• Member Since 19th Aug, 2023
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More Blog Posts29

  • Tuesday
    Some Important Info I found Out

    Hey guys I hope your having a good day so far, so recently I had found a really big video that goes into full detail onto the production of Kung Fu Panda 4. This movie has had a lot of hate going for it recently with how it turned out, and while I can understand people liking it, the production of the movie was a complete MESS! I have never seen so many messy choices made for this movie, it

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  • Saturday
    More Fun Stories

    Hey guys hope your having a good day, I was just coming in to let you all know about a few fun stories I'm gonna be doing, while some of them are gonna be smaller then others, I think a few of them will be fun to read when I get to them, and I hope you like what I have in mind guys!

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  • 1 week
    New Sequel Story Announcement

    Hey guys, I just wanted to announce something I have planned for a future Spike story I'm gonna be making, I'm getting a lot of big ideas that will come with it, and I'd like your help with planning it out if you have ideas on how to help it.

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  • 1 week
    A New Idea

    Hey guys I hope your having a good day today, I just got one idea that could help with my Kung fu Panda story, one that I think that will be something that can help pace the story in ways people would like, and I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

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  • 3 weeks
    I Need Some Help

    Hey guys I hope your having a good day so far, something recently been happening with my computer and I don't know what's wrong, and I was hoping any of you guys have experienced what I'm gonna describe, and have suggestions on how to solve it, please leave any suggestions you have if you know this problem, and I hope you can help with this.

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First Look At My Spike And Spyro Story · 3:15am April 28th

Hey guys hope your having a good day so far, so I decided I'm gonna make my own Spyro story as well, this is gonna be a story where Spike goes through the Legend of Spyro games, by himself. The plot is that Ponyville is attacked during the day Ember and Thorax meet, and the apes working for Cynder have come for Spike, since he's believed to be the Purple Dragon, they were ordered to capture him, but Cynder has other plans for him, and something that will deeply tie with them both will be revealed in the story, I think the games are underrated, while the gameplay is slow and kinda boring, I appreciated the tone and atmosphere these set up, and the music was really great to me, I think they would've done better if the combat took a more DMC approach and made the combos faster and more stylish, but I really like some of the stuff these games did, it was a connected story that was a bit darker then most stuff in the Spyro series, probably still has the darkest stuff in it still. I think these games are good, and I wanted to tackle my own Spike and Spyro story myself, this will be the first chapter, and I'd like to hear your thoughts on it, please let me know what you think of this, and I hope you like what this sets up!

Spike and the people of Ponyville were currently cleaning up the welcoming party they had for Ember and Thorax, they had just gotten into an argument with him about what happened with is whole triple threat problem, despite Spike's best effort's to solve these problems, it was too much, and it resulted in Ember and Thorax leaving the village, maybe for good.

Spike was really upset about this, despite how hard he's tried, it ended up with him possibly losing 2 friends, who are both rulers of they're own kingdoms, so it was just devastating for him to know this, it felt like no matter how hard he tried with it, he couldn't find a way to work it out, and it resulted in something bad happening.

Spike was cleaning up most of the decorations that were set up in the village, he was pretty upset about this, he didn't think Ember or Thorax will want to talk to him again after this, and thought they didn't need to have them anymore. Spike just tried to think this over the best he could, but he couldn't look at any of it in a positive way, he was just... really upset about this.

"Why couldn't I find something to help? Why didn't I just introduce them to eachother properly? This all could've avoided if I didn't have so much on me.." Spike asked himself while looking over the nearly melted ice statue of Ember, it along with many of the decorations were being taken down by other ponies, he sighed seeing this, he thought today was just gonna have Ember be here, but he forgot that Thorax was also coming here, so it led to a lot of juggling around he couldn't keep a balance off, and he felt devastated from it.
"Hey Spike, you okay?" A familiar voice asked which got his attention, he turned around and saw Twilight had come to check on him, she looked worried for him like he'd expect, and knew he couldn't hide it.
"No, I'm not, all that stuff with Ember and Thorax is just a little much for me right now." Spike said turning away from her to continue taking a flyer down.
"Spike, it's alright, maybe they'll talk it out and make up? You can't just give up on this, after all we've been through, things always get better." Twilight said trying to keep things in a better move, but Spike wasn't having it.

