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Dark Scribe of the 38th Company, Iron Warriors Legion, come to bring the glory of Chaos to the realm of Pony.

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Codex: 38th Company (Part 1 - Revision 2) · 7:08am Jul 9th, 2017

Well, finally started re-doing the codexes. This one took me an entire evening, so I can't help but feel the time would be better spent writing? Oh well. Here's your 8th Edition stuff, part 1.

This section contains pony Special Characters, as well as the Harmony Psychic Discipline and Detachment rules.

Codex: 38th Company Section 1 - Detachment Equiis Special Characters and Special Rules

Special Rules

Friendship is Magic: The bond of trust and cooperation between true friends is deeper than that of even the most disciplined professional soldiers. While it may not turn aside a laser beam, it can make all the difference in the grind of battle when fear seizes one's heart and compels one to flee. Units with Friendship is Magic always roll an additional d6 when taking Leadership or Morale tests of any kind, and may then discard a d6 of their choice (probably the highest one).

Unicorn: Models with the Unicorn special rule are psykers. Unlike most psykers, however, unicorns never suffer from Perils of the Warp and do not know the Smite psychic power. All unicorns instead know the Telekinesis spell, detailed further below. In addition, unicorns are able to fire weapons without having to physically touch them. This method isn't a substantial improvement over the simple ballistic harnesses used by other ponies, but it's extremely helpful when firing guns that threaten to overheat. Unicorns always fire plasma guns in supercharged mode and never suffer damage from rolling a 1.

Pegasus: Models with the Pegasus special rule have the Flying keyword, and tend to have much greater Movement characteristics. In addition, they may be held in reserve by flying high-altitude patterns before swooping in to join the battle at a critical moment. At the end of any Movement Phase, place the unit anywhere on the board at least 9" from any enemy models.

Earth Pony: Models with the Earth Pony special rule have +1 Toughness due to their denser musculature and bone structure.

Alicorn: Models with the Alicorn special rule have the advantages of all three pony races, and may induce Fan Rage.

Flying Ace: Models with this special rule combine extraordinary speed with avian agility. Although not necessarily as fast as actual fighter jets or other aircraft, their smaller profile and reflexes make them just as hard to hit. Any unit that declares a shooting attack against a unit with Flying Ace does so at a -1 to hit penalty.

Psionic Wargear: Certain pieces of equipment require psychic energy to function rather than using more conventional power sources. Obviously, this wargear is only useful for psykers, and only psykers can take them. Psionic Wargear is powered in the Psychic Phase; in order to do so, simply declare that the model is charging the wargear and choose the effect if the wargear has more than one ability. The wargear is then active until the beginning of the next friendly Psychic Phase. This counts as using a power for the purposes of how many powers the psyker unit can use per turn, but no psychic roll is made and the enemy cannot attempt to Deny the Witch.
When within the psyker null-field of a Culexus Assassin or Sister of Silence unit, Psionic Wargear cannot be charged. If successfully used outside of the aura, however, the wargear will function normally and can even be used on such abominations; the wargear has already converted the power of the Warp into a much more conventional form of death!

Wargear from the Forge of the Warsmith: All wargear designated as such has been constructed by Warsmith Solon, and is often customized and greatly enhanced in ways that astound even the Magi of the Dark Mechanicus. All such weapons may re-roll one hit roll in the applicable phase. All Power Armor and Terminator Armor with this distinction add +1 Strength and +1 Wounds (which will be included in the model profiles) in addition to any other unique abilities.

Touched by Darkness: A model that is Touched by Darkness has learned to overcome the protections granted to the pony race from the malicious nature of the Warp and reach the true power of that nightmare realm. Although they are typically quite reluctant to use such energies, should it come down to a matter of life and death, they’re often quite willing to risk their sanity for the sake of survival. Any time a pony with this special rule fails a Psychic Test, it may choose to re-roll the test. This re-roll gains an additional d6 to add to the total, but can suffer a Perils of the Warp result like most other psykers.

Most of the units described in this supplement do not have a force organization category listed. Models listed without a force organization categorization function as Elites choices for the purposes of classification, but do not take up any slots in a detachment organization chart. HQ choices use HQ slots as normal. All the units listed here are Unique Characters, and as such there can only be one in each army among all allied Detachments.

