• Member Since 15th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen May 2nd, 2023


Excited to finally have a FIMfiction account! Will post my stuff here now.

More Blog Posts28

  • 353 weeks
    Fantasy Novels

    Many of the comments to my previous blog entry were asking if there was any way of acquiring the fantasy books I mentioned. As I said, my goal is to get an agent and then a book deal, so at this time I've decided against self-publishing.

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    164 comments · 5,263 views
  • 354 weeks
    August Update

    Hello! It's been some time. I suppose I should keep everyone abreast of the latest goings-on in my life, which, alas, include no MLP fanfiction.

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  • 375 weeks
    New Stories Possible

    Dusting off the cobwebs here. It's been a while, hasn't it? I've been writing original fiction most of this time--that, and going to graduate school. Even as we speak I'm working on a fantasy novel, which is the second in a series I've been writing.

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  • 428 weeks
    Update For My Friends

    Hello everyone!

    I realize I've been terribly quiet for some time now, and that the 'sequel short story' I was writing for Besides the Will of Evil never really materialized. For anyone who was anticipating it, I very much apologize.

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  • 443 weeks
    Calling Mapmakers

    It occurs to me that one of the things Ardo Roccolato has been missing is a map--a way to locate the various countries of my world in their relations to each other. Does anyone know of any good fandom mapmakers? I'm willing to commission someone. I'd just like a visual depiction of the various lands I've written about--Equestria, Gildedale, the Crystal Empire, the Shimmerwood, Issidonia,

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    10 comments · 805 views

Fantasy Novels · 7:59pm Sep 1st, 2017

Many of the comments to my previous blog entry were asking if there was any way of acquiring the fantasy books I mentioned. As I said, my goal is to get an agent and then a book deal, so at this time I've decided against self-publishing.

That isn't to say, though, that I'm opposed to sharing them. If you'd like, you can PM me with a good email address, and I'll happily send along one or both. I'm fairly proud of them, so I'm happy to let people read them.

Comments ( 164 )

I'm definitely interested but I'll wait until its published and buy it! :D

notice me jetfire plz D:

Comment posted by Eagle deleted Jun 1st, 2020

Dude i was wondering if you could help me with an upcoming project?

i need to know for a fic but what does concrete taste like when it's mixed with your own blood?

Kuairu #6 · Jun 1st, 2020 · · 22 ·

It tastes like the abject failures of a ma–no, a child who believed he was doing the right thing but instead forgot the teachings and values of the show that he wrote fanfiction about.

Comment posted by Muggonny deleted Jun 1st, 2020

It's nice to know that one of my favorite stories was written by you. Thank you for standing your ground against looters, you brave man.

Maybe reckless idiot would be better wording. Still, get well soon and stay out of trouble.

It seems like the biggest fantasy was your belief that you had any skill in swordplay lmao

Ah, a lot of misunderstandings seem to have gone around. This is one twitter thread with a summary of things. Jetfire isn't a business owner, and it's really scary that no one has said anything about Eagle's above comment encouraging Jetfire to "get a crew and gun-up" and repeat his act of going out to wait by a local bar for the chance to, as Jetfire advertised on his twitter account in posts before and after the incident, attempt to commit premeditated murder for which he was so excited that, I quote, his "swords are eager to drip with blood".
It is scary that the following day, he called his vigilante effort "bravery" [if to the point of stupidity] and "thinking of other people" and refused to acknowledge that it is bad to attempt murder.

It is also scary that he could have himself died from the use of excessive force that night. My personal take is that it would've been desirable to send him walking home instead of to the hospital; you can make someone know they're beat without beating them to a pulp—though I'm not the guy he ran at screaming and swinging a machete for a full seven seconds even up to the point when other protesters came to his target's defense, when Jetfire could've run away, or could've from the beginning sat in front of the bar asking people to go somewhere else.

I wish him a speedy recovery, and that he has good friends to care for him rather than whatever influences made him think that doing this was a good thing. Kuairu's comment is not incorrect in observing how many of Jetfire's posts proudly pushed ideas worryingly far-removed from values of either FiM or plain respect for our fellow man and people's rights.

We should note that FiMFiction's rules disallow "celebration, glorification or encouragement of real life criminal activity".

I wasn't aware of his tweets. All I knew was that the guy had charged at people with a sheathed machete "defending" an establishment from vandalism. I take back what I said, partially. Maybe instead of brave I could've said reckless idiot.

This riot is messed up...


and it's really scary that no one has said anything about the above comment encouraging Jetfire to "get a crew and gun-up" and repeat his act of going out to wait by a local bar for the chance to

I actually reported the user for this, it's fucking disgusting.


isn't a business owner

so he's just a violent brainlet?

I would just like to take this opportunity to say:

Besides the Will of Evil wasn't that good.

In fact I actively disliked it, despite many moments and ideas in it being extremely clever and enjoyable, because of problems in its overarching themes and the way they were handled. It wanted to be the LotR to Dangerous Businesses's The Hobbit, and it failed.

