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  • 188 weeks
    New Audiobook by ThelifeonCloud9: All Nightmare Long

    Happy Nightmare Night, everypony!

    As part of this year's Month of Macabre, ThelifeonCloud9 has released an audio production of my story All Nightmare Long. (Trivia time: Cloud9 got her start in fandom audio productions four years ago, with a bit part in Scribbler's production of another story of mind, Holder's Boulder.)

    Check it out below:

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  • 200 weeks
    Audiobook Directory

    Over the years, several fandom YouTubers have created audio productions of stories from the Horse Voice bibliography. These are now very numerous, and so for the convenience of listeners, I have compiled them here.

    Many thanks to those who liked my stories enough to create these great renditions.

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  • 207 weeks
    You Are Not Alone

    This message is very, very late by the standards of the Internet. But my conscience won't let me rest until I say how I feel.

    A week ago, news broke that former fan-author Jetfire2012 had taken leave of his sanity and picked a fight with an entire crowd... with predictable and well-deserved results.

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  • 242 weeks
    Dear Ponies, Allow Me to Play You Out

    Here in Canada, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. And so for myself and other Canadian bronies, the timing of Pony's finale, almost to the day, is quite fitting.

    But really, who needs a red-letter day for thankfulness? This event may be bittersweet, but we can all be thankful for the good times, for the lessons that help us, for our creations, and for each other.

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  • 244 weeks
    My Interview at BronyCon: Slightly Less Cringey Than I Expected

    "Um, uh, uh, er, um, uh, y'know..."

    Surprise, everyone! One of my fans, Tyler Hinton, managed to find me at BronyCon 2019 and ask for an in-person interview. The result: About six minutes of me spilling my guts, interspersed with ten minutes of "um's." Luckily, Tyler edited the boring parts out, so my long, rambling answers don't drag on too much.

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666-Follower AMA · 1:21am Mar 7th, 2016

I saw you had 665 followers, so I gave you a gift and become the 666th.
--Captain Fluffy Butt

Well, of course I would do one of these now. :raritywink:

Everyone knows the drill. At least I hope so, since "everyone" would include me, and I've never done this before. I'll be as prompt as possible, but there may be delays, since there's no internet at my job.

That said, bring on the questions!


Report Horse Voice · 671 views · #AMA #horse voice
Comments ( 24 )

Why write pony horror (just curious, being a horror writer myself)?

What sleeps in the cursed woods of Kosciusko, MS and how might it be awoken with an offering of alcohol of the worst caliber and a repeating chant of Dixie sung in a minor key?

Thoughts on little babbu alicornius that will soon grace our ponytubes?

First person or third person? Why, if you have any reason besides gut reaction.

If you were to lose your mortal human form and be twisted by the chaos gods into a pony and thrown into Equestria as a joke in the game of Advanced D&D that is life, what species/tribe would you be?

Coffee and cigarettes or toffee and regret? Alternatively, what are your two favorite consumables to pair together that aren't peanut butter and cheese? (Silly question but I find this is actually pretty indicative)

finally: Do you find yourself discarding ideas often, or do you pursue them to the grave? If they fall to the wayside, why? I'm not dumb enough to ask where you get ideas--we both know the answers to that.


The thing about ponies is, they get under your skin and they never leave--you know, like scabies. But unlike scabies, they mix with whatever you're already interested in, and voila: fan creations.

In my case, let me put it this way. Most young boys go through a ghost story phase, and if they don't grow out of it, they grow up to be... me. :pinkiecrazy:

The thing about ponies is, they get under your skin and they never leave--you know, like scabies.

I've never been able to fully explain why people are bronies, but this is a great description of how.

The question that comes to my mind is: how do you only have 666 followers? You're a horse-famous legend.

Favorite story you've written? Favorite story you've read?


The pony contagion is indeed incurable. We can only hope to utilize its mutagenic effects to a greater purpose.

In any case, rock on.


What sleeps in the cursed woods of Kosciusko, MS and how might it be awoken with an offering of alcohol of the worst caliber and a repeating chant of Dixie sung in a minor key?

Count me out of this one. I don't travel much. :raritywink:

Thoughts on little babbu alicornius that will soon grace our ponytubes?

