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    Surprisingly, I've been tagged

    Hey, guys. If you're reading this because I tagged you, scroll on down to the section after all the links. Thanks!

    1. You must post the rules.
    2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
    3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.

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    15 comments · 732 views

Surprisingly, I've been tagged · 8:45am Jun 3rd, 2012

Hey, guys. If you're reading this because I tagged you, scroll on down to the section after all the links. Thanks!

1. You must post the rules.
2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.

6. No tag backs. This is one I'm editing out. If someone messes with you, you have the right to mess back. That's just how it goes.

7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

1. I'm a big procrastinator and very forgetful. Seriously, almost didn't graduate this year because I either put things off to the last minute or because I just forgot.
2. I love to debate, and I will win. Oddly, people don't think I'm unfair or mean in spite of this (which is great, because I try not to be), but they do comment that I always have to get the last word in.
3. Although I try not to write (anymore), I love the craft, and I've spent hundreds of hours reading or listening to authors talk about how they write. Helps when writing reviews and giving advice, I think. But I'm still terrible with grammar and awkward phrasing.
4. I'm a die-hard shipper, but I don't feel any sort of fanaticism for any ship, or negativity towards any ship. There are some I don't particularly care for, but I think they can all be done well, and I'll read every one regardless of ship.
5. I'm a total night owl. Best time of the day to get stuff done on the computer because there's no one bugging you. I read most stories during the day, but I save the special ones for late at night.

Question I have to respond to:

1. Is Twilight Sparkle your favorite pony?

No. She used to be, but they did next to nothing with her potential adorkableness and the potential for her to be a socially awkward pony who gradually has to adjust to a more social lifestyle. Not very consistent, either.

2. If for some reason your answer to #1 was no, then who could possibly be better than Twilight?

Rainbow Dash. I love her character on every level. I just hope she doesn't get the shaft next season.

3. Out of all the stories I've written, which one was your favorite?

I have to admit I haven't read them all, but from what I've read, two stand out as favorites: A Dash of Magic for ideas, and Unsure for execution. I think matching up two characters with similar personalities who are treated extraordinarily differently is writing gold. You have the opportunity to confront the mane six's prejudice and how unjustified it was solely on the basis of how they treat Dash. And Dash also can serve as a role model to Trixie, showing her how to skirt the line between endearing and plain annoying, and that has a better chance of being established in a more romantic relationship than a casual friendship (which is what normally ends up happening in Trixie fics). That's what I always hated about Trixie fics in general: next to no Dash. To me, their relationship (friendly or romantic) can serve as one of the most interesting ones in so many ways.

Unfortunately, I don't see a lot of that potential being worked into your story yet, so I can't say that it's your best. I don't want to be unfair, however, because I'm comparing it to a fic you've already done, and make it share the top spot.

Unsure I love for execution. I love it for ideas too, come to think about it, but I like the style of it. The monologue in the beginning was interesting, if a little grating, along with the "wishing" repetition, but I enjoy that you're really trying to get into their heads as well as playing around with different ways of writing various things. It's good to see someone really trying hard to experiment and improve by finding out what works and what doesn't. While there were a few problems resulting from that, as well as a few problems with characterization and dialogue in general, it was still really cute and fun to me (so far), and I can't wait to read some more.

4. Why is thinking of questions so damn hard?!

You didn't exactly seem thrilled to do it.

5. What is your favorite shipping pairing?

A lot of pairings end up on my top list for a while. Fortunately, I'm on a TwiDash kick, so there's plenty to read, and FlutterDash has also become a favorite. My former favorite, Twinkie, I've sort of fallen out of love with because no one has done anything interesting with it for a long time. It's become generic, weirdly enough.

6. Do you ever stop and wonder how you ended up on this site?

Nope. I don't really have epiphanies. I was reading gay shipfic (different fandom) when I told myself that I was gay. I thought it, expecting an epiphany, and then I said it out loud. Finding that I wasn't going to have a big, life-shattering moment like they do in the movies, I shrugged and went back to reading. Same thing when I almost died, when I was about to go under for my organ transplant, when I was in rejection, when my first boyfriend broke up with me...

Apathy, as terrible as it is to have as your defining emotion at times, can be beneficial in a lot of the more serious matters.

7. Do you have any IRL Brony friends?

Tons. We all read clopfic out loud during lunch at school to laugh our asses off. We're all total nerd-bros.

