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I like to read and write dark stories and then meme about them.

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  • 13 weeks
    Character Art; Yangtze

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  • 28 weeks

    I gripped the armrests of my seat, bracing for when the large propellor aircraft I was riding in touched down on the Vanhoover Airport landing strip. Despite having wings of my own, I didn’t enjoy flying in these things. I don’t know why my dad didn’t just teleport us here. He insisted we needed to travel like normal people every now and then so we didn’t take it for granted. At least we got to

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  • 30 weeks
    Cat and Mouse

    “Stars above, grant me strength. Stars above, grant me wit. Stars above, grant me endurance. For I am being hunted.”

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  • 31 weeks
    All My Character Shorts in Chronological Order

    14 years before The Storm:
    The Butcher

    6 years before The Storm:

    4 years before The Storm:

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  • 31 weeks

    My first two years as Overboss went smoother than expected. The gangs and local farms fell in line pretty quickly when I proved I wasn't messing around. Sure, I was just a thirteen year old colt, but I was a colt who could kill every living thing in Galloping Gorge with my eyes closed. Could, and would, if these raiders didn't behave and follow my rules.

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Cat and Mouse · 10:16pm Nov 10th, 2023

“Stars above, grant me strength. Stars above, grant me wit. Stars above, grant me endurance. For I am being hunted.”

Finishing my prayer, I gripped my meteorite sword in my teeth, slung it on my back, and pressed on through the dense, freezing forest. With each chilling gust, the forged armor fitted snugly against my hide stung with frostbite. Snow and dead leaves crunched under my own hooves, and those of my most faithful soldier as he caught up to me.

“Legate. All three Griffonchasers have taken the bait. They’re after us, not the tribe.” Zev kept his experienced ears open, gauging the distance between us and the Enclave’s deadly flying machines.

I nodded. “Good. Our camp should have time to move.”

In the meantime, we needed to reach the rockier terrain ahead. If we stayed in the forest, we’d be chewed to pieces by explosive rounds or burnt to crisps by incendiary rockets. The Griffonchaser IX was expressly designed to kill foliage-concealed infantry. Rock, however, could protect us. Within the protective natural labyrinth of cliffs, archways, and caves, we had a fighting chance. Throw in some surprises my friend had set up beforehoof, we had the advantage.


Zev’s ear twitched. “Zaire, we must hurry.” Alarm entered his eyes. “Run! Now!”

At his word, we broke into a gallop. As we did, the trees behind us erupted into flame and shrapnel. I put myself between the blast and the smaller stallion, letting my armor take the hit. We were both knocked forward.

“How did they sneak up on us!?” I demanded as I regained my footing.

Zev coughed as I yanked him to his hooves by his mane. “They must have modified their rotors, made them quieter. I thought they were farther away.” He shook away the shellshock.

“Split up! Meet at the south cave!” I charged towards one end of the outcropping of stone, and Zev charged for the other. As separate targets, now covered in snow, our hunter’s thermal systems would have a lot of difficulty tracking us.

That didn’t stop them from trying. One of the choppers hovered high overhead, undoubtedly giving visual intel to the other two, which switched to their rotary guns to begin turning the woods to mulch.

Zev was faster than me. I was confident he’d make it. I, however, would have to endure more dings to my armor. My attempted killer must have spotted me, because I was once again deafened by a rocket’s detonation. Flames licked my striped mane and tail, and smoke filled my lungs. The mixture of black and orange swirled around me as the vehicle swooped overhead and around for another pass, leveling out and spinning up its guns for a killing blow.


An RPG launched from the cliffs snuffed its chance for victory. Zev’s aim was on point, severing the Griffonchaser’s tail and blasting off two rotor blades. The pilot and co-pilot, both unicorns, made an unsuccessful attempt to escape the cockpit before their craft struck the ground, their fuel tank exploding.

I barely made out Zev launching himself into a cave as his own pursuer fired a vengeful barrage. Not giving the third helicopter an opportunity to finish me off itself, I dashed to a gap between the rocks. An explosion collapsed the entrance behind me. No matter, I knew other ways out.

This area had been a previous campsite a few months ago, raided by Enclave infantry. They’d laid landmines when they left to deter us from returning. All that accomplished was to give us free ordnance. Zev shall make good use of it.

The enemy remained ever present as I crept through the cave towards the rendezvous, their engines and rapid beat of rotors muffled only somewhat by the stone. They could wait for us for a long time before they ran out of fuel, or start caving in the ways out. I best not linger.

Zev was found at the southern cave entrance, as ordered, picking shrapnel out of his hide with his teeth. I retrieved a healing brew and assisted. “I’d like to lead both hunters into our trap, but I fear they’re being too careful for that.”

The stallion grinned. “They know who they’re dealing with.”

