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I have a new book out! · 12:32am Nov 29th, 2023

Hey! It's been awhile.

I have a new book out. I meant to post this earlier but my life is extremely busy BUT I've remembered now.

Get it here:

This one is a short story collection, available in both paperback and hardback. This one is mostly from the second half of my work here on FiMFic, and there's a bit of a foreword. I've included the list of stories below:

  • “80 Days ‘Til the World’s Farthest Shore”
  • “Archipelago”
  • “We Will All Be Changed”
  • “Your Name Like Oil Poured Out”
  • “The Sickness unto Death”
  • “As Long as the Earth’s Orbit”
  • “When I Consider How My Light Is Spent”
  • Ageless, or Celestia Plays Dice with the Universe
  • “Exit Interview”
  • “General Amnesty”
  • “Lunangrad”

Why these? Well, a few reasons. I've always wanted to put together a collection, and the list of prospective stories has shifted a LOT over the years. For one thing, its hard for me to go back to some of those old stories that were once going to be on this list. For another, as I pondered, I started feeling like the latter half of my gallery on FiMFic had a similar vibe. If the first half can be read in hindsight as a reflection of my mindset at the time, pre-transition, the latter half can absolutely be read (I think) as my attempts to poke at what it means to have an identity. That felt like something worth writing about at the time, and it felt worth collecting later.

Report Cynewulf · 557 views · Story: Lunangrad ·
Comments ( 21 )
Author Interviewer

woot! :D some seriously good stuff in there

I do love the cover. Oh, for a story where these two get to talk post-timeskip...

Hang on, let me write that down in the idea pile...

That is one large pony.

Oh that gorgeous coverart. Bravo on such a stellar selection of stories too. n_n

This is so cool, and I love a lot of those stories!

Very cool! Where and when should I look for this book?

Wanderer D

I love that cover art, and the stories within are fantastic. I'll be getting this for myself as an xmas present.

thank you for linking that. Cannot believe I forgot, but Ive added the link now.

What sort of devil did you shake hands at the crossroads with to be the best fanfic titler on this entire site? I must know!

Great cover layout. And that's not even mentioning the stories! Congratulations on putting this together :)

I JUST WHAAAA@??!?!?!?


I just provided an idea. I absolutely have to credit Maxima who is a brilliant artist. I'm glad I saw this, as I should have put that in the blog post.

I appreciate it. But the Hbomberguy video that just came out actually has had me worried folks aren't catching what I'm doing with a lot of my titles, so I do want to say--this is a direct quotation from the Bible. It's 1 Corinthians 15:26.

My titles come from a lot of places. Some are just phrases that got stuck in my head, but many are references to other things--"We Will All be Changed" and "Your Name Like Oil Poured Out" are both biblical--1 Corinthians and the Song of Solomon respectively. Poems ("Though Much is Taken" "When I Consider") Songs ("Eyes of a Stranger" "Death of Mother Nature Suite") Kierkegaard ("The Sickness Unto Death" "Stages on Life's Way")

Early on, as kind of a cheeky thing, I was using bits of Song of Solomon both in the text and titles for the Raridash stories I was writing, as a kind of thru-line. I did something similar with the non Raridash fics with Virgil, the Roman poet. Before my follower count got higher, this was a running joke of sorts, a known thing I did that people got. I worry now that people may not have understood what I did--I figured the biblical titles were "common knowledge" enough to be obvious, but over time I've come to realize that people may not actually recognize that "Who will save me from this body of Death?" is Romans 7:24, and think I just came up with that instead of what I was actually doing, which was trying to invoke the passage to set a mood.

Glad you like the cover. It's Maxima who is a great artist.

5757798 I actually knew that a lot of these were quotes, but not so many of you've said. A lot of Bible and philosophy quotes are famous but some are not.

However, knowing what to pick and when is its own sort of skill. In another century and another fandom, I used to do commentary and authorship with a dead-tree copy of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations next to me. I had thought this would make faking erudition (something important to me then) easy; it turns out that matching the quotes of the great writers to your own, lesser circumstances was a hell of a lot harder than it first appeared.


Fun fact: the same quote appears in Harry Potter, as the epitaph on Harry's parent's tomb. Though the translation in that case used "defeated" rather than destroyed.

Yup! I assume she knew where it was from, and what exactly she meant by using it there AND as the Death Eater's little creed has baffled me for years.

oh yeah absolutely. I absolutely sat on a handful at a time, trying to figure out which of the SK quotes fit a thing.

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