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Ultraman Ginga thoughts · 6:03pm Oct 21st, 2016

Yes, I finished Ginga already, it's only 12 episodes.

I was told beforehand this series is apparently considered boring. I can see why, as it's rather atypical in many ways. But I didn't find it that boring. Anyway, let's get into this:

The plot of Ginga is simple: Hikaru Raidō, a young man with aims to become an explorer, has returned to his hometown. There, he is chosen by a mysterious object called the Ginga Spark that was kept in a temple that recently burned down. He also meets with an old face: the sixth Ultra Brother, Ultraman Taro, who explains there was a great conflict called the Spark War, that ended with all the Ultras and their enemies being turned into Spark Dolls and scattered across the Earth. In this case, not the Earth from the prime reality, but the Earth in an alternate universe that is much like our own. As a shadowy force uses the darkness in people's hearts to turn them into monsters and Dark Ultras, Hikaru and his friends must fend them off.

The first thing one notices about this series is there's no defense squad backing Ginga up in this universe: his only back up are a small circle of friends. I think this is why some people probably view this series as boring: there's no one really fighting except for Ginga himself.

This means that fights are confined to Ginga himself for much of the series, with a few allies showing up that are eventually capable of fighting.

On one hand, this does mean less action than normal. On the other, it gives it a bit of unique feel, as it's just not how Ultraman does things. So it's a bit refreshing, but I see why people may not like it.

On the other hand, this means we often get some interaction or showing of the people who are corrupted by the Big Bad and turned into monsters so we get to see a bit of WHY these people in particular were chosen to become monsters...and they also get some character development. You see, most of them have a bit of a Villainous BSOD upon being snapped out of it, which I always find interesting. After all, how many of us can say we could see ourselves consumed by our inner darkness completely and utterly and NOT be horrified by the evil in our own hearts laid bare before us?

However, one thing that confuses me IS why all the aliens that the Big Bad chooses to be his Dragons are silly and more comic relief. It's kinda weird.

As for our main protagonist, I like him, but he doesn't grow THAT much, especially compared to Gamu (I admit, of the Ultra series I've seen Gamu is my favorite Ultra host, as not only was he interesting and unique in his role, I felt like he grew a good bit over the course of the show). But there IS one scene I sincerely like: when he has had the Ginga Spark stolen and a monster is attacking. He can't transform, but if nothing is done, his friends will be in danger. So what does he do? Distract the GIANT FREAKING MONSTER by himself to protect them.

Powers are tools, heroes are heroes whether they have them or NOT.

As for the other characters, they all stand out a bit and were entertaining and likable. I like how each of them has their own dream they're striving towards. Though I do have an issue: one of Kenta's focus episodes was good...but the sub version I had had the subtitles always pop AHEAD of the speech, so I think I got cheated a bit there.

As for the 'Agul' of this series, as close to one as it has anyway, Tomoya Ichijouji the pilot of Jean Killer/Jean Nine. I like him, he has plenty of epic scenes throughout the series, and I find his motivation interesting. He's a rich kid who has never had to try when it comes to anything, and thus hates the idea of dreams because he feels like his life is pre-planned and with his wealth nothing is out of his reach to achieve with ease. That was an interesting motive and honestly? I kinda thought of Ken/the Digimon Emperor with him...ironic, given he and Ken share the same last name.

Also, it was rather unique to see a giant mecha fighting side by side with the main Ultra. Yeah, I know Zero did it first, but it's still interesting.

So overall, I liked Ginga. It wasn't the BEST series I've seen, but I personally enjoyed it. However, if it bores you, I can sincerely see WHY.

Anyway, on to Ultraman Ginga S.

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