Elements of Harmony

Twilight Sparkle (120 points/power rating 10 - HQ choice)

Celestia's most faithful student. LOL.
Twilight Sparkle is the leader of Equinought Squadron, and arguably the most important tactical asset to come from Equestria and join the band of pirates and psychotic cultists that ended up saving it. Although troubled by the clearly malevolent nature of Chaos, to say nothing of Celestia's persisting disapproval of the 38th Company's presence, Twilight has maintained a relentlessly cheerful outlook and hopes that the friendly affection and benevolence of the equine race will enlighten and redeem the twisted soldiers and reavers. It's adorable, really.
In combat, Twilight performs an effective combination of roles. Her considerable psychic powers combine with the wargear gifted to her by Warsmith Solon to make her a deadly adversary under any conditions, and her extensive research and review on battle tactics makes her a respectable leader despite a dearth of serious experience at war. She does have a habit of getting in over her head when dueling, however, often challenging enemy leaders in close combat and then regretting it when they turn out to be especially skilled or well-armed. It's almost like she thinks she's a storybook heroine or something.

M: 12" | BS: 3+ | WS: 4+ | S: 4 | T: 4 | W: 5 | A: 3 | Ld: 9 | Sv: 3+

Twilight Sparkle is a single model armed with a Twiblade Force Harmonizer, Centaur Power Armor, and a Psionic Manifold from the Forge of the Warsmith.
The Twi FORCE HARMONIZER is Psionic Wargear that can be powered for one or more of the following effects. Twilight can power up multiple effects instead of casting psychic powers, but cannot power up the same ability more than once per turn.
Shield Mode: Twilight and any units within 3" gain a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
Blade Mode | Range: Melee | Type: Melee | S: user +3 | AP: -4 | D: d3 | When active, add +1 to the Attack characteristic
Beam Mode | Range: 30” | Type: Heavy 6 | S: 5 | AP: -1 | D: 1 |
Heavy Beam Mode | Range: 48” | Type: Heavy d3 | S: 9 | AP: -3 | D: d6 |

Special Rules: Alicorn, Friendship is Magic, Twilicious

Twilicious: Twilight Sparkle benefits from her extensive schooling in the art of magic by her mentor, Princess Celestia, as well as the experience of many rather dangerous encounters that said mentor has sent her to. Twilight's magic mastery is such that her telekinesis can deftly aid her in battle with minimal concentration, granting her a passive Invulnerable Save of 5+. In addition, she adds +1 to all her Psychic Test results.
Psionic Manifold: This psychic booster creates a contained Warp-energy “bubble” when the user’s normal access to Warp energy is compromised, protecting Twilight from attempts to shut down her psychic abilities. Twilight Sparkle never suffers any penalties when trying to manifest psychic powers for any reason, including within Abomination null-fields. She may always attempt to manifest psychic powers or charge her Psionic Wargear without interruption. Please note that this does not mean that a manifested psychic power will work on a model immune to psychic powers, nor does it affect an opponent’s ability to Deny the Witch.

Psyker: Twilight Sparkle may manifest up to three psychic powers in each friendly Psychic Phase and attempt to Deny the Witch twice in each enemy Psychic Phase. She knows the Telekinesis power and may choose three additional powers from the Harmony Discipline.
Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Character, Infantry, Princess, Psyker, Fly, Equinought, Pony, Twilight Sparkle

Rarity (45 points/power rating 3)

One of the more hesitant converts to the forces of Chaos, Rarity's service to Equinought Squadron and the 38th Company is mostly performed through her attachment to Norris Delgan, the fleet Trademaster. Although this doesn't especially affect the nature of her duties, it does ensure that at the very least her efforts are directed toward an explicit profit motive rather than any obtuse religious nonsense or meaningless military cruelty.
Although she disdains combat, Rarity has proven surprisingly good at it. Most unicorns have difficulty aiming a weapon through levitation, but Rarity's keen eye and deft telekinesis allows her to match the combat accuracy of most Iron Warriors with her chosen weapons. In close combat she's quite capable with a power sword, although she hardly measures up to the heroes of the galaxy in terms of skill. She makes up the difference with Solon's wargear, which surpasses that of nearly anyone she might be called upon to face. She only wished it didn't look so tacky.