"This is different Twilight, you need to remember what happened, I had over 3 problems to deal with, and it all led to things crashing down, I couldn't find that stupid friendship problem that was caused, I couldn't find a way to introduce Ember and Thorax to eachother in proper ways, they almost got into a fight and they got upset at me for not thinking I could introduce them because of how different they are, it all came crashing downhill Twilight, you know you can't deny that." Spike said burning up the fliers to ash while she was worried to hear him like this.
"Spike, you need to calm down, there's always a second chance with this kind of problem, you don't know if they'll be mad at you forever, I know they won't, there's always the chance they'll come back and try and talk things out with you." Twilight said patting his shoulder, Spike sighed hearing that, while it could be true, there was a part of him that felt like it just wasn't gonna happen.
"I don't know Twilight, there are just things that can't be fixed, people can have they're chances, but they just never take them despite being the better option. I could've took the chance to introduce them properly, and maybe have them get along with eachother while here, but my fears were too much, and it led to.. all of this." Spike said sadly looking over the village.

"Spike.." Twilight said with regret while she tried comforting him, but she didn't know how.
"It's just.. why does this happen to me Twilight? Everytime I get a chance to do something great, it either is always taken away, or it's not given the impact it needs to help me shape into a stronger person. You and the mane 6 all have had that moment.. and meanwhile.. I'm.. still just an assistant.. I haven't gotten to do anything huge on my own, even when they were something, it just wasn't like you all have faced. Is this.. because of why? are my fears and doubts what stop me from finally doing something that would help me live up to all of you? Just.. what am I doing wrong Twilight, you've all done so much more then me, and I've rarely gotten that chance.." Spike asked looking at his claws, he just didn't know how to feel about himself right now, and had tons of questions about himself.
"Spike, you don't need to live up to what we can do, it's not your fears and doubts that hold you back, you don't have to go through something so big that can impact our lives, you've done so much for us, even when you don't realize it. You do have the moments, you just need to stand tall, and accept what's happening. You'll find a way to push through it when you do, and maybe that'll help you Spike." Twilight said sitting next to him, Spike looked at her and thought about it, it could mean many different things to him right now, but she made it sound like a way of confidence, it was something he needed right now, but he still had some questions..

"Then.. how do we fix this Twilight? Can we fix it? I don't know if I can.. Thorax was the first changeling that anyone ever became friends with, and it was thanks to ME Starlight was able to find a way to help reform them, but I don't know if something like this can help with him." Spike said recalling his first time befriending Thorax.
"Spike, you did plenty to help with the changelings reformation, if it wasn't for you befriending Thorax, he changelings wouldn't be the way they are now." Twilight said trying to help again.
"But did I get the credit and attention I was needing? No. Starlight mainly got all of it, she was the one who got the changelings reformed, and got all the credit, I didn't even get a thank you for helping with the idea of changelings reforming be possible, it's not because I wanted glory, I just wanted some people to thank me for helping, make me think, you really helped us Spike, without you, we couldn't have done this. That's all I really wanted after they were reformed, a simple thank you for helping with reforming them would've done so much for me. And now.. I don't even know if what I do can help anyone anymore, in fact I just may make it worse.." Spike said putting his head on his lap.

"Spike, I'm really sorry you feel that way, but I guess I should've seen something like this, you did a lot to help the changelings Spike, and the dragons too, there's more to you then you realize, you do make things better for everyone, I promise you things will get better, you just need to hold onto hope Spike." Twilight said before she gave him another hug, it was a hug that helped comfort him from the person he saw as a sister, one that despite the work she does, is always there for him too.
"Thanks Twilight.. come on.. let's finish cleaning this stuff up.." Spike said sadly before he stood up again and got back to work.
"Just hold onto hope Spike.." Twilight said once more before she tried to help him the best she could.

