• Member Since 26th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 2nd, 2016

Showmare Trixie

"If I desire to possess everything, does that not make everything mine by right?"

More Blog Posts311

  • 419 weeks
    Beginnings and Endings.

    Hello. I still, inexplicably, get attention here. Not sure why. I don't go on Fimfiction, or write ponyfics anymore--I do however, write original fiction, yay!--or really do anything pony related. Don't consider myself a brony, though ponies are always cute, and stuff.

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    2 comments · 553 views
  • 479 weeks

    Since some of you, for some silly reason keep trying to get in contact with me through this account, I'm just going to post a link to my current one: Here.

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    0 comments · 469 views
  • 537 weeks
    Important-ish notice: Account closing down.

    I won't go into the details. But this account is essentially going to become abandoned after today.

    My story, Path of Fomalhaut will be getting transferred over to a new account, so for you guys, don't be confused if the author suddenly has a different name and two hundred less followers.

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    20 comments · 1,039 views
  • 537 weeks
    Youtube, why!

    They just changed their UI again and it looks bloody horrible. :facehoof: Ugh, why does Youtube keep doing this?

    18 comments · 714 views
  • 537 weeks
    Character analysis blog: Trixie [canon].

    Not being written at 6AM, but I am tired, hungry, upset, and unmedicated. So it's close enough to my usual conditions for analysis blogs.

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    8 comments · 931 views

I've got a question for all of you guys; why do you live your lives? · 4:07am Jan 15th, 2013

Not being cynical or nihilistic here.
... Okay, maybe a little of the latter but anyway, tell me what makes you tick.

Edit: This blog is a bit old, but it doesn't change anything: I still wanna know, so go ahead, regardless of the reason.

Report Showmare Trixie · 1,075 views ·
Comments ( 91 )

Because you only get one life, and its always on. Might as well live and deal with the time you got and make the most of it. Ponies aren't why I get out of bed, but they do make the day a lot brighter. I'm a chef, so I still have a lot of food to cook and things to taste and try. Maybe that's part of it too.

my mare friend making me a sandwich

Thanks for taking the time to respond you two.

713189 wait we weren't s'posed to post anything sorry

why do you get up

713199 No, no, you were supposed to post. Silly.

then wth you you make this and why no awnswer my question

Because Trixie doesn't have a reason for various medical and psychological reasons.
Mostly medical, I think.

Trixie made this because Trixie is curious about how people think.

and yet were not s'posed to post anything :unsuresweetie:

also what stories have you made or groups are you in

Trixie already stated three times.
You ARE supposed to post.

As for Stories, Trixie has eight projects at the moment. Currently working on a one-shot on some ponies doing some casual interaction while Trixie gets some kinks worked out on the Trixie's Harmony rewrite.

Non pony stories are private.
Though this is really starting to get off topic, ah well.

Mmm, I never really thought about it. I guess it would be: I wake up in the morning and get out of bed because I wake up in the morning, and there is no point in wasting life. If one morning I don't wake up, so be it I lived and when my time has come my time has come. Also ponies, I am not missing a single episode while I draw a breath maybe not even after stop.:moustache:


liar you have 0 stories

what are we posting about again

Zero published stories. Trixie removed her published story from her profile. You should know that. Since, ya know.
You DID offer to be my proofreader for Act I: Trixie's Harmony.

oh so that's you all this time i was trying to place who you were why did you take down your stories

Formatting issues. Honestly, I have no bloody clue what happened but portions of the story were from previous versions on GDocs that hadn't been revised (Or even proofread yet!) While others had fixes that weren't on the final copy, etc.
It was a huge mess, and virtually unreadable. (Again, not really sure what happened there, but somehow the quality kept dropping after I made the final piece due to glitches and such.)
In either case, the new Act I, Will have a different title ANYWAY. So I deleted it.

To be honest.... I don't know. I think i'm just kinda drifting from day to day right now.

Do you not know because you don't think about it, because you can't make up your mind? Don't care? Or is there another reason?

Also, thanks for the response. (And the Follow!)

