• Member Since 7th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Amateur fanfic writer and reader. Sometimes I get dreams, dreams of ponies, and wish that someone would write a story based off them. So why not me?

More Blog Posts330

  • 144 weeks
    Prompt #7

    Prompt for today: *Awakening*

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  • 151 weeks
    Prompt #6

    Prompt for today: *Long way from where we started*

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  • 168 weeks
    Prompt #5


    Character B bleeding heavily while Character A tries to staunch the blood but Character B is more concerned about the fact that stoic Character A is sobbing and panicking

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  • 179 weeks
    Prompt #4 (Teen rating for innuendo and death; Trigger Warning for drink spiking)

    Prompt #4:

    Write a scene in which your character is being hit on at the bar on New Years Eve.

    Any length. No word limit. Be sure to finish it.

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  • 180 weeks
    Writing prompt #3


    Today we are doing something different. I will b posting questions for you to answer about your character. This is to help learn about your character and understand who they are at their core.

    This can be for any character (feel free to do more than one character) and have fun with this
    1. What is their favorite color?
    2. What is their biggest pet peeve?

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In which TheMessenger answers a lovely bunch of questions · 3:31am May 24th, 2014

Here they are, standing in a row...

All this was made possible by viewers(followers) like you.

How late are you with this blog post?

My mind works like the American congress; it has to debate whether a subject is worth debating before actually debating on said subject. It's a wonder we get anything done around here.

Who is best pony?

Dear Lord, this is probably my most dreaded question. They all have their merits, their flaws, and it's hard for me to actually declare best pony. But if you forced me to pick, I'd have to say Twilight Sparkle, just because I see way too much of myself in her character: unsocial, overachieving, obsessed with grades and exams. Seeing Twilight grow out of all that into a more friendly pony gives me hope that one day I might actually spend a weekend at a party or a bar with friends instead of moping in my room, doing next week's homework.

That or Fluttershy, on the account that she's fricking adorable. 10/10 would cuddle.

How many Vexy points do you have?

How do you allocate Vexy points? Let's see, you've faved two of my stories, so that five points apiece, commented on them six times (6 * 2 points), commented on my page four times, so that's eight more points, commented on my blog posts eight times (8 * 2 points), responded to my comments on your page and blog three times (3 points), wrote two blog posts advertising my stories (2 * 20 points), and wrote a sequel/companion piece to one of my stories (50 points).

10 + 12 + 8 + 16 + 3 + 40 + 50 = 139 Vexy Points

How many Vexy points do you want to have?

Three hundred. It's a nice even number with a bunch of zeros and is divisible by three. What more could you ask for?

Why're you so awesome?

Because awesome is a very subjective word. How one person might feel awe could be completely different from another person's. You might consider me awesome because of a few thousand words I've managed to weave into stories you ended up enjoying, while it'd might take more to strike me with awe, like say manage and administrate over ten groups on this site or bothering to fave one of my stories and leaving a kind and encouraging word.

Why so serious!?

Jokes remind me of my father...and I hated my father!

Cats or Dogs?

I prefer kittens over puppies but adult dogs over cats. A dog that thinks it's a cat (and vice versa) would be pretty cool too.

What stories have you got planned?

I have three ideas for possible stories beyond what I'm currently working on. The first one is a series of stories taken from three different viewpoints that take place in an Equestria several hundred years after the show. I call it the Conservation Bureau, as a play on the "Conversion Bureau" series, and stars a scientist charged with preserving the pegasus and unicorn races at all costs, a mercenary hired to defend the scientist and her coworkers who begins questioning the methods necessary to preserve these endangered species, and a unicorn mare torn away from her child and her earth pony husband by the humans in order to breed and booster the unicorn population. The structure of the story is influenced by Cloud Atlas, and I'm hoping to establish a sort of 'road to Hell is paved by good intentions' theme in contrast to the stereotypical humans are bastards or humans are paragons scenario often found in HiE stories.

Second story stars an older Spike after he ran away from home after Rarity got married to someone else. He returns home to Twilight after traveling the world and doing various unfulfilling jobs. After securing his old position as Twilight's assistant, he meets Twilight's daughter, who begins to fall in love with him, despite the enormous age difference. Suddenly, Spike finds himself in the same position as Rarity all those years ago and learns just how difficult it was for her.

Third story deals with Twilight searching after a dragon who has kidnapped Spike. I have little more than an idea, and all I can really say is that it's inspired partially by the movie Sintel and the video game Spec Ops: the Line.

Whether these plans will actually be fulfilled as yet to be seen.

Which authors do you have plans to collab with?


