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Dark Scribe of the 38th Company, Iron Warriors Legion, come to bring the glory of Chaos to the realm of Pony.

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  • 4 weeks
    Cult Ponies

    I'm pretty sure people would rather have story updates instead of art updates, but it turns out most artists draw faster than I write.
    Also, uh, due to my last image hosting site failing, I don't actually know what art I've posted before so here we go!

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  • 29 weeks
    Character Roster (Updated)

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  • 32 weeks
    Iron Cavalry

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  • 42 weeks
    Praying to the Dark

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    Do you want to know why humans turn to Chaos?
    Sometimes we convert at gunpoint. Sometimes we trade our souls for petty comforts or advantages. Sometimes we need to think that there's some kind of greater intelligence and will standing behind this cruel, merciless universe, and wish to align ourselves with it."
    Gaela smiled.

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Codex: 38th Company (Part 7) · 8:46pm Oct 30th, 2015

Here are the long-awaited Dark Mechanicus wargear tables. I mean, I'm sure SOMEBODY was waiting for them. You know who you are. Even if I don't. Not much funny stuff here, just super-cereal grimdark military-industrialism.

Codex 7 Supplemental - Dark Mechanicus Wargear tables

As expected of an army that specializes in forbidden, experimental technology and scavenging resources, the Dark Mechanicus possesses an extraordinary and diverse armory, containing everything from the shabbiest carapace armor constructed from loose scrap, to daemonic weapons capable of destroying a battle tank in an eyeblink.
Customization for specialized combat roles is the norm, with soldiers organized into units based on their augmentations. The squad leaders and Techpriests have access to even more powerful wargear, and some of them are equipped to cut down mighty alien monsters or slay powerful Astartes heroes with their techo-artifacts. Others are less blessed, but no less thankful when their life is saved by an extra bit of ablative plating or a single-use stimm injection. Whether the goal is to merely survive a heated firefight or tear a hole through an enemy armored column, the Dark Mechanicus has the tools for the job.

Augmentations are those bionic enhancements used by squad and army leaders to enhance their battlefield performance or replace lost limbs (although frankly, the Mechanicus always looks at the latter as a convenient excuse for the former). These devices tend to be of a higher quality than those given to units of rank-and-file soldiers, and are not necessarily optimized for their user's assigned battlefield duties.

Servo Arm (10 points): A servo arm is used to conduct repairs and assist in close combat. A servo arm adds +1 to any repair roll made by the model with the servo arm, and it may be used to assist a repair roll made by other models. To assist a repair, a model with a servo arm may not run or fire a weapon in the Shooting Phase, and must be within 6” of the vehicle being repaired or the model conducting the repairs. A model that assists a repair this way may only do it once per turn. Multiple models with servo arms provide cumulative bonuses, but a roll of 1 for a repair will always fail. In close combat the servo arm provides a single attack (on top of the model’s normal attacks) with the following profile:
Servo Arm | Range: M | S: User X2 | AP: 2 | Melee, Unwieldy
