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    And It's Row, Me Bully Boys; We're in a Hurry, Boys

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Just Because You Exist (Part Two) · 1:09pm Jan 1st, 2023

Comments ( 43 )

You can tell a cis man wrote this because not a single character wants to go to fucking therapy.

Anyway, here's my ko-fi. Consider tipping if you liked the comic; every dollar helps and holy shit, this took. This took so much time and effort. I went HAM on this one, folks. Next one won't take this much time, I promise.

A brilliant story and many poignant quotes, but my God, my favorite remains the description of AJ as a himbo girlfriend. :heart:

Fuckin amazing.

You know, if inevitably everypony goes to hell, at least before this comic, not having a soul sounds like a major advantage. It's like being a blank or a Tau in 40k, it's better to be invisible to the cosmic horrors

Author Interviewer

your patrons list is like a who's-who of people whose continued existence I have questioned in the last seven years

thanks for the reassurance :)

Loved the heart of this comic, as well as all the gags. And thank you for my physically- and poetically-soft bird. I will cherish.

Outstanding stuff. I'm still extremely happy with my Knifederp.

So, here's my thought process upon seeing this:

"Oh yeah, another Aragon comic. Nothing like some wry, dry, witty humour from the man himself. Are they only every six months? I can't remember."
[checks his blogs]
"Okay, they've had longer hiatuses lately, but they're also longer, so maybe it balances out.
"Hm. This says to have read the last one, which I have, but maybe I should reread it to refresh my mind…"
[opens Part 1 in a new tab, checks its length]
"150 panels?!? I haven't got enough time to do that twice. Maybe a few early panels will do the trick."
[reads the first ten, then the last ten]
"Oh yeah, summoning Pony Satan herself with the promise of distilled love and things are now spiralling into hell-spawned chaos. Great stuff. Let's see how they get out of this in Part 2."
[20-30 minutes later]
"Great stuff, as if there was ever any doubt. Logic, boasting, flattery, hot ponies and humans doing their thing, philosophising on the meaning and power of souls and reincarnation, all drip-fed through one witty quote after another.
"And… whoa, I forgot how main mainstays are Patreon supporters of this. PP is right.
"Hm. What are the tiers and rewards again…"
[Curious, follows Pattern and Ko-fi links to check them out]

So, yeah, what a wonderful diversion again, my friend. It's weird, I tire on this brand of meta humour in Pony very fast in fanfiction form, and perhaps if these comics were super frequent, the same would be true here, but as it stands, this just works. :raritystarry: I wish I'd been noting down the best quotes as I went, so I could highlight them here. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. Whether it takes 6 months or more (or less!) for the next one, I'll look forward to it. :pinkiehappy:

Panel 77: Pony Rarity already seems to default to her hooves despite being a magical unicorn. That and an accent that in our world is exclusively artificial on top of not matching her family... :unsuresweetie:

losing my shit over both Rarities finding closure and meaning in Applejack being absolutely caked up

Is fucking therapy different from normal therapy? Based on the name Octavia might...

I've been reading Terry Pratchett, and as much as I love him having someone just slap the talky bad guy in the face was sooo satisfying.
The best part of the comic are the brilliantly composed beat panels.

About panel 14.

That's why I like your style. Just adding a single line on pony Rarity face makes her look at least 25 years older.

That's talent right there.

Ponies will literally summon a demon, sell their souls, and destroy hell itself instead of going to therapy.

I cannot overstate how much I loved this comic, just as I cannot put words to my enjoyment of its first part. However true that may be I have to attempt to compress at least a portion of that admiration into words. As always the charm, wit, and polish that comes off of every panel make each of them seem more like their own intricate ships in ornate bottles than simple drawings of cartoon horsies (and people). Every one of them is capable of sailing out on a voyage across the world's oceans on their own, but together they form an invincible fleet. That is to say, every panel evoked a wide smile at the least, uproarious laughter at the center, and some of the most god-awful ugly sounds at the most, but by their quality combined evolve into something completely singular and sublime. I know the herculean amount of effort you put into each line, every expression, and their relation to the piece overall. I know that you also do this while juggling the many weighty and strenuous tasks of your life. I also know that none of these efforts go to waste, and for every bit of it you exert towards this endeavor, it yields triple the results. As always, you seem incapable of producing any work that is below magnificence and this comic only goes further to reinforce that.

Another home run. Your wit continues to astound. The one joke that didn't land for me was the bit about all pegasi being climate change deniers. Like, for real, you're telling me that Fluttershy doesn't know enough about environmental science to understand the impact of fossil fuels? Or that the average Equestrian wouldn't just blindly agree with whatever an authority figure on the subject says due to good old herd mentality?

Ok wait I just came up with a better joke. The ponies all know climate change is real, but the polluting endeavors go through anyway due to greed since the operations are financially backed by hoards of dragon gold. Because the dragons actually want the whole planet to be an inhospitable superheated wasteland, it's their natural habitat!

The Fire of Friendship causes global warming. It's been getting steadily worse since the Twilight ascension. But nopony in Equestria wants to be told that they have to gut their core national industry that has made them the greatest country on Equis, so it goes on. Attempts to declare windigos a protected species as a countermeasure were rejected as "clearly a villainous plot".

This whole thing is very Pratchett in its anti-nihilism. "The meaning of life isn't suffering. It's kindness." That's, honestly beautiful.

Great job!

This continues to be amazing. Thanks for the comic!

I like how I got midway through Twilight's final speech before I went "oh... praxis..."