715351 Really... I don't think about it that much. At the moment, I am a junior in high school, and I don't even know what i'm going to college for. Really I only wake up every day knowing that i'm gonna try and be funny to help others smile, i'm gonna be there when they need someone to listen sense i'm good at that, and i'm gonna forget to do my homework.

I usually get up, check my homework, complete new assignments and try to work a week ahead, then read pony stories, play Minecraft, check anything and everything pony. So, yeah, pretty much a hardcore brony to the end. For Equestria!

(P.S. I'm actually thinking of moving to Ponyville from where I live. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Twilight_Sparkle.png Yeah, I know, different dimension/world and such, but I'm sure somepony could figure it out(hint hint{dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/sillyfilly_Twilight_Sparkle.png }.)

i live my life for two things
1) the wonderful invention that is the internet
without it we wouldn't have such brilliant things such as
red vs blue
achievement hunter
my little pony
4chan (eh, maybe a little)
senor gif

2) for my epic friendos
both offline
and online


Thanks for the posts you three.

Sorry, bit late aren't I? :twilightoops:

just a little bit:twilightsheepish:

Well, Trixie appreciates the post anyway. :pinkiehappy::heart:

*platonic hug!!!!* (>^_^)>

At the moment, I just wanna study Digital Productions(communications). I suppose the reason why I want to study it is to try and unite the world a bit more through my line of work.....if I get that far...

My other reasons would include to go get a job so that I may get my own place and to maybe find some hobbies on the count that I don't get out much besides class. Basically I still need to make my life a stable one.

FiMfiction is a nice place to read stories and interact with people. Whether it's about the show, random stuff or just to pass the time.

I'm also rather fond of Super Robot shows among other things.

What I want the most out of life though? To help make the dream of a trully united world a reality. To travel and learn from the world. To be in a loving relationship. To have my own family. To enjoy music, food and anything in between.

A noble reason for living, to be sure. Trixie finds your well rounded reasons refreshing to say the least.

Thank you for taking the time to share. :raritywink:

792940 You're welcome.....I kinda needed this actually, it's good to reflect every now and then. I'm in my second semester of college and job searching is going about as well as you'd expect these days.:eeyup:

I don't really. I'm not really a morning person.

My drive to wake up every morning is to make the life of those around me easier. If I can make one persons day better or easier I feel I did my part.

Trixie thinks there was a movie made off of that concept, the Triangle Effect or something?
It was about a kid for a fourth grade class project had to find a way to change the world. He decided that if he helped make two peoples lives just a bit better, and requested they did the same, the numbers would swiftly multiply until the entire planet was changed for the better. A bit idealistic, but a nice movie regardless.

Thanks for posting! :twilightblush:


I think the movie you are thinking of is "Pay it forward". I did like that film, I guess it influenced me more than I thought. I also love to make people laugh, but that falls under the make there day better category I believe.

788970 No, of course not Great and Powerful Trixie.

Well, for me, life is a cycle. Same shit, different day.

I wake up, get my lazy ass out of bed, get dressed, and head to the hellhole refered to as 'school'. There, I trudge on through the relentless day, having things thrown at me in every direction trying to stop me; whether it be social problems, long assignments, headcolds, or the occasional douchebag-with-shades-at-9-P.M.-trying-to-show-he's-alpha-by-wailing-on-someone.

Towards the end of the day, I'm hungry, tired, and worn.

Time for practice.

I suffer for 2-3 hours doing gruelling workouts and excercises. Many a day I've walked out with a scar, a bruse, a tweeked limb, or other things that hinder me. Dealing with other men whose (mental) balls are the size of Texas, I deal with shit in all directions from idiots trying to prove that only the stongest will survive.

Then, at the end of the day, with all my energy spent, I get to wind down, do my chores, finish my homework, shower, and go to bed.

...After 5 hellish days in a row, I get a break.

Durring the weekend, I get to spend time with the love of my life. Dating for awhile now, we've been through damn near everything together one could imagine. The dates, the movies, the jokes, the laughs, the kisses -- All of it makes my day just perfect. There is no place I'd rather be with than by her side. That may sound sappy and corny, but by golly it's the truth.