However, far away from Ponyville, far into the Everfree forest, something was watching the village from afar, something that gave off a dark, sinister aura. Strange shadows move through the trees and hop all the way to the top, crushing most things that were made of nature, with what looks like machines of metal, cannons, arrow launchers, and even some strange beasts that were never seen before, they looked like apes, but far more sinister and evil then the ones here, and they were looking over the village for something.
"He's here, we've found that pest." The general said looking over the village with a telescope from a high tree, he zoomed in closer to the village and saw the pony's working away like normal, but the ape moved it's attention to a certain purple dragon..
"She was right, that purple dragon is here, he's completely vulnerable right now, we must attack." The commander said before he hopped down to the bottom and he looked at a huge number of apes, with tons of deadly swords and weapons,
it looks like they were going to attack the village.
"The purple dragon is in that village, our intel was correct. You all know what to do, capture that dragon, and leave that village to burn, we mustn't disappoint out master." He said to all his soldiers who made ape sounds in response, they all began to get onto they're machines, and weapons made of metal, and they began to aim arrows at the village., the commander held out his hand, and made the gesture.
"Fire!!" He screamed which made all the apes start firing fireballs directly to the village..

Back with Spike, he was finishing up with the last of the decorations, the village looked like how it did normally, and nothing was really different about it, Spike sighed while he and Twilight looked over the village, the very village he's lived in with Twilight since he moved here with her, after being hatched, with no reason on why his egg was found.. alone...
"Twilight.. do you think there will be more to me? I still don't know who my parents are, we barely had anything to give us clues that could help find them.. and I just don't know if I'll.. ever meet them.." Spike asked looking over the place, he had so much on his mind, and didn't know how to process it all.
"Spike, it's alright, no matter what happens, your still family to me, you have all of us, and I promise you, we'll make it through this together.." Twilight assured once more and Spike sighed hearing that.
"Thanks Twilight.." Spike said gratefully closing his eyes for a moment.

But they're talk together was suddenly stopped when they heard a really loud sound come from the village which shook the place badly, they could suddenly hear pony's screaming with fear which got them to turn where it was coming from, and to they're shock, they saw some buildings had been hit with something which lit it on fire!
"What was that?!" Twilight asked worried quickly running to check on it.
"I don't know! How could we have seen it?!" Spike shouted as they inspected the damage, the two of them could hear another person scream while pointing at the sky, they both got a worried feeling and look upwards to see what's going on, and to they're fear, there were massive fireballs flying down to the village, and were about to strike.
"Look out!"! Twilight screamed before she pulled Spike too her and formed a shield around them which blocked one of the fireballs just in time, but the rest of the fireballs hit even more of the village, which made more people scream in terror.

Spike and Twilight breathed heavily while looking around the town and saw tons of people screaming in fear.
"Twilight, what's going on?!" Spike asked again while trying to find the source.
"I don't know! I think we're being attacked!" Twilight shouted as they began to run through the town quickly.
"But who's attacking us?! We haven't had an attack like this! What could be the cause of it?!" Spike shouted while they tried to help people get away from the damage.
"I don't know, but we've dealt with this before, we need to get to the others, fast!" Twilight shouted before taking out a letter, Spike took it and was about to write a message to the others, the two of them screamed as something just shot through the letter, it was an arrow that came from high above. The two slowly looked above them once again and they saw something they've never seen before, it had a large deadly sword, and weird fur on it's body, it had some explosives on it, and was looking directly at them both, specifically.. Spike.
"We've found the purple dragon! Capture him!!" He screamed before he tossed an explosive at them, Twilight quickly ducked them out of the way just as it made a large explosion which was scarring them both.

