as Trixie remembered you as." - she proclaimed, standing up gingerly, - "Fine. Calm down. No more masochism, Trixie promises." Unicorn mare turned around, her horn sparkling a few times as she pulled the medical kit from the bathroom and opened it, quickly cleaning up her battered face. Against her better judgement, Rainbow Dash moved a little closer. She knew she should just walk out and never turn back, but... Damn it. Trixie might be needing help. Badly.

"You look like you know what you`re doing." - she offered, her voice rasp as she observed unicorn apply wipes, disinfectant and gauze efficiently, - "Lotsa practice?" Trixie nodded absentmindedly, applying the bandage over her eye gingerly - "Trixie does know what to do from experience, yes." Chewing her lip nervously, Dash hesitated. Twilight would know what to do. Fluttershy or Rarity would know what to say. Unfortunately, she was neither of them, and waiting wasn`t an option. She`ll just have to wing it.

"Why do you do it, Trixie?" - she offered hesitantly, staring at the now bandaged illusionist. Trixie shrugged. "Trixie likes to... to feel, probably." - she offered back, putting the medical kit away - "Pain and pleasure are just two extremes... and being extremes, they`re closer then most ponies would care to admit." Rainbow bit her lip and rolled her eyes. Typical for unicorns. Ask simple question, get philosophical answer. "Are you getting off to it?" - she asked bluntly.

"Trixie supposes she can, yes." - agreed other mare, - "Though Trixie should note that pain brings somewhat different feelings, and has a different kind of climax." Dash facehooved - "Aren`t you afraid to get hurt just a little bit too much?" Trixie shook her head slowly, her face now set in a forlorn frown. "Trixie can not be hurt too much." - she responded quietly, - "Trixie tried. No matter what happens to Trixie, she will wake up as if nothing had happened the next day."

"What do you mean, you tried? Did you let somepony beat you rotten, is that it!?" - inquired Dash hotly, advancing on the mare again. She simply shrugged. "That too. Trixie also allowed herself to be burned a couple of times. Stabbed, too. Once, Trixie had griffons disembowel her. Nothing works. No matter what kind of suffering Trixie tries to put herself through, it`s all wiped as if it never were when she wakes up the next day." - she offered in a small voice, - "Trixie came to like being killed every now and then... It never works, but it feels like something, at least."

Holy bucking Discord riding Nightmare Moon. That was officially weird. Weird beyond Pinkie Pie level weird, which was weird in itself. "..You mean to tell me you`re immortal?" - Dash finally offered, flabbergasted and disturbed enough to forget about her anger entirely, - "How did you end up like this?" Trixie heaved another little sigh - "Trixie knows not for sure. Only suspects. Trixie thinks ponies were never meant to wear Alicorn Amulet. Trixie suspects that maybe amulet sensed Trixie was not an alicorn when she used it and tried to amend Trixie to the best of it`s ability."

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