• Published 19th Apr 2024
  • 146 Views, 1 Comments

Quantum Village - Kentavritsa

Telestia has been given a model of a Cottage. In the Cottage lives Twilight Sparkle with her Friend May Trotter and their Cat Penelope. This is where their Adventure begins.

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the Scholastic Council: 5


Of course Twilight had rendered me and my sister Parma our own Styluses and Phonies. No problem, and no questions asked. Naturally; it had not cost her a single bit, but still.

Telestia Sparkle” reads the back of my Phonie and Stylus respectively; "Parma Sparkle” reads on the back of my sister’s Electronics.

“Telestia!” Twilight mumbles; “Yes..” I respond; “what is it” I inquire; “Just that your name reminds me of my old Mentor: Celestia!” she responds.

“When you put it like that, I guess that IS Curious, isn’t it?” I suggest.

“She did mean a great deal for you, Twilight; didn’t she?” I inquire.

“I guess you could say that, in a way!” she responds; “Even if that was a different Twilight, and in very different times!” she concludes.

“Maybe you could honour her, and her memory; by helping us with our studies, Twilight!” I suggest.

“She would love that..” Twilight responds; “even if she may never learn of it!” she puts forth.

“We honour the People we care about, and their memories; even if they never learn of it!” I suggest.

“Sometimes, you learn something new; when you teach something, too!” Parma pipes in.

“Sometimes, we do!” Twilight agrees.

“Could you teach us Ponish and Equestrian History?” Parma inquires.

“Yes, I could..” Twilight responds; “if you want to learn, just for the fun of it; while I doubt anyone else would understand, what you say!” she concludes.

“Sometimes, that’s the point!” I suggest; “Just you and the select few initiated will understand!” I put forth.

“If you really enjoy studying and learning new things..” Twilight suggests; “I could always teach you the theoretical Magic!” she proposes.

“Aside from English and Ponish..” Parma puts forth; “Italian, Arabic, Russian, Japanese..” she continues.

“Then we need Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry…” I point out.

“These will be most useful subjects to master!” Twilight concedes.

“Maybe Science, Architecture, Engineering and Schematics would be fun too!” I add.

“Not sure if they are all that fun, but they could prove very useful to master!” Twilight puts forth; “Any of these could be the basis of a career, if you become proficient enough!” she concludes.

“I want to understand the world around me..” Parma points out; “rather than being someone’s chewing toy, or be crushed under the heel of whatever comes around!” she explains.

“If we take it one step at the time, I am sure we can get there..” Twilight opines; “but you could as well start with the Languages right away, before the Window of Opportunity starts to close; then it will become progressively harder to learn your preferred Languages!” Twilight explains.


“Oh, okay!” I respond, as I am activating the App she had installed for me.

“Neat!” Parma concedes, as she is examining what she had been given.

“Depending on your progress, I can always adjust these schedules for you..” Twilight explains; “and make allowance for objects outside of our control!” she concludes.

“Now our grades will be soaring to yet unimaginable heights!” Parma exclaims, in excitement.

“With dedication, you can reach the peak of your capacity..” Twilight puts forth; “with competent planning and by following the schedule, we have set up; you can optimize your time, in order to have the time to enjoy yourself and take care of yourself as well!” she explains.

“So last minute studying for a test, is out?” Parma inquires.

“Pace yourself, to avoid that catastrophe and all the painful stress that comes with it!” Twilight states firmly.

“Then we can have time for fun and games?” Parma inquires; “Play and tasty food could make everything so much more enjoyable!” she puts forth.

“The schedule needs to make allowance for: Fun and Games, too.” Twilight agrees; “and nothing could be done, properly; without the tasty food, too!” she concludes.

“Thus breakfast is first on the schedule, for each and every day…” I suggest.

“Exactly!” Twilight responds, confirming the statement firmly.

“Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and supper are all scheduled as Family Events; where everyone can enjoy the meal together..” May declares; “and if none objects, I guess I could claim this position!” she concludes.

“These meals will be served, each and every day; no exception, and you could even drop in even if you are at school!” Twilight points out; Just in case you are not satisfied with what they stand to offer!” she explains.

“There is no excuse, to miss out on a good meal!” May states, in no uncertain terms.

“I don’t enjoy being hungry, but sometimes the food isn’t worth looking at!” I concede.

“No hangry little girls, in this house!” Twilight points out.

“Hangry?” Parma inquires.

“It is when you lose your temper; because you had not had enough, to eat!” May explains.

“A good meal puts an end to all Hangry events!” Twilight proposes.

“I am all for that!” I and my little sister Parma declare, as one.


I watch Twilight and May flipping through the pages of my books.

“Curious..” Twilight puts forth; “oh..” she exclaims; “Interesting..” she concedes; “Is that so?” she inquires.

Naturally, Twilight had managed to get her hoof on each and every one of the books I was to study; all assuming nothing were to happen, or I were to move to another school, of course. Well, you never know.

Things do happen. Just as they choose to swap books, every once in a while. Something that will happen, when you are working under a system with no solid anchor, such as we have here. Ass opposed to the situation in Equestria; where the Ruling Princess sits on her throne for Millenia unopposed and unquestioned.

She could have the books updated, if and when relevant; but beyond that, the books stay the same.

You only need to place a Preservation Charm on the book, and it will stay pristine to the end of time. How convenient. Guess I would not mind.


I will just have to write a few tests, to get an image of where you are and how well you grasp the given materials!” Twilight points out.

“Don’t view this as a Punishment..” May suggest; “it’s just to help us guiding you through your Education!” she points out.

“I just want you to stay ahead of the Curve, so you will not be kicked to the Curb!” Twilight explains; “If you understand everything, before your Class get to it, your Grades will improve by default!” she points out.

“That could make us Popular, but will most likely make others Envious of us in the Process!” I put forth.

“I don’t want to be the Teacher’s Pet!” Parma reflects.

“Then we will just have to be prepared..” Twilight suggests; “and take steps to make sure you never get in an uncomfortable position!” she then adds.

“Not your fault, you were born into an Academic Environment!” May points out.

“Academic environment?” Parma inquires.

“Your Mother is the Headmaster of the Local University..” May points out; “the University is the Crown of Academia, after all!” she explains.

“Yes, she is!” I agree.

“So, our mother being the Headmaster of the university is Academic environment?” Parma Inquires.

Yes, exactly!” May confirms.

“Oh!” I respond, as I watch my little Sister: Parma giggling.

On that note, I think you could enjoy some special Gymnastic Equipment!” Twilight suggest.

“Could a Trampoline be included in this expression?” Parma inquires.

“Or, a Treadmill?” I inquire.

“I think I could install these, in our basement..” Twilight concedes; “but be aware of the consequences; if and when these choose to manifest themselves, later on!” she urges.

“The treadmill is a means to exercise indoors, even if it is rainy outdoors!” May suggests.

“I was just picturing the trampoline would be fun, when I changed into the clothes you gave us!” Parma explains.

“I think we should be installing a new changing room, and showers next to the exercise room..” May proposes; “then add a large room for Gymnastic Exercises!” she prompts.

“Sounds like only too much fun!” Parma exclaims, in overtly obvious excitement.

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Author's Note:

Telestia Sparkle's POV

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