8. Why is Minecraft such a big freaking deal?

It's only a big deal for someone who is just discovering it. It's rather easy to get bored and stop playing after a week or so. But as a concept, the game is fascinating when you just start out.

9. PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, or some sort of combination of two or more?

There are SO many good games that come out for every system that I just couldn't stand not having all three available to play them on. It's usually a downloadable games issue, though.

10. When does the narwhal bacon?


11. What do you honestly think of me as a person? How's my attitude, my interaction with you and others? Am I annoying, funny, stupid, etc.?

I think you're cute. Not like the attractive kind of cute, although I'm not saying you aren't (wouldn't know), but cute in the sense that you're adorable in how you act. The blogs, the author's notes, stuff like that? It brings a smile to my face a lot of the time. Like seeing a cat video or something. It's nice to see the zaniness and joy that some writers have before they become cold and jaded. Look forward to that, by the way.

People I'm messing with (all excellent authors who you should be following):

1. Absolute Anonymous

2. Emerald Flight

3. Baby Seal Burritos

4. Primalcorn1

5. Razed Rainbow

6. Wolokai

7. Kits

8. Donny's Boy

9. Arby Works

10. TAW

11. HiddenBrony

Questions for them:

1. Favorite ponyfic and why? If you can't pick one overall, pick a favorite from a genre you don't usually enjoy. It's always good to recommend good stories that people who follow you might not be familiar with, after all.

2. From the perspective of a reader, what really intrigues you when you're looking at a story? (Certain tropes that you enjoy, original plot, excellent characterization in the face of strange plot events, clever dialogue, etc.) As a writer?

3. What has changed about how you view stories since you've started to write? Do you read them more closely? Come down on errors more in your mind? Compare yourself to other authors?

4. If you had to pick five fanfic authors to put on staff next season, who would they be and why?

5. What is your favorite fanfic genre? Least favorite?

6. I hate HiE and PoE (pony on Earth) fics. They seems to be a love it or hate it genres. Most of them get skipped by me on general principle. But I've been amazed by a few of them, when I was curious enough to click on them. What's your opinion on what makes a HiE or PoE good and what makes a HiE or PoE fic bad?

7. As authors, how do you view interacting with your readers in the comments? How do you react to criticism?

8. What pushed you over the edge into writing ponyfic?

9. People say that they write stories because they can't find a story they want to read, or that they can't find THE perfect story that satisfies every want they have realistically. What is your perfect ponyfic from start to finish?

10. What fic idea do you wish you had come up with first?

11. What fic do you most want to take and re-write that isn't your own because of how much you are unsatisfied with the execution of the ideas in the story?

Report Bashfluff · 732 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

Apparently, we're not allowed to tag anymore in PM's/comments, so I'll just answer the questions and tag author's on... these comments, I guess. I would prefer keeping my latest blog post my latest blog post until my next update.

1. Favorite ponyfic and why? If you can't pick one overall, pick a favorite from a genre you don't usually enjoy. It's always good to recommend good stories that people who follow you might not be familiar with, after all.
HAS to be "The Rainbow Effect" by AquarianPoet, simply because of the romance build up we get; this fic is tied with "Our Last Goodbye" simply because this fic made me think for weeks after and even made me look at a backdrop to Super Mario Galaxy all night just thinking about Spike and Twi in that fic.

2. From the perspective of a reader, what really intrigues you when you're looking at a story? (Certain tropes that you enjoy, original plot, excellent characterization in the face of strange plot events, clever dialogue, etc.) As a writer?
Build up to certain events and in general, things that make me think and relate to science and Astronomy (looking at you, Luna fics).

3. What has changed about how you view stories since you've started to write? Do you read them more closely? Come down on errors more in your mind? Compare yourself to other authors?
I DEFINITELY compare myself to other Author's. AbsoluteAnonymous is younger than I and also a Canadian so I feel compelled to compare myself over to her often. I still suck so badly in comparison. I also compare myself to Lonewolf.007 since he's my rival author.

4. If you had to pick five fanfic authors to put on staff next season, who would they be and why?
AquarianPoet - Her/His dialogue and build up is amazing and feels canon too.
AbsoluteAnonymous - Made Mare Do Well tolerable.
JoshMeihaus - His ability to make you feel for a character to the point of tears is great.
Lonewolf.007 - His ability to write heartwrenching scenes would do well for episodes aimed at a larger subject.
ArbyWorks - Because me.

5. What is your favorite fanfic genre? Least favorite?
Romance; I enjoy seeing love blossom in the hearts of many, regardless of the gender.
Least favourite has to be... I dunno. I enjoy all genres. If I HAD to choose... Human.