Muffled explosions told us that the Enclave was losing patience. I stood and trotted out. “Get to the detonators. I will lure them to their doom.”


Galloping and leaping from cliff to cliff, I narrowly avoided my foe’s attacks. The pilot was very skilled to fly through such narrow gaps, between rock faces and under archways. They were very determined to kill me. I felt a swell of pity that such talented warriors were about to die.

As I ran across such an archway, they made a surprising maneuver, diving beneath it only to swoop up into a loop, firing both rockets and cannons down onto me from directly above. I had no choice but to jump, and hoped the snow below was thick enough to break my fall.

It very nearly wasn’t. The crack and surge of pain from the hoof I landed on made it clear this fall could have killed me. My mobility crippled in such dire circumstances, it might as well have.

The Griffonchaser IX completed its loop further down the canyon, and learning from its fallen comrade, did not remain still. Angling its nose down, it barreled towards me. What followed was a series of explosions, but not from rockets.

The overhangs and canyon walls erupted into flying chunks of stone. I couldn’t wait around to see if they struck their target, but the sound of crunching steel and the abrupt stop of its motor told me they had. I sent a quiet prayer that they died instantly, and weren’t fated to slowly suffocate or starve in their new tomb.

With my injury, I barely managed to limp out of the canyon before I joined them. Zev climbed down from his hiding place to assist me.


“Two down. Perhaps the third will retreat.” Optimism was all I could muster to distract myself from my broken leg.

Zev’s ears twitched once more as he hastily crafted a splint. “No, they will smell the blood in the water. Worse still, I am out of tricks.”

The endurance and wit I’d prayed for had been used up. Now is the time for strength.

Testing my now braced hoof, I was confident I could still fight. “I will face the enemy directly.”

My friend gave me a confident grin. “Stars be with you.”

After waiting for the last Griffonchaser to make another pass, I climbed up to the outcropping’s summit. The icy wind nipped harshly at my wounds as I drew my sword, taking a wide stance as my opponent spotted me and leveled out. I could barely make out the occupants past the sun’s glare on the tempered glass, a griffon and a pegasus.

They kept their distance, unsure what to make of my boldness. The co-pilot stayed wary of an ambush while the pilot’s focus remained locked on me. A rocket was fired, and I calmly sidestepped it. A few more were launched in frustration, and I evaded them just the same, swatting the last away with my blade. The Chaser had no choice but to close the gap and use its guns.

I remained steady as the twin spray of 20mm flak rushed towards me. To my opponent’s amazement, I charged forward. Ignoring a sharp rush of pain, I leapt and spun, putting my full weight into the throw as I released my sword from my jaws.

Glory to the Stars, my aim was true. My own whirlwind of black steel severed the joint holding theirs together, and the remains of their craft fell in an uncontrolled spin as it passed me. Catching my sword’s grip in my teeth as it came back around, I turned towards the crippled machine as it landed hard. The cockpit remained intact, and I could see movement.


The griffon, a buck, stumbled out first. Their weapon tumbled out of their grasp as the dizzy bird fell. Instead of attempting to retrieve it, they turned their attention to the unconscious pegasus stallion still trapped, and pulled them out.

“Major!” The sunset orange griffon patted the purple, white-maned stallion’s cheek, attempting to wake him.

I closed the distance, first taking a moment to crush the discarded pistol. In the corner of my eye, I saw Zev joining me with a rifle raised. He moved up quickly, taking aim at the griffon’s head. I raised a hoof to stop him as I saw the fear in the griffon’s eyes. They’d been defeated, any further violence was dishonorable.

Looming over the buck, a captain based on the small insignia at the corner of his black carapace armor, I locked my eyes with his. “Take him home. Heal. Do not pursue us.”

He regarded me with shock for a few moments, then obeyed, picking his superior up and taking to the sky towards Seaddle. Zev and I shared a glance, and trotted down to the forest.

Stars above, the day was won.

Comments ( 12 )

I just got to this part of The Storm so I'll probably have a better understanding and appreciation for the conflict here as I read that, but I like the idea of helicopters or VTOL craft being called griffonchasers. I assume it's a reference to vertibirds from Fallout, but I don't remember if they appeared in the original FO:E.

A couple appear in FO:E. A "Griffonchaser II" is used by the Littlepip gang to escape the hellhounds of Old Olneigh. A "Griffonchaser V" appears in a terminal entry, Pinkie Pie arriving in Zebratown in one. They are described as being pedal powered whirligigs, but the western Enclave have figured out fuel and engines in the past 200 years.

A Griffonchaser IX is comparable to an Apache.

They'd also have a bulkier model, a Griffonchaser VII, made for transport and cargo reminiscent of a Chinook.
Has the leader of the western Enclave been revealed or hinted at yet? I will say they were involved in a number of wartime military projects. Combat robots, cloud ships, the S.P.P, cybernetics, et cetera. They are an intelligent and motivated pegasus, who is more than a match for Rosegold in the art of manipulation and betrayal.