M: 7" | BS: 3+ | WS: 3+ | S: 4 | T: 3 | W: 3 | A: 3 | Ld: 7 | Sv: 3+ |

Rarity is a single model armed with a Plasma Gun, Power Sword, Centaur Power Armor, and Time Dilation Engine from the Forge of the Warsmith.
Special Rules: Unicorn, Friendship is Magic, Fabulous, Shiny

Fabulous: Rarity has a +5 invulnerable save. A lady does NOT allow a power fist to cave her face in, especially when everyone is watching!
Shiny: Rarity’s armor is obnoxiously bright and eye-catching, and very easy to pick out even in low-visibility conditions. Models shooting at Rarity never suffer penalties to BS from night fighting rules or any other obscuring defense that hinders shooting (this doesn't affect penalties to heavy weapons for moving and firing if applicable).
Time Dilation Engine: Psionic Wargear. When this machine is powered, it shifts the flow of time around the user to slow down surrounding events and give the user additional time to react. As soon as the device is powered, Rarity may move as if it were the Movement Phase (all normal restrictions apply). During both the subsequent Shooting and Fight Phases, Rarity may act twice in each phase (if eligible to attack at all).

Psyker: Rarity may attempt to manifest one psychic power in the friendly Psychic Phase, but may not attempt to Deny the Witch. She knows the Telekinesis power.

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Character, Infantry, Psyker, Equinought, Pony, Rarity

Rainbow Dash (50 points/power rating 4)

Element of "Fly Into Your Face and Fill It Full of Ninja Stars". Rainbow Dash was most certainly among the ponies happy to embrace their future of deadly combat and brutal piracy, to the point that she badgered Warsmith Solon for specialized wargear in order to contribute more fully to future battles. Eventually she got exactly what she asked for, and - surprisingly - doesn't even regret it, despite numerous concussions and increasingly dangerous battlefield engagements.
Rainbow's combat style matches her personality: she's reckless, dangerous, and showy. She has no head for tactics, and rarely considers the danger posed by enemy units, presuming that she can overwhelm or avoid them with sheer speed. Due to her speed and high-altitude mobility, she also has difficulty operating with the rest of Equinought Squadron, which encourages her to make near-suicidal runs at important enemy targets by herself or operate as Tellis's "wingmare" as he neglects the mission at hand in order to find a more satisfying fight. To Rainbow's credit, such "battle plans" actually work out as often as not, and even on the occasions it doesn't she's proven tough enough to bounce back into the fight after being dragged out of her impact crater and having her armor repaired.

M: 24" | BS: 4+ | WS: 3+ | S: 4 | T: 3 | W: 4 | A: 5 | Ld: 7 | Sv: 3+ |

Rainbow Dash is a single model equipped with a Shuriken Catapult, Centaur Power Armor, and a Kinesis Refraction Field from the Forge of the Warsmith
Special Rules: Pegasus, Friendship is Magic, Flying Ace, Ace Jink

Ace Jink: Rainbow Dash is really hard to hit when she pours on the speed and concentrates on dodging. Rainbow Dash may choose in the Movement Phase to use this ability after moving. Once used, Rainbow Dash may not shoot or charge. Until the beginning of the next friendly Movement Phase, however, any unit wishing to attack Rainbow Dash (in any phase) can only hit her on a roll of 6, irrespective of any other modifiers. Models may not charge or attack Rainbow Dash in the Fight Phase while she is using Ace Jink unless they have the Fly Keyword.
Kinesis Refraction Field: Allows for a distinctly reckless tactic RD likes to call the Rainbow Buster. In any Movement Phase Rainbow Dash may boost her movement, changing it to 24"-36". She may only move in a straight line while boosting in this manner. If her path takes her through at least one enemy unit, then one of those enemy units is subjected to the following attack:
Type: Melee d3 | S: userX2 | AP: -2 | D: 2 | Hits automatically

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Character, Infantry, Fly, Equinought, Pony, Rainbow Dash

Fluttershy (40 points/power rating 3)

By far the most reluctant convert to the cause of Chaos, Fluttershy remains utterly skeptical of the 38th Company and its "heroic" defense of Equestria and its pony citizens. Even her unexpected rapport with daemons, who seem bizarrely servile and gentle in her presence, has not helped endear her to the Chaos forces; she considers it just about criminal the way they treat the monsters, and completely oblivious to the absolute terror that they inspire in ponies and mortal humans.
In combat, Fluttershy's contributions just about match her devotion to the cause. She's completely helpless in melee fighting, and the art of tactical warfare is lost on her. Even with an area-affect weapon and the most sophisticated targeting wargear Solon had to offer, her offensive contribution can best be characterized as "not obstructive". She has shown some talent as a combat medic however, displaying a strong tolerance for the horrific wounds suffered by the Company's warriors and a healthy detachment from their obvious suffering. Combined with her ability to easily calm and guide daemon-controlled war machines, Fluttershy has eventually become a significant tactical asset, just not in a way that anyone had predicted.