6. I hate HiE and PoE (pony on Earth) fics. They seems to be a love it or hate it genres. Most of them get skipped by me on general principle. But I've been amazed by a few of them, when I was curious enough to click on them. What's your opinion on what makes a HiE or PoE good and what makes a HiE or PoE fic bad?
Fanfics that aren't "I came to fuck all of them" and focus on FRIENDSHIP and adapting to the new life rather than "I'm on Earth and now Equestria AWESOME". I'd most definitely find it awesome but at the same time, be saddened and wonder how I'll survive in this world.

7. As authors, how do you view interacting with your readers in the comments? How do you react to criticism?
I enjoy good conversations with my readers in comments and take into consideration what they say.

8. What pushed you over the edge into writing ponyfic?
Winter Wrap Up and how it prevented me from killing myself by telling me I have hidden talents, that I just need to find them.

9. People say that they write stories because they can't find a story they want to read, or that they can't find THE perfect story that satisfies every want they have realistically. What is your perfect ponyfic from start to finish?
Plain and simple, a Romance with build up and/or an ending with sad. Our Last Goodbye is a perfect example of a romance with sad as a perfect fanfic for me. One without sad HAS to be "The Rainbow Effect".

10. What fic idea do you wish you had come up with first?
"The Rainbow Effect". Plain and simple.

11. What fic do you most want to take and re-write that isn't your own because of how much you are unsatisfied with the execution of the ideas in the story?
Oh dear mother of god, Warming up by Proteus-92. It was absolutely PERFECT from Chapter 1-2, the perfect Spilight romance... Chapter 3 was exploring, nice. Then Chapter's 4-9 happened and ruined it, changing my opinion of "Greatest fic ever" to "Meh".



I think that it was an interesting way for readers to get to really know more about authors better by providing a venue to ask interesting questions. What's so bad about that? People CAN still say no, right?


So...they can't say no? Pretty sure he>>151064 did.

153285 That's not the problem :facehoof:

What is? You've failed to outline it.

153430 If they wanted to ask you a question, they could have just asked you a question. They don't need to do this tagging crap just to try and get answers. It's what PM's are for. 'Ohey, I'm interested in getting to know you as a person since I enjoy your stories. Would you mind if I asked you some questions? It's alright if you say no.' as opposed to:


Really, the answer of which you would prefer should be obvious. Plus, generally, when people want others to know more about them, they update their profile with the information.

153356 Did I hit the nail portal?


Most of the time (unless it was someone I knew wouldn't mind), that's exactly how I phrased it. It's still a request, and it doesn't sound nearly as creepy as yours.

155563 And that's how it should be (barring my creepy-ass stalker talking dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Pinkie_loool.png . You should have seen my prof pic a while back. Totally would have been perfect there.). Tagging is retarded and should be left to the two-year-olds back in pre-school where it belongs. If you want to ask questions, don't use spam as the means to do it. Glad you follow the proper way of stalk-:rainbowderp: I mean question asking.


Eh. I don't see it as some unforgivable sin. I like how it encourages people to ask questions about each other. I learned a lot more about writing and some of my favorite writers because of that. Just because some people don't like tagging doesn't mean they should be assholes about it either; it takes a long time to think of good questions to ask others. What really annoys me is that if you would have asked differently, they would have been polite about it. But some people who I asked politely AND tagged were just straight-up dicks.

It would be different if it were just forwarding some copypasta, but this encouraged thought and was all about something everyone could find interesting. It's just annoying to see such vitriolic reactions to something so harmless.

155593 Chances are, if I had been tagged, I'd have been a dick about it. I keep my spam folder in hotmail and my notification box here clean for a reason. So I know of the important stuff that's going on such as comments on my stories and such. I hate, hate, HATE being spammed. As said, if I wanted to answer those questions, I'd have put em in my profile or posted a 'Ask Me Questions' blog. Of course, not everbody feels the same way, but there are a larger majority that hate tagging/spam.

Except it isn't spam. "Hey, I've posted these questions on my blog, could you please answer them?" Is not spam. The shortened form is annoying...but not spam.

156075 I didn't say that was spam. tagging generally involves a chain of messages like that. Just remember. If somebody tagged you and you tagged somepony else, you have spammed them whether they mind or not. The method described in you thing is similar, but would probably be more widely accepted. Cept it'll still prolly get you banned here dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Twilight_future.png

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