Every Saturday is when we typically have sporting events. I'm always out there. Sure, I may not be the best; but I've put too much effort in it to be forsaken by my teammates and coaches. A lot of people are better than me, and in most peoples' eyes, should be out there. They lack one thing; heart. No matter the size, shape, or skill, heart is more valuable than any asset in any sport. As scrawny as I may be, I always feel I contribute to my team's victory; be it football, wrestling, or track.

Every Sunday, I check the mail. I get letters from colleges around the state, them wanting me to be in their mathematics fields. I've yet to decide where to go; there are so many choices out there. But, the very fact of me being WANTED makes me feel even better.

Then, Sunday, 9:00, I get my stuff ready for tomorrow, tell my gilfriend goodnight, and prepare for the inevitable shitstorm that is to come in the morning.

My view on life? It's a lot of work. It grows tedious, repetitive, and tiring after awhile. Some days, I don't want to get out of bed. I want to just curl up and stay there. I'm certain we all feel this way sometimes.

But, when I get this in my head, I just think of what I'm working for. Everything I've done, and everything I will do, whether it be in sports, education, or with my love. That is what gets me up in the morning.

715519 Thats like the paraphrase of my daily life right there... :rainbowderp:

I don't really have any legitimate reason to live as of now, but I don't really have a reason not to live either. The bad has definitely outweighed the good in my life, but I do my best to keep content and to keep my mind off of the negative things. Maybe I'll make a proper response when I discover why I continue to do my thing. Oh, and Trixie is best pony. :trixieshiftleft:

The Timemaster wakes for nopony! The Timemaster for pity against the other ponies of the world, for they may not be able to see perfection that day without the sight of The Timemaster. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has made The Timemaster achieve this absolute enlightenment, so The Timemaster feels obligated to spend 30 minutes of his time (a day) to watching the show and spending around 2 hours (a week) spreading it throughout the multi-verse. The Timemaster shall not stop until everyone is ponified to perfection!

Long Live The Master Race (Bronies), so says The Timemaster!:moustache:

I wake up because I am the human embodiment of Pinkie Pie. I wake up energized!:pinkiehappy:

Ponies, of course! That, and The Crossover Master is deeply steeped in the genre of heavy metal! And Crossover Master has crossovers to write!

Thanks for posting, Sorry Trixie didn't respond sooner.

Trixie is very happy for you. And indeed, life can get tedious, glad you are able to motivate yourself to get past that however.

:heart: Anyway, Trixie looks forward to your future response!

Woo ponies!

You must make a lot of friends then! Glad to see you have a pony to relate to.

All very good reasons to wake up in the morning. :raritywink:

To see what happens next.

That's definitely an interesting reason, Trixie likes it. :raritywink:

No real reason... The only way I'll wake up is through the 30 or so kookaburras outside my window and the extra-strength vanilla coffee that Dizzy leaves me. I prefer Sleeping...

For piss off somepony else

The purpose of my life is to not be forget.

With what you'r doing everyday, i would say that you just want to piss me off everyday

(saw this and just had to do this.) i live my life for the purpose of making others suffer. i get picked on in school so i disthem in a very hard way. i live my life to kill all sighns os insoulance and shuch. i live life becuase... well to be honest. i live my life because people will not let me end it. :pinkiehappy:

What wakes me up in the morning is muscle cramps from sleeping in an awkward position, and dreaming in an awkward position. You spend the day stretching your entire existence out before hitting the hay once more. Unless you're a super hero or Applejack, this is pretty much the only reason you do anything at all. All you do is find piece of body and peace of mind. Being productive is one way of doing that, but even then you don't wake up to be productive. You wake up so you sleep easier knowing that you WERE productive. I think Rip Van Winkle was the most chill guy ever, considering. He had nothing to prove to audience in his head. As long as you feel you need to prove yourself to other people, you can't go to sleep. By this logic, the last man on Earth would simply sleep all day, since no one expects the last man on Earth to be able to do anything.

Actually, I get up in the morning to type crap like that.

knowing ill eat bacon. ... what why are you all looking at me like that ?

the good, bad, cute, ugly, and just plain weird things i can find on the internet.

which includes ponies by the way. do i get a cookie?

To try and lower the mediocrity most of the human population is now living. Because through real enlightenment, people will be more aware of themselves. Being more aware of themselves makes them happier in the long-run.

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