M: 12" | BS: 5+ | WS: 5+ | S: 4 | T: 3 | W: 3 | A: 1 | Ld: 5 | Sv: 3+ |

Fluttershy is a single model equipped with a Photon Grenade Launcher, a Narthecium Apparatus (see Space Marines Index), Centaur Power Armor, and a Cloaking Field from the Forge of the Warsmith
Special Rules: Pegasus, Friendship is Magic, Daemonfriend

Daemonfriend: Fluttershy may embark upon any vehicle with the Daemon Engine keyword, even if it is not a transport. She treats such non-transport vehicles as Transports with Transport Capacity 1, and follows all the normal rules for embarking and disembarking. While embarked on a Daemon Engine, its hit rolls for shooting and close combat are at +1, and its Invulnerable Save is improved by +1. Fluttershy can still fire her own weapon while embarked, but cannot use her Narthecium Apparatus on surrounding units until she dismounts her war machine.
Photon Grenade Launcher | Range 30” | Type: Assault 1 | S: - | AP: - | If this weapon hits, the target unit suffers a -1 penalty to its hit rolls in shooting and close combat until Fluttershy's next friendly Shooting Phase |
Cloaking Field: A unit with a Cloaking Field may activate it at the at the end of the Movement Phase so long as it is not embarked upon a vehicle. The field’s activation cycle lasts until the unit’s next Movement Phase. So long as it is active, the model cannot shoot, declare a charge, or strike blows in close combat (it can still perform any other actions available to it). So long as the field is active, all enemy units attacking the cloaked model hit at BS: 6+ and WS: 6+.

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Character, Infantry, Fly, Equinought, Pony, Fluttershy

Applejack (50 points/power rating 4)

One of the more enthusiastic recruits to Equinought Squadron, Applejack always considered the war for Equestria more personal than most other ponies. Having unwillingly hosted the very first battle between Tau and Chaos forces on Centaur III on her orchard, Applejack was quick to side against the aliens who had destroyed her home and nearly killed her family despite Twilight Sparkle's pleas for neutrality. Getting her own suit of Terminator Armor fully sealed her fate as a warrior of the 38th Company, and she had taken up the life of a space pirate without remorse.
In battle Applejack favors a bull-like, uncomplicated approach well-suited to her wargear loadout. She charges into the fray with flamer roaring and legs kicking, and she relies on others to work out the bothersome details of tactics and objectives. She's proven shockingly durable on the few occasions that her armor hasn't completely protected her from the enemy's weapons, and surprisingly capable in melee despite her inability to hold a sword.

M: 6" | BS: 3+ | WS: 3+ | S: 5 | T: 4 | W: 6 | A: 4 | Ld: 7 | Sv: 2+ |

Applejack is a single model armed with a Heavy Flamer, Gravity Lash, and Centaur Terminator Armor from the Forge of the Warsmith. She also has a Stetson.
Gravity Lash | Range: 18” | Type: Assault 1 | S: 6 | AP: -2 | If a unit with Keyword: Infantry is hit by this weapon, choose a model in the target unit and move it 2d6" in any direction. If a unit with Keyword: Vehicle or Monster (but doesn't have Keyword: Titanic) is hit, then its Movement characteristic is halved during its next Movement Phase.

Special Rules: Earth Pony, Friendship is Magic, Applebucker

Terminator Armor: Applejack has a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
Applebucker: The Apple siblings have spent their formative years learning how to kick trees such that they’ll shake the apples loose without wasting the energy splitting the bark and trunk. This technique can be strengthened with proper power armor and applied to breaking bodies inside armor shells with devastating results. When Applejack rolls a 6 to wound, the attack is made at AP: -3 and D: 3.
Stetson: Applejack’s hat reduces damage from each unsaved attack by 1, to a minimum of 1. I don't have to explain why.

