• Member Since 20th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen January 22nd

Spec Ops Pupper

More Blog Posts318

  • 542 weeks
    Iron Night

    I don't know how many of you know about my OC, but i have two standing head-canons about him. Thanks to the lovely Dovne, (his tumblr is http://dovne.tumblr.com/ , warning, it is NSFW sometimes.), I am able to show as well as tell.

    First off is the "Soldier" head-canon.

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    3 comments · 673 views
  • 544 weeks
    The Dream

    It has always been my dream, as a fanfiction writer, to write a story or collection of stories with a lore so deep and intriguing that it inspires other writers to write fanfiction of my fanfiction.
    A world so deep and immense that people create head cannons about the OC's and the cannon characters.
    An idea so epic it would influence people's lives.
    Just a little thing i have always wanted.

    4 comments · 479 views
  • 546 weeks
    I'm not dead...

    ... Not yet at least.
    I would like to apologize for my, like, year long hiatus. Its been a tough time with my life shifting from one place to another.
    With this blog post I hope to rekindle my writing spirit so i can either continue my stories or begin to write a new one.
    Honestly it all depends on what sparks my brain at the time.

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    11 comments · 487 views
  • 581 weeks
    Im drawing.

    Im drawing things.
    Want to watch me fumble around?
    click the link
    Fumbling Around

    0 comments · 450 views
  • 581 weeks
    World of Tanks?

    As you may know i am struggling with a massive writers block.
    You might not know that i have recently fallen in love with World of Tanks.
    I sense a one off about six mares in a tank...
    hopefully it will get me over my writers block

    11 comments · 481 views

Iron Night · 5:55am Jan 12th, 2014

I don't know how many of you know about my OC, but i have two standing head-canons about him. Thanks to the lovely Dovne, (his tumblr is http://dovne.tumblr.com/ , warning, it is NSFW sometimes.), I am able to show as well as tell.

First off is the "Soldier" head-canon.

A cold and ruthless soldier Iron is considered a lethal weapon. The embodiment of efficiency there is no hurdle that can get between him and his objective. Collateral damage is never a concern of his, and Iron has been known to kill civilians if they get in his way. This makes him that last choice for his officers when drawing for assignments, but their choice comes with the guarantee that whatever needs to be blown up, killed or evacuated will be destroyed, buried or recovered respectively. Socially Iron is extremely distant. Unable or unwilling to make bonds with subordinates he is generally disliked by those who follow him due to a general "spooky" sensation he emanates. Despite this Iron is able to enforce his will onto his comrades enough to get them to follow orders. While he is proficient in the majority of weapons he will encounter Iron prefers large caliber sniper rifles and long distant engagements to close quarters fights. It is his steely concentration, ruthlessness and efficiency that make him an amazing weapon, but his lack of social skills, remorse and overall compatibility with other ponies that stunt his growth as a soldier.

Iron Night is pictured above as a Space Marine with one of his subordinates Soft Thought.

Second head-canon is the "Blacksmith"

A gentle soul Iron is part of a semi-large family of blacksmiths. Specializing in iron working he usually works with tools rather than weapons, the latter usually made of steel. Generally described as quiet and shy Iron is slightly introverted, but is not one to shy away from those he trusts. His clients appreciate his determination and honesty when it comes to his work, and his friends vouch for his loyalty. If Iron has a social pitfall it is his overly trusting nature. Quickly believing those who get close enough to earn his favor Iron has been burned many times by fair weather friends. If one were to cross him however he will break off any sort of relationship whatsoever. Considered to be a calm and kind pony Iron can smith with the best of them.

Iron Night is pictured above as a medieval-esk blacksmith with his lover Soft Thought.

Report Spec Ops Pupper · 673 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

stream1.gifsoup.com/view6/4678897/why-not-both-o.gif Blacksmith first, add some kids. Kids brutally murdered, becomes cold unfeeling soldier.

1710505 An obvious thing to do, and probably will do at some point. However, this is minor character level stuff. Just pops in here and there, so not a bunch of development.


and yes
Quantum, that is surprisingly obvious thing to do

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