"Twilight, what is that thing?!" Spike shouted looking at the monster, and to their horror, they found more monsters that looked like him, both bigger and smaller, and they looked extremely dangerous, they weren't like anything they've seen before.
"I don't know, but.. I think they're after you!" Twilight shouted as one of them lunged at the two with it's sword, Twilight screamed right before she teleported them out of the way and to another rooftop to avoid it while the monster growled at them.
"Why me?! What could they possibly want with me?!" Spike asked with fear as even more monster's were charging into the village and throwing more explosive weapons.
"I don't know, but we need to get you out of here, now!" Twilight screamed before the two of them were making they're way across the roofs of the buildings, but the apes weren't gonna let them escape, and one threw a TNT stick directly at the next roof in front of them which Spike saw.
"Look out!!" Spike shouted right before the thing exploded in front of the two of them and knocked them down, but they got separated, and ended up on different sides.

Spike groaned in pain while he was getting up, that blast did leave a mark, but it wasn't anything to serious, but he quickly noticed Twilight was gone after he got up.
"Twilight?! Twilight?! Where are you?!" Spike shouted looking around for her.
"I'm alright Spike! i'm on the other side of the house!" Twilight shouted from the distance, Spike turned around and saw the house they were just on was now on fire, and there was a blocked path to get to her.
"Twilight! There's no way to get to you! We have to find another way!" Spike shouted again looking for another path ahead of him.
"Try to head for the main fountain, I'll get the other's and meet you there! Be careful Spike!" Twilight shouted again right before a loud screech hurt they're ears, Spike looked up in the sky again and looked horrified as he could see huge bat like monsters flying in the sky, they were carrying what looked like bombs with they're claws, and they all began to drop them down on where he is!
"No no no no!!" Spike screamed while running away just as the bombs landed on the ground.

This sent a large explosion that pushed Spike back a good distance and he slammed against a wall yet again, Spike groaned even more while trying to get up, he could hear weird sounds from behind him which was making him afraid. Spike turned around and saw there were more of these ape monster's marching to him, with some coming out of the exploding bombs those monster's were carrying.
"This cannot be real.. this has to be a nightmare.." Spike said with terror while looking for a way to escape. The apes charged at him with weapons drawn, Spike screamed again before he ducked under a sword slash that almost hit him, he slid under one of those monsters and tried to make a run for it.
"Gotta get back to Twilight! I need to get out of here!!" Spike told himself while running away from the monsters as fast as he could, but the monster's saw this and began to chase after him which made him run even faster.

Twilight was running through the town as fast as she could, what was once a regular village that was going about it's day just minutes ago, was not being lit on fire by strange ape monster's who were after Spike, of all people. Why would they go after such a small dragon, a child at that! Twilight had to get the other's quickly since this is something they had to face together, she was making her way to Rarity's Boutique, she hoped that Rarity was okay and prayed nothing happened to her.

But when she got to her home to, she had a look of horror as she saw the place was on fire too, and she saw Rarity crying at the sight of it.
"Rarity! Are you okay?!" Twilight shouted running up to her.
"No I'm not Twilight, what's happening?!" Rarity shouted looking around the village which was burning up.
"I don't know, but there are monster's attacking the place, and they're after Spike! We have to get the others and get to him quickly!" Twilight explained while making sure there were no monsters, but she could see more pony's screaming with fear while running from the houses, which really showed how bad the situation is.
"Spike's in danger?! We mustn't waste another second! Let's go now!" Rarity shouted grabbing her hoof before quickly running off with her too.