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Character, Infantry, Equinought, Pony, Applejack

Pinkie Pie - Contemptor Version (130 points/power rating 9 - Heavy Support)

Quite possibly the most enthusiastic one of the Elements of Harmony to join the 38th Company, Pinkie Pie has taken to a life of warfare and carnage with a childlike glee that frankly disturbs both her friends and even many of the hardened warriors she now counts as her allies. Having initially "borrowed" a Dreadnought shell from a lesser-known pilot who was curiously never heard from again, Pinkie Pie has been recorded as a casualty in combat three time since, and has each time, somehow, escaped completely unharmed. Her fellow Dreadnought pilots, in a remarkable and utterly uncharacteristic show of camaraderie and benevolence, have apparently continued to lend her their walkers as each of hers gets destroyed, allowing her to continue acting as Equinought Squadron's armored support. That's her story, and she's sticking to it.

M: 8" | BS: 4+ | WS: 4+ | S: 7 | T: 7 | W: 10 | A: 4 | Ld: 7 | 3+

Pinkie Pie is a single model armed with a Butcher Cannon, Siege Fist with integrated Heavy Flamer, and a Pink Barrier

Butcher Cannon | Range: 48" | Type: Heavy 4 | S: 8 | AP: -1 | D: 2 |
Siege Fist | Range: Melee | Type: Melee | S: User X2 | AP: -4 | D: 3 | This weapon can re-roll failed rolls to wound when attacking Buildings.

Special Rules: Pinkie Sense, Party Time, Eject Button

Pinkie Sense: Pinkie’s inexplicable ability to sense incoming danger helps her avoid accurate anti-armor fire, although dodging incoming lasers and missiles is admittedly hard to do in a huge, lumbering assault walker. It's much more effective if there's a lot of cover around to duck behind. Pinkie Sense allows Pinkie Pie to claim cover from terrain as if she was Infantry.
Party Time: Pinkie Pie is far more comfortable in the chaotic tumult of open warfare than she has any right to be, and her control of her Dreadnought doesn't obey the strictest interpretation of various scientific principles. Pinkie Pie's walker does not degrade in performance as it accumulates damage.
Eject Button: There is no eject button, and nobody knows how Pinkie keeps escaping unscathed every time her dreadnought blows up or wrecks. Eliminating Pinkie Pie never grants victory points, even for secondary objectives such as First Blood. For the purposes of determining First Blood or other objectives that rely on eliminating enemy models, treat this unit as if it never existed.
Pink Barrier: A bizarre modification to the Contemptor's usual energy shielding, the most obvious feature of this barrier is the bright pink bubble that appears when it absorbs a shot and the spray of confetti-like sparks that come from the point of impact. This feature is bizarre enough that it usually distracts attention from the shield's genuinely impressive capabilities. The Pink Barrier provides an Invulnerable Save that functions as follows: on a roll of 5 or 6 the damage is negated as normal. On a roll of 4 the damage is not prevented, but the Damage characteristic of the unsaved attack is reduced to 1.

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Character, Vehicle, Equinought, Pony, Pinkie Pie

Other Pones

Big Macintosh “Ironside” Apple (40 points/power rating 3)

First among equines to be granted a personal suit of powered armor, Big Macintosh's inadvertent rise to fame and glory happened after a disastrous run-in with a Tau strike force that assaulted Sweet Apple Acres. After being dragged repeatedly into the conflict between the Tau and Chaos Space Marines, Big Macintosh was struck by a pulse rifle salvo, becoming the first equine casualty of the conflict. Miraculously, he survived. Even more miraculously, he literally woke up from his wounded state with top-grade bionics and power armor.
Big Macintosh has not actually joined the 38th Company, is in no way responsible to them, and holds no formal rank among the pirates. However, he frequently joins his sister Applejack on combat deployments as a matter of course, and many of the human and post-human warriors have come to regard him as a valuable ally. His performance was impressive enough to earn him the nickname of "Ironside"; an honor that still utterly embarrasses him every time it comes up.