Remember when we all thought Cadence was the worst-designed character of them all, and represented a shark-jump... and then the S2 finale aired, and all our jaws simultaneously dropped? That's why I'm not worried.

Besides, at least her name isn't "Skyla." Blech.

First person or third person?

I'm equally conversant in both, but if the story ends with the protagonist's death, (or you want people to think it might) the choice is usually obvious. Usually.

what species/tribe would you be?

Pegasus, if it pleases the chaos gods. When I was a kid, I used to look up at cumulus clouds and think, "That looks solid enough to walk on."

what are your two favorite consumables to pair together

Is it cheating to say double cream and double sugar in coffee? That's the "double-double," my country's official-unofficial beverage. I've had aboot ten of them today, and boy am I wired, eh.

Do you find yourself discarding ideas often, or do you pursue them to the grave? If they fall to the wayside, why?

All the time. In the latter half of 2012, I took long walks almost every day, and came up with about two story ideas a week during these. Since then I've thrown a lot out, having had time to consider. But Leviathan, Wild Fire, The Visiting Hour, Molly, and Johnny Never Knew were all pulled from my "Usable Ideas" folder after having sat there since then. I throw them out for various reasons: Perhaps I don't know how to tackle an idea, or I can't think of a good ending, or it just wasn't a good idea in the first place. (Once, PresentPerfect wrote a story called Faun, which was very similar to an idea I once had, but couldn't make work. For that reason, I'm glad he wrote it.)

Do you have any story ideas that you came up with but decided were a bad idea to write?

It is really hard to accumulate high follower counts without either lots of stories or lots of updates. Even if you write 15 really good stories, unless they're like, My Little Dashie or Fallout: Equestria, getting lots and lots of followers is really hard.

Some people have relatively low story counts and tons of followers, but most of those write stories with lots of chapters, which update and end up on the front page a bunch.

This is why if you look at the people with the most followers, they mostly fall into the categories of "wrote long stories" or "wrote lots of stories", or often, both.

3794989 Yeah, I'm not in panic mode or anything. I'm all for new stuff. Every new thing is a chance for an enjoyable experience. Or a horrible dissapointment, in the case of things that aren't on my computer screen. Usually the latter. But I actually really like that Cadance and Shining are having a kid. I really liked that they got married and stuff--I'm a sucker for domesticity.

Count me out of this one.

In dead Virginny Robert E Cthulee lies grumbling

After a quick google search I have discovered that you are a Canadian. Follow-up question. What darkness lies in the Canadian wasteland? What are the secrets of your syrupy magicks? More realistically, have you ever seen a moose? I have seen an elk. They are majestic until they open their mouth and make the most goddamn stupid noise ever.

Man. Maaannn I feel the throwing stuff aside. Long car rides, smoke curling and retreating out the window, music playing. Yesterday, even. Driving home through the darkness, considering what on Earth I was even doing anymore, listening to this and I had a thought: is romantic/erotic love circumscribed by death? Another: Does this encircling in fact make it possible? And in about two minutes I had a Twilestia story right there in front of me.

Will I write it? Probably not. The winds change. Or don't blow at all.

And Pegasi. Good choice. But sadly you are not part of the Unicorn Master Race

How's the new prime minister working out so far?

Want to cowrite a drunkfic at EFNW?

how do you only have 666 followers? You're a horse-famous legend.

I only wish that were true, but the numbers don't lie: I'm less like a superstar, more like a two-hit wonder (maybe three-hit, if my new story wins an award in Scribblefest). The problem is my real life is so insane, I don't have nearly as much time to write as I would like. I deal with one crazy thing, and another pops up in short order.

I like to think of my followers as "quality over quantity." :rainbowkiss:


Favorite story you've written? Favorite story you've read?

The Writing on the Wall. I published that in late 2012 in the hope it would get people talking. It still does so now and then, to this day. That's a long time in Internet years. Even if I never go professional, at least my skills haven't gone to waste.

Favorite I've read, as ponies go? That changes depending on what day you ask. But let's say Patchwork Poltergeist's Somewhere Only We Know, since it's aged the best out of all 2011 stories.

Do you have any story ideas that you came up with but decided were a bad idea to write?