Servo Harness (25 points): A servo harness incorporates several additional limbs with a variety of functions, which assists tremendously in battlefield repairs. It also has a heavy laser, because why not. A model with a servo harness may not take a separate servo arm.
A servo harness grants +1 to the equipped model when it attempts repairs, which is cumulative with all other bonuses. It also provides a servo arm and a heavy laser. A model with a servo harness may fire its heavy laser in the Shooting Phase and Overwatch in addition to its normal ranged weapon if it has one, but otherwise follows all the normal rules for ranged weapons.
Heavy Laser | Range: 24” | S: 5 | AP: 5 | Heavy 2
Enhanced Dermal Plating (10 points): The addition of hardened subcutaneous materials and advanced armor integration make the body considerably more durable without needing the extensive genetic enhancement and engineering required to produce Astartes. The model receives +1 Toughness.
Bionic Arms (5 points): Heavy, motorized, metal arms. Much better at smashing things than fleshy arms. Not complicated. The model receives +1 Strength.
Heavy Bionics (15 points): The augments that have enhanced the character have been constructed explicitly for battlefield use and use only the best alloys and engineering techniques. They are far more durable than mundane augments, and may even include exotic alien devices to allow for redundant life-support functions and limited self-repair. The model gains +1 Wounds, and its Feel No Pain roll is improved to 5+ (if the model already had feel no pain 5+, then there is no improvement).
Med Stimms (5 points): A cheap medical injection system, this canister injects a potent cocktail of drugs that allows the user to fight on despite a severe wound, and hopefully avoid getting another one. A med stimm injector allows the equipped model to succeed at its first Feel No Pain roll on a 2+. This does not grant a Feel No Pain roll if the model would not normally be entitled to one, and does not affect any such rolls after the first.
Integrated Weapons Systems (15 points): This warrior’s weapons are literally a part of its body, and are much more closely integrated to its other bionics and targeting systems. It also lets them do that thing where their swords just slide out of their arm on command, which is just super cool. A model with integrated weapons systems has +1 Weapons Skill and Ballistic Skill.
Energized Armor Plating (10 points): Either through the use of ablative armoring or complex magnetic fields, the bearer is significantly better protected from harm. Improves Armor Save by 1, to a maximum save of 2+.
Warp-damper Field (5 points): Less a protective field than a set of rune-etched trinkets, nonetheless these manufactured fetishs provide some small measure of protection from psychic trickery. A model with a Warp-damper field has the Adamantium Will special rule.
Daemoncore (30 points): The ultimate in Dark Mechanicus technology, a daemoncore is not an enhancement to be installed lightly, even among those that have access to such an exotic device. While the pulsing, destructive reactor lends its strength to the bearer and can turn aside energies that would mean certain death for mere mortals, if the daemon senses weakness it may just as soon finish off its bearer on its own.
A model with a daemoncore has the Daemon, Eternal Warrior, and It Will Not Die special rules. It also provides a Daemonic Mutation upon the model during deployment, as per the Chaos Space Marines Codex. However, whenever a model with a daemoncore makes an It Will Not Die roll to recover a Wound, it will regain a Wound on a roll of 4+ and LOSE a Wound on a roll of 3 or less. The It Will Not Die roll cannot be avoided or delayed if the model is entitled to make one at the end of its turn.