Dangerous Business remains a great story though. It's a shame its writer turned out such an awful and unwell person. Alas, I doubt there is anything I can do to make you better, and I do not think I will try.

Really? Really?

Regardless of Jet's actions and beliefs, you're really going to take this time to take a shot at his works? He was beaten and is no doubt at a low point, and you want to take shots at the quality of his stories?

This is an opportunity, alright. You are actively doing this to slander the author while all eyes are on him.

Thanks for showing the outside world how truly in sync you are with them.

Jet, again, I wish you the best. I'm sorry.

Edit (6/4): Since Cyne's brought Jetfire to further attention, I'd like to explain that my original intent—was and still is, to dissuade people from chasing after Jet's work. I staunchly stand for the effort authors on the site have put into their stories. I've spent years watching events like these play out; authors torn from their posts, and their works forever-stamped with scorn. I don't want to see people strike out for some semblance of revenge by targeting content created to enrich the community.

If you were a fan of Jetfire's work and aren't satisfied with how things played out, I implore you to do your best to sever the connection between the author and their work before you 'burn' what remains of their library. Enjoy the works for what they are, and maintain the joy they may have brought you.

"He was beaten and is no doubt at a low point..."

He attempted to murder people. He didn't trip and fall or make an small oopsie. He tried to murder people and got what he deserved.

And here I stood, convinced by the idea that "stories about ponies are stories about people" would teach people something.

Thank you for your service, Jetfire. Please don't listen to all the trolls who say it's not okay to protect something you love. Terrorists shouldn't be burning down random businesses anyways. Followed.

I would hardly call this 'taking shots'. I still consider his other stories to be extremely good, and despite what I believe to be its flaws I still think BtWoE remains an impressive piece of work, and miles above many, many other stories on this site. But yes, I'm doing this here and now.

I'm doing it here, because there is nowhere left for me to do it, not after Jet blocked comments everywhere else. I'm doing it now, because the Fimfiction community is an abomination and every author that's big enough has their own cult of personality, whether they want it or not, and only now that the pedestal Jet was on top of has been shattered do I feel free to speak my mind about his work. Also I kind of never got the chance before.

There are many things I dislike about this ordeal. I am very torn on the way the connection between Jet and his account was found, and extremely angry at the way people jumped to conclusions over slim evidence (as far as I am aware, all that we had was two initials and a last name. If more evidence of the connection was there, I was not presented with it, and neither were others who still came to the same conclusion. That it was right is irrelevant, because it could have been wrong).

I don't agree with people attacking him directly, which they are no doubt doing, and I certainly do not enjoy the sight of another human being going through what he did go through. That doesn't mean I don't still strongly disagree with his own actions and positions. I do wish he will recover physically, but I would be happier knowing he won't repeat his actions, and much happier if by some miracle he changed his mind. The third will not happen, but I can at least hope for the second.

I do find it a bit ironic how you claim we should show respect to Jet. Not that I necessarily disagree, as I've outlined above, but it is interesting to see how by his own logic we should be going against him. There's something ironic about that. About a person whose ideals involve crushing evil ending up as the villain. Either way, I'm better than that. I do hope Jet will recover, and refrain from repeating any act of stupidity he committed. It's always a shame when a good author turns out to be a bad person, but he remains a person nonetheless, and I wouldn't wish him harm even if I vehemently disagree with him.

Also like this is my troll account and I was sort of making a joke to try to lighten my own mood after it turned out one of my favourite writers and greatest inspirations on the site was a delusional-sounding freak. And it's not even the first time. Thanks Harmony at least FoME looks normal enough.

Fair enough, man. I just like my fanfiction site and supporting authors; no matter how 'big' an author is, I still treat them like family, because we're all smaller than we seem.

So to see you write about their work during the middle of the aftermath put a sour taste in my mouth. You can take me to be as political as you want, but let me be clear: I'm standing for the creative outlet that me and most others came here for. I want the best for the fandom, y'know?

I don't know about the implication that I want Jet to be shown respect--that's how it can be interpreted, I guess, just keep in mind I haven't read Jet's work--but rather what I was going for was that I wanted to give him time to recover from his injuries. Sure, you say he's a big personality on a pedestal and that now was the time and place to take him down, but we can disagree there just fine.

I sincerely wish the best for everyone, but it's very painful to see people like wootmaster cracking jokes, and Eagle advocating for more violence.

Fimfiction is our home. And people are bringing the toxicity of the US riots here. Nobody should want that.

Site Owner
knighty #21 · Jun 1st, 2020 · · 2 ·

Please remember to not call for any kind of violence, regardless of affiliation or tone. It can be difficult to tell tone on the internet and right now, Fimfiction isn't really the best place for it.

R5h #22 · Jun 1st, 2020 · · 9 ·

I agree. It would be a terrible idea for someone to call for violence.


Particularly if this guy were to call for the exact same type of violence he tried to inflict. That would be really bad!

It isn't on Fimfiction so it's irrelevant. Cancel culture needs to be canceled. Imagine bringing politics to an MLP:FiM fanfiction site. There's a reason why I love spending time here and not raging on Twitter or watching news 24/7

i mean the written word is inherently political.

