• Member Since 4th Mar, 2016
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Aura Chime

I am a unicorn mare who was born without the ability to speak. My specialty came about when trying to find my voice. I can create an aura of magic which vibrates with energy allowing me to speak.

More Blog Posts88

  • 14 weeks
    Hoist the Sails

    So, was listening to "Hoist the Colours" Epic Metal Deep bass cover by Johnathan Young and hearing the first part of the song about the King taking the Queen away by boat. What if the story is, a Queen betrays a king, and Kingdom taking off with the royal advisor (Mage teaching the queen his craft) and so she becomes a sorceress queen of pirates?
    Then my mind turned to what if...

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  • 32 weeks

    I'm not sure why this happened but last night I had a dream. In the dream I was in some city (one that doesnt exist) and was part of some kind of competition of hide and seek with me and other people supposed to be finding Twilight Sparkle who is using her wings, but is not permitted to use her magic. The game is supposed to be challenging but not impossible. Unfortunately no one was able to find

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  • 55 weeks
    Something, or nothing

    Well, its been a while since I have done anything on here. Unfortunately I have been feeling something in me wanting to get out through some form of artistic expression, and yet when trying to settle myself to do some writing my mind feels as though it goes blank. I am pushing myself through a story just to see what I can do but I honestly dont feel any thoughts or ideas coming up like I used

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  • 82 weeks
    Farewell Mother

    Not too long ago this month, my mother passed away. I wanted to be there in her last moments, sadly this did not happen. I am only comforted by the fact that she will no longer be in pain or have to continue to deal with pain.

    Dear mom,

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  • 86 weeks

    So, I have not been able to get back into writing as much as I thought. Right now I have a temporary chance of doing a project that I have had on my mind for some years now. I am hoping this will work out, if it does then I will celebrate. I don't have much time a month or two to get a working prototype together then I can see where things will go from there.

    Wish me luck,

    Aura Chime.

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Hoist the Sails · 2:58pm March 7th

So, was listening to "Hoist the Colours" Epic Metal Deep bass cover by Johnathan Young and hearing the first part of the song about the King taking the Queen away by boat. What if the story is, a Queen betrays a king, and Kingdom taking off with the royal advisor (Mage teaching the queen his craft) and so she becomes a sorceress queen of pirates?
Then my mind turned to what if...
What if, when Luna was being taken over by Nightmare Moon, something happened and she didn't fully succumb to Nightmare Moon but instead became something in between and ran off and became a Pirate Captain.
What would a story like that be like?
Yeah maybe she doesn't right away become a pirate but ends up stowing away and hiding her identity on a ship, maybe comes across some troubles at the next port when she is found out. You could have moments of her arguing with Nightmare Moon, or just with herself about what was happening, what was going to happen next. Then a moment of fear and confusion happens and she ends up hurting others with her still technically out of control powers and tries to once again run away. Though this time she is seen by a stranger, one who becomes interested in her untapped and unfocused powers. Perhaps a rogue changeling, or a rogue unicorn. At least I would imagine a being able to change theirselves with magic and follows Luna and convinces her they can help and slowly works to control her through manipulation at first. First playing into her fears, pegging the thought of why such a pony would run away from others. Slowly talking out of sight using their magic to communicate at first, slowly asking questions and finding answers through keen observations. But while doing this pushes her into thinking only they can help her and has her follow them, but settles into a uncertain sort of truce/partnership. First getting her to go into a lost city, that isn't lost, but is crammed full of ponies turned or spurned by others, soldiers, and warriors who turned to cowardice, now patrol the streets taking justice into their own hooves, while working under a strong pony who keeps them under hoof with threats of violence. Perhaps the leader is considered the strongest of Earth ponies, strong enough to seemingly shrug off even unicorn magic. And is in constant state of war against a twin sibling, one a bit more frail, but powerful in magic as a unicorn that runs an underground black market of thieves and assassins. Luna is tricked into siding with one or the other, my mind thinking that to control her magic she is coerced into working for the thieves and assassins first. They find her take her captive using a special but banned type of suppression artifact/item. Then talk her into following their ways until she can meet with their leader who they claim is the voice that led her to them.
She doesn't care for the work, because of course it is against her nature to willfully harm others, yet finds the darkest part of her that is still nightmare moon seems to spur her into this and she gets too far into it. Until a few months or a couple of years pass by and finally she is high enough to meet with their leader. All the while she has also been trying to fight herself and figure a way of settling the differences of those who control the city. She finds that their boss is not long for this world, and due to a fight between him and his brother they ended up opposing each other during a war and were banished to this lost city. Only for the voice that led Luna to the city has also been manipulating at least one of the brothers.
Something could go wrong, like Luna is able to convince one brother to lay down arms and meet with the other only for the other who pretended to agree with Luna finding out some information from her as she was trying to steer things into a better tomorrow, betrays her and launches an all out attack on the underground ponies.
After all this Luna also had finally found a way to remove the suppression artifact/item that had slowly been weakening over time due to her abundance of magic, and she ends up doing the one thing she didn't want to do, being forced into using her powers and new skills to take down the two brothers and a majority of the two different battling armies. When she reveals herself to be one of their princesses, she convinces them to lay down their weapons in the end an to follow her.
There could be a scene of her claiming she no longer cares to be manipulated by the voice that has not left her alone for very long during this time period. She seeks redemption and freedom.
She and the remaining ponies leave the city, where part of it is in a large swamp area and hides a multitude of boats, some merchant, some military, and some just large fishing boats.
Taking these ships and taking to the seas, Luna and many others are bombarded with blasts from naval ships from Canterlots military who don't know that Luna is present.
And when she tries to reveal herself and save the ponies who are endanger, the one who had been manipulating her and others starts to mess with magic and confuses and enthralls or controls through fear the majority of the fleet who see who knows what and together ignore the please of Luna and keep firing on the ships until Luna becomes enraged enough that perhaps now, of all times, Nightmare Moon comes out or a surge of power comes out. Something happens that convinces Luna there is no point in returning as she becomes convinced Celestia is out to kill her. So she and the other ponies gather together and start pirating, taking what they can to survive. Even taking and creating a home away from home, an island of pirates for pirates.

Sorry this went on longer than my original thought. I wasn't trying to lay down anything definitive when I first started this blog. But it just kept going as I was writing it out. But imagine what kind of massive battles could take place as Luna/Nightmare Moon/whatever new entity/persona she takes on gets manipulated and molded into a fierce and devastating war mage type of pirate captain.

Heh,"Captain Moonbutt".

Eh, maybe its not good enough. Maybe someone else can take this idea and run with it, and make it epically better. Or maybe someone already did something like this.

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