Unit Mods
Unit Mods are augmentations that are common to every member of unit, allowing that unit to efficiently perform a specific battlefield role. Although units are sometimes upgraded all at once to enhance a particular combat specialty, it is more common that the Dark Techpriests simply sort the Scavurel soldiers according to the augments they already have. In either case, the enhancements can make all the difference to a unit’s combat survivability and heavily upgraded Scavurel units can eventually reach a level of combat prowess normally reserved for their Iron Warrior masters. Such units are quite rare, however; the amount of material, time, and expertise required to improve a single soldier to the level of an Astartes is, ultimately, much greater than that required to simply make a new Astartes. And so the cruel efficiencies of manufacture are, as ever, the bane of the Dark Mechanicus foot soldiers.
All of the Unit Mod point costs are on a per-model basis, and must be applied to every model in the unit, including any unit champion (but not Independent Characters attached to the unit). Some of the Unit Mod entries have two prices listed; where this is the case, the second price is for Dark Praetor models. Upgrades without a second price may only be taken by Scavurel.

Integrated Hand-las (1, 2 points): In addition to their heavier weapons, these soldiers carry a smaller integrated low-power laser that is developed specifically to be used easily in close assault. Models with an integrated hand-las have a laspistol in addition to their normal wargear. This weapon is intended as extremely close-range or as a backup, and as such is not smart-linked.
Heavy Armor (2, 10 points): Either through advanced forge practices, Chaos mutation, Tau light armor technology, or the age-old practice of simply wearing a lot more metal, the unit’s physical protection from harm is a level of magnitude better than those bearing a standard loadout. This improves each model’s Armor Save by 1, to a maximum of 2+. A unit that takes this mod cannot take power armor.
Power Armor (4 points): The ultimate in conventional infantry protection, power armor provides a 3+ Armor Save. This mod’s effects are not cumulative with Heavy Armor, but are cumulative with Energized Armor Plating.
Quick-deploy Mines (2, 4 points): Small, simple explosive charges that are usually dropped from leg dispensers and scattered along the ground on the fly. Rarely capable of doing any real damage, they do cause enough frustration and confusion that it’s difficult for an enemy to come to grips with the unit in an assault. Any unit charging a unit with quick-deploy mines must subtract 2 inches from their charge and take Dangerous Terrain tests, exactly as if they were charging through difficult and dangerous terrain. Models that would normally be entitled to ignore penalties from terrain are not immune to the mines' effects. If the unit with the modification is in difficult and dangerous terrain, it does not confer any additional penalty on the charging unit. In addition, a unit with quick-deploy mines doubles its base initiative characteristic when fleeing a lost combat to avoid Sweeping Advance (they confer no advantage when performing a Sweeping Advance).
Neuro-stimms (2, 10 points): A chemical injector that shoots the user full of pain-nullifying drugs that allow a soldier to keep fighting through any non-serious wounds and dulls their sense of panic. Neuro-stimms grant Feel No Pain (5+) and the Stubborn rule. A unit cannot have both neuro-stimm and psycho-stimm injectors.
Psycho-stimms (2, 5 points): A chemical injector that shoots the user full of intense combat stimulants. A model with psycho-stimms has the Furious Charge and Fleet special rules.
Bionic Arms (2, 5 points): Enhanced augments allow for striking power much greater than those with lighter or less replacement limbs. A model with Heavy Bionics has +1 Strength. Not cumulative with the personal augment of the same name.
Enhanced Dermal Plating (3, 8 points): Strengthened under-armor sheathes and armor reinforcement – often using Tau polyceramics – provide much greater resistance to injury. A model with enhanced dermal plating gains +1 Toughness.
Overclock Cell (1, 5 points): An energy cell and capacitor - constructed with xenotech - which is far more powerful than standard ammunition and allows any standard laser weapon to fire a higher-intensity beam. Although these cells are common enough that they could conceivably be used as a soldier’s only ammunition over the course of a battle, ordinary lasguns can’t handle the increased energy output for more than a short time. Rather than creating yet ANOTHER battle rifle with a tendency to melt their soldiers’ arms off, it was decided to simply restrict the use of the power cell. A unit with overclock cells can use them once per game when making a shooting attack, (either during the Shooting Phase or Overwatch) declared before rolling to hit. They add +1 Strength to any lasguns, laspistols, multilasers, or lascannons in the unit.
Arraxis Deadlock Systems (1, 5 points): Adapted from Tau targeting systems, these enhanced targeting systems not only allow for longer-range detection and tracking, but also alter the cartridge or wavelength of the soldier’s weapon to increase a given weapon’s maximum range. A unit with these systems adds 6” to the range of its ranged weapons. This does not affect weapons with the Template range or the Melta special rule.
Combat Servos (2, 4 points): Additional mechadendrites and servo limbs too small to inflict severe wounds in their own right, but which can assist the warrior in combat to strike with distracting blows and deflect enemy attacks. Combat servos add +1 to Weapon Skill.
Corruption Engrams (5 points): A bizarre and unique procedure quite similar to possession, these combat engrams are filled with scrapcode rites that give over the subject to the Dark Gods and cause a surge of mutation and Warp contamination through the unit. Models with Corruption Engrams have the Daemon special rule, and will also roll on the Chaos Boons table at the beginning of the game as per the wargear item Daemonic Mutation in the Chaos Space Marines Codex. Roll once for the unit and apply to all models.

Wargear options for the Dark Mechanicus include additional devices that aren't actually built into the warrior as a matter of course. This wargear table is not available to Dark Techponies, who are not physiologically suited to weapons and devices created for humans (efforts to fire pistols with their servo arms resulted in an amusing a suprising number of horrific deaths among random bystanders and observers). All weapon options replace a model's weapon of the same type (ranged or close combat). All armor suits replace the model's original armor.