Just because not every author is George Orwell and cracking his metaphors over your head doesn't mean that you're safe from the nefarious tendrils of politics.

This comment section is proof the internet doesn't deserve to have loving parents.

Maybe you should go on twitter. Specifically Jetfire's twitter. Well, you can't because he's made it private, but there's archived screenshots of it floating around everywhere. He wasn't "defending" anyone, he went to that bar spoiling for a fight because he believed that the protesters/rioters were sinners and that he therefore had God's permission to murder them if they got anywhere near him. And he was excited to commit murder in the name of God.

Neat, share the archives.



People here gonna end up making him deep six his account.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Sunny #30 · Jun 2nd, 2020 · · 13 ·

I think a major diff here is like, a bunch of us are going 'We tried to be patient, and nice, and kind - and we got Trump, and 3 years of Trump, and all it did was get worse'.

At this point, the mood is shifting to : "No, you have used up your kindness. We are rejecting the cancer, and we are rejecting those who would give cover to cancer."

Jetfire attempted murder. He also just proceeded to validate a fuckton of negative Brony stereotypes. The community should reject him, wholly, right now, both in hopes it inspires him to change - but also to flatly inform other would-be murderers of some of the actual consequences for their actions.

The relevant ones have already been shared above in Cerulean's comment. Jet's exact words on the matter were "Our swords are eager to drip with blood to prove how much we love Him."

You didn't actually try to kill someone with a sword, did you?

Yeah, but the quality if his writing doesn't really seem relevant, specifically.

He didn't attack rioters, he attacked peaceful protestors. He wasn't defending anything other than his Don Quixote delusions of grandeur.

tried to kill people with a machete.


Yup. And I'm not defending that. Never was.

I just want to be able reread his stories.

Other than that, I've had a laugh, left him for dead, and moved right the fuck on.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Download them.

Like, if we presume the very best and he's just a mentally-compromised individual who made a very bad mistake, then he really, really needs to get away from a website where people are posting endorsement of his actions and offering advice on how to do better.

If we believe the worst (which, uh, seems more likely), then we've got a wool-dyed terrorist on this site and just every single nope to that.

Either way, I see absolutely no good to come from this account remaining, and a very great deal of potential harm.


...Have you even read this comment section...?

Well, whatever. I'm not much a fan for ebooks and there's just something weird about the downloads that makes it odd to read. Not sure if my eyes or I'm just weird.

Either way, I see absolutely no good to come from this account remaining, and a very great deal of potential harm.

Betcha $10 that in a month no one will even remember this dude or bother coming back to it.

~Skeeter The Lurker


...Have you even read this comment section...?

Ah, hm. You didn't catch the deleted ones.

Betcha $10 that in a month no one will even remember this dude or bother coming back to it.

I mean, if he never posts again, sure, or gives it a few years. Otherwise I'd call and raise.


There's only two deleted and most the rest seem to be happily bashing on him.

Plus of the blog variety, I've only seen one praising him as a "giantdad", and that's from a friend and known troll. The others I've seen have been various versions of "get the fuck out of this website" and the comments on those have also been of the "GTFO" flavor.

Point on the whole "never post" thing, though.

Give ya 50/50 odds on an obligatory apology post.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Comment posted by Goffee deleted Jun 4th, 2020

Literally the comment immediately after yours is encouraging him to use a gun the next time he goes out looking for an excuse to kill someone. And then immediately after him came a guy saying that the people Jetfire attacked "forfeited their lives" and bemoaning that he didn't succeed in killing them.

Comment posted by Goffee deleted Jun 4th, 2020

The biggest fantasy was mine in that you had any belief in liberty. Dumbshit supporting looters until they attacked something he cared about, regardless. He should have trained in using a gladius with a shield, and you shouldn't have let the woke crowd fuck your mind up.

I miss T:EM/P/O

I happen to think that, if you attack somebody, you forfeit your own life. It's a shame Jetfire wasn't skilled enough to do so.

Even if we pretend he's not mentally unbalanced and spoiling for a chance to hurt someone that he won't have to feel bad about, and even if we assume that he wasn't responsible for the fight that occurred, random acts of vigilante violence are going to make everything worse. This isn't a comic book, an untrained civilian armed with a pointy stick is going to get someone killed even if there's a way to not kill them if it was wielded by a more virtuous person.


No celebration, glorification or encouragement of real life criminal activity

It's literally the 5th rule of this site. Is this the hill you want to die on?

Last I checked, self-defense wasn't "criminal activity". I saw the unedited video, where he was getting rocks and shit chucked at him before he charged. He chose poorly, in charging a mob with a weapon he didn't know how to use, but he had every right to retaliate. Rocks can kill.

This has nothing to do with "virtue". This isn't about somehow trying to nobly spare the lives of people who want you fucking dead for daring to stand in the way of their own violence and lawlessness. Every dead looter is one who won't burn another building and block firefighters from trying to save the child trapped inside.

If anybody thinks anything in these statements-of-opinion is against the rules, fucking report me.

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