Anyways, this is lovely. Wonderful to see the heart of MLP shining through in a comic about... uh. Summoning demons? And Hell? And also cool pirouettes?

Love the line about preventable death.

I have like... no idea what most of the stuff that was talked about meant because I have the mental capacity of a walnut. Well, that might be a bit inaccurate and a complete exaggeration of the actual truth, but I don't even know what the word praxis means, so let's pretend that doesn't matter. I do know one thing though!

it funi

This is peak among peak work here, Aragon. All your comics are excellent but this part two takes the cake.

Absolutely brilliant! Both amazingly funny (p56-p59 darn near made me choke on my eggnog) and full of wisdom, p144 in particular made me want to cheer. Many good people need to have that line carved backwards on their foreheads.

Aragon, you *are* my therapy. Thanks!

If it weren't for the timeline I'd say this was Cozy Glow's origin story.

"However did you best the Triton and save me? Did you smite it with the power of friendship?"
"Not this time! My friends told me to believe in myself and be the change I wanted to see in the world."
"I see. That's much less violent than usual--"
"So after that, I ordered it to kill itself and then ground hell into dust with my own four hooves."
"No need to get out the big guns every time, right?"

I know I’m late, but as a random newcomer, I really appreciate everything ara’s put into his comics and his patrons. His sketches and poems for patrons might *actually* take him longer to do than the comic at this point and the bastard needs to up his prices for both, just saying.

Anyways, this was a wonderful, fantastically thought-through comic as always!!! I love my pirouetting lesbians.

i keep going back to that sequence from 123 to 133 where the emotional resolution all comes together. there's lots of offbeat ideas colliding in this comic but the way they tie into each other in that moment is great, especially on a re-read when you can get a better look at the path each thread takes to get there. also the faces in 80 and 81 are high art

Honestly one of your best. The hell reincarnation reveal was very well telegraphed without being obvious, so it still made a really satisfying twist. The visual differences between the two Raritys are still ingenious, this could have been entirely black and white and all the characters still would have been very distinct from each other.

Great comic! Loved how this story escalated to destroying Hell entirely. Though I suspect the story is about something more concrete than destroying Hell...

Your art continues to be a delight, as is the comedy throughout.

Let’s see, there are a bunch of amusing things in here, but despite how simple things eventually get, they are not (really) nonsense humor. They seem to be nonsensical, but after the reading, they all actually make sense as a whole. I would say trying to explain it is by no means a really difficult matter, even though the (seemingly random) little pieces of humor inside tend to distract the mind from the main plot line.(I think)

There are implications inside that could feel out of place as if the artist is vague posting, but after thinking, they actually fit the story and worldview in the end.

Equestria is a world of fantasy and we could mold it however we like to tell better stories.
Ponies and related creatures act with ignorance, but at the same time they are also quite wise, because they know what they want in their lives.(after all, the meaning of life isn’t suffering)

There are things they could worry about, but they don’t, either because they don’t believe it or the things don’t matter.(Things still work out because they are happy.)

There are implications that may seem out of place which probably look like vague posting (not to mention some of them seem too impossible and crazy to make sense in this mostly intact world), but in the end they all don’t matter either because they don’t make too big an impact on the storyline or because the little implications actually stay on theme in the end.

Life could be very simple if we just focus on living.

Pirouettes are very cool, and so is distilled love, and seeing them being inserted here is very beautiful and awesome.

Praxis is indeed very important, because it is the only measurement of whether truth is the truth.

Keep up the good work, and we shall eagerly wait for your new stories.

This seemed an appropriate end title so I listened to it while I scrolled through the credits :twilightblush:

Maybe we are meant to drift until we die
Maybe let us in to rip while we curse and cry
Give us a little less imagination and more fears
A vapid dissertation that takes a thousand years

So... I (for some insane reason) assumed that the book that pRarity was referencing was Paulo Freire's, and I thought I'd go back and go through it again, and then I found out I had the 30th anniversary edition, and there's now a 50th anniversary edition, and now I feel f#@kin' old.


gosh im so late to this but everything slaps so hard
i love the restraint used in the character cards where the card blurb is abridged, like applejacks “yeehaw.” its never overplayed, so it maintains its refreshing character

You know, I just realized that there's another profound point this comic makes; don't try to outthink demons (metaphorical or real), try to out-simple them. You aren't smarter than them, but you can be stupider than them, and sometimes being stupid can work wonders. An amateur metaphysicist (me) could argue with the Triton all day about how their metaphysics are wrong or don't make sense (if there's a finite number of souls, how does the population increase?); a simple, direct person like Rarity (human) would go "my friends give my life meaning" and then just shut the Triton down. Sometimes, we need to humble ourselves, forsaking glory to achieve true victory. Twilight's victory over the Triton won't become a legend like her victory over Tirek, but it is a victory.

That line of Triton arguing against change, and Twilight for. So powerful. Revolutions ususally appear when there is no other choice, and while many make their society worse. The ones that improve the society are worth the risk. Because otherwise we would always accept evil societies.

Aragon, you genius scoundrel! Stealing from classics is not plagiarism, eh? Resisting the temptation and then destroying the Hell, hell yeah! Yay Jesus Twilight!

Stealing from classics is not plagiarism, eh?

...Wait, what am I stealing from? I wasn't referencing anything in particular with this storyline, other than my own comics (structurally, this two-parter shares elements with my other two parter but that's it).

Is Praxis a real book? If so, I gotta read it.

Teenage rarity speedrunning Ennui was magnificent. I love these funky little ponies so much, and I love how well you utilize Equestria Girls in your comics. They're so underused in the fandom

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