Shield Generator (10 points): Access to Tau wargear has considerably improved the availability of energy shielding, which was previously provided only by a small selection of rare devices and dangerous Chaos rituals. Frankly though, using Tau shield generators is worth it just to see the resigned expression on the xenos’ faces each time a Dark Techpriest demands one. Priceless. Shield generators provide a 4+ Invulnerable Save.
Deflector Field Generator (15 points): These portable energy barriers are large enough to cover an entire unit in a shield bubble. The bubble will not stop incoming shots, as the energy drain would be far too heavy for a unit of its size, but it does serve to send incoming beams and munitions slightly off-target, which can make all the difference when the squad is out in the open. A deflector field generator grants the unit a 5+ Cover Save.
Plasma Pistol (10 points): A staple of Imperial and post-Imperial armories. Always in high demand, no matter how many mighty heroes end up with their arms reduced to a smoldering stump.
Tau Plasma Pistol (15 points): Despite extreme reluctance on the part of many Techpriests and Earth Caste, their technological specialties eventually combined to construct a version of the classic officer weapon that DIDN'T risk melting the user's face off. Naturally, this comes at the cost of stopping power.
Tau Plasma Pistol | Range: 12" | S: 6 | AP: 2 | Pistol
Arc Pistol/Arc Rifle (15 points): An old favorite scavenged from the dead in past battles against the Adeptus Mechanicus, arc weapons are valued by the 38th Company less for their ability to stop a Land Raider in its tracks, and more for their ability to do so with minimal actual damage to the hull.
Master-Crafted Bolter/Master-Crafted Bolt Pistol (5 points): The Dark Mechanicus long ago perfected the art of constructing and maintaining boltguns, which were always the weapon of choice among those trying their utmost to survive within the Eye of Terror. It also helped that they discarded many of the superfluous and unhelpful practices rigorously followed by the Loyalist counterparts in order to "sanctify" the weapons and make them more obvious symbols of Imperial purity.
Pulse Rifle/Pulse Carbine (5 points): Despite a long history of effort and numerous scavenged examples, the Dark Mechanicus could never quite get the hang of pulse technology. While their understanding of Tau energy transmission systems far exceeded that of their Imperial counterparts, actual pulse weapons just seemed to be too far a departure from their usual energy weapons technology to be replicated on any useful scale. Now that they own a substantial group of Earth Caste personnel and a considerable Tau armory, no longer need they treat the most basic of Tau small arms as rare artifacts.
Arc Maul (20 points): Another favorite from the family of arc weapons, this heavy lightning mace offers all the power and reliability of a power maul with an extra shock of lightning that can short out machines as well.
Taser Goad (10 points): Equally common among the Dark Mechanicus, the humble taser goad is often favored thanks to its strikes frequently disabling targets without killing them. Prisoners and slaves being a valuable currency among Chaos forces, a capture is worth tenfold the value of a kill.
Cataclysm Blade (30 points): This weapon is a stark departure from the weapons that harken back to the Imperial days of the Dark Mechanicus, both in its creation and in its capacity for destruction. The cataclysm blade is a daemonic weapon of some degree, that much can be ascertained, but the Dark Techpriests have somehow managed to restrain and focus the blade's daemonic presence and industrialize the forging process. The ultimate effect of this is that the bearers of the blades enjoy a separation of mind and soul from their weapons that most bearers of daemon weapons do not enjoy. This does not make the weapon any safer, granted, but at least means the warrior can focus all attention on the battle rather than restraining his weapon. When the blade reaches through flesh or pierces a hull, a tremendous shock of crimson lightning rips open the target horrifically as reality unfolds within them. This lightning effect, unfortunately, is not COMPLETELY restricted to when the weapon pierces the enemy, and when a sword strike goes awry it is usually the bearer that suffers for it.
Cataclysm Blade | Range: M | S: User +2 | AP: 3 | Melee, Instant Death, Armourbane, Gets Hot!
Daemon Armor (25 points): Armor, like weapons, are just better with a daemon stuffed inside. The added benefit of daemon armor is that its defensive and more static nature allows it hardly any opportunities to kill its wearer. Daemon armor provides a 2+ Armor Save and the Daemon special rule.
Pandemonium (20 points): One use only, does not replace a ranged weapon. A very rare device, this weapon comes in numerous different forms that have several different specific effects, but the result is the same: complete and utter devastation. Usually it consists of a bulky beam generator or single-use missile launcher, and upon impact unleashes a storm of utterly lethal and terrifying Warp-based destruction upon the target. Sometimes it creates a vicious plague that eats through metal as well as flesh, sometime it generates a fireball that disintegrates all before it. No matter what the precise mechanism, however, there are few that can stand before it and survive, and fewer yet that can maintain the will to hold their ground afterward. Such is the arcane nature of the weapon that it must be activated with a fervent prayer of malice and plea to Chaos before deployment, and once fired the weapon is utterly scorched and unusable.
Pandemonium | Range: 24" | S: 9 | AP: 1 | Ordnance, Large Blast, Saturation, Terror
Saturation: The damage from this weapon doesn't wash around cover QUITE well enough to render it completely ineffective, but its sheer power and persisting nature makes it difficult to seek protection from the blast. Successful Cover Saves taken against a weapon with Saturation must be re-rolled.
Terror: Any unit that suffers at least one unsaved Wound from a weapon with Terror must take an immediate Morale Check at -1 Leadership. Note that this is separate from any other Morale Check the unit might be called upon to make for massive casualties or any other reason.

Comments ( 5 )

I think you may have misnumbered.

Uh... can you be more specific? Misnumbered what? The Codex number? I'm pretty sure this is the seventh one.

They were done earlier. They can be accessed through my blog archive or the Age of Iron main page.

3531301 oh sorry the revised must of messed me up

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