The two of them made they're way around the now on fire town as fast as they could, they could see so many houses and places they've been to had been desolated badly, even places like the Library and the restaurants were being burned down, and it made them both awful for not just the people living there, but for this town as well.
"Twilight, what are these things? What do they want with Spike? And why must they attack our home?" Rarity asked with fear looking around the place while more apes were attacking it.
"I don't know what these are, but if they're after Spike, it can't be good, we need to drive them out of town now!" Twilight said seriously as they could hear the sounds of fighting.
"You don't scare me you stupid apes!" A familiar voice shouted which got they're attention, they quickly turned the next corner and to their surprise, they saw Rainbow Dash was trying to take on some of the monster's, but they were proving to be a difficult challenge for her.

"Get out of our town you jerks!" Rainbow Dash screamed while she tried to deliver a drop kick on one of them, but that ape grabbed her leg and suddenly slammed her across him to the ground which made her groan in pain, this was followed up by one of the apes giving her a strong punch to her chest which sent her rolling right to where Twilight and Rarity are.
"Rainbow Dash, are you okay?!" Twilight asked worried helping her up.
"I'm fine, what's going on? What are these things?" Rainbow Dash asked as the apes were marching over to them with swords drawn.
"I don't know darling, but Twilight said these things are after Spike! We need to get to him fast!" Rarity said while backing up a little from these gross creatures.
"What?! Oh they are gonna get it now!" Rainbow Dash said with anger getting in her fighting stance again, Twilight tried to charge up a magic blast and she fired it at one of the apes, but the largest one held out a strange staff with a gem inside it, and he used the staff to deflect the blast away, and it somehow absorbed into it!

"What?! How is that possible?!" Twilight asked with fear seeing the ape charge up something with that staff.
"I don't know! Get down!!" Rainbow Dash screamed right as the ape fired a lightning blast at them all which they barely dodged, but it destroyed a food store in the process.
"Ugh! These things need to be taught a lesson!" Rarity said really upset at they're reckless destruction.
"I don't think they're gonna go down easily guys! We gotta find Pinkie and the rest! Come on!" Twilight shouted again before she ran past the apes, the other's quickly followed behind her just as the apes began to chase after them too.

Spike was running as fast as he could through the village that was being attacked, there were explosions going off from multiple houses and he could see even more of those weird monster's in the sky, and he was still being chased after that previous group who were gaining on him.
"Why are they after me?! What do they want with me?!" Spike asked himself turning another corner while the monster's chased him still.
"Why did this day have to go so wrong?! What reason do they want me?!" Spike thought with fear while running as quickly as possible, but his running soon came to a halt when he found himself in an alley that didn't have a way out.
"No no no no..." Spike said with terror as he could hear the apes behind them, he turned around with terror and could see the monster's marching to him, and Spike was backing up with fear since he's never seen these things before.
"Please.. stay back! Don't touch me!" Spike begged as they were only a few feet away from him one of them held out some chains and was whipping it around ready to strike.
"No! No!!" Spike screamed just as the monster raised it's hand up, but a familiar fire blast suddenly came in and roasted the monster down which was followed by a loud roar.

Spike looked really surprised seeing that and quickly looked up and to his surprise, he saw Ember and Thorax came back! Ember had a look of rage along with Thorax, but it wasn't at Spike, it was at these monster's, Thorax turned into a bear in an instant and roared at the monster's before he came in and slashed the rest down. Ember landed down near Spike as he was breathing heavily, both relieved and shocked that they were taken down like that.
"Spike, are you okay?" Ember asked worried kneeling down to him, Spike didn't say anything, instead he came in and gave Ember another hug which surprised her, but she could understand it with what just happened.
"Ember, Thorax, I'm so sorry for what happened.. If I just introduced you too eachother properly.. I'm.. I'm.." Spike said with tears trying to find his words, but Ember put her claw on his chin and helped him look up at her, he saw she and Thorax didn't look worried about that, but worried for him.
"Spike, it's okay. We know you were trying, and to make things a bit better, we actually got along well, there's actually some stuff that we relate to with how we rule things, we can understand what you weary about though, but we're not mad at you for this, we understand it all." Thorax said walking up to him while Spike was really surprised to hear that.