These, just for starters. And those are just the ones I'll admit to. :facehoof:

In dead Virginny Robert E Cthulee lies grumbling

:rainbowlaugh: This one's for you.

What darkness lies in the Canadian wasteland? What are the secrets of your syrupy magicks? More realistically, have you ever seen a moose?

Funny you should ask. Month before last, I was going through a box of old 35-mm photos, and found myself surprised at the crazy stuff I saw, growing up a lighthouse keeper's son. In fact, the settings and plots of Wild Fire, Monsters, and Savage Way were all heavily inspired by the environs and histories of the places I grew up.

There are no moose in my region, but notable wildlife include whales, bear, and mountain lion. You can live your whole life within miles of the latter and never see them. But they'll probably see you. Luckily, they prefer four-legged prey.

As for syrup, the secret is that you can make it yourself from any old maple, and not only from certain types that only grow in certain parts of the continent. But don't let the cartels know I told you, or they'll find me and OH SHI--


You'll be disappointed, I'm afraid: these days I never talk about controversial topics except via stories, and I'm straight edge. On top of that, my travel budget this year is taken up with visiting extended family I haven't seen in a decade.

Think of me as being there in spirit, I guess? :ajsleepy:

Considering your name is Horse Voice, has anyone in all these years thought to offer you a glass of water?

Also will you be coming to Bronycan this year?

Lastly, I only just noticed how eerily similar our names are. This last part isn't really a question, so much as a comment.

The standard procedure. Your favourite:
- pony (obligatory)
- cheese
- word
- language
- music for writing
- word processor

Where does your username come from? And what's the first episode you watched?

Since my creativity is ebbing with the late hour and I feel like indulging a moment of personal vanity: What song would you associate with me?

Congrats! Now you have 665 followers!


Considering your name is Horse Voice, has anyone in all these years thought to offer you a glass of water?

:rainbowlaugh: Only at panels, so far. Speaking of...

Also will you be coming to Bronycan this year?

If it were up to me, I'd never miss a BronyCAN or an Everfree. But this year my whole travel budget is taken up with reconnecting with extended family I haven't seen in a decade. And it can't wait, because a number of them are getting on in years. Fingers crossed for next year. :ajsleepy:


Lastly, I only just noticed how eerily similar our names are.

Where does your username come from?

Confession time: The name is a marketing ploy. That is, making a play on words in order to make it stick in people's minds. I got the idea from The Beatles.

I should have known better, because of course others would have "horse" in their usernames, and now people confuse me for Bad Horse or Pale Horse. But hey, one more and we can get an apocalypse going!

1. pony (obligatory)
2. cheese
3. word
4. language
5. music for writing
6. word processor

1. The real hero of this show: Discord.
2. White cheddar (I hear red cheddar is dyed with bug juice).
3. "Malinvestment."
4. Besides my own? Spanish, because it has character and is easy for English speakers to learn. (Maybe someday I'll try to do so.)
5. I write in silence, but for coming up with ideas... well, the list of bands would be a mile long, but I compiled most of the pieces that directly inspired stories into this mix album.
6. OpenOffice, because the price is right.

And what's the first episode you watched?

I started from the beginning--for research purposes only, I thought. Famous last words, no?


Since my creativity is ebbing with the late hour and I feel like indulging a moment of personal vanity: What song would you associate with me?

I can do better than that! I used to read your archives of old blogs, and though it may be odd to say, a lot of them were quite the page-turners. The subject matter of some (you'll know the ones) found me playing this album over and over as I read:


And yesterday I had 667 for a bit. If one of those losses is you playing a joke, I wonder who else left, and why? :trixieshiftright:


Famous last words, no?

Indeed, indeed.

Regarding OpenOffice: have you tried out LibreOffice instead? It's basically the same, but looks nicer and has live wordcount. (They're both based on the same original project, which was shut down.)


I'll check it out. Thx. :twilightsmile:

> you'll know the ones

… yeah, I think I do, and if I'm right, this is the song that burned itself into my brain after it happened:

(One of my life's regrets is not discovering Boingo before their farewell concert.)


Danny Elfman--what a genius. It's funny how apropos music can seem meant to reach us at such times.

(One of my life's regrets is not discovering Boingo before their farewell concert.)

I hear that. Discovering a band a little too late seems to be the most common lament among music lovers.

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