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Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 10 Live Reaction · 5:26pm Dec 20th, 2016

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 10 – Uneven Doctors

We continue from where the last episode took off, which people being rushed to the ER in mass...which means covering it up isn't exactly going to be easy this time around.

Kagami rightfully panics because this is basically Zero Day 2.0. Which is exactly hat Kujo is thinking and does NOT want a repeat of that.

Emu rightfully assumes that defeating Graphite is the only way to stop this, but runs into Kyotaro on the way...

Meanwhile, Brave and Snipe are trying to fight Graphite, but between his power up and their own constant bickering, they can't do much. Thankfully Lazer arrives to back them up.

Back at the CR, Kyotaro tells him team chemistry is IMPORTANT in this line of work. Operations aren't single person jobs: it requires experts in multiple fields, nurses, and others that work together and support each other. Kyotaro didn't save him by HIMSELF all those years ago. It was a group effort. Doctors need to TRUST AND WORK TOGETHER. Especially when lives are on the line.

Emu NEEDED to hear that. He really did given how he'd been acting. Heck, ALL the Doctors need to hear that BIG TIME. Emu realizes it too and decides to set things right.

Meanwhile, the other three are going their best, but can't make a dent in Graphite, and start bickering more and more after Taiga drops the Level 3 Gashats he stole, which Brave and Lazer promptly scoop up...and Graphite forces all three of them to retreat in one move due to their bickering.

Hiiro and Taiga keep doing so even afterward...and Kujo points out he genuinely has nothing to do with their fight and for them to leave him out of it. I admit, that was funny and made me laugh.

Emu arrives on the roof and apologizes for his behavior and points out they shouldn't be fighting. He suggests that they all work together since Drago Knight Hunter Z is a four player game...but they want nothing to do with it.

Kujo points out the fact it's kind of suspicious Emu didn't have the compatibility operation but DID have that one operation 16 years ago...

Meanwhile Pallad and Kuroto watch and Pallad's annoyed it seems like they won't be getting any data on the game at this rate. Kuroto counters by pointing out they can always get other candidates.

At the same time, Graphite is continuing his plans to spread the virus, not unopposed.

Back at the CR, Kyotaro is infected to the point he's barely VISIBLE, but he's still hanging on. He manages to remain calm and tells Kagami if the worst happens, he's in charge...

I like how this is playing out, it's a lot of drama but it's well done drama.

Emu, meanwhile, isn't taking this well, which is natural. Even if he's accepted this isn't a one person job, he STILL wanted to save his idol...Asuna, however, encourages him...but it doesn't seem to be working.

Hiiro is being cared for by his nurses (nice to see them again)...when Emu calls him and tells him he'll give him the Drago Knight Hunter Z Gashat.

The next morning, Hiiro shows up to claim it...and we find out he called ALL THREE OF THE OTHERS and told them the same thing.

His M persona comes to the surface and he tells them if they want it, they'll have to beat him first and all four of them transform at once...

They all go Level 3, while Emu goes Level 5...

And three on one he's STILL beating the stuffing out of them and gets his Level 3 Gashat back...and keeps goading them on even as he's struggling to remain in control, causing them to hit him with their finishers, which causes the Drago Knight Hunter Z monster to split off and need defeated...


He was making himself the BOSS so they could clear the game...which causes the Gashat to split into 4 'virtual' Gashats for the four players so they can use it's true power.

Emu uses the Level Selection to take them to Graphite...and well, ALL OF THEM hate Graphite for various reasons, so they had no problem going to take him down.

When used this way, the Drago Knight Hunter armor splits a part: Ex-Aid gets the chest plate and helmet, Brave gets the blade arm, Snipe gets the gun arm, and Laser gets the legs...and copies of the arm units.

Not going to lie, I get WHY they gave that to Lazer (namely he needs ARMS), but it's kinda annoying and strange. Then again, I imagine the other two are better with their specific part than he is.

Since all of them wanted the Level 5 Gashat ANYWAY, none of them are complaining, and all go after their common enemy.

While they're still bickering, they all hate Graphite MORE and at least focus on him.

Also, Ex-Aid can breath fire now...AWESOME!

Though to Graphite's credit, despite it being four on one, he's still doing pretty well, but naturally loses out...especially when they use a combined Drago Knight Critical Strike which consists of all four attacking all out at once.

Ex-Aid uses fire breath, Brave uses a Sword Beam, Snipe uses a powerful shot, and Lazer uses a combination of the previous two.

While Graphite IS able to fend it off a bit, he's overwhelmed and FINALLY destroyed once and four all.

The other three virtual Gashats vanish and the armor returns back to its dragon form, which Emu keeps. Guess that makes sense.

Meanwhile, Pallad claims the Proto Gashat and thanks Graphite for furthering their plans...

Unfortunately, the other three go right back to fighting...but hey, at least Graphite is dead.

Hiiro goes off to be by himself...and wonders if revenge on Graphite actually had any MEANING, since it didn't bring her back. Which is an interesting way to end it, and realistic: killing the person that took someone from you might bring closure...but it won't bring anyone back.

Kyotaro has recovered fully, however, so there's THAT. Graphite had apparently made himself the main monster of this particular outbreak, so makes sense killing him took the rest with him.

Back at Kuroto's room, he and Pallad agree they've gotten all the data needed to move on to the next stage.

Over all, epic episode and good ending to Graphite's arc. I particularly liked seeing all four Kamen Riders fighting together as a group.

It was also interesting to see Hiiro killing Graphite end on a downbeat rather than a high note, as that's kinda rare.

Good episode, looking forward to the next one.

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