As for why and when the "Western Enclave" came into being, they split off roughly 30 years after the bombs. Their General at the time, a stallion named Top Bolt, realized that isolation in the clouds wasn't viable long-term. He knew there had to be somewhere on the surface that could be settled. That turned out to be the Vanhoover region, which was largely untouched due to having little to no military targets. Top Bolt's pegasi united with the griffons emerging from Stable 14 at the time, and they settled Seaddle together, contesting the sliver of fertile land with a contingent of zebra Remnants. That conflict has since then become an endless cycle of retaliation.

As for how they never got involved with the rest of the wasteland for so long, Vanhoover is very isolated. It's on the opposite side of the continent from where FO:E takes place, and surrounded by mountains.

In addition to the zebras, they also had the rest of the Enclave to worry about. They rightfully assumed the east wouldn't just let them split off, and immediately built a deterrent. Not having any cloud ships themselves, their solution was the rapid construction of an 800mm cannon built atop Mt Reinier. When the east sent a Thunderhead, the big gun named Gustave sent it limping home.

Yeah, I'm up to chapter 23 now so I think I've hit the tail end of that part of the story arc. I didn't see that particular villain coming, but I have to admit that it fit in with the themes and setting of FO:E quite well.

The idea of a splinter group of Enclave also makes sense. I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a direct reference to the splintered east and west coast Enclave in FO3 since it's been so long since I played it, but since I don't remember there being any conflict between them I assumed it was just inspiration for the factions instead of a direct attempt at a translation.

Cozy's actions do spark a massive shift in ideological priorities in the west. The revelation that so much of their conflict was completely manufactured hate mongering pretty much squashes any opposition to peace. Her trap for the griffons in her ranks was by far the most painful blow, and becomes known to Seaddle as the "Reinier Massacre."

The survivors and families of the victims are very touchy about it for years to come.

It's never mentioned because Rosegold never saw it, but Washout's cutie mark is a swarm of speeding rockets. He also didn't pay attention to Lilith or Bael's cutie marks, which were matching broken moons. Zev's glyph was snakes wrapped around crossed daggers, and Zaire's is a sword in a meteor shower.

Rosey tends to not notice or pay attention to them in general because he's a hippogriff. Cutie marks have no cultural relevance to him.

Now I have to wonder what Heidi would think of Tempest Shadow. The former Commander of the Storm King's army, who led the successful conquest of Hippogriffia. She conquered a nation, and is possibly the most destructively powerful unicorn who ever lived. She's basically walking artillery, because her magic does one thing and one thing only. Explode. Her capacity as a military leader and single combatant cannot be questioned.

Her judgement in who she chose to serve, absolutely can. Then again, the Storm King might be an entity Heidi would respect. Someone who has held a stable kingdom for two centuries, and now has the martial capacity to conquer the Dragon Lands.

That's the sort of accomplishment that's impossible to ignore, so Heidi would respect her for that and be wary of any potential confrontation.

Individual combat prowess is impressive, but that on its own isn't something Heidi cares about so much in people. She very strongly believed in military organizations working at the strategic level to accomplish goals, and would consider overreliance on any individual to be a potentially crippling mistake if they were killed by a sniper, artillery, treachery, etc.

Disregard if you haven't read past Ch. 24

It could be said that Tempest went through a similar crisis and change of heart that Heidi went through. 200 years of almost completely isolated imprisonment in Canterlot's catacombs, stuck sat across from a constant reminder of what she'd done, invoked a significant amount of self-reflection and soul searching. Despair as well, but Grubber's unwavering loyalty, and eventually Zarrow's friendship, saved her from turning feral.

Yeah, just got past that part, and that would be very difficult to mentally survive. Nobody would be unscathed after that.

As if the Griffonchasers weren't scary enough, Cozy had begun development of what she'd call a Wyvern.

It would have been something the Remnants, or most any other faction, could simply not defend against or hide from. Like Raptors and Thunderheads, they'd be perfectly capable of obliterating fortifications. Unlike Raptors or Thunderheads, the Wyverns absolutely would have had the weaponry to single out and destroy infantry as well.

I would say Heidi and Tempest could relate to each other, but Heidi can at least look back and know she believed in what she was doing at the time. That there was a greater good motivating her. Tempest can't. She knows nothing she did for the Storm King was justified. She knows her motivations were stupid and selfish, to the point she can't bear to speak about it without being overwhelmed with shame.

I'd imagine so. Regarding Heidi, I imagined that she'd accepted that she wasn't particularly ashamed of working with Red Eye.

It's regrettable now that she knows there was a better way, but at the time it felt like society's best hope.

Working for the Storm King while knowing or believing it was wrong would be much harder to live with.

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