"Ember, Thorax.. thank you.. I'm sorry for all of this, I just didn't know how things would go out from here, I had a lot to work with, and I didn't know what to do.." Spike said shamefully.
"Hey, you aren't the only ones, we'll make it through this, just stay close to us, okay?" Ember asked putting her claw on his shoulder which made him smile lightly.
"Thanks Ember.. this means so much to me.." Spike said gratefully as they all stood up.
"No problem Spike, so do you mind telling me.. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!" Ember shouted suddenly which surprised both of them, but they could understand her anger and fear right now.
"We leave for like 30 minutes or so, and then we come back and see the entire village is being attacked, and is on fire! Is this a dragon attack Spike? Cause if it is, I'll show them who they're dealing with!" Ember asked clutching her fist, even if they saw those apes, they could be working for a stronger foe.
"You don't know how shocked we both were when we found this village in this state when we got back, i've never seen anything like it." Thorax asked looking around the burning village with fear.

"I.. don't know, all I know is, those monster's were trying to capture me, they called me.. the Purple Dragon or something? I don't know what that means, but they separated me from Twilight, we need to find her and the others before they cause more harm." Spike said with fear as another explosion was heard in the distance.
"Why are they after you?!" Thorax asked really afraid to hear that.
"I don't know, but we need to get out of here, we gotta find the others, now!" Spike shouted trying to move past Ember.
"He's right, we have to stay close, let's go, but stay on guard you two, we don't know what these creatures are." Ember said seriously which they both nodded in response from.
"She's right, let's find the other's Spike." Thorax said as the three of them quickly made they're way through the village that was burning up badly while more pony's were screaming with fear.

These dangerous bat monster's continued to drop down these craters that contained more and more of these ape monster's, they had strange magical weapons that seemed to absorb some kind of magic that was far different from the ones they used, they began to fire lightning and fire blasts all over the town to cause further chaos, more people were screaming with fear as these huge bat monster's had landed down on the ground and screeched over the village. The commander was on top of one of these creatures and was looking around for Spike, and fortunately for him, he saw Spike running with Ember and Thorax down a nearby path, which made him growl in response.
"Get that purple dragon! Dreadwings! After him!!" He ordered again which made the now called Dreadwings screech and they began to fly to the groups direction while the apes continued to attack the town.

Spike and his friends were running as fast as they could to find Twilight, but they're movement was stopped when they heard another loud screech.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me!" Ember said annoyed as they could see multiple Dreadwings flying down to them, the group tried to escape from them, but there were too many to squeeze by, and they were surrounded by at least 10 of them.
"Guys, how do we stop these things?!" Spike asked worried while they all were back to back.
"Easy thing to answer, we fight them off!" Ember said getting in a fighting position.
"uh I don't know Ember, these things are really scary.." Thorax said a bit afraid from these creatures.
"So am I.." Ember said before she lunged at one of them while making a loud roar.

Ember lunged directly on one of the monster's head and began punching it repeatedly at the face, she used her strength to twist it's body around so she could land on the ground while still holding it, she then roared even more as she tossed the thing around her with incredible strength which sent it flying into another. Thorax decided to help out, and transformed into another bear yet again and began clawing away at one of them who tried to attack them, Thorax roared at the monster and kneed the thing in the chin before he headbutted it, he then used his strength to lift the thing into the air and tossed it far away from them, but there were still more to fight off, and Ember and Thorax were trying to slash at them the best they can. Spike tried to avoid the monster's that were being tossed around, he was about to make his way to hide until something grabbed him by the throat roughly.

"Finally, I've got you purple dragon!" The commander said gripping him tightly while Spike was struggling to escape.
"Let.. me.. go!!" Spike screamed which got the other's attention, Ember and Thorax quickly turned around and saw Spike was being raised in the air by what looked like the commander.
"Spike!" They both screamed before they quickly charged at the monster, the commander scoffed and raised his staff at them both.
"Pathetic creatures." He mocked before the staff suddenly shot a powerful blast at them both which shocked them, they tried to push through it, but the blast was powerful enough to send them flying back a great distance which made them scream in pain, Ember and Thorax both landed on the ground weakly while Thorax became his normal self again.
"Ugh.. what.. was that?" Thorax asked rubbing his head.
"I don't know, don't care! Give us back our friend!" Ember shouted quickly recovering from it and facing the commander.

