• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
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The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.

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  • 1 week
    Another new video!

    Two videos by me in one day? What sorcery is this?

    This is an update to Diagnosing Sunny, incorporating new evidence from Written in the Starscouts.

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  • 1 week
    A new music video

    After what feels like hundreds of years since my last pony video, I am proud to showcase my newest music video. This sets footage of the Starshine family to the Jim Croce song Time in a Bottle, which I feel is suitably melancholic for a video about this tragic family.

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  • 2 weeks
    Erased from History-a Dark My Little Pony G5 Theory

    This theory was inspired by a conversation myself and Admiral Producer had on YouTube on his review of the Tell your Tale episode Written in the Starscouts.

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  • 7 weeks
    Send me an AI prompt!

    I'm interested in making some AI art, so am opening my page up to your prompts. Post them below and I'll set about creating them in the dA AI software.

    My only ask is that the prompts are SFW. Apart from that, let your imagination go wild.

    7 comments · 128 views
  • 8 weeks
    Possibly the most bizarre YouTube video I have ever made...

    The above video is inspired by the Thomas parody videos of the early 2010s, where audio of various different TV shows was set to Thomas and Friends footage. As a tribute to this style of film-making, I have set the first three minutes of The Blockywockies to TTTE footage from the first two seasons.

    7 comments · 91 views

Chris Chan's newest video, summarised for your convenience! · 3:09am March 26th

Report The Blue EM2 · 204 views ·
Comments ( 59 )

I don't really watch his video because we know what kind of person he is and I don't know why he still trying to do this

This pretty sums up everything this stoop has to say or show. It's not worth my time to see what Chris Chump has to say.

He's an idiot. An idiot people throw money at. They'd be much wiser tossing it down a drain.

That's a good thing, because this latest one takes incoherent to a new level. I won't disclose the logic because I value your sanity (and because there was no logic to begin with).

I just still can't believe social media let him get away with it especially Twitter because I just saw him comment on somebody about G5 and of course he's one of those people on the band wagon of hating G5

Frankly he's shouting into an echo chamber. Very few people take him seriously as he's pretty much insane now.

I don't know what is he trying to accomplish for what purpose just to troll people for no reason

And I appreciate that. I mean, I already had to deal with dumb logics before, i don’t need anymore. Moreover, Chris Chump is not important to me. That fatlard can rot in a dump for all I care.

Was what he said related to mlp?

Lol, it remains a good comeback. :raritywink:

Another one how G5 is Russian propaganda?

Agreed. I miss the days when it was all about a badly drawn comic.

Or in the fiery pit he claims the G5 cast will go to.

Yes. The most recent video was him 'proving' that MLP G5 is made by Russia's propaganda machine. He 'proves' his point by cherry picking evidence, making connections that aren't there, engaging in non-sequiturs, utilises unfalsifiable arguments, and demonstrating the fact he is in no way qualified to talk about anything.

In summary, his argument makes absolutely no sense.

I suppose it's OK if you like torturing your brain.

Yes. And he's back on his old favourite; unfalsifiable evidence. For example, he claims to have mind-linked with Brian Goldner (the former CEO of Hasbro, who sadly passed away a few years ago) and states that Goldner's spirit told him he regrets releasing G5.

Not only is it disgusting to be using a dead person's name in this manner, this cannot be falsified in any way. Chris is unable to see this line of reasoning will not be taken seriously.

Chris has never been taking seriously. Everyone knows he is a joke and after the raping he has been preemptively banned from pretty much every con.

Tell me about it. To quote Sheriff Peter Hammond:

Be quiet, and don't talk gibberish in this court. Stop speaking rubbish and just sit quietly.

Agreed. He's a danger-and the Chris community reacted with fury when the charges against him were dropped. Will he ever face consequences for his actions in this life?

Doubt it. He was basically branded to stupid to stand trial. Now he just lives in his own little world and makes up his own rules. Funny thou. For someone who claims to be the second coming of Christ you would think he would just use his godlike powers to continue on the show.

Unfortunately (for him) 1218's reality limits will not permit him.

I swear, this fatlard keeps getting stupider and stupider by the minute.

I feel no guilt using him as the villain in some of my works. But it's very clear he didn't learn a single moral lesson from the show.

If I see him, I'll roast his sorry self.

If you ever find yourself in Lynchburg, VA, you may well have the chance.

Given the way he hates G5, I wouldn’t be surprised if a counterpart of him encounters the Falmouth Crew in someway.

I do jokingly allude to him in Race to the Edge:

"There already is a second Valentine's Day, Izzy," Zipp said. "It's on the 24th. You know, Christian Love Day?"

Izzy's jaw dropped. "YOU'RE A CHRISTORIAN?"

"Yep," Zipp casually replied. "Investigating internet oddities is my specialty. Seeing his reactions to the new generation of My Little Dragon was quite entertaining."

That was written back when he was still behind bars, and as a result making jokes about Chris was easier.

This guy is basically the Cat Catcher from Sagwa but worse. Tell Thomlight that.

I wish he hadn't been this stupid but no he continues.

Oh yes, I forgot about that.

Also, this just came to mind, but has Chris ever spoken about Thomas?

No. He has never shown any awareness of TTTE. (Thank God.)

Thank the Maker.

I don't even wanna imagine his opinions on it. (Shudders)

No doubt he'd bastardise the characters into his comic if he did, causing confusion and delay in the process.

Given the way that stoop treats most things, I think he'd have it be worst than confusion and delay.

You hit the nail on the head.

I even believe Chris would have some pretty bad things to say about The Railways of Crotoonia too.

Given the themes the series promotes, no doubt. Chris is notoriously intolerant.

(groans) I hope he soon gets what’s coming to him. (But more for what he did in real life, mind you)

In the court of public opinion his reputation is shot. The internet (and public at large) view him as a monster. He lives alone in a house that I suspect he'll never clean. And even if he did get off on a legal technicality, he still has a mountain of debt to pay off.

I bet his taxes are over the roof.

Given it's tax season, I'd be interested to see what his returns look like.

Chandler is neither man nor woman. Acknowledging them as either is an insult to men and women, trans or cis.

Chandler is an anomaly.

I think you mean "verifiable" if you mean "confirming as true or false"

Hey Eurvos! I was wondering when you'd join the party. The Cambridge English Dictionary defines falsifiability as 'able to be proved to be false'. As there is no empirical method of proving Chris' claim to have talked with Brian Goldner in the spirit realm as either true or false, both words would work.

I reckon. Then again, he probably gets somebody else to fill his forms out for him.

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