M: 7" | BS: 3+ | WS: 3+ | S: 6 | T: 5 | W: 6 | A: 3 | Ld: 7 | Sv: 3+ |

Big Macintosh is a single model armed with a Grendel-Pattern Heavy Bolter, Centaur Power Armor, and Special Augments from the Forge of the Warsmith.
Grendel-Pattern Heavy Bolter | Range: 30” | Type: Heavy 4 | S: 5 | AP: -1 | D: 1 |

Special Rules: Earth Pony, Friendship is Magic, Applebucker

Applebucker: The Apple siblings have spent their formative years learning how to kick trees such that they’ll shake the apples loose without wasting the energy splitting the bark and trunk. This technique can be strengthened with proper power armor and applied to breaking bodies inside armor shells with devastating results. When Big Macintosh rolls a 6 to wound, the attack is made at AP: -3 and D: 3 (does not apply to the special attack described below).
Special Augments: Big Macintosh has had a third of his body rebuilt quite extravagantly with advanced augmetic replacements and xenotech, including an artificial heart, left legs, lungs, and rib cage construction, to say nothing of the combat stimulant injectors, plus advanced neural integration with his power armor suit (which was more of a side project while fixing him up). All of these upgrades combined grant him +1 Ballistic Skill, Weapon Skill, and Toughness (included on profile). In addition, Big Mac may trade his normal allotment of close combat attacks for a single attack with the following profile:
| S:9 | AP: -3 | D: d6 |

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Character, Infantry, Big Macintosh, Pony

The Great and Powerful Trixie (60 points/power rating 5)

Brought into the 38th Company early on during the Iron Warriors' campaign in the Centaur system, Trixie had the unusual role of a formal entertainer. She used her mastery of psychic tricks and sharp-ish wit to amuse the diversion-starved mortals serving the piratical Chaos Space Marines, and even picked up a sketchy knowledge of some human weapons during her routine of challenging the audience to contests of skill. Ordinarily even the 38th Company wouldn't stand for something as asinine as a magic show, but High Sorcerer Serith's endorsement ensured that Trixie was protected from any great scrutiny as to the value of her entertainment and the cost of her salary.
Due to a sudden whim of Serith's, Trixie ended up being granted a suit of power armor in a similar fashion to Big Macintosh. Although Trixie hadn't considered it at the time, this allowed her to be deployed on combat duty and contribute in a much more direct and meaningful way to the Company's war efforts. She duly regrets not considering it at the time.

M: 7" | BS: 5+ | WS: 4+ | S: 4 | T: 3 | W: 3 | A: 1 | Ld: 6 | Sv: 3+ |

Trixie is a single model armed with a Fireburst Launcher, Centaur Power Armor, and Hololith Projectors from the Forge of the Warsmith.
The Fireburst Launcher is Psionic Wargear. When charged, it may use the following profile in the Shooting Phase. Please note that since the attack type is Grenade, Trixie is unable to use other weapons in the same turn.
Fireburst Launcher | Range: 24” | Type: Grenade 2d6 | S: 5 | AP: - | D: 1 | Targets do not benefit from cover modifiers against wounds from this weapon.

Special Rules: Unicorn, Touched by Darkness

Hololith Projectors: When she can spare a few moments of concentration in the middle of a firefight, Trixie can generate several illusory soldiers to confuse the enemy’s fire, often combining the images with voice-throwing cantrips and even some heat flares to throw off sensors. It doesn’t take much in the way of scanner technology or willpower to see through the projections, but for the ill-disciplined or dull-witted it can prove an effective decoy. Hololith Projectors are Psionic Wargear. So long as the Hololith Projectors are active, any units declaring a shooting attack at Trixie or any unit within 6" of Trixie (including during Overwatch) must take a Leadership Test on 2d6. If the sum of the roll is greater than the attacking unit's Leadership, then the attacking unit may not fire, and its Shooting Phase (or Overwatch fire) is wasted.