Which authors do you want to collab with?

I've never really thought off collaborating with anyone before really. I don't exactly have a great history working with others, unfortunately, and the problem of trying to implement two ideas and styles together without compromising the story scares me. I'd feel like either I'd slow anyone I'm working with down, or they'd slow me down. Again, I hope to one day change this mentality.

If you could go anywhere in the world for a week, where would you go?

Depends on the week. I'd love to go to a brony convention, just once at the very least. But if it were any old week, just take me home, where I can play video games, eat Asian melon Popsicles, and write in peace.

What's the most amount of words you've written in a day?

Probably around five thousand, I'm not entirely sure. I prefer to spread out my work, whether it's fanfics or essays, so unless I'm really crunched for time or really inspired, a thousand words for a day is my limit.

Do you have any plans for a sequel to Temporary Hiatus?

No. I honestly hadn't even planned the second chapter, which is why it's quite inferior to the first. I'm not sure what the sequel would be about, Ahuizotl trying to bring back Daring Do? That would defeat the purpose of the original. Ahuizotl won the war, but at a cost too high for him to pay. In the end, no one really wins; Daring Do dies, and Ahuizotl loses the only pony he ever cared about. If I were to continue it, it simply be Ahuizotl contemplating suicide after failing to resurrect Daring Do before leaving the reader to decide whether he actually went through with it or not.

If not, what would it take for you to write some more Daring Do x Ahuizotl fanfiction?

I can think of two ways a Daring Do X Ahuizotl fic can go: romantic comedy or tragedy. I'm pretty sure my funny bone's broken so that leaves tragedy, which I can play with for so long with before it grows stale.

It would take a lot of inspiration, maybe even an entire prompt provided by someone else, and even then I don't know if it'd be as good as Temporary Hiatus. Of course, I could be wrong. I do hope I'm wrong.

What's your favorite ship?

Sparity, though I also enjoy Fluttercord, Dislestia, Twispike, Rainbow X Macintosh, Soarin' X AJ...the list goes on.

Why don't you ship SpikeDash? WHY DON'T YOU!?

I don't mind that ship per se, and I find the Rainbow's tomboy X Spike's girly-guy dynamic works really well. I suppose my lukewarm reaction toward SpikeDash comes from the tendency of writers to completely ignore that bit and simply play off their similarities and how the two tend to be the misfits of the group.

It's the same problem I have with Fluttermac and Pinkie X Discord; I don't want to read a story about how similar two characters are and how they're practically made for each other. I want to read how they have to struggle, make compromises, and fight for their romance. I want to read a story where Spike questions his position as a boyfriend who cooks, cleans, and takes care of the house while his mare is having the adventures. I want Spike to ask himself why he has to wait for Rainbow Dash to rescue him from danger and not the other way around. I want Rainbow Dash to wonder why Spike chose her of all ponies, who can't cook, who speaks her mind without thinking, who cares little of her appearances, and demands more than she gives. I want Rainbow to ask herself how far is she willing to change for Spike to be the ideal girlfriend. I want both of them biting at their hooves and claws, dreadfully waiting for the other to end the relationship because they are both so sure the other could do so much better, then grow beyond that. My love for SpikeDash is complicated, and the criteria I have for that specific ship is admittedly unfairer than what I would look for in something simpler like Sparity.

Should Rainbow Dash become an alicorn princess?

Dear Lord, no. Her ego's big enough.

Where do you go to school, and what for?

I go to the University of British Columbia up in Vancouver. I'm currently studying for a degree in microbiology and immunology, but it's a very competitive program; there's only enough room for eighty three third years, so my backup is likely genetic biology, which is why I'm taking summer courses this year. I'm also aiming for a minor in English language, since that's my favorite subject.

I go to school to get a degree for job, since it's pretty much impossible to find a job without one.

What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Roughly twenty fives miles an hour. I am, of course, assuming you're inquiring about the European swallow.

What was the name of the original Green Ranger from the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers television series?

Thomas "Tommy" Oliver.

See you around the Web, true believers!

Report TheMessenger · 601 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

I can't believe you answered my stupid question. I give you the highest Poly award a Poly can give without proper documentation for putting up with my crap.
It may seem like nothing is there but I assure there is. It serves no function whatsoever and is less then worthless. Just owning it will cause you to owe money, but luckily there is no recognized form of currency in the nonverbal contract that comes with it so you could literally pay it in full with interest using a handful of small pebbles or some old, used up AAA batteries. Pretty much just anything that you find lying in an old drawer in the attic or on the ground outside.

Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted May 22nd, 2021
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