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A JD Review: Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire · 4:31pm March 30th

Well, well, well! Welcome back, everyone! And welcome back Godzilla and Kong for another blockbuster showdown between the most legendary monsters in all of cinema! Let's get right into Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire :yay:


Godzilla x Kong picks up a few years after the events of Godzilla vs Kong, where Kong has established his kingdom in the Hollow Earth while Godzilla maintains balance in his kingdom in our world above. However, when a mysterious signal is discovered deep in the uncharted realms of the Hollow Earth, it calls to Kong, Godzilla, and our human cast to unearth the deepest secrets of the Hollow Earth... and save the world from devastation from a new, tyrant king.

The film was a thrill ride from beginning to end! The visuals were stunning, the music was fantastic, and the story surrounding the Titans was simply :eeyup: Loved nearly every bit of it. The human cast with Ilene, Bernie, Jia, and Trapper were a surprising combination that played off well with one another. I never found myself annoyed or bored with them. Adam Wingard is really starting to nail down what works with the human cast, giving them necessary time to drive the plot forward without staying too long. Plus Jia is always a treat :scootangel:

But the real stars of this movie were the monsters, and oh boy... we get a LOT of them! This was essentially Kong's movie, with his whole story surrounding the great apes, his family, and fighting to free them from the evil Skar King is a tale as old as time. It works especially well here, with Kong and Suko easily stealing the show.

Godzilla also offers a welcome edge to the film, bringing in that raw ferocity that we love to see from him. Would have liked to see more... or at least give Godzilla more of an established arc in this movie as well as going forward in the Monsterverse... but that's one of the thing's I thought needed improvement in this movie.

Overall, absolute kick-ass film. If you can, definitely see it in IMAX. It's worth every second :rainbowdetermined2: 8/10! What were your thoughts?


This movie made me feel like a little kid again haha! It reminded me of the days when I had Son of Godzilla and Godzilla vs the Sea Monster on VHS and I watched them over and over again on my parents' blocky TV. That's what this movie I feel encapsulates, the soul of the Showa Era. Everything from the stunning visuals, the monster fights, the cheesiness of some scenes, the goofy human characters, everything just bled Showa to me, but in the best way :twilightsmile:

Other stand out moments for me had to be Shimo, Skar King, and Mothra. Shimo's involvement was a lot more tragic than I anticipated, being used as a slave to the Skar King and forced to do his will. But once she was broken free with help from Godzilla, Kong, and Suko, she immediately turned on Skar King and aided in his defeat. Glad that she's alive; a lot of potential with Shimo for the future :scootangel:

Skar King was an absolute menace, just as I predicated haha the dude absolutely loved torturing and basing others, finding some sick satisfaction on the suffering of others. His role as a tyrnat king was a lot darker than I expected, with Suko essentially being one of his many children. Yeah, bro straight up as a harem with a bunch of female apes :rainbowderp: Though I didn't really see him as a world-ending disaster on the same level as Ghidorah. Shimo was more of a threat than him, but I guess if he controlled her, that made him dangerous.

MOTHRA RETURNS!! :pinkiesad2: I was so happy to see our queen again after so long. And the best part, she didn't die! Which means she can come back in another future film! :rainbowwild: Mothra and Rodan I feel are heavily underutilized in the Monsterverse, but her return gives me hope that we'll see more classic Toho monsters make their entry into the Monsterverse, and I can't be more excited for that prospect. Me personally I wanna see Gigan, Spacegodzilla, and Destoroyah. How about you? :ajsmug:

Overall, I had a total blast! Definitely see this in IMAX if ya can. 8/10! What were your thoughts?

Report JDPrime22 · 364 views · Story: A King to a God ·
Comments ( 21 )

Hope that Rodan one day will return.

You just foreshadowed the deaths of the MonsterVerse original Titans in your crossover stories!!!!!

Edit: I meant “predicted” some of them.

5774232 Saem

5774233 I guess that's all up to guessing at this point lol

I agree. Skar king may be the reason why kongs clan left his ranks an lived on skull island. Kongs kindness an gentle soul gave the apes hope of freedom. Godzilla reaching to his Rosè mode was a Good evolution jump to accomplish especially if he is to face another threat. Suko will be kongs apprentice hell learn to be a guardian to the humans and who knows kong will find a mate an have an heir an both will be a tag team of apes. Shimo her role is yet to be decide should she desire to follow kong as a equal or roam free to find her place in both hollow earth and earth.

Haven’t seen it yet, but I will soon, I feel expect it to be amazing.