Psyker: Trixie’s mastery of magic tricks is quite impressive, at least to those that aren’t students of Princess Goddamn Celestia. Trixie may attempt to manifest two psychic powers during the friendly Psychic Phase and Deny the Witch once during the enemy Psychic Phase. Trixie knows Telekinesis, Serith’s Disassembly power, as well as the Hat Trick power of her own design.
Disassembly: Disassembly has a Warp Charge value of 8. It may target any unit with the Vehicle Keyword within 18". If successful, then that unit immediately suffers 2d3 Mortal Wounds. If the Psychic Test succeeds on 10 or higher, the damage increases to 3d3 Mortal Wounds.
Hat Trick: Hat trick is a power that activates a prepared portal inside Trixie's hat that links to one of the Iron Warrior’s armories and draws out several guns of the same type. This power has a Warp Charge value of 5. When successful, Trixie immediately makes a roll on the table below and gains that weapon profile. Effectively, Trixie gains an extra shooting weapon that she may use to shoot, although depending on the result the player may decide to power up her main weapon and use that instead. Any abilities that protect units from psychic abilities have no effect after the spell is successfully cast; the bullets flying at them will take more than an act of will to divert!
The weapon profile may be used for Overwatch in the opposing player’s subsequent Assault Phase, so long as it would normally be allowed. Come Trixie’s next Psychic Phase she loses the weapon profile; it is assumed that the weapons are spent, jammed, abandoned, flung at enemies who came too close, or are otherwise unusable anymore.
1: Boltgun Swarm | Range: 24” | Type: Rapid Fire 10 | S: 4 | AP: - | D: 1 |
2: Frag Grenade Bouquet | Range: 12” | Type: Grenade 4d6 | S: 3 | AP: - | D: 1 |
3: Heavy Bolter Storm | Range: 36” | Type: Heavy 15 | S: 5 | AP: -1 | D: 1 |
4: Flood of Flamers | Range: 8" | Type: Assault 3d6 | S: 4 | AP: - | D: 1 | Hits automatically
5: Plasma Gun Salvo | Range: 24” | Type: Rapid Fire 5 | S: 7 | AP: -3 | D: 1 |
6: Plasma Cannon Barrage | Range: 36” | Type: Heavy 2d6 | S: 7 | AP: -3 | D: d3 |

Faction Keywords: Chaos, Iron Warriors, 38th Company
Keywords: Character, Infantry, Pony, Psyker, Trixie

Harmony Discipline Psychic Powers
Please note that unlike other Psychic disciplines, the number of pony psykers means that these powers will likely be given to several different Psykers, and may be used multiple times per turn even in Matched Play games.

Common Power - Telekinesis
Every unicorn learns how to physically manipulate objects with magic at an early age, and inevitably uses the ability constantly in their daily lives. The power has many possible applications in combat; from kicking up an obscuring dust shroud to removing the arming pin from an enemy's grenade, its life-saving utility is only limited by its user's ability to concentrate in the midst of the chaotic and rapid tumult of war. It turns out that's quite a serious impediment.
Telekinesis has a Warp Charge value of 4. It can be used on any friendly unit within 12", including the psyker's own unit. Until the beginning of the next friendly Psychic Phase, the affected unit has an Invulnerable Save of 5+. If it already had an Invulnerable Save, that save is improved by +1 to a maximum of 2+. All models with the Unicorn or Alicorn special rules know Telekinesis, even if their Chaos Marks don't allow them to take other spells from the Harmony Discipline.

1 - Magic Missile
Every pony mage that expects to see combat soon learns this spell. Best used against the darkness.
Magic Missile has a Warp Charge value of 5. When successful, the manifesting unit immediately resolves a shooting attack with the following profile for each Psyker in the unit.
| Range: 24” | Type: Assault 3 | S: 4 | AP: - | D: 1 |

2 - Sunshine
Energizing light from above that fills allies with strength, vigor, and hope. More importantly, it also seems to set the enemy's aim a bit off. Mental trick? Play of the light? Sheer luck? Who can say?
Sunshine has a Warp Charge value of 6 and can be used on any friendly unit within 18". When successful, the target unit automatically passes all Morale Checks and all attacks against it suffers a -1 penalty to hit rolls. This lasts until the beginning of the manifesting player's next Psychic Phase.

3 - Sleep
An oldie but a goodie, many are the fierce enemies that have been rendered into a dazed stupor thanks to this ancient enchantment magic. It's a bit difficult to actually render active combat troops truly unconscious, but in the middle of an offensive with bullets and lasers flying, half-asleep will usually do the job.
Sleep has a Warp Charge value of 6 and can be used on any enemy unit within 12". When successful, the target unit has its Movement, BS, WS, Strength, and Attack characteristics halved (rounding up). This would mean, for example, that a 3+ BS would go to a 5+, and a 4+ would also go to a 5+. This lasts until the beginning of the manifesting player's next Psychic Phase.

4 - Shield Dome
Hardened shields are a trick that only the best pony mages know. Unfortunately, they were developed without the complexities that allow you to fire out from the inside. And ponies have never really had to deal with lascannons before...
Shield Dome has a Warp Charge value of 6 that can be used on any friendly unit within 12". All attacks targeting the affected unit, both in the Shooting and Fight Phases, first must roll against and allocate damage to a model profile with Toughness 10, no Save, and a number of Wounds equal to the total score of the successful Psychic Test -4 (so a barely successful roll of 6 would create a shield with 2 Wounds, for example). Effectively treat the shield as an extra model that grants improved Toughness to the unit and takes all incoming damage until destroyed (its "death" doesn't count for Morale Tests). Until the shield is destroyed or wears off in the next friendly Psychic Phase, the affected unit cannot move (in any phase or for any reason), shoot, or fight close combat.