The commander scoffed and reached into one of his pouches, and he pulled out a strange vile that contained what looked strange dark blood inside, it was dark red and had black spots inside it, like it was some kind of poison..
"We've been searching everywhere for you, and now, we're bringing you back. And she will be pleased." He said as he slowly brought the thing to Spike who tried escaping.
"No, no! Get away from..." Spike shouted right before he stabbed the thing in Spike's arm which made him scream in pain much to Ember and Thorax's horror.
"No!!" Ember screamed with rage before she tried charging at him just as he finished injecting Spike with it.
"Your supposed to be this worlds Dragon leader? All I see is something that's pathetic, and knows she can never lead her kind." He mocked before he delivered a strong kick just as Ember reached him, it sent her flying back to Thorax in an instant which surprised them both.

Spike was breathing heavily as he felt that blood enter his own, he didn't know what it was, but it made his arm feel like it was on fire, and that's saying something for someone who can't feel burns like this. Ember groaned while Thorax helped her up, the commander laughed mockingly at the both of them while holding Spike up.
"You two are pathetic, I thought you'd at least give me a challenge, but this was too easy. We'll be taking this purple dragon back to his home, and the Dark Master will decide what to do with him, or maybe Cynder will first." The commander said evilly which got they're attention.
"Dark.. master?" Thorax asked worried to hear that name.
"Cynder?" Ember asked getting back up finally as he held out his staff again.
"It doesn't matter what you do, we're taking him with us, and we're leaving now!" He shouted before he suddenly took off with Spike just as he passed out.
"Spike! No!" Ember shouted with fear before they quickly tried to run after him.

Back with Twilight and the other's, they had grouped up with the rest of they're friends and were trying to find Spike, the town was burning badly and more of these monsters kept on coming, it was an attack like nothing they've seen yet, and something says that it's gonna get worse.
"Twilight, do you know where we'll find Spike?!" Fluttershy shouted while they tried to help more pony's escape the town.
"I told Spike to meet near the center of the town, hopefully he's there by now!" Twilight shouted while Applejack whipped her rope around a piece of rubble, she made a little pull and she managed to pull it down on another group of these monster's while they were under it.
"How can so much happen so fast?! And that's saying something with what Rainbow Dash can do!" Applejack asked while they were nearing the center like Twilight said.
"Hey! How was any of us supposed to know these things would attack us out of nowhere and be here for Spike?!" RD shouted in defense.

"Nopony knew! Once we get Spike, we gotta get the rest of the pony's out of here and contact Celestia and Luna, but I'm sure they've gotten the reports of it by now." Twilight said hoping that was true.
"I hope so Twilight, I can see the center of town! Come on!" Pinkie Pie shouted bouncing ahead with the group, they all quickly made they're way to the center where the fountain was, it was pretty much destroyed at this point from the attack, but they tried to look around for Spike, but they couldn't find him anywhere.
"Twilight, where is he?!" Rarity asked looking around for him.
"I don't know, he should've made it here by now! He couldn't have gotten in trouble could he?!" Twilight asked starting to freak out over this, they heard another loud sound and suddenly saw Ember and Thorax crashing down from a rooftop, they were surprised to see them here, and quickly ran up to help them.