5774354 oh it is amazing :pinkiehappy:

Well, I hope that, in some future installment, they include this BIG GUY!!!:

Hopefully Anguirus will show up in the future!

5774453 Would love to see him! :scootangel:

I finally saw it and it’s definitely how you described it as it’s definitely twice as exiting as its predecessor. I now wonder how your gonna adapt the film or at least the characters to your next MonsterVerse sequel?

5774749 I got some fun ideas on the horizon :ajsmug:

I also love the film, my only criticism is that the ending was well not short, but sudden. Like it could've used like 2 to 5 minutes of resolution at the end. Anyways i really loved the film. And Kong is being like God of War Kratos and Suko being like Atreus. And Kong using Suko as bat was HILARIOUS AHAHHAHAHAA. I almost forgot my other criticism it could've used a little bit more Godzilla in it, i understand Kong is the main protag for the film and his story i love, but Godzilla is kinda like exp farming in a game to achieve a new form and skill tree. I'm glad Shimo is a bit more sympathetic, also it's kinda funny that Scar King despite being centuries older acts like a punk. But other than that it was purely epic.

5775099 Easily the funniest moment in the monsterverse between kong and suko :rainbowlaugh:

Finally saw it today and yeah it’s pretty good. I think the story and especially human characters are better than Godzilla vs Kong, but I think GvsK had better kaiju fights. GXK still had some pretty good fights though and I liked they went crazy with it especially in the hollow earth.

While I think Ghidorah is still the best Kaiju villain of the monsterverse, I think Scar King was honestly more vile and evil than Ghidorah. Probably helps he had a whole bunch of Apes to abuse. Definitely my favorite of the original monsterverse villains. Gave him a ton of personality.

Shimo was also pretty cool :rainbowwild:. It was nice to get a good original monster from the monsterverse hopefully she gets to be in other film.
Godzilla while having the shortest screen time he’s had in a monsterverse film so far never wasted an appearance. The guy was always on the move anytime the camera was on him with the sole exception of him sleeping in the Roman colosseum which was funny and kind of adorable.
Not quite sure how this ranks with the other monsterverse movies but it’s definitely up there for me.

5775737 I don’t think anyone is gonna top ghidorah, unless we get Destoroyah sometime in the future. But I’m thinking we’ll see Shimo again as well!

Wingard suggested that the next film would focus more on Godzilla in the same way this one did with Kong.

And this film’s success certainly will give him that chance now. Here’s to the future of the MonsterVerse!

5776069 Looking forward to it, and hopefully more solo films for the future! :moustache:

I really hope the next one is more Godzilla focused. If it were up to me, I'd make it Godzilla vs Destroyah. Think about it, it's set up just fine! We could say all the radiation Godzilla absorbed in this movie is making him go into meltdown, we used the Oxygen Destroyer a few movies back. That would be easy to do.

5777843 They’ve set up Destoroyah perfectly!!

Hello JDprime, I recently saw the film myself and I liked how the film went as well I couldn't help but notice parallels between the film story and your current Godzilla one, considering how the threat came from the Hollow Earth, and how it seems that the civilizations of the Morden day are now growing tired of living under Godzilla's shadow, and want him gone, especially if their supposed savior has attacked them. At the same time, Kong is just trying to protect them and find a family. All the while the ones who trust both Titans are trying to support them but have to navigate the realm of politics to get anything done.

Then we have the villains...oh boy, yeah sure Skar King is not the new and improved Chaos Ghidorah but he does want to conquer the surface, and possibly enslave humanity...considering that the ones he saw he roared at them and was delighted when they ran in fear of him. While in contrast to your story the One True King, Ghidorah seems to be interested only in finding something that will grant him even more power than he already has as Chaos Ghidorah. While the secondary antagonists are not evil at least not fully, Shimo is just an enslaved servant forced to kill and enforce the Skar Kings' rule. While One True Kings Mechagodzilla was built and piloted with noble intentions it's clear that those intentions are going to turn wicked sooner or later. Especially since Shattered Heart does not see the bigger picture Godzilla might not be himself at the moment and might try a coup to launch Mechagodzilla and follow Godzilla into the Hollow Earth no matter who or what gets in his way. Which will just make Mechagodzilla the opposite of what it was created for instead of protector a destroyer.

I also can see that the Godzilla series will have at least one more installment before whatever it is that going to happen with the crossover event of the other franchises. You've teased multiple times, ya have to add Skar King and Shimo in somehow.

5782096 Really nice perspective! And yep, I’m gonna have to start teasing Skar King and Shimo here soon… :pinkiecrazy:

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