• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen February 15th


I'm a knight. Covered in soot. I'm not very good at this job.

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FTP 10 Followup (Sorta) and a Status Update · 5:18am Apr 12th, 2016

In my last blog post, I said after the FTP 10 contest ended, I'd provide another post with a bit more info on the fic and the future (essentially, a status update).

That was a month ago. Whoops. :twilightsheepish:

So the trip was great. I went on a tour around central Europe, and seeing as that was my first time out of the US, I was a bit blown away. It's amazing just how similar everyone is, and yet how different cultures can be. I don't really think I experienced any culture 'shock,' per se, seeing as I try to be pretty open to just about everything. My biggest gripe was that I didn't know the languages of the countries I visited, but that's my fault. Had it been Spain, it would've been a different story, but... yeah.

On to the FTP 10 Contest!

... that went better than expected.

I got the idea for the fic, if I remember correctly, maybe two or three days before I was scheduled to leave (and laughed far too much at the pun). Needless to say, I was a bit crunched for time, as once I landed, it would be incredibly busy for me. I would've ended up having internet most nights, so it may have been possible to write then, but then I'd be missing some of the adventure! So instead, I opted to try to bust this thing out the last few days I had and on the plane.

As a direct result, the pacing of the fic was off. Very off (and was reflected in the mini-review). It probably would've been off anyways, given my complete inexperience with comedy, but it probably would've been better.

That being said, I was VERY happy with one thing: my comedy fic was actually funny! Maybe not hilarious 100% of the time, but, you know what, I'll take it. I was taking a great deal of inspiration from Terry Pratchett, as I had read The Colour of Magic a few weeks prior, and I think the British-style humour helped it. Maybe I'll do something like it again in the future. Maybe not.

Now, speaking of the future, I got busy again.

A while back, I made a remark that I might be able to start getting out a Luna fic I've had in the works for years (literally) sometime in April or May. Truth be told, that probably isn't going to happen. It's not a guarantee, but it's not looking likely. At the time, I had assumed life would start to get less busy. Many of the things I knew were going to be time issues would be over at that point, and I should theoretically have more time. Instead, other things popped up to take their place, or certain things I thought would end were instead delayed.

The biggest issue I have with the Luna fic is that I don't have much work actually done on it. I have a general story outline, with major events plotted, but it needs revision. I also refuse to post something with only a single chapter, and at bare minimum I'm hoping to have three ready before it ever hits FimFic. The combination of these two things makes it take just a bit too much effort for the time I currently have. Oh, and I also want to make it not suck, so I need to find people willing to help edit/pre-read it.

Therefore, I'm going to make an attempt to get a little bit done on it every day. When things calm down, I may be able to dedicate larger chunks of time toward it, but until then... yeah.

I also plan on trying to participate in any additional FTP contests that pop up, time permitting, but that also may not happen.

So that's what's happening with me. That's cool, I guess?

Fun Fact: I'm also trying to learn Korean.

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