"Ember! Thorax! You came back!" Pinkie said really happy they're back.
"Ugh.. I wish we made it back under better circumstances.." Ember said annoyed while rubbing her head.
"Especially with how bad things are here right now." Thorax added getting back up again.
"I'm just glad you two are here, but do you know where Spike is?! We were supposed to meet up here?" Twilight asked really worried for him which made them remember what happened.
"Right! We need to find him fast! The commander of this attack kidnapped him!" Ember shouted with fear which made them look terrified.
" WHAT?!" They all shouted terrified to hear that news.
"And what's worse, the commander injected Spike with some strange.. dark blood.. I don't know what it was, but it's definitely not anything good." Thorax said really scarred for his friend.
"Where did they go?!" Twilight asked looking directly at them.
"We saw them going this way! Come on!!" Ember shouted quickly running in one direction, the other's quickly took after her and tried to find they're friend.

Meanwhile with Spike, he was knocked out cold after he was injected with this strange blood, even while passed out, he could still feel the stuff moving around his bloodstream, and it felt like his body was on fire. The commander had placed Spike in a cage and was on top of another Dreadwing.
"We got the Purple Dragon! Let's get him back to Cynder! Fall back for now!" He ordered which made all the apes who were attacking the village stop, they began to regroup back with the commander who was at the entrance, he raised his staff in the air and he charged up a powerful magic blast, he aimed it directly behind them and shot something to the entrance, this somehow created a dark portal that was made of black and purple energy, it seemed to lead somewhere completely different, and they began to move to it.
"Let's leave this world! We'll come back here when the Dark Master orders us to! These horses won't stand a chance." He said mockingly as dozens of apes were jumping through the portal,

The commander was about to make his way through himself until a magic beam shot directly next to him.
"Your not going anywhere!!" Twilight shouted while she and they're group was charging at the commander with rage.
"Give us back our friend!!" Ember roared while charging up another fire blast.
"Pathetic, you don't know when to quit." He mocked before he raised his staff up yet again and charged a powerful blast.
"Let our friend go!!" Thorax screamed while they all made a battle cry and lunged directly at him in slow motion, but the commander charged up his staff with enough power, and he shot a powerful blast at all of them with a force strong enough to send them flying away from him.

Everyone screamed as they hit various parts of the village and landed down while groaning with pain. Twilight coughed roughly and tried to get back up, but she could feel her body was weak and her vision was fading out, but she could see the commander looking down at her, with Spike held captive.
"You are all supposed to be this worlds protectors? This is just sad, when the Dark Master comes, there will be nothing you can do to stop him and Cynder." He said evilly once again while Ember was getting up again.
"No.. let.. him go!!" Ember begged trying to reach to him, but the commander didn't even respond to this and turned back to the portal as the monster began to fly in the air.
"See you soon, you pathetic pony's." He said mockingly before the bat was flying directly at the portal.
"No.. no!!" Ember screamed while she lunged at him in a last ditch effort, she tried to reach him as fast as she could, but the monster had reached it's way to the portal, and in an instant, they vanished in a purple light, and the portal vanished too just as Ember reached it, but fell on the ground after being too late.

"No.. no! No!!" Ember shouted with terror while everyone was horrified to see Spike get kidnapped.
"This cannot be real, this can't!" Rainbow Dash said with terror not knowing how to process this.
"Oh my Celestia!!" Pinkie screamed with terror really loudly which hurt they're ears.
"Spike! no!" Fluttershy said horrified while she tried to find any way to help, but she didn't know how to do it.
"Spike.. he can't be.. he's.. gone.." Twilight said with terror seeing her little brother get kidnapped.
"Spike.." Applejack said with fear while horrified at the thoughts of where he is now.
"No.. no.. SPIKE!!!!" Ember screamed with terror and anger as the camera pins over the village that was burning badly, with only smoke and ash being seen from the sky's, Spike was kidnapped, and they all feared what could happen with him..

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Comments ( 2 )

Will everyone be able to watch Spike's progress through the Spyro games? Other than that, I'm interested to read it when it comes out.

I'll say you got me hooked with this intro Dragonfan! Looking forward to future chapters of this story when it's posted, keep up the great work!:moustache:

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