5 - Group Teleport
Teleporting is not for the soft of mind, heart, or body. The calculations required are onerous, the strain is intense, and the displacement can be so jarring that the majority of unicorns decide that they'd rather focus their talents on walking instead. But it's quite handy for getting a group of guns to a better angle, and it's widely agreed that the ponies do it better than the humans.
Group Teleport has a Warp Charge value of 8 and can be used on any friendly unit within 12". That unit is removed from the tabletop and relocated anywhere within 30" and within line of sight of the manifesting psyker, so long as the teleported unit is placed at least 9" from all enemy models.

6 - Celestia's Grace
Aw yiss! Healing magic! That's the good stuff!
Celestia's Grace has a Warp Charge value of 9 and can be used on any friendly unit within 6" so long as it does not have Keyword: Vehicle. If successful, the target unit regains d3 wounds lost earlier in the battle. This is applied first to any models still on the field who have suffered damage until they are restored to full wounds (if any). Then the wounds are restored to the unit's models that have been previously removed, up to the unit's starting strength.

Detachment Equiis

Equestrian units are a new and very strange phenomenon to the 38th Company. They generally prefer a hands-on approach to warfare, delegating unimportant or high-risk tasks to human servants and insisting upon well-disciplined soldiers for their support forces. Even daemons, the Warp-spawned allies of the Chaos hordes, are mostly unwelcome among the ranks of the Iron Warriors. Having aliens who not only fight on their behalf, but do so willingly and with an earnest hope for victory and survival is so bizarre to the Chaos Space Marines that they sometimes deploy ponies in all-Equestrian detachments with their own command structures, saving them the embarrassment of giving ponies combat orders. Such detachments are generally less successful than human ones, although on more than one occasion an Equestrian raiding party was found hosting a party or participating in a choreographed musical number with the enemy they were supposed to be fighting.

Equiis Raiding Detachment
Restrictions: All units must possess the 38th Company Faction and the Pony Keyword.
Command Benefits: 2 Command Points
Fleet of Hoof - After rolling to seize initiative, but before the first turn, all units in this Detachment may move as if it is their Movement Phase (they cannot Advance). If the opponent also has units that can move before the first turn, take turns moving units.
Force Organization: HQ 1-2, Troops 2-6, Elites 0-2, Fast Attack 1-4, Heavy Support 0-2

Equiis Battalion Detachment
Restrictions: All units must possess the 38th Company Faction and the Pony Keyword.
Command Benefits: 4 Command Points
Are we Seriously Fighting Ponies? - If rolling to seize the initiative, add 1 due to the enemy's incredulous shock
Plot Armor? What Plot Armor? - Once per game, after a friendly Character unit from this Detachment has been eliminated in the previous Turn, you may declare that they are "not dead yet!" and place the model back on the table at the beginning of your Movement Phase in the place where they were killed (it may help to mark this spot, although it may ruin the surprise). The model can function normally and is treated as having never been slain for the purposes of any Victory Points that may be involved, but its Wounds characteristic is set to 1.
Force Organization: HQ 2-3, Troops 4-8, Elites 1-3, Fast Attack 1-5, Heavy Support 1-3, Fortifications 0-2

Comments ( 10 )

Even though I do not play tabletop games, I read this whole thing. Good stuff!

This is so good. I wanna use this so bad. XD

Always love those entries.

Looks pretty good! I always have enjoyed the rules you come up with. The detachments in particular seem quite interesting, though the Raiding Detachment seems a bit too good compared with the normal detachments.

One thing that I noticed though: Since with the new rules a roll of a 6 isn't automatically a success for to-hit rolls, despite a roll of a 1 always being a failure, Rainbow Dash is completely impossible to hit at range when she uses her Ace Jink unless the shooting unit has a bonus, since the 6+ to hit combines with the -1 from Flying Ace for a 7+.

Ah, good point. I'll add a note about no further modifiers.

Do more?
This is surprisingly fascinating.:trixieshiftright:

You can find more of them here, although only two have been updated to 8th Edition so far.

Some of the pictures are broken

Thanks! Fixed them.

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